Easy POCKET FLIP for A Junk Journal! TRIPLE TORN Pocket Flip Book Pages & Junk Mail! Paper Outpost

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welcome everybody to the paper outpost and this is pam hi everyone hope you're having fun today i thought i would show you a new little um item that i'm adding to this journal that is very fun very playful and very easy to make and it gives you a lot of storage room um and i wanted to show you uh an example of it and these can be made so or no so in this particular prototype is a no-sew so um maybe i'll show a sew one and an oso one in the video here so let's take a peek okay okay this is what we're looking at today and um this is what i call a triple torn pocket i've done something similar to this but this is a new version of it a new way of doing it and it's a great way to use up book pages or pretty pages that you've come across and you just want to have a little fun okay so basically this is how this works it actually holds six different ephemera items and it uses uh three different book pages and a junk mail envelope so it's pretty easy to make and let me just give you an idea so there's two things in here and in here i just put a this is a antique victorian calling card these are really cool if you ever come across these in your journeys but you can also make these i have a video on how to make your own calling cards so i'll link that down below and this is a from one of my digi kits but you can use anything here if you have a pretty book page or you want to put a pretty drawing poem or quote or something inside just giving you ideas of what you can put inside this is from botanica exotica i believe and in here what did we have uh so there's one pocket here which is torn a second pocket here which is torn this is a uh digi kit from uh i think this is maps or vintage maps and this is a this is a um victorian calling card an old one a very old one probably from the late 1800s and not calling card did i say calling card i meant trade card yes because in the corner here there is um the company that makes this and that's how they used to advertise way back when they used to put out these pretty cards with some form of advertising on them looks like this is clark's sewing thread and they have these artists make these beautiful pictures and they're just so wonderful to collect so if you ever come across those those are little uh wonderful items and um let's see in the back uh the third pocket i tucked in uh this is going to be a naturish themed journal so here is a little page for my field guide i just thought this guy was so cute here's information about the fox squirrel and uh he was just so adorable i thought he'd like to peek over at that little bird there so he's in there and here is an old postcard a vintage postcard from days gone by and so i thought you might like to take a peek at things like that and how we can make something very simply very easily and hopefully from what got hanging around or maybe you can keep your eye out for similar things all right so and they're very easy to load and the pockets are deep so you can actually put quite a bit of things in them and so this is how i loaded it and you can layer it so the little things peek out and that guy and that little guy and in the and in the corner here i just decorated it with a little bit of um some ribbony stuff lace stuff and a little button and i cut the back of the button off with a nipper if you have one of these these are actually uh jewelry tools or uh toenail difficult toenail tools so those can help you cut the shanks off of buttons if you find that they get in the way of your junk journal making so there you go a little tiparoo oh but now you haven't seen the big the big excitement about this guy he's not just what you see before you no no no no no he actually he actually opens up yeah so he has a back that's been utilized from a pretty book page that i like and i made half i made a flip out of it basically it's a very easy concept you can use this idea many different ways but you can use your you can use the full page say this full page is wider than your journal pages take these pages and use them as uh flip creations so there you go very easy to do and you could even put a little something here to denote it's a uh it does something like that maybe we'll do that on the one we make all right let's jump in here and make one of these guys these uh triple torn uh pocket creations okay so first of all i used junk mail envelopes you can use any envelopes at all like here's regular envelopes that i just got from the dollar tree in a box um greeting card envelopes anything like that also notice that um this guy let me back him up a bit he's taller than my journal but i i don't mind that if you want you can also make these to fit inside your journal you don't have to go that tall so you can accommodate it to any size that envelope or height that you like but i like stuff peeking out all over the place i don't always think it's kind of cool okay so um well let's grab this guy i think he's similar to the one i made all right put you guys over there for now okay so the first thing you want to do is pick out um three you want your background and then you want your first pocket your second pocket and your third pocket so you're going to need at least four pieces of paper and you can use old book pages you can use scrapbook paper you can use anything that you have hanging around i've got a pile of old book pages here you can use old ledger and anything you like it's going to look cool um but i i might suggest playing with contrast because that's going to give you more definition between each section um let's see i have a edith holden page floating around here maybe i'm going to use that on my last section to show and let's see what now your first section if you happen to have some paper that's a brittle or thin this is a great place to use that because you've got your envelope as strength so i'm going to take some very very old ledger and i'm going to put it on here now i don't need all of it because we're not going to go all the way to the bottom with it so we can save some so we can use it for other projects and i am in the process of trying to locate my um ruler which was right here with me now seems to have gone up hit right right here with me there we go okay so let's start from the back and move forward and you want to have a little bit overlap on either side because you want you're going to be gluing it around the top and the sides so let's make sure we have enough okay let's let's do that and i would say probably take it down about about halfway just make sure you've got enough paper to play with all right and don't glue oh you can glue this actually on i'm sorry this is your um first initial uh piece in the back so you can i'm just using scotch create glue stick and um it's my favorite glue stick um and i'm just going to put this here okay and turn it over and then i am going to run around like this probably going to cut a little bit of that up because i've got excess and i will probably want to save that probably should have done that first but no we're here now that's where we are okay there we got that and i'm going to use the you can just trim it off and not even do this part but i like the wraparound look and i'm going to do the right angle corners down it's a very thin paper and it's brittle and it's just going to want to break but i feel this is a great way to salvage it and show it some honor and get it into people's hands so they can take a look at this wonderful history too and uh just for fun i love using old papers not mandatory at all so don't think if you don't have those papers that you can't have fun you can totally have fun just use what you have maybe um just do a little painting or prettiness on it or something like that i'm just gluing down the flap because it's just gonna make for a more solid piece okay yeah now see what we have okay so this is what we have so we are stage one complete now um the next part is let's go and find something that let me show you the prototype again and i'm going to take out the stuff so you can actually see what the pocket construct looks like the background first layer second layer third layer okay so let's uh let's try and do something like that i'm gonna look for something contrast i'm digging in my piles here trying to find something that's contrast okay this contrasts this could work all right so what i'm going to do but i want more contrast than that yeah i do i want more contrast than that um okay i did have a piece of [Applause] oh this is pretty how about this this is like a blue page maybe i'll do blue next so and i found personally that i like a hand tearing more than the metal rule ruler tear here but you could totally go like this and tear a piece off just watch the angle make sure you don't go too deep right away um you want to go a little bit shallow and then the next one a little longer and the next one a little longer okay so let's if we were gonna do this one i'm going to make it i'm going to hand tear and if i put a little angle on it there we go how much i want to see how much i've actually covered up so i didn't even need to have that much so just don't know that you can actually save a lot of a lot of your underlayment paper okay so this guy i think i would like to accent a little bit with some oh okay can you see oh i think i gotta move this i'm gonna move my light over here so hopefully i get more light for you maybe not so many shadows um this is uh oh there's a big shadow um walnut stain distress ink and where's my little dauber i'm just gonna do a little inking here ink it up a little bit it'll just create a little bit more pop against what we're working with here okay so now just pick a nice place where you'd like to be and just thinking that you want uh three layers so maybe like an inch or two down and then another one and another one so just make sure you don't go too low or you won't get as many uh pockets on let me back up a little bit i can see a little more okay yeah just don't go too low or you won't get as many pockets on so start kind of high and um there kind of put it where you want flip it over now we're only gluing the sides here's that's the trick don't glue the whole thing down or else you're gonna you're gonna have no pocket you're just gonna have paper glued to an envelope and while that's very pretty um it's not what we're making today so there we go so i'm just gluing that down looks like that wants a little more glue and this guy's got glue and glue in gluing that down now you're going to have to test the thicknesses of your paper to make sure that they can hold up to things being tucked in and out don't use the super thins on the second on the first second or third pockets you want to use something that's a little bit substantial and if it's not substantial i'll show you a trick we'll do it on the second one because that's what i did on the second one okay so there is um stage two and now we're going to go along into stage three and maybe i'm looking i'm looking for contrast here okay here's a nice contrast okay so maybe this and a little bit of an angle here okay have that i'm gonna maybe put you here so this is number two um not as thick as maybe i would like so what you can do i should have done this first was fold it in half and that's going to give you a little bit more thickness so sometimes it's as easy as that if if your page is already small then maybe you just want to put some another page of something else behind it that you don't really care too much about as an extra thickness backer okay so i have that and now i'm just going to glue these guys together okay where is my glue mat i had a little glue mat you think i can find it nope where is it all right well no we can't use that what else do we have under here oh i have that old guy yep this is something i used to use a long time ago um this is a outside of an accounting book i just want to get the edges well here because we want it to stick together on the edges because that's where people are going to be digging in and out of now this is not a huge strain on the paper but you want it to be thick enough to handle that okay so we have that let's go ahead and ink it now it's just easier to ink now than later so we are inking we are inking and you can do any color here that you like this is just kind of fun you could also if you don't want to do the tear you could you could do a straight cut and then cover the edge with washi tape that would also be a very pretty look just tossing in other random thoughts and ideas for you hey we like to exercise our little brains right all right so let's maybe put you here okay that looks good don't have to worry about it if it's perfectly straight or not it's kind of it's a layered collage look um so it's going to be a little bit here and there as things in our world sometimes get all right now this is probably going to need to be sealed here got to put a little more glue in there then you just go ahead and do that if you if you fold it up like i did okay and you can use different papers that have different kinds of feels to them that's always fun because it's more tactile maybe you want to go shiny and then dry papery and then maybe rubbly nubbly if you have something like that that's fun to do too okay so let's go ahead and make the third pocket and this will be the the final pocket in this case maybe we're going to put this guy here he's kind of pretty isn't he now um let's just start tearing and see what happens i'm going to try and salvage i want to get that little guy in there okay let's see where he looks right there moving them over a little bit i think that's very good and you could do fewer more or less the 80th hold of paper is relatively thick so i don't need to double it up or anything um but i'm just going to go ahead and glue this guy down after i ink it so they come together pretty quickly where are we at thomas okay all right okay there we go and put my glue cap on like a good little crafter okay here we go and putting you down and let's flip it over make sure you have enough wings these are the wings on either side so that you can wrap around that's probably the biggest key here just make sure you have solid wingage life is not good if we do not have solid wingage i kind of like some of those words that's okay it's okay let it go pam it's all right there you have more papers and uh but you do too if you look around look for some old magazines some old books um you know or print some stuff out or um draw some stuff and uh you'll have supplies you'd be surprised before you know it you've got stuff a rule number 47 i'm sure it is if the uh rule rules of you know rules of no no rule land of junk journals is uh never let lack of a craft supply stop you that's right that's right okay i'm going to get in here with some fabrifix because i can get in there and sneak it in it's a little easier than trying to get the uh the old uh glue stick in that little spot okay i'm going to use the um corner angle trick again the right angles just folding everything together like almost like wrapping a little present there we go wrap that up that's really what it's like just wrapping a little present i'm going to use the edge of the envelope to make my little sharp edge here there we go okay so we have created one of these before you know what that was pretty easy huh now let me just go ahead and finish decorating this little guy up and then we'll affix his back okay okay we're going to ink all the way around that way he'll stand out from the page he's sitting on and it's just gonna look adorbs i think i i love doing stuff like this just purely out of paper it's a lot of fun and you could do layered fabric pockets as well and i just consider fabric another fiber so if you've got some extra fabric lying around go for it have at it you can also back your fabric if it's floppy with paper and that'll give it more structure so you can still get the prettiness of your laces or your pretty fabrics and you'll still have something to play with yeah see there's always a way there's always a way okay here we go all right so we have that ready to be stuffed now let's go ahead and find a page that might be good to use as a backer now this one might be good it's a relatively thick uh let me just show you what the page is this is a page from it was a bed and breakfast page of different um famous recipes from different inns and bed and breakfast and i just thought it was so cool and i wanted to honor the page fully i don't want to lose it but it's not big enough okay so it's not big enough see if i was going to glue it on here i still have all this you can't see what just say something just make a noise i can hear you okay um i still have a lot of white showing so what i could quickly come in and do without batting an eyes i can just use some other paper that i have lying around like just collage it up in here why not right and maybe you've got some old papers lying around that just might be perfect for this job so let's just go ahead and do that and it could be wrapping paper you probably want to use something relatively thin so your project doesn't get super overly thick but this is a great way to just seal this clutch and if you don't want this piece to be adhered as a flip out don't just cover the back and it can be a removable you don't have to uh you don't have to use it as anything else but that you know what i mean it's a cool piece all on its own okay this is different i'm gonna put you here this is gonna get covered anyway so it doesn't really matter okay i'll just glue this guy down now he's gonna have stuff glued over top of him okay and then maybe one more piece we're just doing a little in impromptu collage here we can even use up pieces that are from the front why not because we can we can totally do that and you could ink these as well that would look cool oh where is my glue at oh i had that other thing too oh well it's gone um okay here we go and we're down and we're good okay so now we have a back completely covered okay there we go so now we can take a page like this that we like and i would recommend going around and if you're going to do anything decorative to the edges like if you want to use a pretty edge fiskar scissor or something like that you do that now and this one is actually going to be smaller than my actual piece and it's not going to stick out above like the other one did which is fine the whole thing will stick out above but this piece will not okay and maybe because i know this little corner is going to show so this if i'm going to put it down this little corner is going to show so i'm going to ink it up and if there's nothing here you could put a word stamp if there's something there you might just want to highlight the fact that it's there with a little bit of inking something like that now the the key of when you put glue it to the back let's say and you don't have to fold it right in half you can or you can do a third a third is fine third wool function i'm going to do maybe a third on this one you want to bring this spine edge here to the edge of your envelope when you glue down so let's go ahead and do that and decide how close you want this whole thing to sit to the bottom so you want to translate the whole thing to the side and to the bottom otherwise some of this is going to stick out at the bottom of your journal so if you bring this piece to the bottom it'll align with your journal it's bottom yep journals have bottoms just like the rest of us have bottoms yep that's why it goes all right and this is kind of fun okay let's put you there right almost to the edge would be perfect location okay okay almost to the edge and there we go and you could even um ink up this fold if you want to make it look kind of coolly cool uh so foldy stuff and let's go ahead and pop it in the journal see how we do that all right so here's this guy currently working on deep in the throws oh can't see sorry deep in the throes of this guy and let's pick a pretty page what do you do and you look pretty on there you look very nice on there let's see what else do we have we have a lot of options in this journal that would look very nice okay that's orange oh here's that's oh no we want more contrast more contrast please okay finding contrast here um this would totally work so it's going to open like this okay so you want to place it so it's going to be in your journal figure out exactly where you want it to open to so it can open either way depending on which side you put your spine on and just make sure when you do glue it down you put it in the right spot so everything functions well this is going to be on a signature page first signature page of the last signature in this journal i'm going to put that down i'm using faberfix glue if anybody's wondering it's a clear silicone glue fabric fabric fabric paper paper paper okay all right and there we go okay let's just test everything work it works there's writing room here for the person they can enjoy reading about the georgian tea room and their carolina trifle oh my god is trifle one of my most favorite desserts ever in the whole world growing up in canada we did get some english desserts and british desserts and oh my gosh i was in happy town when the trifle would come out and if you have never had trifle you really really really need to experience this in life because it is just a bowl full of wonderful yup yup that's how i feel about it i'm not i'm not holding anything back nope no okay let me get a i had stuff here where is it you know i i do try and pre pre-plan these as much as possible um i give myself one two three okay find it i'm gonna go look for more hold on okay if you've never done this then i highly recommend you check it out but uh if you i'm just taking a word that has a word stamp by taking a word i'm taking a piece of bed sheet that has some a rubber stamped word on it and this is so much fun if you've never done this um oh hang on buddy's running amok here okay we'll go to middle middle zone okay and uh these are so handy just to glue on little spots i mean they're just so cute and you can ink up the edges too if you like to do that to make it pop a little bit more or you could layer something behind it that would be fun too um but if you're just sitting there and you've got a little time on your hands take an old washed bed sheet and tear some strips and just take any word stamps that you have and just stamp stamp like a whole row of these things and i'll try and put the video down below i'm doing that because it's just these things are so darn handy and they're so cute they're just really cute so um and you can put them down with fabrifix or with glue stick because this glue stick will handle light fabric uh projects okay here we go and it's a time there we go hey when is that not the right word that's always always so we're having a good time okay so now okay i didn't sew it and maybe timewise we're not gonna sew this project but if i were to sew it personally i might just run a running stitch just a straight stitch around the edge and that might give it a really cute look or you could even do a little zigzag all the way around that will anchor everything together very well but and that will be leveling it up a little bit if you just wanted to play with um different things so um just you can tuck your little goodies in here i'm borrowing from peter to pay paul here i'm from the goodies from the previous one um but this will give you some examples of different things that you can tuck in these little lovelies of these triple torn uh flip outs so i guess it's called a triple torn flip out there you go and then you could do some journaling here and maybe we could put a little stamp or something nice there what is that oh okay just wondering what that was what did i put in my journal um you know it's kind of funny you're journaling along and you know when you create things you're always thinking okay what's next what's next and um you're off and running and sometimes you forgot what you just did it happens to me all day long all day long okay i'm going to put the word journey here because going to the n might symbolize journey and it's just a little little prompt there for somebody to uh write things in their journal so let's see if we have anything from little mr fluffer uh come here sonny you wanna say hi to everybody you want to tell them about your big adventures today okay all right um all right oh the light's kind of bright on your face let me move that first here we go down here here we go hello from sunny everybody hello everybody it was a very adventurous day yes i walked outside i swam in the pool and then i had a shower okay i love to walk not so keen about the shower or the swim but i'm learning yes yes thank you i look like an otter today don't i yep okay um thank you very much son i always appreciate your input keeping mama grounded here so if you had fun here please like subscribe and share my videos come out mondays wednesdays fridays and saturdays 7 a.m eastern time i have reloaded my fundal so if you are looking for old papers old book pages old ledger pages really cool things like that postcards i do sell 100 packs of interesting things along those lines old and new for drunk journals a lot of fun to explore sometimes they're hard to find or they're expensive or they're hard to store because they do take up a lot of room trust me i know i know um or um you can just print digi kits out or you can just find your own stuff and put it in too because that's awesome because it's all about creating and as long as you're having fun i am happy so um and uh i have a free monthly email newsletter if you're looking uh for junk journal tips a note from the bookmaker explaining what a junk journal is um and some other little goodies uh that comes out every month and you get a free digital image emailed to you monthly i'm just cleaning as i go here because i could see a big splotch there and um what else um i have a facebook group come and join the facebook group we're having weekly and monthly challenges as well as seeing what you guys make from these videos thank you so much for sharing all of your ideas and your comments you guys are awesome and thank you so much to our mods and administrator you guys rock thank you for helping us keep the group focused and together and i have an etsy shop where you can find my fundals which are the ephemera collections you can also find my vintage digi kits those are downloadable printables and um uh when i have a junk journal for sale i it will be placed in my etsy shop sometimes i do a big announcement and a video and other times i just slip it in there and uh without telling anybody and that way i figured you know everybody gets a fair crack at it so every once in a while just take a peek you never just never know what you're going to find and what else we have um my amazon shop where i try and put all the different things that i use on a regular basis so if you're looking for certain tools and supplies then you might have a launching pad to start from you know things like that and it's just type in in google amazon and paper outpost and the link will come up or you all my links are located down below in the description box the drop down box below every video you can find them there and you can find me on instagram pinterest twitter linkedin and facebook and um remember that fun can be simple and create with reckless abandon and i will see you next time guys take care and happy crafting bye
Channel: The Paper Outpost
Views: 14,168
Rating: 4.9805827 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal, junk journaling, The Paper Outpost, handmade journal, junk journals, paper outpost, journal, junk journal ideas, journal ideas, easy journal ideas, how to make a junk journal, create with reckless abandon, reckless abandon, how to make a journal flip, journal flipout, pockets for journals, junk journal flip, triple, triple torn, triple torn pockets, How to make a journal pocket, easy journal pocket, how to make a pocket, journal flip, fun journal flip
Id: l88oLumFlC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 47sec (1787 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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