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[Applause] [Music] it's a bad way I'm editor welcome to my kitchen today I can I'll show you how to make a promo tempura first thing you need the tool is to prepare your promise today I'm gonna show you how to prepare from least to please get the Rwanda probe as you can see that then first thing you can just take your head off or you can use in a knife either way no problem okay but be careful as you can see there's little bit cuts inside okay and the head is already off but then keep it in the bowl you don't want a saritha way even a zero because this is very good to propane in the pro oil the next video I'm gonna show you how to prepare the prom or you it's very nice to use a lot of the cooking all right now all we need to just take prawn shell okay now remember to keep the tail for the presentation okay this time we're going to show you the tail as you can see you use your knife just squash little as you can this color because this is better it's a lot of moisture I mean a water inside so when the water deep into the oil it cannot be pop is quite dangerous don't forget these as you can see this part this tip tip part okay also on either squeeze out otherwise you can just count the territory called the hand you can make sure the water release when we turn over there is the vent at the back so that we need to take out so now a lot of people just cutting prongs to it away in the middle but today the tip is instead of cutting right in the middle okay you want to cut a slightly about all right this is the middle don't update slide it apart okay like this let me show you okay sorry about because in the least tip you can make a show avoid to cut off the you see the same in the industry you never wanna mean if you cut a straight into the middle is most I would like to say 80% chance always cutting off the strength so is making more difficult to take this send the string out you see if you use that then you can tell until you don't cut off that much easy to clean these send a string oh right this is secretive pen turning over again as you can see at the PD the sternum this turnin is to make the prom when you after you fry is getting get impending like that you know it like that this way so this is the kidding is just cutting off into a couple of the party like this then that I can keep it a prom straight away now I'm gonna show you how to stretch the prom all right turning the baby's okay all you need to do is just use your three finger like this then squeeze down okay squeeze down then breaking to the bitter part you will feel it okay let me show you don't you hear the sound nice okay you hear Lee okay one more time okay last okay that is it already back there okay man these as you can see the different from here well making a temper about her basically the in greeting is so simple water and this time I use the cake flour all right then you the tip is the unique making sure the water is cold use the cold water if you've got a water parry from fish we're not a freezer not frozen from fridge is good okay this time I'm gonna use the cold water and you need a eggs okay ready okay they give the little little better whisk okay in this stage our lag put adjust just a tiny pinch of the salt okay now okay just leave a whisk remember okay very important no matter you eat a cake flour yet or not don't over walking and you are liquid okay just this is fine because we don't want to make a cake so you don't want too much poverty that is the good for me next we're going to edit a cake flour and also cake flour it's the low gluten so you don't want to use a bread for our so now just stir it in - here okay there is good for me and just if you have a chopstick or even is a whisk and no problem but for me is us use chopstick just breaking down like this okay you don't want the over feeling your your pattern alright just like they break him down okay as you can see my technique is just pushed down to our liquid sample okay right D for me that is good okay as you can see in this stage as you can see here a little bit of flour is still you can see the white flour no problem even better when we want to make a tempura even better okay that's good okay now let's turn on the heat for our oil today I use the canola oil you can use any cooking oil but the only thing is not good for tempura is the olive oil why are we waiting the oil getting heat up next step what we need is this flour and this is our prom ready you need a tip prone to the flour dry for our first putting the flown into the dry flour can help that the butter to stick on the prom okay then you can just all like this loading into flour and just stand by on the side okay just loading it's good okay what I normally do is you must prepare everything nearby in your nearby port so because once we start walking it gonna be very quick process like this okay let me move down okay now I'm gonna show you how to use the template butter to taste our oil temperature okay what is the right temperature to working online now let me show you all you need to do just use your chopstick and just give that one chop to the tip enter it into the oil okay like this as you can see as you can see now this stage our temple apart all the way drop down to the bottom of the pot then comes to the service they mean the oil is too cold it's not ready to serve yet all right I'm gonna taste the temperature again all right there is the purpose as you can see the butter gone to the middle way then Stella come to the service that is the purple oven temperature once it reached the perfect temperature what I recommend you doing at home in this stage just turn our heat into the medium heat because it's much easy for you to walk on there all right it's the same like my other video what a secret and the tip to make a butt tempura crumb is like they just fry tempura batter straight away but remember when you point a tempura batter do not point too much not in the same time just use the job like this okay look just just leave the job use your chop pick your job like this okay can you see okay don't remember to another job is cutter too much amount to much quantity the Edit time at one time okay there is the crumbs what are we looking for it's okay get your say and leader like this hole of the strainer then crept all your crumb together no beefs ok let me show you what you can do okay okay great eat then take our temp Rome tip into the butter that day okay we can just walk it on there okay then PI our corner of the pot like these okay very gently and lie down look right on our temple are from men start dipping into the oil okay then start the rolling use this corner as you can see okay line please all right then let me show you that then you can currenty our pro can stick all the crumbs there is the leader chick and either team to show you how to make the crispy crumb outside the prongs okay then from it's cookies very quickly all you need a deep-fried in just get about 1 minute then it's done this temperature is about the rich 170 degrees is already done ok in 1 minute later look how beautiful is right can you see that okay then why turn then we just pin to these rest into our Rick okay let me do it again I'll show you then this time are we gonna fry all my 3 chrome together then let's check how oil temperature again please ok perfect now let's trip in power simpler battle beasts this time are gonna fry 3 proms so I will need a more but remember to another put a party too much amount in a one time okay break around little bit grab our chrome ready grab our crumbs ready lie down okay use the corner loading up there a and we can carry on even though same pot we can carry on with all the Proms okay can you see that three then right on top wrongs okay then loading corner that is fine walking on these just quick alright this is quick then the last one you go right on Gordon okay that is the little tip and show you okay the first pro you've been done ready as you can see so beautiful second promos already there let me show you how it's done look when you take a low pro you see it doesn't burn doesn't pain doesn't bending okay this one it doesn't Bend right they keep a straight then this prom is done okay now let's start plating okay it's fine okay first we got you can have yourself with one lemon or lime it's very good once we serve you can see now we're ready to plating okay the curve all square hot make sure this way you see I think it is better this way okay second one Mets is the 31 a spreading into the last one like that okay see and we can serve the tempura sauce on the side we want to know how to make a temple la sauce we can check my other video all right and in the traditional way the money there was a tiny Krong ginger on the side and tygon but unfortunately today I didn't get that I got so you can just serve a tiny cone the ginger on the side then once we're going to stir this up you can just pick up the ground ginger mix into the dipping sauce then enjoy so there is the prawn tempura enjoy so this is my chrome tempura is very simple and very TV show for more detail recipe instruction please check out our website by following link below if you enjoy the show don't forget to click like and subscribe well I see you Nestor in Eddie's kitchen [Music]
Channel: Cooking with Eddy Tseng
Views: 266,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crispy tempura, prawn tempura, secret to extra light and crispy tempura, how to stretch prawns, queen sized prawn tempura, tempura batter
Id: m24Upg8JLhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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