This Is Exactly What To Eat on The Starch Solution

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if you are looking for easy recipes for the starch solution you are in the right place i'm going to be showing you the world's easiest most simple and delicious breakfast lunch and dinner recipe for weight loss on the starch solution roll the intro song hello my honeys it's emmy if you're new to the channel welcome my name is emmy i'm a nutritionist and the creator of the slim starts program where you work with me as well as the mindset coach and nutrition coach to lose weight on a plant-based diet because i like to keep you on your toes we're going to be starting with dinner instead of starting with breakfast and i think this is a good opportunity for me to talk about my philosophy when it comes to labeling meals as breakfast lunch and dinner i hate it because it keeps you confined within this box and it removes your autonomy in deciding whether or not you need food a lot of people wake up and they have breakfast because it's time to have breakfast not because their body is truly telling them that they're hungry or it's four o'clock and they say well i can't eat right now because it's not dinner time if your body is hungry then eat and you can eat any one of these meals at any time of day don't let the clock determine when you're going to eat let your body determine what you're going to eat and drop from your head into your body and uh hey let's start with dinner so for dinner we're going to be having some mashed potatoes and gravy now there's somebody on this youtube channel who does not have a potato peeler hi yes yes that is me that is i so we're going to do this the old school way also just some full disclosure right now i have on a sweatshirt and sweatpants underneath what i'm wearing because it's absolutely freezing i thought we would talk about that people had to have done this the old school way back in the day so we're gonna do this the old-school way now i usually do not peel my potatoes which is why i don't have a potato peeler but the reason why we are peeling them is because we're gonna be making mashed potatoes and we're gonna be making them following the recipe that healthy mummy talked about in our thanksgiving video and if you haven't seen our thanksgiving video then go ahead and check that out after you watch this one where we talk about everything that we ate on thanksgiving so i'm just gonna peel these taters the old school way and this is working out much better than i anticipated so you don't need a potato peeler you just need a knife now the reason why i don't usually peel the potatoes is because all the fiber lives in the skin and fiber is what keeps everything moving and grooving with your bowel so if you want to be nice and regular and have bowel movements every day of the week then make sure that you keep your skins on but we are doing mashed potatoes and i'm just following healthy mommy's recipe for this one you know i don't want to brag or anything and say that i invented a hack here but i mean who hasn't hacked off a piece of their skin while peeling a potato so you're welcome i'm saving you from this so these are russet potatoes that i'm using this is the type of potato that you do want to use for mashed potatoes because they are the fluffiest a lot of people get nervous about having potatoes and a food that is white potatoes do not make you fat potatoes are very high in carbs carbs do not make you fat the process of turning carbs into fat is known as denovo lipogenesis humans are not good at it so listen to me the girl that's swinging her knife around as she talks to you all right so i'm going to cut these up into equal sized cubes if you will and then i'm going to put them into my pot behind me and put them in cold water actually instead of boiling water and then we'll bring it to a boil together this is why i'm starting with dinner and i'm not starting with breakfast because we need these to cook while we do the meals that are going to take about two seconds all right so now i'm just adding my potatoes into the pot now just as a note for the potatoes you can use salted water if you want to that is traditionally what we see with mashed potatoes i'm not against salt you'll see some people in this community that are against salt but i say justice for salt because it helps a lot of people actually get this food and i know a lot of people that will not touch potatoes if there isn't salt on it so if you need to have your salt you can have your salt i'm not going to lose sleep over that one the only time where i would have somebody pull back on salt is if they have extremely high blood pressure if they are a binge eater sometimes salts can trigger a binge or if they are not losing weight and they are eating a hundred percent sos when i say sos i'm referring to my program slimon starch and they're not getting results then we would want to pull back on the salt but with that being said let's go ahead and let's head into breakfast so here is what we are going to be doing for breakfast and remember what i said i use the term breakfast because it's friendly to people that are watching this video but i usually just call them feeds so my first feed of the day is the trusty oatmeal by the way how gorgeous are these containers i got them on amazon and i will link them down below but they just make me so happy i love them it's so much better than looking at a cardboard box i'm going to start out with one cup of dry oats and these are just instant oats they're quick oats and a lot of people will ask which oats are best should i have the rolled oats should i have the steel cut oats should i have the quick oats i always say the best oats are the ones that you are actually going to eat the ones that you enjoy of course from a nutritional standpoint the quote unquote best oats are the groats which most people have not heard of growths are cooked and flattened and steamed and turned into rolled oats and then steel cut oats and then instant oats and quick oats but i'll tell you the truth which is that i prefer the instant notes i prefer the quick oats and i have been extremely successful having those so no harm there the only thing that you want to make sure of is that you're not buying the oatmeal that has all the additives so you don't want to buy the instant oatmeal like the maple brown sugar oatmeal that has everything that's been added to it look at the ingredients the only ingredients should be oats so now i'm gonna mix the oats with two cups of water you can use plant milk if you want to the most important thing here is that you're not using dairy so there's one cup and then there's the second cup and like i said if you want to use plant milk that is totally fine i prefer to use water i don't mind the taste but if you can't choke it down then use some non-dairy milk so now i'm going to stir this baby up just a little bit and then i'm gonna put it into the microwave for three minutes while that's cooking i'm going to chop up my banana and you might be saying emmy what the heck why is that banana so brown i will eat bananas basically until they're black give me an unripe banana no thank you the best bananas are actually the ones that are freckled from a digestion standpoint the browner the banana guts the easier it is to digest it's not great for us to have those unripe bananas and most people eat bananas when they are not ripe so make sure that your banana has freckles on it at the very least for maximum digestion you can use as much of the banana as you want for sweetness i usually go about a half a banana you can do the full banana if you want to whatever whatever tickles your fancy but i'm just going to slice up this banana another fun fact is most people are not opening their bananas correctly the correct way to open a banana is not from the stem but instead from the end here this is where the chimpanzees do it and you know they know what they're doing then to save myself from washing the cutting board i usually just lay the banana on the heel like this and we will just slice it into coins our oatmeal has been cooked so i'm just gonna lay this down now for the sake of making this nice and beautiful for the video i'm not going to mix it up but of course you mix this before you eat it and what i'm going to do here just to make it nice and beautiful is i'm going to lay the banana right on top you can use any fruit that you will like no fruit is better than the other just whatever fruit you prefer and then i'm also going to put a tablespoon of ground flaxseed a lot of people are quite worried about those omega-3 fatty acids oh my goodness i'm gonna get a deficiency i'm gonna get a deficiency no you're not because we're gonna take a tablespoon of ground flaxseed you wanna make sure that it is ground in order for you to get all the benefits from the flax seed and absorb it otherwise it will just go right through you i'm also going to add in my favorite spice of all i'm going to use a half a teaspoon of cinnamon you can use nutmeg you can use pumpkin pie spice i love love love cinnamon so i'm going to put that in there as well now if you are saying emmy where is the sweetener where is the sweetener what am i going to do without pouring sugar all over it i'm actually not going to stop you if you want to use a little bit of maple syrup or if you want to use some brown sugar and sprinkle it on the surface i'm actually okay with that if that is going to get you to eat this then then it's okay with me so here we have feed number one which some people call breakfast and this is what it is looking like all right so for our dinner meal it is sounding like the potatoes are boiling and it's smelling like it too so i'm gonna test these out and i want the potatoes to be tender and these actually look pretty good so i'm going to drain the potatoes you don't want them to be too too cooked because then they get waterlogged so you want them to be nice and tender all right and i'm going to work on these potatoes because they are nice and warm right now and then we'll we'll go back to lunch so you can see here i have my glass pyrex bowl and i'm just gonna put the potatoes in and i'm gonna add in some spices so you can add in salt if you would like to i'm going to refrain and i'm going to be adding in garlic powder onion powder and then i'm going to be adding in some nutritional yeast so i'll do measurements just because people like to lob my head off if i don't but i usually eyeball everything like i said i am no chef i'm just a dog of the blog so let's see here let's throw in a teaspoon of nooch and then we'll do a half a teaspoon of the garlic and the onion powder and your girl also does not have a potato masher he's gonna use a fork to mash this and we're gonna go ahead and mash up these potatoes now the good news about making these mashed potatoes is that you really can't go wrong because if you have chunks you know who doesn't love a nice chunk of a potato if these are too dry then feel free to throw in some non-dairy milk to cream it up a little bit some people like a more creamy some people like more fluffy and dry it's just a personal thing so these look pretty good i'm just going to put these to the side now because we are going to focus on lunch i hate to take you away from the food but i just wanted to show you a before and after of one of my clients how incredible is this transformation this is dan dan lost a hundred pounds through our work together and he was eating like this and if you want results like dan then apply to work with me if you haven't learned by now i like things to be as simple easy quick as possible i do not want to spend my entire life in the kitchen and for the men and women on youtube that make these gorgeous beautiful meals in the kitchen all day god bless you you are my hero and i am not you enter one of the greatest life hacks in starch solution world the cascadian farms organic hearty blend made from brown rice corn black beans and red bell pepper and listen i know what you're saying emmy i don't live in america we don't have this that is totally fine because all you have to do is get these things and put it together so get some brown rice some corn some black beans and some red bell pepper and throw it all together alright so i'm going to add this into a bowl cover it and cook it for five minutes you've got a cascadian farm let's do it look at that does it get any easier so while that's cooking let me explain what we're going to add on top of this we're going to be adding on top of this some salsa and some smashed avocado this is another hack that nobody talks about are these tiny little packets these i just found at any normal grocery store and the only ingredient is avocado and then this salsa that i'm using this is just a trader joe's salsa any salsa will do yes salsa is very high in sodium but this is not the end of the world unless you have any of the issues that i addressed earlier okay beauteous so that is done cooking and now i'm going to do one of the easiest things you will ever see a great way to season rice is to just mix it with salsa and give yourself some mexican rice i mean it's a it's a life hack if i've ever known one so you don't have to mess around with spices and sauces and all this just put some put some salsa on there so i'm gonna pour some salsa and then i'm going to mix it around to get all the flavors in with the rice here and you can do this to taste there is no magic measurement here just as much as you need to get the taste throughout the entire mixture all right and then i'm just going to take my avocado and i'm just going to put a nice big dollop of that on there hey by the way if you are liking this video please hit the subscribe button and give it a thumbs up it really supports my channel all right now finishing up with supper here i have already prepared the mashed potatoes we're gonna put some gravy on top but first we have got to get cooking these dry color sliced carrots and i picked these up from whole foods you can choose any vegetable that you like i just think that these are really beautiful and they complement mashed potatoes quite well if we look at the ingredients here again i don't care about nutrition facts all i care about are ingredients and we can see that the only ingredients is carrots now i'm going to be using my air fryer and i'm just going to pour these right into the air fryer and at 400 degrees bake them for six minutes and then shake them around a little bit and then cook them for another six minutes no oil just going right in there so while those are cooking i am going to prepare the mashed potatoes and i'm going to be topping the mashed potatoes with gravy if you don't have the products i'm about to show you it's no problem you can just make the gravy that i posted in one of my most recent videos i will link that below as well it's a really easy gravy recipe but i'm going to be using the well your world mushroom gravy mix this is linked in the down bar as well so you can use the link in the down bar all you have to do here is just add hot water so i'm going to mix some of this powder with hot water to top the mashed potatoes with so i'm going to take some of the mashed potatoes add them to the plate here again if you like really creamy mashed potatoes then you can just add a plant milk smells like thanksgiving so all i'm gonna do is mix it is a three to one ratio so i'm gonna do a tablespoon of the mix with three tablespoons of hot water and then i'm just going to drizzle it over the potatoes beautiful alrighty so the carrots are done so so i'm going to pour them right onto the plate here i could probably do this a little bit more beautifully because you know what you don't have to be a chef to eat healthy i'm not a chef i just play one on tv look at that nice hearty meal i mean how beautiful how satisfying now what if you get hungry between meals what if you have this and then you are still hungry have another serving or if you want something between meals you can have a piece of fruit but i don't encourage counting calories or tracking macros i encourage you to drop from your head into your body eat this food and if you need more to have another serving of it and before you go and say i mean there's no way i can eat all these carbs and lose weight i would encourage you to watch the healthy mummy series that i did with my mom she is 62 years old and she lost weight my dad was obese and now he is at a healthy wheat and he's gonna be 64 next month so honey's i don't want to hear it and if you really don't believe me you've been trying it it's not working then please apply to work with me or just click the link in the down bar if you want more of these videos then i am more than happy to do them for you i'll see you guys in my next one [Music]
Channel: Healthy Emmie
Views: 84,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VEGAN WEIGHT LOSS, what I eat in a day weight loss, Healthy Emmie slim on starch, plantiful kiki, high carb hannah, starch solution maximum weight loss, slim on starch before and after, mcdougall, the starch solution, starch solution recipes, starch solution full day of eating, what to eat on the starch solution, starch solution meal plan, what can you eat on the starch solution, what is the starch solution, starch solution basic overview, starch solution for beginners
Id: DTWJpsyciDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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