TEENY TINY CARDS & ENVELOPES! Plus INK Trick! For Junk Journals Beginner Tutorial The Paper Outpost!

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hi everybody this is pam at the paper outpost and today i am just having some fun are you ready to have some fun and dive into the papers we're making teeny tinies today this is a teeny tiny envelope and card very simple to make very cute just use uses basic stuff that i happen to have hanging around and you can decorate these any way you like super easy here we go here is the little tiny card inside you can put any picture you like on the front and it opens up and a little writing space here and i just uh wrote a um this is in a marker that i guess it's officially a faber castell pitt artist pen size medium to show you that you can put gesso on ink and you can write on top of it so that's why we put white gesso sometimes on paper sometimes to knock it down or give it a translucent look or to opaque look or some to give yourself some tooth on the paper so that you can write with pen or pencil or marker so there you go just a little fun thing i thought i'd make some teeny tiny tags and teeny tiny envelopes and bring you guys along for the ride and here we go okay so this is one little example here's another one i have in a journal so this one i just um clipped right on to a journal page i think i'm gonna actually put these two like that and maybe even make a third one because i just thought that would be just be adorable and this one looks like this just decorated a little bit different way and i'll show you how to do these look the way i made them very easy and i want to show you a little trick that if you don't have a brown anchor like a vintage photo or something like that that you can maybe use another supply that you have around the house that might make it easy okay here we go let's dive in let's dive in all right so i am just going to clip these babies here in this little journal all right i'll put you aside over there you go okay so the first thing i did was um let's make the card part first which is very easy and what i did was i took a manila envelope and i focused on the fold part and i wanted the fold part because i made a cut about two inches here and i just cut all the way down here and that left me with something that looked like this and then i came along here and cut some little pieces off and i made mine about two inches by two inches so if you're looking for a measurement that's about how big the inner card was and i liked the creamy caramel i'm not caramel but like a vanilla color of the manila card i gave i thought it gave a nice vintage background color already it already has the fold um from the seam itself and it was just an easy way to have some cardstock or cardstock-like substance around at the ready that you might have that's not too uh hard to find you don't have to go and buy any special fancy you know card supplies or anything for this project very easy okay so maybe we'll use these two now this one apparently have the label and i get to work with that and apparently i have the label and i get to work with that okay so let's do that now let me show you which will go to okay let me show you the two cards that were in here different examples of what you can do so the first thing i did was i inked them so i'm going to ink one this is regular this is old walnut stain you could use walnut stain which is a darker brown or a vintage photo which is a medium brown or shoe polish or what have you like you could use makeup you could do anything to make it look a little more weathered and grungy and that kind of thing if you like that look and i would um i'm going to go ahead and do the insides here because that's what i did there just to give it a little bit of a pop what you doing over there sunbun you having a good day yeah you are okay great well we're having fun today too yeah i know i know we're doing our thing yep we're doing our a crafty thing um i'll get a shot of you just hang hang with me okay so now okay here's the thing instead of let's say you don't you don't have uh you don't have distress inks walnut stain by tim holtz for example but maybe you have instant coffee i got mine at aldi just regular old cheapo instant coffee i'm not drinking it so the cheapest kind you can find will do the trick and what i did was i took about a teaspoon oh look at that it thickened up on me i did this yesterday actually i put about a teaspoon of the crystals in here and then i added some water just to let me just add a little more water to get that go into a particular loosen it up a little bit so we have some darkness and this i thought would might make a very easy um alternative inking because it's brown yeah you know and we use that all the time so i thought i could come in here and use my brown dauber that i always use but this is already pre-saturated with so much ink from the other thing i thought i really should show you with something that doesn't have any any um i i tested this yesterday so that's why but i'm going to put the part this is a makeup sponge basically i'm just looking for a sponge that has no color on it so i can show you and see if this works and it seemed to work pretty well yesterday so and if you want it super dark you just put more um coffee in okay so here we go we're inking and we're inking and boy this thing is going to go forever because i have a lot of coffee um so it's a great way as an alternative to use something that you might um you know have already in the house and you don't have to go buy all the fancy stuff right there's always ways around this never let lack of a crafting supply stop you that's the theory um it may look a little bit different but i think it's actually going to look pretty cool um all right and it all obviously depends how wet your sponge gets so if you want it super inky and grungy wet your sponge more put more concentrated color on it and it's going to look really cool um if you want just a light touch you can just put a little bit on so there you go i think that's kind of cool right i always uh like to do the little back folds or wherever i see little um ridges things like that because i think that adds to the flare and so that will give you an alternative of something to use okay i'm just going to put that over there wipe my fingers all right we'll let you air dry and we have you okay so here is our little um card and let's uh maybe we'll work on the outside first now you can put anything i happen to put um these are from bride bridal beauties but you could put absolutely anything on here and let's say today today we're going to put okay this is from my digi-kit medicines cure-alls and tinctures or tinctures and cure-alls but i'm just going to tear out the picture of the faces because that's really all i want let's see if i can get this to fit but you could draw a picture use a sticker you could use a rubber stamp it doesn't have to be a digi kit so don't don't think you have to have those um i don't want you to get stuck there thinking if you can't have all the digi kits then you can't have fun that's not true not true not true not true okay let's get a little thinner let me get a little closer so you can see um there we go all right maybe we'll put that there but maybe i want to ink it up a little bit and maybe i'm going to use some black soot color just give it a little bit of intrigue poppage paparoo standing out from the background why not right we can all stand out from the background in our crazy wild crafty lives right okay and you can go ahead and do multiple colors around there if you like but that just allows it to stand out a little bit more from the background now um maybe now these i decorated on the inside a little bit just to give them a background the outsides were more plain inside's a little bit more decorated but i think this time maybe i'm going to do some decorating on the outside and i'm just going to use a little script stamp just something random i found in my drawer as i often find random things in my drawer but my drawers are getting more organized isn't that great that's so awesome and uh i'm doing these uh organizational fridays i don't know if you're following or not but if you are oh you know what i'm gonna do this side right yep yep okay um it really is helping i'm noticing a difference i can find i can find my stuff okay that's really what it boils down to i can find my stuff and i know more what i have and what i have to play with and yeah there's a shamefully no shortage here where there's lots of toys to play with in the toy box and uh mama just used to use what you have and be appreciative for what you got you don't need to buy everything that's out there okay here we go um let's put this little love muffin down that's cute right yeah i mean what's wrong with that who doesn't love that yeah um okay so let's put uh you could do a glue stick i'm using scotch create glue stick today most days and uh you could also use a white glue or a fabrifix whatever you got whatever is easy that's cute and see if i can use something else from this rod way pills that's kind of cute do i want to use that maybe i'll use that for the inside but i'm feeling like i want a word or something there and i want to borrow a word possibly from a book page and i just have what do i have what's close to me i have a dictionary page so let me just grab something off of here anything i'll take anything mercantilist sure i i'm not against using um words that have nothing to do with anything i think it's okay maybe maybe not menses uh but you know what i mean like just something that's kind of fun um i'm just gonna take mercantilism yeah because you know what that will provoke some thought in somebody somewhere someday they'll be like mercantilism maybe i know what that is maybe i don't know what that is but if i don't know what it is maybe i'll look it up or i could say to myself hey i already know what that is look at me go i'm i'm awesome all right maybe i'll put that there that's kind of cute and you can also enhance that just for fun so working with the little teeny tinies can be a lot of fun it doesn't use up a lot of supply and the whole concept behind this making a card and an envelope um in a teeny tiny i'm looking for things that are maybe just a little thicker than regular copy weight paper but if all you have is regular copy weight paper just double it up and all of a sudden you've got something thicker so again don't let anything stop you from having fun i want you to have massive amounts of serious fun uh today and every day yes okay so maybe let's um do we need something else there probably but i'm just gonna roll with this now okay and let's just pop that down and put it this way this time okay and i can do more decorating on that but for right now i'm going to call that good because i think that's just adorable cute okay and um we're gonna do the inside and maybe i should work on that now okay so i'm gonna use some white gesso that i have purchased and um basically it's thick white paint like a flat thick white paint it's going to give me a background to write on or do something on i can stamp under it i can stamp over it but maybe i want to cover the um label stuff and it's gone see that's just gone and you're kind of almost making a frame using the cream of the folder and giving yourself a little area to write on using this you can use a paintbrush you can use your finger um and if this dries and you still need some more white you just go back in and put some more on so that's got to dry for a second so i'm just going to put that aside and we are going to work on the envelope that goes with this little munchkin so these little envelopes are a little wider than the actual card and so what i did was i took a piece of paper that was just a little bit thicker than regular copy paper this was a resume paper but if like i said if you don't have that and okay um let's say you don't have that let me see if i can find a piece of copy paper oh something anything any okay here's like a oh this is a little this is a little thicker than normal it's some kind of notepad paper but i think this might make a cute it's actually it looks like a um graph paper but it's i don't think it is like well i guess it could be some kind of military paper okay um apparently i paid 50 cents for it that that's impressive but i think i'm going to make my envelopes out of this just for fun and i'm going to show you how i i did this let me back up so you can see a little better um i just took some stencils and i was absorbing the beaded part um of the repelling ink onto these papers to absorb it so let's see what happens when i do that all right where's my here's my oops handy dandy famous li uh tree my tree and tree branch stencil okay let me get uh any sprays do i have them over there already yes i do okay so i have a broken china spray shabby shutter spray and um just a homemade spray that i made out of mica and water and maybe a drop of alcohol and i got some of these loose mica eyeshadows from the dollar tree and sprinkled them in there and that's what i got okay so let's do this let's just put a little color down all right okay and then we have blue probably be good to put something under your stuff so you don't get this all over the place if you don't have fancy colors you can also use food color or watercolors or things like that this is the misti spray just to give it some glitter glitter glitter and maybe we want one of those more of those papers um we have no idea what we're doing here okay i'm just going to grab another one of these it has an airplane on it oh well that's fine i'm going to do this and all of a sudden whoo i get the relief on the other side so one will be the positive uh side of the stencil meaning you're going to actually see the tree itself and the other is going to be the negative where you're going to see the background and you won't see the tree well you do see the tree but you know what i mean you can only the background gets colored here the tree got colored okay so now we get two pages out of one and voila your stencil is clean and dry um so we're moving on now let's see we could use either one of these um for the envelope and maybe i'll use this one because it's a little less damp the other one's more damp and it'll be harder to tear without uh it with i want it to behave right okay so what i did was i took my card and it's approximately the same with that one i think i did one two wide so let me just make a little mark there i have an idea and then one two three long and that gives you plenty of room to make your card okay and then i took my metal ruler and you can line it up perfectly because but since this is a grid it's sort of already lined up perfectly and the reason why i went a little bit wider than than my card was because um i know i need to glue the edges and i also wanted i didn't want it to be super tight against the card i wanted there to be a little free wiggle room there okay so here is um one little decorated piece of paper you could also use like regular scrapbook paper or something to make your envelopes you know something like this or um you know whatever paper you have or you could stamp on a blank piece of paper and get some nice background totally totally um a million one ideas so flipping this over and that already came through so that kind of left a nice um a background already but basically this process is very simple just kind of put your card in the middle and we're going to flip up first okay and maybe i'm going to you know i'm going to do since this is a weird edge i'm going to fold it over and give myself a nice edge so i'm going to come in here with any glue of choice okay and i'm just going to glue this down and this paper is just a smidge damp it's probably better to wait till your papers are dry but you know i just i can't wait oh there we go i tore that okay not stopping us what are we going to do we're going to repair that little doodad um let me grab a piece of washi tape all right washi tape of washi tapeness come here to the rescue all right let's see if we can fix this because that's what happens when you work with wet paper it tears sometimes so that's going to be on the inside so you're not going to be able to see that anyway so that's okay um alright so let's say it goes maybe up to there i would like it to maybe go can you see um there on my card so the card is easy to grab and pull out and then i'm going to bring the top down so it's bottom up and top down and i'm going to leave a little space here so it's not butting up against the card but i think i'm also going to fold this over so i have a nice little edge there and i'm going to try really really well not to uh tear this one that's right i'm trying to learn as i go here by the seat of my pants yep okay there we go there we go that's handled and uh now is the time to uh decide how wide you want your card or your envelope so i think i'm going to position you about there and i think i'm going to actually make you a little narrower because you're a little you're a little chub you know what i mean nothing wrong with being a little chub but for this particular design a little narrower is okay um there we go all right so at this point is a prime time to ink now let's see if we can ink with our new newly created um oh yeah nice and concentrated there our newly created dye dye ink we'll see if this works trying it i'm you may have already seen a million other people ink regular way before but this this is exciting all those other they're exciting too don't get me wrong that's all exciting inking but um this is a nice option i just want to kind of see how it works so far so good so far so good okay i'm doing all my edges and come and look at the inside and i don't pro i don't really need to do every single edge but since i i'm here i'm just going to go around and ink them so i can figure it out later probably the top and the bottom you don't need to do so much okay so here up in the very bottom it's always nice to ink the folds where we have folds because it just enhances everything and so here i'm going to have another fold okay but i like to do the backward one so if this is on the inside just give it that little pizzazz and then while you're there do the outside and then okay that's good um i'm gonna put some bizarre folds here this is what i did i just did like random folds i did a fold like that and maybe like a fold like i don't know i was you can go straight across or you can do random and then you just come along with your magic coffee dyed ink and uh let me just do some of these to to show what you did now this does get things a little bit damp because you're using water and paper so just be aware of that so you will want to let it dry if you let it all dry and everything will have greater integrity um but again like i said you know me i can't wait uh alrighty here we go um there we are i'm using um faberfix glue it's a fabriced fabric fabric to paper paper to paper and this is what the regular bottle looks like spain by beacon and i um uh put it in a sugar bales icing piping bottle so that it comes out in a thinner stream just save on glue okay so now i'm going to close this up and it's a good idea when you're working with items like this to smoosh your glue to the edges as opposed to in or else you're going to even narrow your space more there we go all right very good very good okay so what's next is australia not quite okay so let's look at we'll keep uh decorating our envelope then that's what we'll do okay we're just zooming out bigger here so you can really see what's going on it's too big there we go okay um so these little guys where are you where are you here you are i decorated them a little bit differently um this one i put a little applique with some nuvo drops and this is a piece of eyelash trim with a button so let me pair it around for a second and see what i can find and we'll put something on here okay i did not go far because i have some of these left over from when i was working the other day clearing out a thing so maybe i am going to put a little uh ribbon there and this is just some gold trim a little leftover piece that i had so this is uh bows are a little bit bigger than i need so i'm just going to shrink them down a bit get them to the size that i want okay let's try that that's kind of cute okay i can do that let me trim this off and you could i mean you could just mass make a bunch of the cards and then make the envelopes if you do the cards all the same time then just make sure your envelopes are probably the same size just test one to make sure it all fits and works and everything okay a little glob of something here and do i want to do anything else there probably let me put that down first oh now i got one bow bigger than the other okay that happens that happens there we go okay so i have a little a bow that's cute right who doesn't love that um and i think we totally need a raccoon in the corner because if you don't have a raccoon in the corner you haven't lived you know what i mean today is raccoon in the corner day where'd my black ink go okay you guys need to stop hiding things from me because um there we go my black soot ink here it is i can't see anything sorry this is a peg stamp i think i got from nora jane on etsy if you're looking for those not sponsored by these folks i just like their stuff and uh yeah got my stamp all right now i'm rocking and rolling okay now i have a cute little envelope totally adorbs and this is actually um this paper is a little bit thicker than copy paper if it was copy paper i probably would have doubled it up just just saying um you don't have to because these things are thin and going into journals and they can be one page thick um all book pages are one page thick and you know copy paper is one page thick and we function with it just fine when we're working with it so it doesn't seem to tear and fall apart and everything but anytime you have a fold or a pull the risk of tearing is a little greater so did this all seal up i think so yeah i think you're okay all right um okay are we dry no not yet okay we're gonna we're gonna dry hang on i'll be right back okay i'm back and i'm dry yay finally okay so this one i think i'm going to i don't know just grab maybe another um how about some bird feet anybody for bird feed yeah okay let's see get the old ink and we're gonna ink it this is the black soot maybe i'm gonna pretend like this bird came across this way okay i'm like the worst stamper so yeah i don't don't follow what i do um but if you have flat surfaces and probably a foam underneath and all that fancy stuff and uh um it would come up beautifully but hey you know this is me working with what i got okay getting a little better here don't have so much of the circle on it i think that's kind of cool you know and um i could put a word on there let me show you how the the marker writes okay so here's that faber costell pit artist pen in medium and and what i'm gonna do here let's see okay we got little kids in mercantilism yeah yeah okay how about uh when in doubt okay well how about this there fascinating huh yeah i know um but it's you can just write a word in if you don't have a word um you can leave a little space for somebody to write but you've made you could like do a million one things for these little cards but you can also do little accents let's just show that let's say if you don't have a lot of supplies you can actually just take your mark your pen marker thing whatever this is and just maybe do some dots surrounding some of the letters in no particular order or reason but just kind of amplifying what you have and maybe you just want to do some extra dots maybe amplifying the corners um could acquire like little rivets or sewing holes or something like that kind of cute right and um and do do do some here too opposite corners all right so there's like so many fun things did i show you that at all i'm sorry oh lord okay there we go um there so you have that and you could even if you want to um you could you could put some lines here for somebody to write on you could hand draw them you can use a ruler um however you want the look to be maybe what else can we do what else can we there's so many things um hang on let me find something okay so um i think i'm just gonna leave it like that after pondering on it uh leaving it flat and simple on the inside i think is a good idea for this tiny card with the manila folder it's got enough structure to be a card where somebody could write a little note a thank you a happy birthday something like that make it a gift tag whatever they like uh and then we've got the cute little envelope that goes with it if you want to open up your envelope and maybe put something here just because you know you've got uh you're just thinking hey that would be cool to have something there so we're going to put something there how about this i think i did this on the other one and put the word vintage there just for fun you don't have to fill up every little spot but you can you totally can and that's okay all right here we go i'm going to put my little card in there and it is all tucked in and adorable so let's see it with its little brethren here we go here's its little buddy and i've got one more see this little one you can use appliques little pieces of material you can tear the edge instead of having a folded edge you have options and there we go so let's see what this looks like in the journal you can also glue the envelopes the backs of the envelopes to your um junk journal page or you could clip them in and make them removable these i think i'm going to make removables just because and let's put these on here one a two and i need one more one more purple one more purple paper clip and i dyed that with um alcohol ink so it's just got a little bit of a purple mess on it and there you go so this would be the the triple tiny envelope and card page now i could do some more fun things down here like maybe maybe where's those bird feet never never uh ignore a good pair of bird feet now it's probably a good idea to put something flat behind your page if you're going to stamp on it right when you have it all ready to go already inserted in your journal it'll just give you a nicer cleaner impression bird feet in the black soot and we're hopping can you see you see okay okay maybe this bird sort of i get about two impressions out of one bird foot hop a little further nope sort of not the best okay there we go so now we have a little something over here now you could even go further and put little surprise somethings behind every card and envelope so you would totally blow their socks off as if their socks have not been blown off already but let's say what do we have i'm just grabbing anything here um you could do words you could do numbers i already have some black stuff there so maybe i want to put a little picture of something okay maybe i'll put some birds maybe a little big ah these guys okay i've got some cute little birds here let's pop these babies down and i'm just gonna fussy cut these out yeah yeah um i'm in view right yep okay this is the hawk finch the male and so this this is a bit of a um it's gonna be a foresty mysterious kind of journal and i thought it might be fun to put some different birds and some different you know foresty ant flora and fauna flora forest and flora forest flora and fauna she said three times fast and maybe do you want to take your new fancy fandangled inkaroo thing sure try it oh look it works even better now that it's dried a little bit it works just like a regular inker huh can you see that okay so yeah very nicely actually i wonder if it'll stencil we should try that let's try it together we got a second all right let me let me ink this up or stick it okay there we go all right so i'll put this one here and let me grab this any stencil give me a stencil all right what do you got pam okay i have this there's some butterflies here which could be foresty right they could be a little forest design let's try if we can stencil with this oh i think we can ah oop not so good there so if it's really wet it doesn't work what happened to the other side almost went through not bad so make sure you really wring this out or you're going to get bleed under okay so that's what we learned with that little grand experiment you saw it here live and how can we make this better how how you say well we're going to try this um let us grab a stabilo pencil acro rail stabilo pencil which is a water-soluble pencil and let's reshape our butterflies yeah this is okay if the butterfly doesn't want to come to us we will come to the butterfly okay give it a little butterfly body okay here's some of those okay you don't have to do them all like if they came out okay you could just leave them as is maybe i'll just do that give him the shape he's okay yeah just give him some shape on that side and what are you we have no idea we'll just give you some shape too okay now you can take a little bit of water i have a little bit of water um in a spritzer i'm just going to spritz over here so it don't drip right on there and we're going to see what happens oh that's kind of interesting yeah creating on the fly here okay well i think i'm telling myself this shows movement and motion because these are butterflies of the forest and they do not stay still they carry on and do things so there you go so you just use your little bluebirds also known as little errors or mistakes or not planned for us how about we call them that little uh not plan fors okay look at this guy what is he this is a sparrowhawk female oh well i might have to invite those along to come and play all right i should probably put a mushroom or something there though like a mushroom hang on you know when you're looking for a mushroom and you cannot find anywhere but what i did find was this little snow bunny maybe snow bunny has to come all right snow bunny you're coming and i'm just tearing you off the page because i just want a small piece of you don't need all of you not today that'll be for another day let's see if we can get a tiny snow bunny i'm tearing with my right hand forward at me so i get the reveal of the white edge going around snow bunny forest snow bunny that's who this is [Music] remove mhm okay put you i'll just put you there oh you can't see sorry oh there you go okay so here's forrest snow bunny and do i want to ink for a snow bunny sure why not let's see let's use our new funky found brown ink so yeah i would say if you're gonna stencil make sure this is almost like almost dry just damp but don't use it silky wet like i did that with that was the big arrow i think it's gonna work just fine though um there we go all right okay we'll put you here maybe there okay um let's glue yeah let's glue you a little dab will do ya here we go that's perfect there i guess i put you right in the middle how about that okay so now back just to assembling our page just kind of a fun layout page just uh uh something different something a little explorative trying something new always good to push your envelope push it to where it hasn't gone before be brave it's only paper and there's lots of fun for you to be had here and sometimes the the greatest fun can be in trying something new who stole my other paperclip was it was it you yeah it what come on don't be okay all right thank you all right oh sonny left the building where are you sonny you wanna come say goodbye wanna say bye to everybody um well if he's not here um we'll catch him next time promise he's always around somewhere and all is well so i hope you guys had fun today and i hope you try these little teeny tiny cards and envelopes because they're such cute little add-ons for your journals you can also tuck them into pockets or tucks you can make a little collection of them and stuff them into an envelope and clip the envelope or glue the envelope onto a page so many ways you can use these so if you find value here please like subscribe and share click the notification bell if you want to be notified of new videos my amazon store all links are down below my videos if you're looking for favorite tools and supplies that i use i put them in my amazon shop i have an etsy shop which i just put out my march vintage digital kits if you want to check those out they're downloadable and they give you a whole host of different things that you can play with if you like to use the vintage style and i have a monthly free email newsletter where you get a free digital image a checklist of supplies a note from the bookmaker and um junk journal tip and updates from me and all sorts of fun stuff and um my videos come out mondays wednesdays fridays and saturdays eastern time 7 a.m my podcasts which are audio come out tuesdays and thursdays and that's new material about junk journaling paper crafting life of a crafter and all sorts of fun stuff and i have a facebook group come on over and play on our facebook group page we're having a lot of fun over there making things doing things doing monthly and weekly challenges all for fun just good old time gathering with the folks and the paper and remember that fun can be simple and create with reckless abandon everybody else so wait a minute here he comes hold on and create with reckless abandon everybody bye
Channel: The Paper Outpost
Views: 33,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: junk journal, junk journals, handmade journal, handmade journals, handmade book, scrapbook, junk journaling, The Paper Outpost, handmade junk journals, journal, the paper outpost, paper outpost, how to make, tutorial, junk journal tutorial, step by step instructions, journal for beginners, easy journal tutorial, beginner junk journal, tiny cards, cards, cards and envelopes, teeny tiny cards, mini cards, envelope embellishment, little cards, little envelopes, envelope ideas
Id: xzLdJtZi8TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 19sec (2239 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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