Best Segment Cutting Sled Ever Wood Turning

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so i recently made a turning it was a vortex bowl and i use these segments i cut these on the bandsaw using a fixture that i had designed there's the turning if you haven't seen it but there was a request to have me show how i made this fixture so that's what we're going to do mostly here i'm going to show you how i made this i designed this on a cad program you do not need a cad program but i will use that program to help show the locations of the critical parts of this fixture you do need a way to lay out your lines accurately digital calipers work great but also what would be very accurate is a set of dividers and a nice scale you can pick the dimensions up here and then transfer them onto your work piece you need a way to make a straight line the blade on that square works good so just a piece of scrap wood that we all have nice straight line you can scribe your line with it you will need a square to make a nice perpendicular line so that's about all we do need i'm going to show you how i built the fixture you're going to watch it being built i'll show you gluing and turning the bowl itself so this is how i made the fixture if you do decide to make one you're responsible for making it and using it so let's get going so here's what we're making there's 12 segments in here i only need these two to show you what we're going to do and i'll show you why that band saw is going to cut down this line that is the only place it's going to cut it doesn't cut here it doesn't cut there but you'll see why you'll get both of those cuts and this is going to be a little later on but i'll describe it for you first thing we need is a base to mount everything on i just went with 12 by 12. you also need a way to locate this on the bandsaw in the same spot every time most band saws have a slot in them and so what we're going to do is we're going to find that slot and we're going to make a little guide that you're going to fasten to the bottom of this base and all i did was i measured from where i'm going to call the blade which was the center of this board i measured over and this just has to be approximate whatever yours is i'm not going to give you a dimension for that because they do vary i also put a stop on here so this as far as we're going right here i'm going to take you out to my shop and i'm going to show you the board i'm going to show you that rail and how i put it on so all right here's the piece i've picked out to be the base i was able to get 12 inches here but not a full 12 there that's okay like i said it really doesn't matter and i mentioned that rail i've already done this i don't think i need to show you how to fasten this down but i will show you what's really critical and this is a stair square it's very accurate long as that edge is straight and you have to make sure of that i'm going to check it it looks good i went ahead and drilled a couple locator holes in this because i think we're going to be doing something where we have to take that off you'll be able to put it back on some dowels it'll be exact there's a little stop piece i'm going to take that screw tried to run away from me and that wants to go right here i have already put a hole in it so what's going to happen now is this will stop on the table every time in the right spot let's go over to the band saw and i'll show you what i'm going to do cut a line in here that line is going to be critical to laying out the hole here's the miter gauge slot that i've been talking about and there's my little rail go ahead and turn the saw on i'm going to cut until the stop comes up to the table okay that's it i'm going to go back over and show you what we're going to do with these lines okay ready to put the lines on here so we can locate a couple holes i'm gonna put this square right in the middle of the line and then i'm gonna scribe a line on it i'll just draw that down like so i'll have a nice accurate line if you don't have anything like that a really sharp pencil will work and i'll put that pencil on there just to highlight it there's the line you want to make the line as skinny as you can because that's more accurate i need to get a line this way this is also a measuring tool that i used a lot it's called the panel gauge panel marking gauge i could line that up and scribe i now have the lines i need you probably are not going to have a marking gauge so all you really need to do is bring a square up here you can mark that you can mark this then you can connect them together with a straight board or a square okay so i'm going to go ahead and show you the vertical and horizontal lines so this one's the vertical line that's the horizontal line they both intersect the tip of the band saw blade here's the holes we need to drill the lower one is right on that horizontal center line it's 3.629 over the top one here this hole is 3.143 over and from this center line it's 1.814 up i used a 3 8 drill bit you can use whatever size you want but once you drill a hole stay with that same drill bit because things are need to fit and rotate on it so now let's go lay this out i'll drill these two holes and we'll move on to the next time to mark the holes which i have done the most accurate way to do it is with a set of digital calipers these are very inexpensive if i want to set that at 3.629 it's very easy and right there once i have that dimension 3.629 i'm using that slot i'm just putting it in here and then i scribed across there's that hole when i set this one i do the same thing and we'd set that one vertically 1.81 for right there from that center line we have it once i have the two lines crossing i'm going to take a very sharp pointed punch and i'm going to get a starting point for the brad bit so i'm ready to drill it i'll just go ahead and we'll do that not going to be exciting but i'll go ahead and drill those then we get on to the rotating part and i've already decided that's the reason i'm going to take this off so you don't have to lay those holes out all right i'm over my drill press and i just want to point out that it's pretty critical that you use a brad tipped drill bit and if you don't there's no guarantee where that hole is going to end up and i think this is these two holes are about as critical as anything we're going to do so we're going to go ahead and drill the first hole and move it over and set up on the other one there we go that's the reason to put a nice pimple in there okay that should be pretty accurate now we're going to build the pivoting base that's what we put our pieces on and make the cuts i already have those two holes drilled here so let's use those as a drilling guide i'm planning on using this piece of half inch you could use up to three quarters i wouldn't use less than a half and 10 by 10 is a nice size it doesn't have to be exact but somewhere close to that find the center this direction it happens to be 10 inches then that's five find the center this way which i've already done that and you're going to draw a line down like so and you can see that line we're using that right now to locate this on here and then we'll put a couple small brads in it and go ahead and drill the holes now if you remember this line that you created after that saw cut and you continued it down and then you went across this way you just need to line that one and this one up with those lines pretty close as close as you can get it right now it's not real critical but just get it as close as you can take a little brad this thing's probably know if you can even see it all right so make sure those little marks are as close as you can get them take that little brad i just want it so it won't move when we drill a hole two of them plenty okay that's located now we can turn this over and drill right through here i've already removed these brads but when you do that here's something i'd like you to do right away this top hole here as i'm looking at it need to take a little dowel push it in there you will not use that hole again if you don't have the dowel in there and you accidentally use that hole this will not work so at this point in time we can go ahead and put the rail back on and that is why we drilled these two holes to make sure they line up i've got a dowel started on each end so all i'm doing here is putting the screws back into the rail piece and reattaching the locator stop that i made so this is the next piece we need and what this is is a locator for your segments after you make the first cut you'll then be rotating everything across to that just to show you what that looks like if you've made your cut you'll swing this over to here and that locates it in the proper position you could lay this out with a three and five h radius and cut it and sand it and it would work quite well but i'll show you what might be even easier to do is we're going to take a piece of plywood 3 8 half inch or so is what i like to use it's 5 inches this way it's four and a quarter that way from this top edge if you went over three and a half and came down to an inch and a half up this way and cut that out of there that's all you need to do for now and then from the ends 5 8 this way 5 8 that way drill a 3 8 hole so once you have that piece cut i'm going to go out and we're going to use the fixture we just made for the very first time to create the little stop that we need all right we're over at the band saw and we're going to cut this little locator this is a dowel i put in that hole that we don't ever want to use that hole again we'll use this hole to rotate this piece on i'm going to put that up there there's the stop we made you don't want that base moving put something on it like a little clamp and i just like to clamp that stop there so now that's in place i'm gonna put that in that hole now you want you want good fitting dowels what we're going to do now is cut this we're going to cut it real slow just like we do the segments and i hope that i i don't block this but we'll try so there it is that's nice and smooth just like what we need now we're almost ready to start cutting some segments so before i fasten this locator down i need to get a line right through the middle of this 3 8 hole if i take my square and set it 3 16 on that edge that's half of the 3 8 hole and i have a 3 16 drill bit and it just fits in there like that now i'll take a sharp pencil and i really don't need the line all the way across the reason i need that line is this block of wood needs to be set right on that line after i put this in here and i'll put this in if i line this up right there 4 16 even i will now fasten this down that's now fastened down i'm looking at my line that i just put on there and if i just go up and go up to the edge of the pencil line that's going to be really close right there then i'll fasten this down all right we have one more block to put on here this is going to locate your cutting blanks i'll give you the dimensions to make an eight inch diameter i've already put a mark on here up against wherever this hits two inches i'm going to locate that at two inches make sure that it stays square okay all right we're ready to go ahead and cut pieces with this fixture now but before i did anything else i put this clamp on made sure that it wouldn't be interfering with the bandsaw blade and one way i did that was i went ahead and cut that kerf turn the all on and cut this as i rotated as soon as the tip of the blade hit that point right there and i stopped put a piece of double sticky tape here and i pressed a block on there that is my stop i put a screw in it because i want it to stay there i don't want to glue that down because there might be future uses where you have a different position for that and when i come back here that stop actually stopped me where i know i'm clear and now i can pull the piece back if i need to otherwise you don't want to try to pull it back while that's still in there all right here's the boards for our segments there's 12 pieces there's six cambia oak six alder they're both about the same density so it should cut about the same they're four and a sixteenth by two and three 8. thickness you can use anything from three quarters to one inch thick i'm not sure i would go much more than an inch until you've made a few of these what is kind of critical here is you want the grain to run this direction on your pieces because when you cut that radius in there you're going to be doing a cross cut that'll cut a lot better than if the grain was running this way you're cutting with the grain you're ripping blade could wander a lot easier than cross cutting another thing you might consider doing when you're doing your first one is maybe use some three-quarter mdf and cut a practice circle to make sure all your holes are in the right place because that's also very critical to this work so here's the process i use to cut these segments the very first one will overlap my locator here i could swing it out of the way but i find it just as easy to put a shim underneath it and we only have to do this on this piece i'm going to bring that in clamp it down now we'll cut our first one you want to cut fairly slow you can feel whether it's cutting good or not notice that stop very important because i've stopped right at the end of that cut i also find it easier to lift this up and pull the piece out now we can take this out we don't need it anymore you also have to watch the groove will collect sawdust and and if you pull back it can jam all right so i will now take this piece we just cut fold it against my locator and you can see the radius fits just right i took the piece that came off of there and i cut it into a couple smaller pieces this one i'll use down here to wedge that end and this one after i make the next cut i'll have a better piece these want to be the same height as what that is and we will be able to do that shortly now we're going to take the dark piece of wood which is a cambia oak clamp that down so now we're holding both pieces down we're going to cut this one be the outside of it to be the inside of here let's go ahead and do that this one here it works better to stop where you're at and get it out we can pull these out now this will be my wedge on that end i won't need that one anymore we'll keep this this one's completed all right we'll take piece number two and put it here and this little piece i'm using for a wedge there we'll go against that now this is the one that i said will actually make a better wedge and it's the trimming off of each piece you'll have one on this you'll have lots of them and i just push that in there like that it's up against nice and tight we go back to the piece of alder put it on here we'll make our cut okay now we'll put another one on clamp it down make our cut well here's the first three segments and the joints look really nice i have nine more to cut and the cutting process will look exactly like what you just saw so i'll get those cut and i'll bring you back and show you all 12 together so we have 12 pieces cut now a little piece of tape when i stacked them like this to cut one against the other i went ahead and numbered where they were cut so we've got one and two and then two and three and so on i think it's best to keep track of how you cut them and gives you a lot better chance of everything fitting good now that fixture i made it and this is the first thing that was cut on it i'm just hoping they all close up as you do this if it doesn't look like it lined up that doesn't mean it's not going to because they have to shift around and get centered up which this is doing right now so that just shows me right now i know that's going to tighten up and we're going to have good joints i'm going to go ahead and glue it together and then we're just about done so i'll see you after this is all glued up this video is really about making the fixture for the segments but i still will show you the glue up of this because i do plan on making a turning by the time we're done and if you need more information on how i glued this you can watch my previous video on a vortex bowl and i go into more detail there so once i had the band clamp on and hammered those down so they're pretty flat i clean the glue off and then i can inspect all the joints and i found that if you get a clamp across three different directions plus this band clamp it just pulled everything together so we have nice tight glue joints now here i'm using the guide that i made for cutting the rings after it's already glued together and it works quite well i'm not going to go into a lot of detail on it because it would really take a video in itself to describe how i made that it was very easy to line these rings up and get them glued after it sat for a while i put it back in the lathe and i'm using this board to clamp them tight so we have a good glue joint i'm going to show you a little bit of the turning but it's going to be in high speed because like i said before this video is getting really long and if you want to see one of these turned i'll put a link in the description on the first one that i did and you'll see the complete turning there and all of the glue up as well i reached the sanding stage so i'll show you a little bit of that and now we're actually putting the finish on it i'll get this all polished up and i'll be right back and show you what we have well here's the finished turning and i wasn't really going to talk much about it but it turned out so nice i thought i'd tell you a little bit about it i actually was going to just turn a flat disc and turn a dish out of it because the whole video is about making these segments but i decided to cut it into two pieces and stack it and that certainly gives it a really interesting look so i'm really happy with how it turned out and it ended up seven and three quarters in diameter and an inch and three quarters tall but this is what we were doing right here so this was a lot of work making this video so i hope it was helpful and you enjoyed it if it was do me a favor i would like you to share this video with as many people and in as many places as you can because i would love to see anyone that wants to do this be able to i hope you liked the video if you did click that like button that'll leave me a thumbs up another way to let me know you liked it is leave me a comment i enjoy reading them all if you're not subscribed consider doing so and for those of you are thank you so much until the next time see you later you
Channel: ThePapa1947
Views: 34,928
Rating: 4.9681358 out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, bowl, bowls, live edge, natural edge, bark, segment, segments, segmented, multi axis, multiaxis, droop bowl, star bowl, tumbling bowl, shellac, lacquer, square bowl, bowl in a bowl, emerging bowl, emerging goblet, sphere, dodecahedron, lathe, revo, laguna revo 1836, tricky wood turnings, Acks Abrasive Paste, best wood finish, best wood polish, best way to finish wood, unique wood turning, unusual wood turning, Maple Burl, Band Saw Bowl, Economy Bowl, Bowl in a board
Id: 2M3D5wst_pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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