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[Music] hi everyone it's stephanie from little cookie co i'm so excited to show you guys this halloween cookie video it's so adorable and so easy to do so i hope you join me in making these and let me know what you think [Music] okay so first thing we need to do is cut our tipless bag so the seam is always in the middle of the bag i like to squish my tip together make sure there's no icing in there so you get a nice clean cut and i always like to test a couple of lines to see how thick my line is so when i prefer to thick i don't mean the icing consistency i mean the actual you know roundness of the icing that's coming out and if it's really thin line that's too thin for my outline so i'm gonna go ahead and cut it again a slightly bigger cut this time because i want a thick enough line so that when i flood my cookie the flood will stay in that line and not you know if it's really thin it'll just kind of go right over the side of the cookie so we start by touching down our outline consistency here so this is my thicker icing this is going to keep all that flat inside and i go really slowly take my time i'm piping with two hands so i'm holding the bag in my right hand and i have my left finger against the piping bag the reason i do this is it steadies my hand quite a bit it's really hard to go slow put pressure on the bag and have your bag so steady so always two-handed it really helps to steady that bag and then i'm gonna go in with my flood i'm trying to get as close to the edge as possible with no not going too much over and as i'm going over i'm trying to cover my line there a little bit here it's kind of didn't go quite as smooth so i'm smoothing it out to get going again and get my rhythm back you can always stop when you're flooding a cookie if you need to you know readjust your bag or your hand you don't have to keep going you can stop whenever you need to and then once i'm done here i'm going to give my cookie a little shake and it'll settle that icing nice and smooth and we're going to put it aside to dry for a little while now that my layer has crusted over we're going to do frankenstein's hair so i have my outline consistency black icing here and i'm going to do the outline of his hair we want to use the top third of the cookie and i like to let my outlines dry for a few minutes before i go ahead and flood so i'm going to continue on to another step here so we're going to do his eyebrows which i'm going to make kind of in one big scar it's going to be a goofy looking frankenstein so i touch down and i lift the bag up and i look at the second point i want to touch down on so that's what i'm focusing on going from one point to the other point not too much worried about what's going on in the middle when you lift your bag up for a straight line like that if you lift it up and you're kind of stretching that piping icing line to the second point it'll fall nice and straight if you're really close to the cookie it's hard to get a a nice line that you want to be touching the cookie and drawing that line across you want to lift your piping bag and get that line to fall nice and even and then we're just going to put little lines here touching top to bottom just to make that scarf and then we're gonna go in and flood his hair and like i said i usually like to let my outlines you know so even the outline for the base of the cookie this outline i like to leave it for a minute or two it's thick icing it dries pretty quick and i feel like it just holds the shape better you don't have to wait for it to dry that's my preference i but i feel like it just it just holds that icing in nice and well and i'm gonna go in with my scribe here and make sure it covers all the edges there and pull the icing down towards the tips of the hair they're really small areas and i can't get in there quite with my piping bag so that's where the scribe really comes in handy and then we're going to move on to his eyes so i'm going to take my outline consistency my thick icing and i'm just going to hold it steady above where i want his eye and my bag is straight up and down and i'm going to give it a jiggle as i pipe and that just smooths out the icing at the same time so that little jiggle the tip of the bag when i'm piping is just kind of like a scribe going in there and it just helps to smooth out the thick icing right away and then i'm just going to finish off by smoothing it off with my scribe as well and then i'm going to go in with my outline consistency my thick icing here and draw a couple of goofy eyes and if you ever need to smooth anything out with your scribe you can go ahead and do that and again with my thick green icing here just make a little button nose and then i'm going to pipe my black line again i lift up i look at where i want to stop and that's where i touch down again and then it gives me a nice straight line i'm going to let him dry for a minute or so and when i come back here i can do the teeth now and i'm gonna try to keep these teeth as square as possible so whenever i'm filling kind of thick areas like this very small areas i keep the bag really really close i don't want to lift the bag up i just kind of want the icing to puddle around the tip and then i use my scribe to go in and make them a little bit more square and do those finer details and there we go we got our goofy looking gray cute little frankenstein [Music] now for our next cookie we're going to make our pumpkin so i have my flood icing here i'm just going to squiggle a bunch of lines on here i just want to get some icing on here and i'm going to use a clean paint brush this is a paint brush i only use for cookies and i'm just going to spread a thin layer of this icing here this is going to be the back of the eyes and the mouth so just need a thin layer of icing and you don't need to go all the way to the edge i'm gonna let this dry just for a minute or two if you have a fan it dries a lot quicker and then we're gonna come back and use outline consistency orange here and you can really draw any face you want this is the easiest one for me to do a couple of triangles for the eyes and then i'm going to do the classic mouth for the pumpkin you know the outline of the teeth here one on the top and two on the bottom [Music] and you can kind of see how he's taking shape soon and with the same consistency i'm going to go around the pumpkin here again this is my thick outline consistency it's gonna hold all that flood in and i like to let these dry for a few seconds okay not a few seconds maybe a few minutes just to make sure that that icing is not moving anywhere when i put my flat on it and here i'm going to take that same thick consistency and i'm just doing squiggly lines around the pumpkin face the eyes and the mouth reason being is these are really small areas in between you know the icing where i'm flooding and it tends to crater so this is just a little help to keep that icing nice and fluffy and not you know crater and make holes and kind of cave in on itself so you kind of gotta keep an eye on where you're going to flood and make sure you're flooding on the outside of the pumpkin and in between the correct lines we don't want to fill in his eyes or his mouth i'm taking my time here going slow into the areas especially around the eyes and where the mouth i'm going to take my time and not put too much pressure on the bag i don't want to fill these areas these really small areas i don't want to fill it with icing because then it's going to go into the you know into the mouth and the eyes where it's not supposed to go so i'm taking my time and i'm not putting too much pressure on my bag here and anytime you need to you know bring your scribe in and smooth that icing out get it all the way into the corners i can see a little bit of outline around the eyes and the mouth so i'm trying my best to just pull and push that icing and try my best to cover it doesn't have to be perfect but you have a few minutes before you know the icing starts to dry so you can play around with your scribe in there and that's the pumpkin one it's pretty simple but it's super cute i like it [Music] all right next one up is our dracula so again i'm going to start with my outline consistency here circles are really hard to get perfect um so if you can't get a perfect circle don't worry neither can i i try my best i've heard a good trick is to look a little bit ahead of where you're piping so don't look at the tip of the piping bag but look ahead of where you're going so that you try to get a nice circle um it doesn't work all the time for me but we make the best of it i'm gonna let my outline dry for a couple minutes and then i come back with my flood notice how i always start my flood a little bit inside of the cookie and then i go towards the edge that little you know divot there that i have that is because i don't want to over flood on the edge so i always start inside my cookie a little bit to see how much pressure i need coming out of that bag because if it's a really loose flood you put pressure on it it's gonna just fly out of your bag so i always do a little test on the inside and then head towards the outside so i know how much icing and how much pressure i need to put on my bag now that this has crested over we're going to go in and do the hair and if you let your cookie dry longer where you can actually you know use an edible marker or scrape your scribe in you can do you know you can scrape the outlines of where you kind of want to go i'm freehanding this it's not always perfect you know not always centered and but again you know what it happens we're not perfect we're here for cute cookies and good tasting cookies so again i'm gonna go in my outline has dried a little bit and i'm gonna go in that flood and so here i'm just gonna get that icing all the way into the corner i have a little bit too much in that corner and i'm scared it's gonna drip over the edge so i kind of pulled it back away from that corner i try not to put too much pressure so i put a lot of pressure then i come to those points and i kind of let go of the pressure on the bag so i'm not over flooding those those areas [Music] the more you practice the more you learn kind of you know how much pressure to put at what point and and you know you don't want to put too much on the edges that are really small because that's when i get those little drips over the sides of my cookies okay so i'm just going to add his nose here in the middle before i add his eyes and again that's my thick icing i want it to keep its shape and it's a little tiny area so it smooths out pretty quick even though it's thick icing and i'm going to add his mouth here just so the line dries while we're working on the eyes and i'm gonna grab my thick icing consistency and white and again you know holding my bag straight up and down just jiggling it a little bit as i do those eyes so the icing settles i'm trying to make it kind of a round bubble and then i go and i have a little peek you know when i took the bag away so i'm just going with my scribe to jiggle it you know smooth and then i go in again i'm putting the eyes in there and i jiggle just the slightest bit to make it nice and smooth and anytime you need you go into the scribe just to make it it's hard you don't see the little details but there's little peaks there that i smooth out and now that my mouth has dried for a couple minutes and then i'm gonna go in and make his fangs here after my line has dried a little bit and i just pipe a little bit of icing and then drag it down to make it to a point you can also use your scribe to drag it a little bit more pointy if you need to but i think he looks pretty good and there's our dracula all right on to our mummy cookie i really love this cookie because it reminds me of one of the first cookies i ever made when i started getting into this and so i'm really excited to make this one so we're going to put some flood icing here i just need a little bit of a back background where his eyes are going to be so again doesn't have to be the whole cookie but just enough so we won't see any um of the cookie underneath it just will be black and i'm going to put my orange outline consistency here and i'm going to make again a little jiggle so the eyes are nice and puffy but they get smoothed at the same time i like to use like bright colors for the eyes like orange or green and makes them kind of glow in the dark looking so i think it looks really cool and then again going in with my black icing here this is my outline consistency i don't want it thick i don't want it you know spreading out like my flat i want it to keep the shape keep those sharp eyes looking looking creepy i guess and then i'm gonna go in with my white icing this is my flood here i want something i can spread easily and just be careful you don't get too close to the eyes i just want to fill the rest of the cookie with white icing and again using a clean print brush i'm going to get try to get right to the edge if i can you might have to go you know back and forth a few times don't worry this is not it he's not finished yet we still have another step to go once um once we get this cookie covered and be careful you don't smudge too much of the icing into the black you just want to be gentle around this area because you don't want to make it make the black icing wet again and make it gray if it does it's okay you can cover it with the next step don't worry about too much and now i'm going to take my thick outline icing we want to make sure it's thick so that it holds those lines if it's puddling together when you're piping these lines means your icing isn't thick enough and so here you can go in any direction you want i'm just making lines you know from point a to point b i'm lifting my piping bag up so touching down lift up touch back down on the opposite side of the cookie and just continue it until you kind of covered the whole area white area with lines you can crisscross some of them you know go in whichever direction you want and you continue until basically you're happy with it i want to cover you know a little bit around the eyes here that i didn't get to so you can make as many lines as you want as little lines as you want alright so now we're gonna outline this cookie this is my thick consistency again you touch down slightly hold up your bag and go around the cookie as best as you can as i come around to the beginning of the cookie again i slowly lower my bag closer and closer to the cookie until i get to the beginning point to touch my icing back and close the circle up okay so now we're gonna go in with my flood icing here and again flood around the cookie trying to cover as much as my outline as possible without you know going too much over and spilling over those edges when i get to the middle i can be a little bit more careless it doesn't have to be in a circle if you want to do it zigzaggy whichever way you want to do your flood go for it and you can use your scribe or you can shake the cookie whichever is easier for you and if you ever need any tips on you know how to make icing or you know why you have so many bubbles in your icing or craters or a good cookie recipe i've got it all on my channel if you take a look and if you don't find your answers just leave me a comment under the video and i can help you out so once this crests over you can either use a fan to dry to speed up the process if you're air drying it takes quite a while you know it takes a few hours but uh fan or dehydrator work really well to speed up the process about 20 minutes half an hour and i can go ahead and pipe these eyes so this is my black outline consistency and i'm just jiggling the bag like we've done before and then i'm gonna slightly less pressure here and with my bag i'm going to make two little nostrils really really small and then again touch down lift up a little bit and touch back down that gives me a nice straight line here and then i'm gonna again touch down lift up over my line and back down so always even the slightest lift just to make that icing fall nice and i'm not going right through that line i'm going on top of it and that's it and we've got our last cookie i hope you enjoyed the video and if you get a chance to make them for halloween please let me know in the comments how it goes i would love to see them you can send me or tag me in your photos on instagram as well and i hope you have a happy happy halloween and you get to bake some lovely cookies and we'll see you in the next video thanks for watching and happy baking [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Little Cookie Co
Views: 28,607
Rating: 4.9389977 out of 5
Keywords: halloween cookies, diy halloween, easy halloween cookies, spooky cookies, fun halloween, decorated cookies
Id: AD4Eko6bRQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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