DIY Halloween Cookie Decorating

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hey everybody and happy Halloween so I bet you didn't know that I like to bake cookies well I do and today I am going to show you how I decorated these Halloween cookies and yeah so here's all the stuff I use here's a tool called the scribe if you don't want to run to the store and get one you can just use a toothpick and this is a number two tip I generally use a number one and a number two for the type of stuff that I'm doing today this is a coupler it just makes it really easy to switch out your tips you'll love it some bags of course tons of them just because this right here is used to tie the end of the bag you can find this all in the craft section at like Michaels or someplace like that and then some pretty cool gel colors I use gel pastes of different kinds this one you can find on Amazon for really inexpensive and then we'll need to get some meringue powder this is what I usually use but it's a little more expensive than this one and this one is found in Michaels either type is fine and then of course you'll need water and press and seal and here are the cookie cutters that I'm using this is found in like almost every store that sells this kind of stuff and you can't forget powdered sugar I have tons of the stuff and yeah lots of powdered sugar so let's get this icing going so first in a stand mixer that's the easiest way to do this you're going to want to put in four cups of powdered sugar along with three tablespoons of your meringue powder and what I like to do is just go ahead and give that a spin to mix it up a little bit before I add my water now you don't need very much water at all I I'm starting this out with five tablespoons of warm water and then you'll go from there and we're just gonna mix mix mix mix mix and mix mix mix this should mix for probably around five to seven minutes depending on how fast your blender is or how fast your mixer is and if yours gets like mine and it's like pasty and not at all like I think then that just means you need to add some more water yeah I don't know what was going on with mine so no I probably added about seven tablespoons of water instead of just five but you know you the more you do this the more you learn the consistency it's got there needs to be you want to mix this until you get stiff peaks and this is exactly what it looks like all right so that made about three cups of icing and so we're going to get the color going I'm going to start off with black our icing is white so getting it to be black is going to take quite a bit of color gel colors definitely are more condensed and are stronger than say liquid color but still because it's so much white in here we're really going to have to work with fitting to get it to the color that I wanted it I will say that sometimes you have to add a lot more than you think and just keep going just keep going till you get where you where you want to be now I'm just mixing and mixing and mixing and I'm gonna speed this up because you don't need to watch me mix for like five minutes but I really really wanted a deep deep black and I think I got pretty close to it you also want to pay really close attention to the consistency of your icing there is something called flood consistency and then something called piping consistency and I like to put mine somewhere in between which means that I can outline my shape and fill it in with the same icing I like to make it easy and I also don't like that line to show around the V cookie I'll show you what I'm talking about the bats that I do I will do with the outline so here I'm going to show you a cool little trick to keep your icing really neat this is the press and seal and you want to make sure the sticky side is up and that's where you're going to put your icing just dump it right on there in the middle and then you're going to fold it up in there sorta and this is what we're going to use to put inside our piping bags this makes it so that you can reuse your disposable piping bags if you want if you're using reusable piping bags it makes it a lot easier to clean up you can also store your I see in these which is a really really cool thing to do and you have them ready to go and ready to ice so I'm just going to speed through here but just do it just a little note when making white icing add white color to it sometimes the icing is a little bit of a yellow tinge so adding white really helps to make it bright so I'm just going to go ahead and speed through the other colors that I'm mixing alright so let's get these babies iced this is how you put the coupler in the pastry bag if you've never done this before kind of figure out how fat you needed to be by putting it in there and then just clip the ends now is where we're going to put that nifty little icing wrap into the pastry bag sorry the video is cut off a little bit but um I think you get the idea so we're going to stuff it in here and they're going to take the in and just pull it on out and I'm gonna put the tie on the end of the pastry bag you don't absolutely have to do it it just makes it a lot easier to deal with and you don't have to keep twisting at the end keep your eyes in from coming off coming out okay so now we're going to clip that off and then I'm going to put the tip on and tie up the coupler and voila there we go so I'm gonna start with these ghost cookies now why am i putting black on a ghost hahahaha right ghosts are generally white but they have black eyes and this is just a cool little trick to kind of make the eyes look like they're sunk in a little bit she's just gonna flatten out your black icing really thin um in the top area I probably should have made this spot a little bit bigger just so I had more room and now here we go with my bats so remember when I was talking about how I don't like the outline well here it is so I'm outlining then and I'm going really slowly because I do not have a very steady hand but the key without lying is not touching the cookie with the tip of your pastry bag or with your tip you want to just hover right above and kind of let the icing stick to the cookie itself I'm doing this kind of upside down which I guess doesn't really matter but it's it was it was kind of awkward so the reason why I ended up having an outline on my cookies is because I let this dry first if I were to go ahead and flood it while while I was still wet on the top then you wouldn't really see that outline and but I'll show you more of that in another cookie that I do okay so the next step is to flood the cookies that just really means cover the top so flooding means we're filling in the inside and putting a uniform layer on and so this that's what I'm doing here now I'm still using my number one tip I don't know if I said that before I used a number one tip to outline it and I'm still using it right now but just because I wasn't thinking to change it out but because I have that coupler on it's really easy to change the tip to something wider you could do a two or three something like that just to make it easier to flood it and I'm using my scribe tool to cover any open spots and to get any bubbles out you want to make very short you want to be very careful about you know filling it making sure it's all the way in if you don't have a scribe tool go ahead and just use your toothpick here's my little cat notice the little ear part I just kind of let the icing extend just a little bit to cover that and yeah filling it in all the way it's really simple just keep going over and over the same thing goes with everything so the pumpkins notice that I'm leaving like an open section the reason why I'm doing that is because I want to show those little like humps or bumps or ridges in the pumpkin and the way I'm going to do this is I'm going to let the icing dry a little bit and then go back over it and it's going to look like you know like a quilt or it's just going to help differentiate the sections even though they're the same color so I made my candy corns and after I made them I realized I went in the wrong color order but that's okay you get the point right it's supposed to be yellow orange white instead of orange yellow white but yeah so anyway back to the pumpkins I let them dry for just a few minutes while while did my candy corns and you can see what I'm talking about how you can see the difference in the sections but it's all the same color so you can do this with anything this technique can be used with anything and so you know think outside the box when you're creating your own cookie now we need to give these little bats some eyes and some fangs and to do that I'm just using a toothpick all I did was dab the tip of my toothpick in a little bit of the yellow icing and dotted some eyes on there I did the same thing with the white icing and the fangs and yeah that was it so to get this brown icing I just edit the brown food coloring to some of the leftover orange I only have a few of the pumpkin cookies so I really didn't want to make a whole new batch of icing just for a little teensy bit of green and I also didn't want to put it in a piping bag because yeah I didn't feel like going through all of that for like three stems so here I am using a toothpick and all you want to do is dip your toothpick in your icing and carefully apply it to your section of course if it was any bigger than this I would have just piped it on there and made it a whole lot easier for myself but this is a cool little way to do it you know in a pinch okay so here are my little tombstones I'm going to go ahead and just flood it in white icing and then I'm going to go in and give it a little marbled look I want to first make sure I have a nice flat clean surface and then yeah let's get to it so to get that marbled look I'm going to take my toothpick and dip it in the black icing all you do is start at a corner or anywhere really but I'm starting at my corners and just drag it through now right now it doesn't look like much but when I take the clean in and go through and just kind of drag it through you'll see that I'm creating veins you can use this technique really in so many ways but I really love it for this marble look on these tombstones and I'm just going to go and sporadically put it through out there now I'm going to outline it once it's dry to the touch and you know make it look more like an actual tombstone you can write whatever you want but obviously I'm a little bit of a crooked writer alright and that is it if you have any questions or comments please let me know down below and thanks for watching and subscribe thank you so much
Channel: Monica Does
Views: 230,433
Rating: 4.8679519 out of 5
Keywords: sugar cookies, Cookie (Type Of Dish), Do It Yourself (Hobby), Cookie Decorating, decorating cookies, halloween, Food (TV Genre), cookie icing, Halloween (Holiday), decorating sugar cookies, Royal Icing (Food)
Id: q9YTrso1MFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 30 2014
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