Let's Make an EASY PORTFOLIO out of 2 Greeting cards! Fun Junk Journal Embellishment! Paper Outpost!

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hey everybody this is pam at the paper outpost are you ready to have some fun with just a couple of greeting cards to make something like this which is very fun and very easy and anybody can make this so this is a little i would call it a either a tri-fold or a little mini portfolio but the nice thing about it is it's very easy to make it's quick you can use up a lot of your scraps and it's a nice thing to insert inside a journal here is the demonstration of me inserting it into a journal here i go there i am inserting it into a journal yep there we go and uh you could clip it on you could paper clip it you could um whatever you like i mean you just put a big paper clip and it will work just dandy inside your journal as a fun thing to be tucked inside don't even know where it went at this point do you nope okay so let's take a look at this so you can see exactly what it is to see if you might have some fun today with your papers making something simple and easy and breezy and get rid of the decor here okay okay um all right so i this is the front page it has been uh collaged it has a let me take that off because that was part of the getting it into the journal oh i just glued this on that's why that moved okay it's literally still just wet okay um i put a little paper clip with a um just a little piece of a cotton muslin on it as the closure here is the back as you can see it's just a collage of different types of paper different uh writing styles different font different colors of pages different size of text just something to give the eye an opportunity to wander around plus i had a lot of scraps hanging around thought you might too okay so it opens up like this and then it opens up like this and what do we have inside what do we have we have a little collection of journal cards and i believe these are all from my digi kit beautiful do i want to say beautiful birds i'll put it i'll put the link down below something about birds and you can see different styles of text here and different colors of paper different sizes of text and i just made everything is made out of book pages the decorations even this little corner is made out of book pages so you could you could tuck anything in here but this is just an example and on this side i made a long um u-shaped pocket out of another this similar book page that's popping up here here and here and i just put some of those fun papers that we made the other day just little writing papers little note papers that you could tuck in here and just give somebody an opportunity to write a few extra little secrets to themselves and in the center is actually a little notebook and i just um cobbled together uh in petticoat style meaning this little layered look at the bottom uh torn bottom i sewed across here and then i glued it in from the whole top piece here and then i added that extra piece of little embellishment on the top from that one page so you can do a lot with very little it didn't require a lot of supplies basically a couple of greeting cards and you can work with cards that are different size but for this project i'm just going to be working with cards that are the same size so we can see how to make something kind of cool and this would be fun to put in a basket for somebody maybe a birthday basket or a mother's day basket or something like that and uh just might be a fun little a little something for them to explore okay now they're certainly not going to get this um from everybody else right so on the front my decorations are this little uh painted paper clip no it's a safety pin yep and uh just more torn book page with a cute little old button this little uh pho picture is that cute looks like he's um whacking for mice on the floor which i think is kind of a funny a funny scene and a little applique on the bottom just a little bit of inking around just for fun but you can dress these up are down as much as you like but let's make one so easy not rocket science okay grab yourself a couple of cards it doesn't matter what size they are it'll pretty much work in any size situation i have these two cards i have a lot of the same card so this is a great way for me to use up the structure of the card these happen to be blank on the inside but it will work whether there's something on the inside or not because we're going to cover it so what you want to do is hold them in the regular orientation let's say opening um uh right to left and then you want to take one and what we're gonna do is take the front of it if that's where your picture is i'm gonna turn it around and we're going to do this so it's going to look like this okay and so our two picture sides there's one picture there's the other picture they're going to lay on top of each other so let's just go ahead and glue that down like maybe i need to back up a little bit here okay there we go focus focus okay um let me get a little more light on the subject why is it dark in here i don't know about seventeen thousand lights okay so we're gonna glue our pretty puppy there not not you no no sunshine you're fine and uh i've already actually given this card to a lot of my friends so it's okay that i uh that i uh you know this puppy is uh going to be used for other things yes it's okay all right here we go so basically what you want to do is just glue these two together don't abut it right in the edge maybe give yourself like an eighth of an inch away from the from the spine just so that you have a little bit of folding room so you have because we're going to be building up a little bit and you want to have a little extra room so at least an eighth of an inch even a quarter of an inch is okay all right there we go all right got that handled okay so next what we're going to do is we're just going to um collage the heck out of this there we go um all right so i have just got a collection oops you're way too close what are you doing there okay there you go um a dark rich caramel color in german it doesn't matter um what you know they don't have to be different languages but um i just grabbed things that looked different text blocks that looked different there's a recipe here's some shorthand you can use kids books pictures it doesn't matter but the contrasting colors kind of make it neat and the different styles of everything is going to give it a little bit of pop all right so let's go ahead and just glue some of this stuff down and i've got actually in this last one i was working on i've got some scraps let me bring those over back up a little bit so you can see a little better okay here we go now we're rocking all right this is how it's done okay now we're going to town we're going we're going all the way to town today okay and uh um you what i would say is uh you want you can do a couple of different things and and this is what i tried because i really didn't know what i was doing um so i grabbed a glue stick glue stick okay and uh i just want to move some of that stuff over okay so what we're going to do is this one is a little bit bigger than our card which actually works out well because we are going to do a bit of a wrap around because we want to cover the edges okay um just because we want to cover the edges that's really what okay so and the reason why we're doing that the wraparound is because then we're going to put some stuff on the other side and it's already going to have an edge and we don't have to worry about what are we going to do with the edges and where they go and all that kind of thing so just make sure that you cover all your edges and in the middle too and if there's anything that you don't want um like written maybe there's something in there that's just not jiving with you you can always cover it up you can always cover it up which is awesome the power of the crafter we can cover we can cover okay so now we have this and it already has some glue on it let me see if this is enough if it's not i can always come in with some fabrifix for the save let's see how we do so we're just just doing a basic little fold here little fold here folding it all up covering covering not worrying about too much because like i said this back is going to be covered as well yeah yeah there we go all right so we pretty much have that one side done and we can add more to it and i'll show you how to do that to make it look more collage-like um okay so now let's do this side basically okay the same concept let's find a page that is um well let's see what we got what do we got okay i kind of like that one maybe for them oh he's really oh maybe we'll put him over here though okay maybe we'll do you over here yeah okay so this one doesn't quite exactly fit and let's see how that works out that's kind of pretty too um i like this one better actually all right so let's go ahead and glue this one up all the way let's just cover everything getting all our edges and you can use big chunks for collage it's okay because you can always go over it and knock it down and make it look like it was smaller so as you see what i'm doing is i'm i've got some hangover okay that's what i want some hangover okay so let's go see what we got here and see if i have enough glue was i a good gluer we're gonna find out we're gonna find out let's see there we go okay um so we have that alright so now we want a little bit more here and here and we can do that any way we like maybe you want to do some contrasting this would be some contrasting let's see what we have here and we could go across like this yes we we could there's that little ruler okay so we want to go we want to be beyond the edge because we want a little wrap around okay and then we want maybe i'm going to take off the um the blank part i'm just going to go for text because i think that's going to look really cool okay that was a little bit extra and then you lose some okay so let's uh maybe go here because we think that might be the right spot this is a very terry type piece of paper we'll see how far we get all right now let's be it will be extra ginger poop okay oh i can shrink you down there we go okay all right um with the uh with the older papers be gentle because they might tear a little bit but since we're tacking them down completely we have that working in our favor now you want to get close to the spine but not touching it so maybe again leave that 4 8 of an inch and that will give you some whoops see that worked that's where it tore okay we just got to come back in here with some more glue in this is called the glue the bajeebers movement move movement the old trick of yes there we go we pretend like it never oh there it broke again okay that's okay just oh there's stuck to my fingers okay that's what happens when you have glue on your hands okay down there down there stay like you belong there all right now have this little piece maybe we can just stick it on now we'll just go glue over it can you see okay there we go all right all right so now what do we have okay so we have this that's something and we have this little strip here so let's take um maybe do we have any shorthand hanging around shorthand there's some shorthand maybe that would look kind of cute coming down the middle zone there all right let's see oh that's pretty all right let's uh i just want you to see the contrast when you use different types of writing and writing oops doesn't even have to be writing it can be pictures or it can be you know shorthand which i guess is sort of writing but it can be all different kinds of text i think that makes uh the intrigue grand okay so same thing here we're just going to come here and um officially gluing the bajibers gluing the jeepers gluing the bajeeb is probably a good idea to have a wet wipe handy because there's going to be glue everywhere and it's going to get on your project and on your hands and it's always good to be prepared i am not let me go up a little higher so i can do the wrap over and we're wrapped over is that go okay yep we got stuff stuck all over the place here all right so what do we have we have uh the two inside covers um done at this point so that wasn't that wasn't too hard right i mean that that we pretty much could handle and um let's see on the inside what do we want to do here now i've got some of this neutral and and this is very thin paper and this might be just very nice to glue glue right on here why don't i do that okay i am going to just cover this inside with glue yes that is what i'm going to do i'm gluing can you tell i love to glue do you guys love to glue i could glue all day we could just like hang out and glue you know all right let me put this here close to the spine but not right on it and i'm just gonna stay a little way from the edge on this one i don't know i understand that's just the way it's going yeah okay now this one's very broken up i think there's two in here yep um yeah i could do that couldn't i yeah i could do that i'm gonna have to come in there and glue all that down but i could do that all right there we go okay so let me just this down okay okay get in there okay little glue balls all right well i got all sorts of broken paper but i don't know there's just something really cool about this old paper i just feel the need to to use it in our projects and um admire it and adore it and oh boy we're not quite even on the bottom oh it's gonna be really hard to move now oh it's okay we'll just call it good um all right you got that so we have a center and that was pretty easy right so let's say you want to jazz this up a bit like maybe you just don't want this whole thing solid like that but you want to have some some different things going across it so maybe we're going to find something that looks different what looks different i could find a um well we definitely know you look different but let's see if we can find something else we have that oh this looks different okay so this is different and maybe we're going to cut part of this out and you can cut it or tear it doesn't matter i'm a big fan of tearing because i don't have to measure or do anything so too difficult well let's just cut a section out well let's get the let's cut it out and see what we what we have that what does it look like okay all these little scraps can come in handy you can use them up you use them up in your projects you don't have to save every little scrap but if you do and you use them hey hats off to you i think that's awesome that's always my goal it rarely comes out like that now you could stay um very centered you could do a corner you could do a like something like this and i think that's what i'm gonna do but for this one i think for some reason i'm going to grab some walnut ink can you see that glasses on okay uh walnut stain and uh since this has a nice rough edge i think it's just gonna help it pop a little bit more against the background inking is not necessary it's just optional and if you enjoy the process then go for it if it's like oh god no no not inking again you don't do it don't do it you don't have to do it um no rules right no rules and i'm using fabrifix glue and i've trans i've transported it into this icing piping bottle made by sugar bells and uh but basically has a thinner metal tip so i don't go through so much glue and if you haven't seen this isn't my this is my handy-dandy self-designed fufu glue container this is a water bottle covered in lace glued onto a piece of cardboard that has been decorated and if you can look in there there's some glue that's leaked out but it turned into its own stopper so that's um working pretty good there this one i have my um uh my our glitter glue and we're we're talking to our glitter glue lately to see if it wants to come back and play we're not quite 100 sure it's willing it might be a winter thing not sure um okay we'll see though i'm not giving up on it i think it's a good glue all right so there we have some like different looks different things going down all right and and you can even continue and do a little bit more if you want what else do we have here um like maybe you want to just do something across the top there just for fun just because you're you're here and you just wanted a little something okay i just want a little something just to give it a little bit of difference okay i'm just going to glue that on and see what happens what's that look like on the back okay that's okay we don't really need much on the back because we already have it covered over so i'm just going to tear this off flush with the edge very easy to do and get rid of that because we don't need all that there so you can collage as much or as little as you like i'm going to leave this a little bit blank because we are going to put something on top of here um so just jazzing up the sides and then if you flip it over now we get to jazz up the back yeah now you could also do this middle and and cover over the edges maybe i should do that because that looks probably more complete all right let me try maybe i'll put the words at the top and the bottom how about that okay let's just cut this page in half and then we'll have lots of words all right and just tear this here and then little glue that's like so brittle but i love it i love it it's like a i don't know like a weird fascination for the old papers just love them all right get my glue going from the edge to the edge taking that there and then tearing this little side off and then we're going to do a flip over hold on hold breath okay let's just put some glue down here and be done with this we'll be done with that yeah okay all right and the fold that's how that's done you don't have to fuss with it too much now um we're gonna do the same thing on the bottom i guess because we have a little tail there so let's deal with that okay we can just quickly tear that go here maybe get some glue going with the glue again getting glue everywhere still don't have the baby wipe that's okay we don't need it nope and enough to wrap over the top and then decide exactly how wide you want this i'm going to line it up with the one that's there such lovely paper just love the feel of it crunchy crinkly crunchy crinkly gotta love it okay all right here we go um okay so this is the back and this no sorry this is the inside this is the outside that's the inside okay so now let's do something with this now you might say hey hey if i'm gonna put something there i think i might be able to see through it now i don't know if this one you're seeing through that much but if you were you just take something and you cover it like let's say you have a white piece of paper and you just stick it down okay this will work um it's here and we're just going to glue it here we go 1957 short handbook all right here you go [Music] there we go all right now you can slide it over while you still have a second and line it up with one edge and then you're saying pam but pam what about that we have more paper it's okay it's okay we're not out of paper the world has not come to an end all right here's a nice piece of uh i don't know something but it looks it looks very fancy i think we should use it um here we go come on puppies there you go yay all right so we have you we maybe need you to be about i don't know that white okay all right that's good and that will work very nicely okay so let's go ahead and glue that down i think we can glue right on this oop hold on to your glue stick hold on to your glue stick misses don't let it run away on you be gentle remember these papers are gentle remember your orientation if you have something that's upright you want to make sure well you don't have to do all upright but if you wanted to maintain upright just double check before you glue down because things can get away on you really fast yeah okay and i think i want to do some more here some i don't know just something different anything um okay so we did that we did shorthand we have lots of shorthand let's go first let's go deep and find what else is here what else is here we have other papers we do okay what are you you're something okay okay so this is a different color paper oh there we go the glue goes into the walnut stain um that's all right i'm just going to get the text block free it okay there we go there we go now this must be a play or something something about merlin merlin maybe the magician that's kind of cool okay let me let's do that all right let's put this down just we'll just glue it i think we're going to cover all that so there you go that under piece is really just used as a blockade to mask what's under it but it doesn't have to be it can actually do your back and that's fine and here's some different writing we can use this okay i'm just going to hand to this because i'm right here i'm right here for gosh sakes i don't have to run the garage and get anything oh that's very sticky under what i'm i'm doing yet forgot to forget forgot about that okay so let's maybe put that there there goes the glue again yep it's just got a mind of its own today all right so maybe you want to do something different here maybe you want to do i don't know a surprise of some sort what would be a surprise different font would be a surprise or you could even do a little piece of decoration or something like that like an illustration or something but let's just i've got a little pieces here so let's let's use what we have okay we have scraps we have scraps okay i have some of this yep there we go whoop that was too close to the edge back up sally back up get your edges together okay there we go there all right now one little piece there that's okay we'll do something with you i'll put a little a little colored piece up there a little illustration from a plant book i'll just put that there and cover that yeah all right so now we just have these two flaparoonies to cover so let me take a bigger page here i like that i like this stuff so i think it would be very good now the advantage of doing the fold over allows you not to have to worry about coming too close to the edges see you can just simply place it right on top as long as you're inside the frame you're good okay so back up let's glue oh that's that's very nice there all right well glue on you please don't rip please don't rip please don't rip oh these little tender old pages they've been through the best bit but they've made it this far we're gonna take them all the way into the to the next century well maybe not that far but you know we'll take them as far as they're willing to go all right we have that that's good we want to do something like that we could do that let's just use all these little bitties up yeah little bitties yep this is a great way to use up scraps um just a couple of greeting cards and you are often running creating something amazing okay what is this here's some nice uh this is from the shorthand book but the text is different which is very neat i like that so let's where's the tearing ruler where's the tearing ruler here it is um all right let's see let's take let's get down to the text block it looks kind of cool when we do that it's just a style it's just a style there's a billion styles you can do any style you want yeah take these in any way you want you can rotate the font it doesn't have to be right side up all the time that's just a a belief and uh we can we can we we don't have to follow that no no we don't okay so let's take about that much it should cover us and then we're gluing and then we're gluing so we're taking it home it doesn't really take that long to do this so it's kind of fun so if you have a stack of uh greeting cards around hanging around you know that box stuck under the bed or in the back of the hall closet or down in the cellar who's got something down in the cellar how about the attic anybody got some up there what about that all right here's another different style text font thing we'll grab this and yep all right let's make sure we have it's long enough are you long enough you are long enough look at you go look at you go and there we go okay that'll work let's glue her let's glue her um okay there we have that side down and and as you notice the um the spines are free they're very easy to bend no problem okay but we are going to put something on the spines just to make them a little bit more appealing um if you want you don't have to it's just an option um okay we have this that's kind of cool all right oh that's really that's kind of pretty i like that okay i think that's gonna go right on the inside that just works perfectly let's do it let's do it this is an old book of bed and breakfast and inns around the world and they're famous recipes so i just came across that at a thrift shop and i thought oh that's cool you know that might be neat so this is the fox and hounds don't even know if these places are in existence anymore but kind of neat to look at their old recipes and stuff i love a good recipe all right there we go so now we have the whole thing is covered now one fun thing that you can do with these kinds of collage is if you have areas where different texts and fonts come together you can take a piece of something that looks different like any contrasting color or something like that um like let's see let's say well this looks sort of different um not that different from that one but the text is bigger so we can do that all right let's try that um where's my tearing ruler where'd it go here it is oh that thing hides me on me all the time okay so just take like a piece there we go a little torn piece and then you put a bridge and that might be what the bridge looks like so and you can ink the bridge or not ink the bridge totally up to you i'm not going to ink the bridge i'm just going to just going to lay it down so you can see the concept okay so if you want to get more of a collage collage look then you can do these little hybrids like that to give you extra extra layer look so it's not actually a lot of extra work but it's just um uh you're where the two pieces come together you can add extra and you can keep going and going and going with that and it kind of looks cool um i like that maybe across the top here i don't know what do you think what do you think something anything a little piece of that maybe yeah that might look cool all right let's try that why don't we just put that whole thing there okay we'll just take off this piece and then we'll just stick that there okay all right now because not to tear it not to tear it not to hold your breath hold your breath all right okay here we go there there so then we have something like that so you can just keep patch mealing patch meal is that the word no there's a word patch making can't think of the word but you know the word i mean by like piecing it together patchworking okay i'll work with that then if you want to do something with the seams you can totally do something with the seams and i would recommend doing something that's very thin like if you want to put a piece of seam binding something like that like in this one i just um i put seam binding on the inside and i wrapped it around and glued it down on the outside so i'll show you how i did that it's pretty easy hang on let me grab some seam binding no um mom i don't know if you should do the same binding you already did the same binding maybe you should show them something different once you look for something different i'm going back to sleep now bye everybody okay i found something different i don't know what this is maybe it's seam binding of another sort i think no it's not stretchy just some sort of little lacy trim thing but try this so what i did nothing fancy yet again um ah what was that cereal nut nut and honey or something this should be nothing fancy not in fancy show all right using the finger tool to smoosh as we do and it is recommended that you uh you lay this down maybe this way and and leave some tail over it because we're going to wrap it around this is probably about as bulky as i would go and this one was maybe even a little bulkier than i would choose but apparently i chose it so we're going with it and that's here here so let's can you see why am i off the page there we go okay um all right here we go there so yeah i'm trying different um colored mats to see which one shows off the stuff the best so you guys can see it the best um there we go that's down and then we're just going to come around from the top did we put some down yet no no there's no glue up there you got to put down there and put some glue missy okay so i put some down smearing it and then the overlay and then push and where's my snipper here's my snipper these are great scissors if you have any difficulty working with your hands cutting they make it easy because you just squeeze as opposed to pull um a lot of crafters use those all right so we're going to do the same thing here i might want to check just to make sure that landed where you want because it might not have gone straight you'll just double a quick check okay that looks pretty good let's make sure there's enough glue to go around the corner because we're going around a spine and this is going to reinforce this little guy it's going to make it a lot stronger and you can play with it a little bit as far as its exact location while it's wet okay let's do this again we have an end and now that we have this all figured out we're going to go down whoops so where did that glue go nobody knew who was driving then yeah looks like somebody got into the sauce with that one okay here we go down we go okay little extra glue sometimes you can get lucky and wipe it away before it gets dries shiny and then flip it over and then glue this one up and put the whole glue down at one time fabric fix fabric to fabric fabric to paper paper to paper it's just a good glue good clear silicone glue grabs fast it doesn't really warp your paper very much so it's a it's a junk journal friendly glue everybody has their own favorite glue okay now we gotta put a little on this side so it anchors and there we go right on top where's our clipper come in with the clipper there we go and we're down are we in okay yeah we're in the in the picture and get it lined up get it lined up okay there we go all right so now we have that very easy right so now we double checking to make sure our trifold works and it's going to work well if you gave that little extra quarter inch here when you merged your two cards together now it's going to fold nicely so maybe you just want to go and ascertain that everything is glued down as it should be and if it's not you can always go back in there with a little extra glue that's okay all right just smoosh that down to its appropriate location i didn't know that was going to be on the front it might go yeah this this is my inside that's my front cover that's kind of cool i like that i didn't know that was going to be the front cover yeah see when you're working it on it backwards you have to kind of remember which one's going to be your front cover but i think that kind of came up cool because that's a neat thing all right so inside um on this prototype i just did a corner tuck and a um a long pocket on that side and then a notebook in the middle so let's just add those things that might be fun huh um do i have more of that stuff i do okay so we can make a long one out of you let's try that okay we are going to cover up a little bit of our collage but that's okay it's all right it's all paper and uh we have more okay now this i think i'm going to ink and maybe i'll ink it in pink this time so i did the other one i think in brown yes i did it in browns i'll do this one in pink just for a little different look you know i have different colors i can play in the different colors you can play in the different colors too um a nice good ink like starter i i don't know i always go to brown black pink blue sometimes green and then i try and encourage force myself to um use different colors but i always gravitate back to the ones i like and you know you know why fight it i mean if you want to explore new colors do it if you're really happy with your base colors go for it i think if i could only pick two colors i'd pick black and brown initially if i was just starting and then i'd slowly like you know ask stuff for christmas and holidays and birthdays and maybe somebody might come up with some some for ya okay now we have that pocket we're gonna let that dry and then do we have enough over here to make there's like something do i have anything come on something all right how about we just make something all right how about we make something out of you or should we make it out of you well we don't have enough of you so we'll just hang on all right i thought i would use this one because it's nice and bright and i have it um that over there so it's kind of a complimentary thing you don't have to complimentary it's no no have to's but i think it's going to go nicely against these colors and let's see how we can turn this into a something i have to make something out of it right and come this far can't oh can't see a thing there you are okay i'm back in the picture all right here we go tearing tearing tearing all right there we go i cannot tear for the life of me my glute my fingers are too gluey today all right we're coming in for the cut no you just can't tear you're gonna cut all right so now let's see what are we gonna do with this um i could just do a straight pocket or i could fold it back and make like a little lip that's kind of cute actually maybe i'll do that that's cute and functional and it handles the entire issue all right now let's let's do some well let's use the compliment let's keep going with the pink i kind of like that all right going around here it's going to help it pop against the background a little bit more with the pink hue and then i think i'm just going to carry on with this there and so you can use papers from anything that can be you know comic books um magazines whatever you like okay so let's just make a little pocket out of that and that's pretty easy to do the old l-shaped glue l l there we go and white glue any glue can make a pocket paper to paper so you're pretty good there um there we go and um now we just want to have a little central thingamajig and let's see this time when we made these papers the other day i think these might come in handy here all right let's see if we can maybe do some kind of fliparoo or something i don't know i'm just feeling like a flipper or something might be kind of fun to do here let's see these papers we just stamped we were just random stamping out of oblivion just stamping um i kind of like that just a little bit of a layered look and then where does it all have to come together here okay now you could staple that you could glue it you could sew it you could actually fold that over make it shorter so it could go like there and they put something at the top let's do that well you don't really need to fold it over but let's let's sew it okay here we're going to sew now can you see not really okay there i'm just going to sew this really fast so there's like three i'm just gonna in here i've got some brown thread hoping i'm gonna hit the right spot number four got the last one go you could stay oh where's the pedal there it is go oh it's got a lot of weight okay there we go now we're rocking now we're rolling this is just holding together my papers all right there we go and cutting it off the back okay so we have that i might nope can't see anything all right there you are okay we're back in okay well that wasn't very straight pam what are you gonna do about that i don't know i don't know it's also confusing um i think i want to narrow this down a little bit so let me just chop off the slide so we can see a little bit more of what's going on and where we want to go because i wanted it to pop a little against the background i think that's kind of cute um okay so let's just let's just see do we want to do that that's kind of cute too i do i kind of like that all right let's do that um let's glue this here and then we'll glue that here well that's kind of doing the same thing but then we're going to glue this here and that's going to be our mainstay that's going to be the stake in the sand there we go and see how all that contrast just works to our favor and now you could come along you could put like a little something at the top let's do a little something because it's going to go with this all right so make sure we're long enough we're long enough yeah i kind of like that okay now let's ink you what color want to go pink again are we just going pink going big and going home with the pink okay let's do that all right we're doing it we're doing it oh i don't know if i told you worn lipstick that's the color all right and this is from one of my botanical books i'm sorry i can't remember the name of it but there's some beautiful imagery out there that's just begging to be found um and just these lovely lovely old pictures from days gone by all right there we go very nice you know it all just sort of next thing you know you've poured you've got that off the back you've portfolioed yourself and you've got something to play with and maybe you want to have some journal cards tucked in there so we can do that oh wait a minute do we have we already have something on the front so i really don't need to do much on the front with this except maybe i'm going to ink it a little bit should we do the pink or the brown let's start with the brown and you don't have to do this part i'm just kind of doing this for fun but all my edges are covered i might have to glue that little fufu down just a smidge let's see let's just get in there and give you a little extra glue there we go yeah okay and okay and do we want to come in with the pink we could we could come in with pink just a little hues just huge it's a little huge okay there we go very cute very cute all right and if you want to um you could add some fun things in there just tuck in whatever you like make some journal cards okay so let's just say we cut some of these up and maybe you want to just ink the edges a little bit to give them a little bit more of a vintage feel you could put a word on them oh you fit there i think you're gonna fit there yeah you're gonna fit very nicely okay let's pop a word on you grab a word word time how about journey that's a good word we like that all right here we go oh i should probably put that on something flat okay they're better okay we got the word on yay okay we got a journey in here and maybe this little guy he's kind of cute maybe we'll ink him in pink pinker there we go yeah very pretty very pretty um and then we could put some things in here and what we're gonna do oh we could do something different like we used some of those here but maybe we could put music that's different we don't have music in here yet and we have different colored music that's kind of cool see these two come in handy they came in handy maybe i'd like to do a pink a brown and a green yeah because i have pinks and browns and greens look at that that's awesome okay so what's the best way to show these let's see can't be any wider than can't be any wider than that okay let's try there and see how we get we'll just fold it and see what happens probably too wide but we can we can fix it okay let's try that are you going to fit probably not oh we're not going to fit we're too long okay i'm just going to trim it all right i trimmed you and i trimmed ya now let's see if you fit well i think we're going to fit now we're not going to complain anymore nope all right there you go so you have a little tri-fold very easily made out of a couple of um greeting cards so i hope you like this idea it was fun for me to make and show you and i hope you give these a try they're really handy for junk journals and for gift giving you can put gift cards in here red letter writing paper you can make note pads in the middle you could put three pockets in the middle we could do a myriad of things and you can close them all sorts of different ways too but uh they're they're very easy to close with any regular paper clip which is kind of fun and i lost my other one so i'm just gonna grab another one because we're here you know and um there we go so take care everybody and um what else do we have to say we have if you find value here please like subscribe and share and um remember april sign up for the newsletter there's an extra special surprise there and my videos come out mondays wednesdays fridays and saturdays and um i've got a etsy shop with vintage digital kits yeah she does and newsletter i told you about um favorite tools and supplies in the amazon shop uh-huh and um i could do this all by myself i haven't memorized now and better than mom does she still reads it off a card can you tell and uh um you can find me on instagram pinterest twitter linkedin facebook facebook group and come and join our facebook group we're having a lot of fun over there doing weekly monthly challenges so take care everybody have lots of good old papery fun and we'll talk to you next time bye bye everybody
Channel: The Paper Outpost
Views: 26,601
Rating: 4.9521737 out of 5
Keywords: junk journal, junk journals, handmade journal, handmade journals, handmade book, junk journaling, The Paper Outpost, journal, the paper outpost, paper outpost, how to make, journal ideas, junk journal tutorial, step by step instructions, how to make a junk journal, playing with paper, how to make a journal, how to make a paper bag journal, ideas for greeting cards, greeting card crafts, portfolio, how to make a portfolio, greeting cards, portfolio from greeting cards
Id: ikeEYKRAW7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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