Korean Style BBQ Pork Jerky

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hi youtube welcome to my channel today today I'm going to be doing that Korean style BBQ pork it's one of the recipes we like finding in a store there you're gonna pay about $18 a pound and this one come in right about three hours of pound and we did it so what I did here and I started in the video is I took a piece of a pork shoulder you can use pork tenderloin if you like it a little leaner I do like the fat on it and I will trim some of this fat but I took it the whole pork shoulder cut it into three sections molded and formed it wrapped it in plastic wrap and put it in the freezer so I'm slicing this at about eight inch no thicker than a quarter inch I'm too lazy to get out my commercial slicer so I froze it up and slicing with the knife you see I got I got a whole section done it's about an eighth inch thick I try to keep it as uniform as I can and I'm gonna let these go ahead and go and finish cutting this up let that come up to room temperature and then we'll do a little trimming on it and we'll get to the next step okay so here I got it all cut up just getting ready to do some trimming it's it's just hitting room temperature it's gonna be about four pounds of meat so once at room temperature will get it into a marinade all right here's some further marinade I'm gonna start with four tablespoons of dark brown sugar and add in two teaspoons of ground ginger two tablespoons of dried onion six cloves of garlic or about a quarter cup of minced I you like using the mince because you get a lot of juice and stuff in there with it we got here two tablespoons of sesame oil or any oil you got laying around Sesame's traditional but whatever you got we're gonna add one cup of soy sauce and this is Kikkoman soy sauce none of that low sodium or nothing straight-up soy sauce and two tablespoons of sesame seeds and then I'm gonna also add in one pretty big tablespoon of coarse black pepper and I'm getting there right right there there it is it'll go in there and we're gonna put the whisk on that mix it all up let's set a couple hours and let everything I kind of absorb and rehydrate all the powders and stuff up and we'll introduce it to the meat all right so here's some of that meat you can see I got trimmed up at all kind of uniform I do leave some of the fat on there because we're gonna eat it pretty quick so I started with a little bit of the marinade in the bottom add a layer of meat layer marinade layer meat and I'm finishing up here this is my last last layer of meat and the last one marinade I'm gonna go ahead and just dump it in there on top like using a ziplock bag rather than just a bowl gonna go ahead and close this up and remove as much air as I can and then gonna need this bag flop it over up and down mister don't don't do it hard enough you bust it open I'm adduced about every 30 minutes it's in the evening so I'm gonna do it right four or five times let it sit overnight and then get ready to put it on the smoker try anything heaven whichever you got in the morning all right so here we are at the next day I've already loaded up a couple of trays I spray the tray with a non kick nonstick cooking spray then I just lay the pieces on there try to keep them separate you can see out tender they are they soak up that marinade they start breaking down a little bit it's room temperature this is very important room temperature me to go out to go out on the cooker just some reason it just it just makes everything taste better keeps it tender I soared them on their try to get as many as I can on on per per sheet people from touching don't have to be perfect or exact and then once we get them all on there we'll go ahead and head on out to the cooker alright Here I am outside I get the cooker going got it all warmed up it's smoking I got it set on setting of 180s looks like I'm running about 168 today with the ambient I want to keep this as close as I can to around 200 so ah don't put the 225 and monitor the temperature got a loaded up there you're gonna have some drips I've got oil in the bottom to catch the drips and then periodically as we check it throughout the day we're gonna you know move the bottom to the top top to bottom that way you know a drip on each other about the same anyway we're gonna let this go for about three to four hours so we're gonna go the first hour then we'll come out and check on it all right here we are at one hour see things are starting to absorb some of the smoke dried a little bit thinner pieces are gonna get done first so I keep an eye on it pretty close I'm probably gonna check on it about every half hour at least just the thin ones as they get done I'll pull them off and leave the thicker ones until yeah we're done so one and a half hours you can see it maybe a half hour makes quite a bit of difference running about 200 degrees and you can see some of them are getting getting pretty good the colors about right and we'll we'll see what we do at three hours or at two hours I mean so here we are two hours I went ahead and pulled pulled one off just so I didn't lose all the heat out of my my cooker either they're getting done there I'm flipping them over watch as I grab ahold of these just how tender they are so I'll just just fall right apart and when I flip them over just to look at them to make sure we're not drying them out too much you want these the consistency of good piece of a leather when they're done I think if they go to too much they they tend to dry out after they've cooked and get a little brittle like Chris bacon I don't like that I'd rather have them along a softer side so anyway we'll get these back on and check on them again so three hours into the cooking see most of them are done by now and these actually you're probably they're the fatter one they're the bigger ones that I had in there had the most fat on them and I let them go a little bit more than I probably should have see they're a little bit dark but we'll pull them and pull them and go so the end product we need to want to want to check see they're done Moisture you know if you if you bend in half I like them to bend a little more these are kind of these are kind of snapping but that that's just right that's gonna last for quite a while in the fridge or you can even freeze them these I get a batch done and the kids stop by they'll be gone in two hours so not a big deal have a little fat on anyway turns out real good say $3 a pound versus 18 make a make a lot of this and enjoy it thanks for watching and subscribe if you want
Channel: The_Average_American
Views: 12,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korean, jerky, BBQ, korean bbq, korean jerky, korean bbq jerky, smoked meat, meat, traeger, garlic, soy, sauce, sausage, smoker, candy, cherry pellets, pellet smoker, pellet, american, average, smoked, best recipe, recipe, pork jerky
Id: t9EisoFuBJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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