Easy Way to Make TINY TRINKET JUNK JOURNALS! So Darned Cute! Make a Ton! The Paper Outpost! :)

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hey everybody welcome this is pam at the paper outpost do you want to make some tiny book trinkets these are so much fun and they are super tiny and they use up scraps and they all work a little bit differently but i wanted to show you some tips and tricks these are super easy anybody can make them and let me give you a little tour of the prototypes here is a one little uh junk journal that is so cute it's actually a little journal or journal like item this i planned on hanging from a spine dangle or from the journal wrap that i used to close a journal i think that would just be so cute on there and they're very very easy to make the first one that i made was this little guy and these are all in the range of one inch to one and a half inches tall to maybe an inch wide maybe a little wider that's it but they're very small and you don't have to have great eyesight and they're very easy to make so don't be intimidated about the size at all and you can use anything to cover them from pretty book pages to digital kits to um and magazine pages anything that you have that a scrapbook paper will work well as well now let me show you this little guy so this little guy obviously has an eyelet placed with a little chain and a jump ring okay and that's what he looks like front and back and his cover comes from botanica exotica let me show you the inside looks like that and like that kind of pretty and it comes from this one i'll put the links down below to any digi kits i use but like i said you don't have to use digi kits you can use so many other things the whole idea with the cover is you want to use something that's just a little bit thicker than regular paper for the um that cover like feel so you have a little bit of weight to it this one was used from where is it antique leaves and here's what i cut it off of this picture i just cut the top of the picture off and i was using that um or the bottom of the picture not sure but it just kind of had some old cool vintage or or antique illustrations on them and i put a little stamp on it and here's the inside and it's a completely functioning book the pages are different sizes you can have the same size pages you can have different size pages doesn't matter and i'll show you how to create this little guy very quick very easy very fun and uses up scraps okay this guy uses the same concept except i went ahead and added a little tassel so that he can be hung either from the spine dangle or from the book sash or from a as a christmas ornament or a gift tag wouldn't that be the cutest thing added to the front of a gift i mean dingle dangle that would just be adorable so let's jump in and make a few of these they're super easy um okay so the first thing you want to do is we're going to make our innards first so if you have strips and we often get these strips when we're making junk journals and this is a great way to easily use up these strips so i'm just going to grab some a relatively similar size it's okay if they're not the same size and i'll show you some tricks about how to work with that so here i'm just gonna pull some out and just get some that are relatively the same size okay so and i'm just going to align them all together and how many how many you say i would say probably um one two three four i like maybe like let's see if i do maybe eight pieces of this because we're gonna fold it over so that's gonna make it a little thicker okay so i have this right i have one two three four five strips from this is 11 inches long they're just regular paper sheets i'm just going to put all this stuff over here and then i'm going to fold it in half okay so i have all the little ends down at one end here it's like a little spine at the end and i'm just going to crease that so it keeps everybody in line with the bone folder and i would i don't know if i said it but i'll put all the links to any of the digi kits that i used below um in the drop down description box in case you're curious okay so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and make my actual spine so i'm going to fold it again i'm saying to myself this is my real spine over here okay hello real spine it's nice to meet you and i'm assessing for thickness are you thick enough well let's take a look let's see what we have here i would say this let me show you closer this is like a chubby wubby middle of the road sam and this is a skinny sue yeah but i think they all look great where's the uh little chain gang one where'd you go so smally escaped where could he go he couldn't have gone far well he's gone he was cute while he lasted i don't know where he went there he is all right this little guy is probably the skinniest yeah um compared to this guy he's yeah they're pretty comfortable maybe this one's skinnier i don't know but there you go not many but i used anywhere between um i would say eight and ten little pages when you're done so just kind of figure out your math but i used say five long pages and then i'm folding it in half okay i seem to be getting a lot more pages with this way but we'll just see how far it goes math is not my strong point i just go by feel this one i would actually say it's probably thick enough but um well let's make a super thick one now let's make it okay say five of these long strips let's just roll this back for a second okay five long strips we fold them all in half and then we fold them all in half again and we're saying this is our spine okay so now what i want you to do is cut it over here um to me a book generally not always but is longer this way in height than it is in width so i'm saying okay that's that tall so i want to go a little narrower than that so i'm going to maybe go to here yeah i'm just going to cut it there didn't cut it so straight you can use a craft knife probably get a bit straighter cut but these aren't so thick that you can't cut with scissors i mean it takes a good strong scissor to do this but it's not the worst thing in the world okay so now we have that and now what we're gonna do is we are going to take the center and we can sew it we can do a three whole pamphlet a two whole pamphlet stitch or just a one whole stitch but i think for just for simplicity's sake i thought this is just a cute little novelty item i'm going to staple it so i'm coming in with a tim holtz teeny tiny stamper um a tiny attacher i think that's what it's called but you could use a regular staple here and i put the staple on the inside of the smooth part and then the feet on the back because we're going to cover the back okay so this little piece is a little thicker i would recommend maybe just a little thicker here it doesn't have to be but it's it's helpful because it's going to make your cover seem a little thicker and then just take a pretty piece of paper so what do we got hanging around here let's see looking for pretty piece of paper okay so i have i happen to have some edith holdings sitting here she's too short we need a piece that is at least as big as the book well here's another piece let's see if you qualify oh you might be in you might be in yeah you're looking good and don't worry if it's if it's not matching exactly exactly at the top because we have a way to deal with that i'll show you okay so here's the deal your cover should stick out at least that much farther than your book i would say that's maybe half an inch at least okay now go ahead and take your cover in your hand or on your glue mat because you probably have one and i can't find mine for the life of me um it's hiding and you just glue i'm going to use a glue stick you could use any glue but i'm going to use scotch create glue stick permanent glue stick anybody's curious i love this glue not sponsored um okay so now what you do is you just put your book in the spine area where you want it okay and then you just give it the old squeeze and just tell it to become one with the book cover yeah and then or with the first pages now you're going to open it up and you can take this and you're going to fold it in yeah that's going to give you a nice sealed little edge same thing here you can do a mild adjustment it's okay if there's a little trimming needed don't worry about it remember i told you we got a little trick coming i want to show you the trick okay but first but first we're going to do a little fancy foofoo and that is by adding a little bit of washi tape you don't have to do this and you could use material or you could use another piece of paper if you want to but i just want to add something to that little edge right there to conjoin the two pieces i just think this will look really cute okay so now we have something that looks like like that okay so we have sealed down that little flaparoo and uh this is just extra accoutrement yes nothing nothing to get excited about artist choice okay so we have that and now we have that okay now to give it that little more booky look that little like just got home school book look um well weathered book like thing we're going to take our old friend oops i should back up so you can see sanding block or sanding sponge whatever you want it probably depends what part of the country you're from but you can take this guy and you're gonna rub it up yeah and and be be you know like let it know who's boss here we go there we go get in there and it'll it'll bring uniformity and a nice soft velvety suede type feel to the edges of your little beautiful book trinket yeah yeah um i don't do the spine you could do this fine but i tend to it just feels so good if you could just like just like soft velvet suede so cute and it also makes it very receptive to a little inky dink and we are going to come along with the old walnut stain and here we go just going to ink up these edges because they're going to absorb it like crazy because they're all porous and dry i'm going to get the spine really good too make it look super old and it's a good i don't know i think it looks very attractive if you ink the page edges as well i think it makes it look very weathered and old and very mysterious little book of some sort we have here you can actually turn it around because our book pages are that's kind of a pretty cover right there isn't it all right so we're just inking around and then you might want to come in and ink the inside cover as well just to give it that total old world victorian age you came from a long time ago sort of look all right there we go and maybe we want to put a little stamp on there and i'm gonna see if i can oh i think i used the word september i like that and i should still have it here there no that's the heart okay well no i don't want the heart oh where's the september oh is that it yeah i found it okay i have a september um stamp so let me go ahead and just put this on here hopefully that twig won't cause a problem oh my god this way yeah okay there we go september yeah so you can dull these up any way you like and uh oh boy look at that it's a lot of messy ink better get on top of that okay you guys can see that mess thank goodness um okay so we have book number one and the more you kind of play with it and flatten it out a little bit um you know it's just it is a actual functioning little book totally in its own right it is a book and um you know you can write little things in here little secret notes or you can like i said turn them into something that would hang from a spine dangle or from a closure sash or make it a christmas ornament just so cute okay so let's make another one and i'll show you how to put this little loopy loo in there this is very easy okay so first thing we do is we start off with a bunch of uh papers okay so i have some pre-cut over here so we don't have to wait for me to shuffle the papers um i think there's five here so i'm folding and that's 10. maybe i need an extra paper or two let me stick a little more in there and you can like fix you know the pages can be torn they don't all have to be cut torn pages look very cool in old books a lot of old books have that tarnish sort of edge and it's so it's very pretty it's very pretty uh so don't shy away from that no no you go right in there and you you use that torn look okay maybe you're gonna work too okay i'm gonna stick you in there where do you want to go there in the middle okay there you are all right now let's cut you two a little shorter than you wanted to be no longer than you wanted to be sorry here we go longer than we want and then we're going to put stamp uh we are going okay let's we have different uh width ones here so we're going to do the stagger um so i'm going to put this one low this one high this one high too because it still shows and this one low that way we're kind of covering spreading the wealth we are maybe i'll put you in the middle you're kind of cool because you're torn and then there we go okay so now we fold it in we make the big commitment now we give it a super duper crease with the bone folder and we make sure that we are aligned and now we are going to cut our dimension and again our dimension is usually longer here shorter here so longer here shorter here there okay so there's a little tiny book shape and then again we just find our middle very middle hello middle and using the teeny tiny tiny attacher very easy to do oh i made a book look at that brilliant very easy and uh let's find ourselves a nice little cover so i did have another piece of oh yeah i have more of this fuchsia i actually dropped the black lid on it but i think it looks kind of cool because i am going to monkey it up with my um beloved finger painting so what i want to do is have at least a half inch over here and when i open up my little book it doesn't matter if it's in the middle but you want at least a half inch on either side okay so then just trim that and then you want to trim this flush with your bottom not your bottom the book's bottom okay and uh it's nice if these are straight oh we got a i've got a thundery night here yeah in old florida it's a thundery rainy typical august getting ready for hurricanes kind of night yeah that's what we do so yeah it's kind of i like i like thunderstorms and rain i think it's nice it's relaxing okay so now that's the outside of my cover so far what are you eating i can hear chewing what is that oh you gotta what is that hold on yeah he found a scrap yep it happens okay so i have this glued and now i'm just going to place this in the middle oh in the middle pan that was a very good middle okay that's a better middle okay and now we're going to close it up and we're going to squash it okay and then as the cover adheres to the first pages i'm going to quickly open this up because remember i have those two little flaps i don't want those to glue together i just wanted that first page to really grab it and then i'm going to fold these over these come together so quickly it's it's it's just way too fun too easy i don't know what to tell you um okay so that turned out to be my back but there's my front and we can work with that okay so now i'm going to come along with the world famous sanding block and you can also use a um an emery board if you don't have a sanding block uh that will work too or sandpaper will work on a block or or something like that if you have sandpaper you can do it basically we're just sanding the paper that's what we're doing yeah okay now let me show you close with this see it gives you that nice soft like worn edge of a well-loved school book yeah that's what we like and um i'm going to ink it with the distress ink i could have done this one in black i guess they don't all have to be in brown i'll emphasize this one in black so i'm doing all the edges and then i'm going to try and get in there to get the pages there just gives it that little old world sort of look and i'm going to do the inside oh i totally forgot to put the string in okay guess what we're going to do on the next one we're going to do that one properly yes we are yes because this time i'm going to pay attention were you you were saying something weren't you you were saying wait put the string in i heard you i heard you okay all right let me uh put my glasses on and we can see what's going on here oh yeah we have time okay so we have just made another adorable little book and and oh got yourself organized here um so this this okay this first one i have a whole string of bling this little guy i cut some bling apart let's see this guy maybe i'm gonna put a little bling in each corner maybe that's what i'm gonna do i don't know i'm just playing with the bling you know there's no rules when it comes to bling you can bling however you like you get four little bling dots what are you eating oh the knob on one of my drawers that's okay you work on that for a while i don't think it's going to make any progress on that none none yay that'll keep them occupied for a little bit all right let's see here okay here we go let's just put where are we okay i'm gonna put a little dot this is fabrifix glue you could use any glue here but this is a nice strong glue okay okay now this i usually say fabric fabric fabric paper paper paper but this is plastic so you know but it's just a little bit yeah well that looks kind of pretty all in in one little place well we'll just have to overdo it because that's what i do sometimes there we go now we're doing it it's like it has legs on the front but that is kind of cute and there we go okay all right so we have this little book and he is all done so let me make another one quickly um and i will show you how we can do the uh the dangle thing which is very easy okay so i'm going to grab one two oh these are pretty yeah i really like these these are oops sorry um these are from like the edges of book pages and they're just so soft and velvety and creamy already three well that's pretty and maybe one more of comparable width show yourself now to me we have a little we have a little music page that would be very nice and are you off the right with you maybe a little wide so we will just shim you down yes we will shimmy you there we go okay so let's put him on the outside maybe arrange these as we see fit okay now we're going to fold okay get everybody aligned folding folding okay squashing bone folder okay is that thick enough i'm going to fold it over one more time that will give me twice as much thickness now i got a nice little chubby little book there yeah that's nice ah back in my back in my element okay so longer than we want um i don't know why i just it feels too committal to cut it first i guess i could staple it first and then i could just cut it once that would be more effective okay don't let me forget what we're doing this time okay here we go okay on the inside i'm going to put the smooth part of the stapler okay so there we go we are all attached nobody's going anywhere so now i'm going to commit to width which i decide you are going to be this wide there we go and they go everywhere okay so now we need a cute little cover and where's our little cute little cover page oh here's one we got some of this all right well let's just cut off a little piece of that i had another piece floating around here that was really oh there it is yeah let me use this one again because it's got all these little condensed images and i think they would work out really well this is from botanica exotica so i am just going to cut a strip of this off so any pretty paper i mean you could even use wrapping paper or something like that if you have a thick enough piece on the outside here to wrap it around that would work um so let's figure out how wide we are so let's cut our width for oh we need where we need half an inch on either side and we want to make sure we have the right height okay that's good cut this here okay get our glue here's our glue can you see anything good grief really nice right left area for we could all see there we go sunny what are you doing you being a good boy i'm always a good boy mom i know you are son i know okay we're gonna put this down middle like that okay and then we're gonna fold it upon its own spine and give it the big squash-a-roo now i'm getting ink from my fingers on this but that's okay with me because i'm gonna ink it up anyway but if you don't want inky nist on it don't use inky fingers okay once that's pretty much adhered pull it apart and make sure you get to the first page which is the music page here so i'm going to fold that over squash it down nice and inky that fold that over and that's not the is that the music page no no you are not the music page i see you music page you are hiding hiding from me there you are now you are in where you should be okay so now i have the little book and that's the basic construction very easy um what else okay here we go let's get our sanding block and i'm pretty forceful with this you know i mean i could get carried away sometimes but don't be shy when you're standing just just get in there and really make it look like that old school book you had when you were you know eight years old dragging it back and forth gosh um okay where is the ink okay let's try black ink this time because we haven't tried that here's black ink and there's my black ink dauber this is black soot color if anybody's curious any black ink will work you could even use makeup and things like that and i'm just going to ink this okay honey are you down here okay i just heard uh roomba kick off in the other room and we have to do the what i call the roomba dance where we have to run up get up and get all sunny's little pads out of the way so they don't get sucked up into roomba that's not pleasant okay all right there we go so we have this little guy and we can do him on the inside too i did it again didn't i oh you know what i don't think this glue is dry i'm just gonna take it off can i get it off isn't that the most ridiculous thing you know what it that's bad crafter bad crafter is it too late is it too late let's see see if she can get this oh i don't know i might have to salvage one page just to show you guys let's see if i can get the cover off but i don't think i'm okay let's just pretend it's one less page because this music page is now part of this that's right there it is okay so now what we're going to do who didn't remind me sally what are you doing in the back sleeping yeah it's okay go back to sleep all right now here what do we have oh we have a little red one this time this is a embroidery floss and i just took it let me let me okay okay i just took it and you know whatever the traditional length is you don't belong here go away and i'm grabbing this and i'm grabbing it by its little legs and i'm i've doubled it and then i'm gonna double it again okay and now all i'm gonna do i need more glue hello glue let's pretend that book page isn't stuck on the cover but it's just the cover that's what we're seeing just the cover well this is a wonderful video isn't it i'm going to put most of it at the top and oh what please hello go away i don't think so no okay let's zoom in yeah okay i'm just going to lay it down that's all i'm going to do i'm just going to leave a little tail out the bottom and you can trim the tail the tail doesn't have to remain it's just there and now we're coming in with what we did before we're just going to open this up and lay it down right over all that whole clumparoo just squash it on there that's right and then close it up and i'm going to do the same thing we're going to come in hopefully and fold that in come in here what can you see sorry fold that in on the last page which is what's going on okay there we go i freed it here and now we have this adorable little dangle look at that how cute is that i mean you know hey that can go places you can hang that from a tree easily or hang it from a spine dangle or hang it from a gift tag you could tie a little knot in it here let's tie a little knot in it to say we did ah maybe close down by the book so it's not so all over the place oh that's cute see now that that just like that brings it home right and and maybe i might trim this so it has a little more of a tassel look don't have my fabric scissors over there and a little tassely on the bottom there we go little tassel who doesn't like a little tassel all right maybe a little shorter that's a little long oh world's dull scissors okay there we go there we go a little tassel and everything and then we could go ahead and put our um i mean if you like that look and you don't mind that okay here's another thing if you've never done this you can do this okay here i have i have yellow just because it's here right this is the one i was going to originally use um but you can take fabrics anywhere you have a place wait let me zoom you in so you can see because this is this is delicate surgical work here you anywhere you have a joining area where you don't like the join just put a teeny tiny little bead a fabric fix and then you come on along you just lay a string you pull the string taut and then you lay it down and it gives it the cutest look i'm telling you um okay red and yellow oops oh this thing is stuck here okay i've got glue all over the place okay here let's do this one i'll just come around the back and do you too tap a fix this is where the sugar bell's icing piping bottle allows you to get that skinny stream because we like our skinny streams in the crafting world fabrifix people can you please make it a smaller uh and you know opening there for us we crafter people okay here we go that was a request i'm just going to trim oh i'm not getting anything i shouldn't okay okay oop coming around here or you could even make a little purse or something that would be cute too that's for another day we'll do that another day okay come on come on baby cut to mama there we go all right so now you have this cute little look right who doesn't love that that is so cute and then we have come on i have excess glue for some reason back isn't that that's so cute right and this is a little functioning little book for all those little tiny scraps that you always wondered what what on earth are you gonna do with those you're never gonna use them all yes you are yes you are i'm gonna maybe put a little brown on here too to soften it a little bit the black might have been a little harsh um maybe i went overboard and did i do the insides no okay just lightly have no ink on here okay but look it looks good right i think so just just lightly i know you're probably saying no don't touch it's fine you don't put too much on okay well it happens it happens okay what a it's only paper right i mean you know hey i got a tear what am i gonna do um here i'll make a shorter page here we go yeah the first page is just very short that's that's the way the book was designed totally on purpose right yep okay so there you go i hope you had fun making these little guys i'm gonna try and put them all in my palm my little dirty inky palm so you can see them um no danglers so here's the two we made they're so cute here's probably the biggest one i made so maybe i have to back up a little bit okay i get i get i got string stuck to my hand okay go away oh come on then i have this and then i have this guy and look they all fit and i'm going to stick my finger and my finger in my mouth again my foot and my mouth but they do they really do all fit in the palm of your hand so if you find these um adorable little book trinkets and you want to make these feel free to jump in i'd love to hear your comments on these these are so much fun to make and a great way to use up scraps so have at it everybody paper lovers out there go forth and create create from nothing and create something and my remember that my videos come out mondays wednesdays fridays and saturday 7 a.m eastern time my podcasts come out tuesdays and thursdays please sign up for my free monthly email newsletter and you'll get a free digital image emailed to you monthly along with a note from the bookmaker a checklist of supplies updates from me and junk journal tips and join our facebook group the paper outpost facebook group we're having a lot of fun over there doing weekly and monthly challenges and seeing what you guys make from these videos and um oh i've got an etsy shop i do have more fundals in my etsy shop i have just restocked more and uh you guys are keeping me hopping and thank you so much very much for all the very kind reviews on the fundals um i truly appreciate that and uh thank you for uh those of you who are doing multi purchases i i i'm tickled pink to know that these papers are going to good homes so thank you very very much and um you can also find vintage digi kits in there which are printable downloads and also occasional bundles which are collections of different things that i put together for sale and also journals when i have them for sale and you can i also have an amazon shop where you can find favorite tools and supplies if you're looking for them that you see me use here and also um you can find me on instagram pinterest twitter linkedin and facebook and remember all the links to everything i've mentioned are in the drop down description box below the video and if you find value here please like subscribe and share and click the notification bell and remember the fun can be simple and little and create with reckless abandon everybody can't find sonny for the life of me right now i know he would say hi but let's let's just we'll see him next time alright take care everyone bye-bye
Channel: The Paper Outpost
Views: 34,477
Rating: 4.9753761 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal, junk journaling, The Paper Outpost, handmade journal, junk journals, paper outpost, journal, junk journal ideas, journal ideas, easy journal ideas, how to make a junk journal, create with reckless abandon, reckless abandon, tiny trinket journal, tiny journal, tiny junk journal, how to make a tiny junk journal, how to make a mini journal, how to make a tiny trinket journal, ideas for junk journal scraps, easy tutorial, making something from nothing, little book
Id: -vonEVePlq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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