Easy Meal For Maximum Weight Loss // The Starch Solution // Plant Based

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm trying to give you different views of my kitchens it's not always the exact same view but all right so today's video is one of my favorite and simplest bowls for weight loss making bowls is one of the tools that i use to help me lose 70 pounds and be able to keep it off all of these years they're super easy to prep ahead of time for and then just throw them together at meal time and because the bowls are formed around a base of greens and non-starchy vegetables that you add your more calorie dense starches to you get to eat a lot of food for a lot less calories and if you guys missed it my best-selling weight loss guide and cookbook plantably lean is now available in physical copy you can get it on amazon it's also available in the uk australia canada and a few other european countries that i can't remember off the top of my head so now you have the option of ebook or physical copy so i will link that for you below and if you don't already follow me on instagram i know i remind you guys every time but i want to encourage you guys to follow me there and on tick tock because i get to share so much more on those platforms because they take less time than youtube does so i'm always sharing new recipe videos you get to see all of my travels and get to see more of my life and all of the projects we have going on like right now we're getting ready to plant the garden but i post a lot there so follow me if you don't already alright so today i'm going to show you what i like to call my japanese nourish bowl this is so simple guys and it is so yummy all right so let's get into it all right so i'm going to start off by getting this onion nice and diced up i'm going to use about half of it [Music] now i'm going to get this gorgeous kale and nice and chopped up as well i love kale i used to hate it but i have really learned to enjoy it i just chop it up small and steam it real good all right so now to my pan let's heat it up i'm going to add my onion and i don't use any oil i just let the onions brown and see you don't need any oil they brown nicely all by themselves then i'm going to add these chopped shiitake mushrooms it is so good i'm going to add a little bit of this teriyaki coconut aminos and oops i thought it had the lid on it so a lot more got in there but that's okay extra flavor now to this i'm going to add some of this ginger paste you can add ginger powder or fresh ginger and then i just pressed some garlic so i'm going to add that as well [Music] and now that everything is cooked down i'm going to add my kale just to wilt it now this is totally optional but i'm going to add a quarter teaspoon of toasted sesame oil i don't cook an oil because it has no nutritional value and adds lots of calories but this little bit only adds 10 calories 1 gram of fat and a ton of flavor but it really adds a lot of that delicious asian flavor and it helped me tremendously learn to love to eat these vegetables all right so you can totally skip this but we love the kick and the flavor of this sambal all like it's just oil-free chili paste and i find it in the asian section of my regular grocery store all right so here i have my gorgeous bowl and i always start my bowls with a bed of greens you can skip this because you've got kale in there but i just always add greens i love it so then to this i'm gonna add some steamed rice i ate about a cup and a half to two cups and now i'm going to add some mushrooms and kale this is so so good now i could honestly eat most of this pan but you can split this up if you want [Music] now i like to garnish it with a little sesame seed i like the flavor and crunch it gives it you can skip it if you don't like it and that is it guys it really comes together so quick you can have everything prepped ahead of time it is so full of a flavor and nutrition and will help keep you full so then we love to eat ours with some roasted seaweed it just adds a ton of flavor you can crinkle it up on top or we like to make these little like tacos but it's really really good [Music] oh so good guys with the seaweed hmm it is so good let me make sure i don't have i have a little kale this is so good and again this is one of the easiest ways to be able to eat a lot of food for less calories to really fill in with all of these vegetables they add so much bulk and fiber and water to help fill you up and keep you full this has been like the key to my weight loss success and to keeping it off all these years so if you're somebody who doesn't want to count calories like i didn't want to count calories during my whole weight loss journey then making sure you're filling up on tons of fresh fruits and vegetables you know really being good about not cooking with oil except for you know just like that little bit of sesame oil to add a ton of flavor at the end you don't need to be cooking and roasting in a bunch of oil you'll be well on your way to successful weight loss on a plant-based diet when you make sure to incorporate lots of those low-calorie high-fiber non-starchy vegetables and if you want to count calories that is totally fine if anything you're gonna be able to see how much food you get to eat for the amount of calories you're trying to consume because again when you're bringing in tons of non-starchy vegetables you really get to eat a lot of food for less calories of course you want to make sure you're still getting enough calories from your starches like rice beans potatoes whole grains all of that good stuff but you can totally count calories on this or not count calories that's why i provide all of the calorie and macro breakdowns for the recipes in my meal plans and weight loss guidance cookbook so have fun start making some bowls get creative it really can be super simple and super satisfying so i hope you guys give this a try make sure to tag me on instagram because i love seeing the meals that you guys make all right i love you guys and i will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Plantiful Kiki
Views: 76,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High Carb, low fat vegan, Plant based recipes, The Starch Solution, Plant Based weight loss, Nutritarian, Eat to live, Dairy Free, Low Calorie, Weight Loss Journey, Calorie Defecit, Weight Loss Meals
Id: TQG5gGRLte4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2022
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