Easy Perfect Curved Segment Joints Wood Turning

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so i made this a couple weeks ago i call it a wavy bowl and it's pretty cool looking and i know everybody doesn't have the capabilities to cut these out on a fancy cnc machine so i promised that i would show you how you could make these pieces with all those joints without having a fancy machine or even a cutting fixture for your bandsaw they're not going to be exactly like they're not going to be like this but they could be this is what we're going to make this can be your first one if you make this and you decide you like the process later on i will show you a much twistier look that you'll be able to do just as easy as this one and i'll explain how i did that one a little later on and for some reason if you're not happy with how your joints came out i have a little bonus to tell you how you can turn those into a feature and i think it'll look pretty good as well what i just showed you is made out of 11 strips of wood they look a lot like this but they're not exact you'll be able to put one on top of the other and you'll see they're not exact you're going to be six cherries and five walnuts i'll be cutting this line here on the cherry and i'll cut that same line on the walnut they'll fit together perfectly no gaps and it'll be a great glue joint you're not going to have to make a special fixture or a special jig all you need to do is have a band saw so this might sound like a magic trick but it's not but it's it's kind of a trick of the trade and i think it's going to be a lot of fun so stick around and i'll show you exactly how i do it so i'm going to try to explain how i cut the segments with a little wavy shape to them and they were able to glue together with really nice joints i'm going to use walnut and cherry here i laid out a fairly gentle curve you could put any kind of curve you want on it this will work quite well because they're fairly flat curves i wanted to leave enough stock on this side so that i could use it to clamp when i glue it that's why i've left it like that so when i did that i found the points and i marked that now when we go to cut this this board is going to have to be that side of that line otherwise we're not going to be cutting the walnut so i've just marked that right here and i know i've got stopped turn it over and put the line here all we have to do now is line this up right there and we'll put a spot of hot glue in each corner so that this is attached on both sides let me get that done and i'll go over the band saw and show you how i cut it and from there on it's pretty easy but i'll show you a couple more steps all right i'm all set up ready to cut i want to point one thing out as we cut down the center of that line if you should wander off of it don't pull back and try to get back on the line just keep cutting slowly and work your way back onto the line it doesn't even have to be on the line this is a random cut and as long as it goes together it's going to look good let's give it a try all right that was pretty successful the hot glue kept these two pieces together there's our bottom piece you can't see it real well but it fits right against the bottom it also fits against the top but we're not going to use that let's go back over to the bench and i will show you what we do next okay one more step and we'll be on our way and it will be real simple to set up so that board was cut on that line so it fits together quite well the walnut that was underneath was cut at the same time and it fits perfect as well it'll make a really nice glue joint i decided i want three quarters of an inch segment just to make it easy once you start doing these you can pick whatever you want but i have it at three quarters i brought this up and i'm using it as my template brought it up here and then i marked it now we stack this one on top of the cherry and cut it and we just keep going back and forth between the walnut and cherry and we're we're going to mark we're going to mark our pieces so we don't get lost down the road and how i make sure that i have a three-quarter segment i marked about a half inch here that means i want to get this up here and it's kind of a oversized half so i'm going to just go past the line and hot glue this one down now so i know that that will be cutting so i've got the hot glue gun ready and the way i've done these is i can go through fast enough that i don't even shut the hot glue gun off and if i forget this one shuts itself off after eight minutes so we've got that i'll let that set up for a second and i'll flip it over and do the other side over at the bandsaw we'll cut one more we'll go over this one more time with these pieces since they're bigger one time you'll be cutting with the cherry on the top once that's cut you'll be cutting with the wallet on top and the cherry just keep going back and forth cutting this profile through the other one that gives you the shape you're looking for lay the shape out get it on top of the piece that you're going to cut through you've got the line just back and forth back and forth and you'll have it all right we're ready to cut this and again one cut is going to give us the side of two different pieces all right it is time to glue them together and they fit really nice again all i did was bandsawed this i didn't do any sanding i also mentioned at the beginning that they are not interchangeable that's why you put these marks on here if i put that one there it does not fit it rocks it's only one side fits on each one it's easy enough to keep track of i usually don't wear gloves when i use wood glue but today as soon as i get done with this i'm going to go out and barbecue a couple big thick hamburgers so i don't want the glue on my hands i'm going to get these stacked up and clamped so i don't make too big of a mess and i'll be back and we'll get the glue on okay here it is all sanded up i think it looks pretty nice i'm going to go ahead and cut a disc out of this piece and we'll get it set up and we'll make us a little turning so i'll be right back so i was going to just turn a dish out of this if you have this glued up and your joints look like that and you are a little hesitant about cutting a ring into it go ahead and make a dish put a little pedestal on it i mean this would look really nice and like i say i was gonna do that but i sketched it up and i want to cut it here and glue it on there and make it slightly taller but don't feel bad about making a dish out of this because it'll be a beauty if you do so i'm going to go ahead and cut this ring off there we go all right this is how i glue them together before i made them into separate rings i put a pencil mark on a crust and there's that one that has a pencil mark now it's a matter of getting it pressed down it'll start tacking up pretty fast i can look at each one of these joints and it looks like it's lined up about perfect there as i look at the width and then i look over here that looks good this one and this one look good i like to let it sit for a little while before i try clamping it because if i clamped it right now it'd probably just kind of slide out of the way let me set it for a while but then we'll get it clamped up all right that's probably set for about 10 minutes so i'll just put this board on it it's got a piece of plywood underneath there to pull that out just a little bit and when i clamp it i want to make sure it doesn't slide and you can see the glue coming out here and nothing moved so i think it's good so i've got it mounted up in the chuck now and it's it's running pretty true i think the only thing i'm going to do here is put a little og shape on it i'm just kind of round this over and then curve back in and this board is about three quarters thick i want to take about three eighths of it off maybe a little more i'm going to start out with a half inch bowl gouge and that's about 900 rpm should be fine okay that's not too bad i'll go ahead and sand this side now and i'm going to use sheets of paper i might start with 80 grit even though it almost doesn't need it and work my way up to 400 i'm going to get my dust collector going so it'll be a little bit noisy but i'll do a little sanding and when we come back we'll be turning the back side so [Music] okay i'll go ahead and sand the backside show you some of that it's going to be the same thing i'll use sheets of paper starting at 80 through 400 but this time i'll be standing in reverse at about 400 rpm okay i'm going to use the minwax water-based sanding sealer and then i'll be using the minwax polycrylic [Applause] at least on this first coat i'm just going to brush it in there and i like to get as much as i can and let it soak in for a while and i'll wipe it off so that's kind of the process here then i'll just wipe it wipe it down and it'll be wiping it in at the same time and to avoid streaks so the next coats i put on i won't brush i'll just put it on with a piece of cloth or a paper towel i got all the sealer on i put one coat of poly acrylic i let that dry and it really dries fast i think it hasn't even been 10 minutes this is 400 grit this is what i do maybe between every other coat you can see the dust i think right here it's real fine because well it's fine paper and finishes on pretty smooth as it is with these pieces i like to kind of finish with the grain i may go around like that that i like to finish going with the green then we'll just kind of blow it off if there's anything left on there you want to make sure you wipe it off a little piece of cloth in the polycrylic so you're going to get all the any kind of runs or anything that you see but when you put it on thin you really don't get them it comes out pretty smooth all i need to do is remove that tenon which is hot glued on and i'll be back and show you what we have so here's the piece that i talked about in the beginning where each one of these would be much different than the neighboring piece and that's to kind of show you that when you cut along that line that we talked about before if you did wander off and it changes it it's not going to make it look bad it might even make it look better in some cases that's why i did this none of these are alike all right i don't have any lines on here to follow so we're just going to go freehand you can do it with a liner without a line and that fits perfect also if you glue this in halves you can lay your rings out cut them on the bandsaw on like a 45 degree angle works quite well glue the rings together and then you'll be able to stack them up so all of this can be done on the bandsaw you don't have to have that special ring cutter that i made i just wanted to show you that okay it's all done and i've got a few things to show you here and one of them is this bowl of course and it finished eight inches in diameter it's two inches tall and about a quarter inch wall i used water-based sani sealer in poly acrylic for the finish but what the video was really about was how to cut these little strips without using any kind of a fixture or jig and be able to glue them together with really good glue joints that's why i picked a more gentle curve and it made it very easy and they all look identical even though they're not identical because it's kind of a freehand cut so after i got done with that yesterday i actually thought well let me show you how to make something that's totally random totally free hand no sketching of lines or anything so that's why i made this and every one of those cuts i didn't have any idea what i was going to do i just started cutting and making little twisty lines and it's not glued together and i will get it glued together and turn something out of it i wasn't really planning on doing a video on it but if you're interested maybe i will so that's just as easy to do as the first one that i showed you with the gentle curves i also mentioned that if you're not happy with the joints for some reason if your saw blade wasn't cutting quite as good as you'd like there's a way to accent those joints and that's what i did on this piece here now that's a piece of wood in the middle and this is two pieces of the same wood glued together and i think you can see the line in there i use black dye in in there with thick glue and that would be a way if you didn't have really good joints you could do that and it would be a little accent strip what i used for that was acrylic artist paint and i've done that on a few things experimenting and it works and you want to use as thick a glue as you can for doing that because if you had bad joints you want that to be a filler so i think that worked pretty good but really this is what we were doing and if you're interested go ahead and start uh by doing one of these and if you think this was very beneficial share it around all your friends i'd like to see everyone be able to try something like this and share it everywhere all your friends social media wherever i'd really appreciate that so i hope you enjoyed the process well if you made it this far i really appreciate it and hopefully it means that you liked it if you did like it click that like button give it a thumbs up also leave a comment as well i read them all and i'll do my best to answer any questions as always many thanks to all my subscribers and if you're not and you like what you saw consider doing so thanks again and until the next time see you later you
Channel: ThePapa1947
Views: 3,502
Rating: 4.9787612 out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, bowl, bowls, live edge, natural edge, bark, segment, segments, segmented, multi axis, multiaxis, droop bowl, star bowl, tumbling bowl, shellac, lacquer, square bowl, bowl in a bowl, emerging bowl, emerging goblet, sphere, dodecahedron, lathe, revo, laguna revo 1836, tricky wood turnings, Acks Abrasive Paste, best wood finish, best wood polish, best way to finish wood, unique wood turning, unusual wood turning, Maple Burl, Band Saw Bowl, Economy Bowl, Bowl in a board
Id: sGhHcgqhAlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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