A Trick For Perfect Inside Out Wood Turning

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in my last video i did an inside out turning and i wasn't able to show all the steps that i would like to have on how you take these apart flip them around glue them back together and turn it i offered to do another video just on doing that and i also i think i have a method if you've never made an inside out turning and you're hesitating to do it i think this would be an easy way to get into it i'm not saying it's the way you should do it every time but it'll almost guarantee you to have a nice looking turning when you're done so what i've done here is i just drew a random spline on the computer for a shape what i'm going to do now is go bandsaw that out before we glue the things together and i'll show you why once we do that let's go over to the saw i'll cut this one i'll cut the rest but i won't show you all that okay i'll go ahead and cut this close to the line but not right on it okay they're all cut out now if you don't have a band saw this particular method might not be of help but just how i flip them around and glue them hopefully that'll help you a little bit so now i've got uh an x marked on the way they're supposed to be and i'll be gluing them together like this and the main reason that i think this could be an advantage cutting this is if you just marked this on your piece let's say over here and turned it you would be nowhere near where you want to end up to have a window cutting straight through it puts this line in the center of the piece if that makes any sense because this will be here like that it'll be like that and if i turn this here you'll see when i hit this line it really hasn't taken anything off of there but what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn until i hit the line in the center now that will be a window hopefully this will all become clear as we do it i'll go ahead and get these glued together on the ends i'll use a piece of paper in there and i'll show you that be right back okay this is how i like to glue them together the reason that i'll put this paper in here is because you'll be able to pop this apart without tearing the wood grain as long as you don't get glue across there and it doesn't take much first time i ever used the brown paper was in grade school they taught us how to do it i think it was on a wood turning as a matter of fact and that wasn't even in this century but it wasn't a century ago seems like it if a little of that grain does tear you're going to turn it away anyways but you don't want to do it if you can avoid it that's the best okay so what i'll do making sure i still have my x's in place put this here and squeeze it i like to squeeze it and slide just a little bit look for the x i think it's pretty symmetrical but i didn't try to make it that way okay i'm not going to let that sit all that long because we'll be taping them together as well but just for a short amount of time then i'll be back and i'll show you what we're going to do okay we're set up to glue the two halves together and that brown paper is nothing more than a little paper bag okay i'll let that sit for a little while i don't know if well i if i said what would that is but it's oak okay next step this is a strapping tape i'll just put some over the ends a couple wraps maybe that glue only sat for seven or eight minutes just enough to tack it in place while i do this okay next step is to make sure these are flat and this one is and i'll show you what i'm going to do this is a uh just a punch center punch and i don't use it for pounding the marks into steel or aluminum or anything i have plenty of those for that this is i use for wood it's certainly hard enough to use for steel but it's sometimes you just have a tool you like the baby i can find this cross between all of those pretty easy to get it started and that one too so now we're gonna get it in between centers and turn this section i feel i need to give a little more explanation on how i come up with doing one of these imagine that this is four blocks and i will cut it later and you can do them that way you can turn it and re-cut them but that's not how i do it if i was to draw my profile right here and cut it it's not going to be anywhere near what you need to have a window but i'll show you that if i cut down through all the way down through here so this is the low point that low point would be right about there now i'll be seeing this line down here and you'll see that shortly so one rule to go by is if this blocks an inch and a half and that's your low point here you don't want that to be less than the width of that board if it is it's going to end up with really thin edges on the outside you'll see that too what i'm going to do is i have two of these i'm going to turn one to that line and stop and cut them i'll turn the other one after i saw it and i'll be cutting to the line down here i went ahead and turned both of the blocks this is the one where i marked it on the top and i did not band saw through it after splitting the pieces this is what i ended up with not quite what i was looking for when i sketched it so this is the one where i bandsawed straight through and i used the line under the block which actually represents more of what i had sketched because it cut away up here where the window would be and this is what we end up with and i like that a lot so i wanted to show you that now let's get back to the rest of the video okay so what i like to use is these safety centers and i like to take the nose cone off of this live center because it has a little cup on it and this is like a little cut this actually helps it stay together okay the other thing i've done is i've taken a sharpie and i've marked that this is the original template it's smaller than the rest of these now we just turned all of this around until we hit this line grab my face shield and we'll get going [Music] a long ways on that i'll probably use my parting tool to get down there [Music] this is what the window will look like that's half of the window there that's about what i was trying to sketch up so we can just go ahead and sand this and put some finish on it and we'll get it flipped around and i'll show you how i do that and glue it back together permanently all right let's go ahead and sand this and it shouldn't be too hard i'll start with 80 grit be sanding in reverse at about 400 rpms and i'll work my way up to maybe 320. it doesn't need much more than that on the inside so let me get my mask on and i'll start sanding so that that'll be pretty easy i'll be back when it's time to get a finish on it so we're gonna put the friction polish on in reverse as well and i'll start with about the same as i was sanding about 500 rpms i've already taken that tape off because sometimes that can take a long time get it out of the chuck also you want to mark the pieces i've got one two three and four when i take this apart put them back together i want one and two to meet in the middle and three and four so let's see if it'll come apart and it should take a pretty thin putty knife and get it started that paper just came apart that's it right there basically you get one and i didn't mark that very good as the corner but that's it so there is that's the shape that we ended up making kind of interesting so i'll get these cleaned up and glue them together in halves let it sit for a while and then we will glue it back in one piece again probably let it sit till tomorrow morning and then we can get it finished let me kind of get set up to do that okay we're all set it's pretty much the same as first glue up except there's no paper and we don't want it to come apart on this first go-around i'll still be able to get in there and clean the glue off but you don't need to go all the way to the joint i put them together push and slide just a little bit like that i'll look down at this i'm not concerned with the top i'm concerned with the actual part and that looks good and now we'll do this one and that's it right there no need to clamp this it's a good joint i'm going to leave it go like that okay i'll let that sit for half an hour or so i'll come back and we'll glue them together okay i have got them ready to glue together and you see i have the numbers matched i'm in a dilemma when i first picked this up i didn't have them lined up which is okay because i knew that when i didn't see the numbers line up but just for the heck of it i looked at that side and i've got that shape and i've got the regular shape here so we need to take a vote do we want it one side this way and then one odd side okay on the count of three say odd or even and i'll do it one two three okay i heard you i'll get it glued together and you can see it tomorrow i'll let you see some of the glue up i've got the glue on here and i have this piece ready to glue on i'm gonna get it hooked together but i'm not gonna let you see it i just wanted to show you that i let it sit about ten minutes and the glue tacked up and then i put two clamps pull this out all night and it's time to put a shape on the outside first thing i'm planning on doing is just to rough turn it round so i can get a tenon on this end that way i'll be able to grab it here and do the final finishing on the top end use a spindle roughing gouge at around a thousand rpms okay i've got a parting tool and i'll go ahead and get a tenon on here let's put it in the chuck so okay it should run good and it does all right now a shape well right now you just pretty much turn it until you like it as long as you don't turn too much away here then you'll have two pieces so just be cautious of the how thin this gets because it can easily disappear if you don't stop and look at it so i'll go back to the spindle roughing gouge grab my face shield should be able to take care of this pretty easy easy peasy as my friend phil anderson says i always chuckle when he says that if you haven't watched phil check him out he's really talented and such a funny guy and a really nice guy so i'll leave a link in the description for his channel hmm there's a spindle gouge just to clean that up a little bit all right i'm going to finish this off with a half inch bowl guide there's a negative rig scraper and blend those ripples in and we'll sand it before i get it off the center i like to sand it and then i think i will shorten this up quite a bit [Music] all right someone gets that up in the sand all right i'll go ahead and sand it from 80 to 400 and then then i'll round this off and get a finish on it i'm sanding in reverse okay i'll be back when it's time to uh work on this tip i'm just going to do a little shaping on the end of this using a spindle gouge okay now you can sand the rest of it up and we'll get a finish on it so let me do all that i'll be back all right we're ready for some finish and i'll be spraying some lacquer on it i want to show you my new high-tech chuck guard for when you're spraying just a piece of four inch pvc and i can put this little wedge in here that way i'll be able to turn that if i didn't have it in there it just sits there and rattles and it annoys me so i'm going to spray one coat on here let it dry and then i'll part it off and then i'm going to take this somewhere warmer to finish it not for the depth that dries pretty fast but for me all right this stuff actually goes on pretty well without needing to spin it i can just put it on something where i rotate it just wanted to show you my fancy guard all right well we got about less than a half an inch to part through because i have that hole there well here it is and what i'm wondering is did you guess which way i glued the other half together i'll bet you did of course i glued it together like that it's the coolest shape ever and it was accidental i love it i also showed you how you could cut down that layout line and when you turned to the line underneath you'd be making exactly what you had drawn that stems from my occupation as a wood pattern maker and when i would make patterns for pumps and the volute section we were given drawings of the cross section every so many degrees each side of that block i would lay it out saw it and sand it right to the line and then take a spoke shave and carve in between and that's how you create a volute for a pump anyways i thought i'd try it here and it worked perfect i wouldn't say you'd have to do it on this but if you wanted to to make it easy you could give it a try i also talked about this hole i'd show you that and this is why i drill that hole in it's a little led it actually has a remote control it changes colors it flashes it's really cool you can turn it on and off and i didn't just stumble on these things i saw another youtuber using something like this and i questioned him and he told me what they were and he gave me a link to him on amazon i got him the next day well you should check this guy out his name is ray whitby and he does some amazing work you'll need to check him out very fascinating to watch what he does i'll put a link in the description for that thanks to all of you who requested and encouraged me to make this video i hope i was able to explain the process and show you that it's really not that hard to do and i certainly hope you enjoyed the video thanks for watching i really appreciate it if you like this video give it a thumbs up leave a comment i enjoy reading them all thank you to all my current subscribers it really means a lot to me if you're not subscribed please consider doing so i do videos weekly if you click that share button you can share it with all your friends on social media that would be great it really helps the channel grow thanks again and until the next time see you later
Channel: ThePapa1947
Views: 32,003
Rating: 4.9222393 out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, bowl, bowls, live edge, natural edge, bark, segment, segments, segmented, multi axis, multiaxis, droop bowl, star bowl, tumbling bowl, shellac, lacquer, square bowl, bowl in a bowl, emerging bowl, emerging goblet, sphere, dodecahedron, lathe, revo, laguna revo 1836, tricky wood turnings, Acks Abrasive Paste, best wood finish, best wood polish, best way to finish wood, unique wood turning, unusual wood turning, Maple Burl, Band Saw Bowl, Economy Bowl, Bowl in a board
Id: fmvAoT-9Njw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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