How I Eat In A Day To Stay Lean// Plant Based// Starch Solution

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hello hello [Music] good morning guys it has been a while since i have done a how i eat in a day video so i thought i'd make one you guys have really been asking for one so here we are remember you can follow me on instagram and tick tock i share tons of content there for you guys and i actually show a lot of like how i eat in a day videos on tik tok and instagram in the short version so it's fun make sure you follow me there so i want to let you guys know that i am doing this incredible weight loss vegan bundle it has over 105 ebooks e-courses meal plans workout plans lectures all sorts of incredible stuff and it's all focused on plant-based weight loss many of the plant-based doctors that i love and adore are also in this bundle dr joel fuhrman dr john mcdougall dr neil barnard they're all in this bundle they all put in books or lectures into this bundle and it's worth 4 600 and it's for sale for 49 so you do not want to miss out even if you already have my weight loss guide in cookbook that is in this bundle you do not want to miss out on this incredible deal there's so many topics covered in this bundle topics like reversing diabetes what to do about inflammation binge eating all sorts of good stuff so make sure you check it out i will link it below for you guys the bundle ends after about a week or so so make sure you don't miss out all right so i am going to make some breakfast i'll show you guys how i threw that together and then yeah i'll just take you along with me for the day i'm gonna go to the gym and get some work done and i'll show you how simple and tasty i keep my meals for the day and if you're new to my channel i have lost 70 pounds on a plant-based diet and been able to keep it off for many years the meals i'm going to show you today are the types of meals that i ate to lose 70 pounds and they're what i eat to keep the weight off make sure you poke around my channel subscribe follow me on instagram and tick tock i'm constantly sharing content there for you as well so i like to begin each day with a nice big glass of lemon water this has really helped my skin it's helped me feel more hydrated so i'll just squeeze the whole lemon into my mason jar of water it gives me a nice little boost of vitamin c and i will drink that up all right guys so i am going to make some breakfast real quick and i thought it would be fun to pick a breakfast and a lunch from two of the cookbooks that are included in the bundle just to give you guys kind of a sampling of what's in there so this morning i'm going to make the berry crisp out of the giroudi family cookbook and it's by brittany giroudi and it sounded really yummy so i'm going to make that and show you guys how that comes out so i start off every morning with some tea this morning i'm gonna have this organic spearmint tea it is one of my favorites i'm just gonna pop that in there and add my hot water while my berry cobbler cooks and here's the berry cobbler it looks super yummy it's nice and warm i let it cool a little bit out of the oven but i am excited to eat because i am hungry and you guys always ask me if i take any supplements and i do this is the vegan multi i take i love it it has only the things that you really need in it none of those mega doses no fillers none of that stuff so i just take three capsules every single day it doesn't matter when you take them it helped me to get rid of the hair loss issues i was really struggling with so i will put it in the description box for you guys along with a discount code all right so we are on our way to the gym we're gonna get our workout in i like to lift probably three ideally three times a week for about an hour sometimes it's only two times a week but wait for effort here's all the turkeys on our way out there's lots of wildlife here around the homestead so it's either the gangs of turkeys or tons of deer the deer usually come in in the evenings so so in the gym i like to do large compound movements that use the major muscle groups in your body and it uses all your stabilizing smaller muscles as well i've really been enjoying this style of lifting so now it's snack time i'm going to show you how to make this yummy sweet potato with black beans on it it is so simple and so delicious so i just take my heated up sweet potato i usually cook these ahead of time for the week then you can just heat them up and use them when you're ready so after i get the potato nice and scraped up i add this black bean dip you can use canned fat-free refried beans or any homemade i just really love this and it's easy so i just add a few spoonfuls of that to my sweet potato and then you know me i love cilantro cilantro goes on everything and then i'm gonna add some of my favorite hot sauce i love this habanero one you can use whatever hot sauce you like and that's it guys it is so good and it's a great after workout snack all right guys look at this it is so good and it's pretty to boot but this is like the best after workout snack so i usually have this and then i'll work for a few hours and then make lunch you guys ask me a bunch if i like concentrate on protein more since i started weight lifting and if i take any protein powders and i don't i don't take any protein powders and i don't focus on trying to get tons and tons of protein i've had no trouble building muscle and being able to maintain it i do eat beans or lentils of some sort every day because i love them and they're so good for you and the longest lived people groups on the planet consume legumes every day so yeah sorry i can't do more help as far as like protein powders go i don't want to like take extra stuff if i don't have to and i'm not trying to like be a fitness model or something so i'm fine just with eating the way i always eat and adding strength training oh so good guys i love it you want some sweet potato i know come here come here oh it's your favorite i know i know i know sit sit good boy so i've been sitting here for about an hour now so i try to get up from my desk every hour and go take a 10 15 minute walk it helps me get 10 000 steps every day i hate being indoors and i hate sitting i get like a caged lion so i i have to take walking breaks and i'd like to take like a half hour walk every day i take nacho on his walk so i'm probably gonna go do that soon because it's starting to snow so i want to get that in before it gets too wet and muddy but a big portion of my work day is the never ending email meetings i have to take not only for my own business but i take a lot of meetings with other companies that want to work with me and a lot of time goes into creating content but it's great i'm super happy working from home and being able to you know manage my own schedule so i won't complain too much about the desk work especially since i can get up whenever i want and go take a walk outside so for lunch today i wanted to try the peanut soba noodles out of the eating whole cookbook by vegan michelle and she has some great recipes in her book i will link her channel below for you guys and again her book is in the bundle um all right so i am also in addition to my noodle dish going to eat this bowl of vegetable soup that i made the other day because i'm still hungry and i just need more volume so i'm gonna eat this and then i still need to take nacho for his walk i don't know if he's gonna get to come because it is getting kind of wet and muddy out there so we'll see you're not gonna be able to come honey it's too muddy you're gonna have to stay i'm sorry i had to leave nacho at home because it is already too wet out so i'm just gonna get my steps and i know nachos back at the house missing me but it'll be okay it's just kind of how it goes out here because there's nothing but dirt roads and trey i mean there's i have a mile of dirt road before i get to the paved road so he would just be wet and cold and covered in mud so but i like to try and get ten thousand steps every day um i didn't get this many when i was going through weight loss i probably got like six to seven thousand during weight loss but i just love staying active and healthy so yeah that's my goal is 10 000 steps a day [Music] it's so pretty out look at those views you can't really see the mountains right now because of the snow but i just i never get tired of living in colorado it is absolutely breathtaking all the time did you do okay while i went on my walk is this your toy you want to play i'll play you want to play where are you upset no you want to play no okay well wanna cuddle should we cuddle oh yes all right so i'm back from my walk it was chilly and beautiful and i'm gonna show you guys the pantry you guys asked to see the pantry a lot um it is cute i do like it so i'm gonna show you okay so here we come into the pantry and my husband built me these beautiful shelves and our ceilings are 10 foot tall so i have to stand up on the counter to get up there but i basically store like our bulk dry goods in here and i also store all of my dishes and everything that i use to stage um all of my food photography for my cookbooks and website so it's fun i enjoy you know stacking everything in here and making it look pretty i have tons of greenery and baskets all sorts of props you know anything i could ever need for any photography that i've got to do and that's what's on this side and then here we've just got you know some storage and one of my kids darts and a little fridge here where i mostly just put potatoes and then yeah it just goes back out into the kitchen so then on this side i've got some more shelves that i made i distressed this wood and stained it and my husband ordered the this piping on amazon and put this together for me so i had a place to put my shelves and more staging stuff everything i need for doing all of my food photography and then these baskets just have like more supplies or picnic stuff and this is real this isn't fake so those are real apples and i keep like onions and squashes in there [Music] all right it's dinner time so i'm keeping it simple tonight i'm gonna use some of my steamed potatoes that i had already steamed up for the week so i'm just gonna get these all nice and chopped up and i basically am gonna make a bowl bowls are like the easiest way to make a meal you get in lots of veggies greens and starches all at once they're super filling and super satisfying so after i get my potatoes chopped up i'm gonna throw them into this container here using them with some garlic salt and some smoked paprika so then i put the lid on and shake them like crazy and it helps season them all up and roughen them up which helps them crisp up even more in the airfryer now i'll cook these on 425 for about 15 to 20 minutes so now for my bowl i'm just gonna add a bunch of greens today it's going to be spinach i'm gonna add some sliced tomato and some red onion you can add as many vegetables as you want today i'm feeling a little lazy so simple it is now the potatoes are ready so i'm gonna get those on top of my bowl [Music] okay so here's where the absolute yumminess comes in so i have a jar here of some hot cheese sauce that i just made now i'm gonna add this green chili sauce that i found at costco it doesn't have any oil in it and has really minimal ingredients we love this stuff in our house guys so i'm just gonna add this to my cheese sauce and it's gonna transform it into this yummy roasted green chili cheese smother and it is so good guys [Music] so i'm just gonna pour that on top and then my dinner is ready to go [Music] this is so good guys like i can't even tell you it's so good when you mix that green chili into my cheese sauce holy moly mmm there's yogurt you guys gotta try it [Music] all right it is snack time i cannot go to bed without having a snack and it's like 8 15 right now so it's time so today i'm gonna have one of my fancy berry bowls it's not actually fancy it's super easy but the first thing i'm gonna do is slice up a couple strawberries then i'm going to take a few spoonfuls of this strawberry coconut yogurt this stuff is so good and it's really low in fat so i like this to add to my berries a little goes a long way and makes it super enjoyable and makes it feel like i got to eat something super decadent and now i'm going to top it with a few spoonfuls of my oil free granola and i will link all of these recipes in the description box for you guys all right guys i am going to sit on the couch and enjoy this and then i'm probably going to hop in bed and i might read a little bit and then i'm going to go to sleep but this is seriously so good really give it a try and i'll link my oil free granola recipe in the description box for you guys no seriously this is so good all right guys that is it for me today i am going to wash my face and turn out the light all right so my final step count for the day was a 14 300 steps which is a pretty decent all right guys i love you and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Plantiful Kiki
Views: 106,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High Carb, low fat vegan, Plant based recipes, The Starch Solution, vegan weight loss, Plant Based weight loss, Nutritarian, Eat to live, Calorie deficit, Easy Weight Loss
Id: ya4JsZeJphA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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