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Hi friend welcome to my channel and today I will be showing you how to make this mouth watering barbecue chicken like you've never seen barbecue chicken done before I'm trying to tell you stay tuned you do not want to miss this all right friend let's jump right into it so here I have some bell peppers I have yellow red and green and I have a cut up onion or one whole onion cut up okay and for the bell peppers you could use a half of a half or more or less you can't really go wrong then I'm going ahead and I'm taking some garlic cloves and I'm um taking the skin off of the garlic all I'm doing is taking my knife pushing it down on the garlic and removing the skin you guys I'm using so much garlic because them little garlic things were so small look at them they so little maybe nobody ever told them bigger is always better no don't nobody want nothing small don't nobody got time for that but at the same time you got to be careful because just because it's small doesn't mean that it ain't got some magic in it you know the saying it's not how big the stick is but how much magic the stick has in it oh chat anyway anyway I have to go ahead and use some little garlic pieces and a little small behind garlic pieces because that's what I had okay so um I used a whole bunch of them but depending on the size of yours if you have like the nice size one you could use three to four I think I'm using about six or seven okay so all you're gonna do is remove the skin from the garlic and then I thought you're gonna take the garlic and you're going to mince them you're going to cut them up real small into small small pieces okay and um we're gonna need that later on for the chicken after you're done cutting them up real small you're gonna go ahead and you're gonna set them to the side until later on Boom now moving on into the chicken this is the chicken that we're using I got this from Sam's okay and I pay five dollars in one cents for it I like to show you guys the prices of stuff because groceries is expensive and I would um like for you guys know approximately how much you're gonna spend on this meal okay so you guys look at this this is why you clean your chicken look at this you see them feathers look at this you see them feathers look at this this is why we clean our chicken baby like I tell y'all before why not be now I want to feel like I'm on Sesame Street eating Big Bird okay I don't want to eat Big Bird Big Bird is my friend I don't want to feel like I'm eating Big Bird so I want to make sure I take my time and clean my chicken and remove that that kind of stuff off my chicken then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna remove that little yellow thing that's always on the chicken I don't like that right there that right there don't see it right with me okay so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna remove it you see how easy it was for me to remove it don't even take much time and any of the remainder that you can't just remove like I did um with the first piece you're just gonna go ahead you're gonna scrape it with your knife just like that and it's gonna come right off it's very easy to take off you ain't got to do too much work you ain't gotta do too much muscle work too much arm work whatever you want to college you ain't gotta do it friend so just go ahead and make sure you clean it and then you're gonna take your um chicken and you're going to put a slit in your chicken and the reason why we're putting the slit is so when we season our chicken some of that seasoning could get into that chicken much easier because it got that slit in it okay and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna show you guys again so you guys see the little yellow part that's around the um what you want to call that the the ankles or I don't know what that is baby but right there the the um the drum part right there you're gonna go ahead you're just gonna go ahead you're gonna remove the yellow part and you see it right here I'm just gonna go ahead and remove the rest with my hand so you can see it it just makes the food look more appealing to the eye I don't like seeing it on my chicken I just feel like the chicken is not clean the chicken a little bit dirty and they just need to take a little bit of bath okay you need to take a bath a little bit okay that's how I feel so I gotta remove mine but like I always tell you baby if you don't mind if you don't mind feeling like you're eating big burn in your mind having the feathers in your food and you don't mind that yellow stuff getting in your food and it all tastes the same to you but baby you know what that's your business you go ahead and and you do that I remember I remember you guys I I was on the internet surfing the net and I was watching people cook I love watching people cook I just love watching people cook I don't know why I always do and um the first time ever I seen somebody take a the container like that you see right there that my chicken is in and they just flip the whole container into a pot just like that they just opened it and they just put it in the pot just like that you guys I was appalled I was so shocked my mouth dropped I never seen nothing like that before I promise you I'm not even trying to be funny like oh God I never seen it like that I was so shocked you guys I was like wow like like people just just put the chicken in the pot like that like that's crazy but you know what baby I had to learn that's their business moving on so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna wash my chicken after I done did everything with that I cleaned it up or whatever I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna give that chicken a rinse and you see the color of the water the water not even clear the water kind of whitish a little bit that's how you know you need to wash your chicken shot then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna start to sanitize my chicken and I always tell you guys the reason why I do this is for the smell the smell of the chicken you don't want your chicken to to smell like outside and I am going to go ahead and remove my gloves because I don't want to have no cross contamination I'm gonna touch Autumn bottles and I don't want to use use the um the gloves to touch them and then touch the chicken again that's why I really don't even like to use gloves and something I'll be thinking when you use gloves everything is all clean but that's not true because if you don't constantly change your gloves then there was no point of using them so I put one cup of um lemon lime juice in there and I'm gonna put one cup of vinegar then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna take my lemon well this is definitely a lime one lime and I'm gonna cut up and put in there I wanted to use two to three lines but I only had one good lime in my refrigerator all the rest of my lives was was done that was up and through there that was dried up so I had to toss them so that's the only line that made the cut so I had to use one lime and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna just maneuver that lime all over the chicken I'm gonna maneuver the chicken all over the lime just to make sure it's nice and clean so my chicken don't smell like outside after been sitting they don't smell raw it is that's how the Haitian said that mean like it don't smell right don't smell like outside okay so we want to make sure we watch that thoroughly make sure all the chicken got some of that vinegar and lemon juice and some lime juice we're gonna make sure all that lime juice got some of that chicken and if you have time you can let this sit for about five to ten minutes just so we can make sure that smell go away but if you don't baby just go ahead and do that and then rinse it rinse it out right away either way you you gonna be all right okay because you did clean your chicken and some of that lime and the vinegar did get into that chicken and that you won't have that smell that I'm talking about and then baby if you like baby I really don't know what you're talking about when you talk about that smell then don't worry about it because obviously it don't bother you so don't worry about it but if you know what I'm talking about then you know if you know then you know all right then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna remove the lime pieces we're gonna throw them in the trash then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna rinse our chicken we're gonna rinse it a couple of times until our water runs clear you see how the water is now nice and clear it's no longer like foggy looking like it was the first time when we watched the chicken that's that's how that's how we want it that's the business that we want we want that business right there okay then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna give it a final rinse you guys you see we don't we don't play we don't play we got to make sure that chicken real good we gotta make sure that chicken real clean okay and then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna strain it one more time to remove all of the water from it then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna grab a paper towel and I'll tell you if you don't want to waste all that paper towel because it money don't grow on trees and you need money to buy paper towels you could go ahead and use a clean cloth to Pat the um the Chicken dry I'm not really patting all the Chicken dry just making sure the bottom of the pot um of the it's not a pot the bottom of the um bowl is dried up okay then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna grab some extra virgin olive oil and I'm gonna put three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil just so um the seasoning can stick into the chicken that's gonna help the seasoning stick the chicken then I'm gonna use one tablespoon of fresh squeezed lemon juice okay and if you have fresh lemons you you could just do it you could do it like that then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put the bell peppers the onions and the garlic that I chopped up earlier into the chicken then I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna grab my badea complete seasoning we're gonna put one tablespoon of that then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna grab our Goya okay um our Goya um adobo we're gonna add one tablespoon of that we're gonna add badea all-purpose seasoning salt one tablespoon of that okay then we're gonna go ahead we're going to grab some garlic powder we're gonna put one teaspoon of that onion powder one teaspoon of that paprika one teaspoon of that black pepper one teaspoon of that okay yes you need all the seasoning okay your chicken gonna be good do not worry do not be afraid it's going to be salty friend I would not lead you to the wrong path trust me follow me I know the way okay trust me put all that seasoning to your chicken you got a good amount of chicken so you need to put a good amount of seasoning then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna add some Maggie we're gonna add one tablespoon of Maggie okay and we're gonna go ahead we're gonna squeeze it we're gonna go ahead we're gonna put it in there and we're gonna maneuver the chicken all around this chicken is gonna be flavorful this chicken is gonna be good this chicken is gonna hit the spot okay this chicken is going to be everything I'm trying to tell you make sure you mix everything together and if you have the time if you have the time let it sit overnight okay if you have the time in a perfect world but you know sometimes in real life the real world that we live in it don't always work like that baby sometimes you gotta whip up something real quick sometimes you ain't got the time to let nothing sit overnight and if you don't baby that's okay cause it's still gonna taste real good as long as you follow these directions still gonna taste real good I'm trying to tell you and then we're gonna go ahead we're going to take an aluminum tray and we're gonna put that chicken in that aluminum tray we're gonna try to make it fit baby because um that's a lot of chicken and we're gonna go ahead we're gonna take the rest of the bell peppers and the onions and the um seasoning assault and everything that was at the bottom of the pan we're gonna go ahead we're gonna put it all over the chicken because we want all the smoke we need all that flavor for the chicken this is what's gonna make your chicken pop this is what's gonna make your chicken everything okay so you want to make sure you use all of that season then we're gonna go ahead oh baby look at that look at that that guy look good that must look a little good it ain't even cook yet y'all you already know the chicken about to be the bomb.com go ahead and put it in your oven at 350 degrees and the middle rack covered with aluminum foil for one hour which is 60 minutes set your time okay boom then when you take it out after one hour it's gonna look like this okay this is how it's gonna look and no it's not done yet we not done yet we just getting started boom so now what we're going to do is we're going to extract the water from the chicken we're gonna need that water for something else later you're gonna see so we're gonna go ahead we're going to remove all of the water okay all of the water from the chicken okay boom just like that put it into a bowl do not throw it away because we're gonna need it like I told you set it to the side we're gonna put the chicken back in the middle rack uncovered at 350 degrees for a 45 more minutes then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna put a bowl we're gonna put a tablespoon of butter two um tablespoons of um light brown sugar you could use Brown if you have that baby that's your business just use some kind of dark sugar okay then I thought we're gonna go ahead we're gonna put one tablespoon of honey you know y'all to use your little fingers to get the rest of the honey because you know honey Thicker Than a Snicker that ain't thick like me so you know you gotta you gotta use your fingers to get it and that's the kind of honey I'm using yes baby I'm still over here with the Great Value okay then I put um a half a cup of that juice we got from the chicken into that bowl and mixed everything together and because it was hot it's it's gonna um melt the sugar and melt the butter then we're gonna use this Jack Daniels honey barbecue sauce we're gonna put that into there okay we're gonna um do this because you know black people you know we ain't gonna waste the rest of that stuff in there we ain't gonna put no water because we don't need to put water we could use that sauce right there from the chicken we don't gotta add nothing without flavor in our food so we're gonna use that water right there we're gonna close it up give it a little Shake baby and we're gonna put it right back in because baby we want everything don't play with it don't play with it babe find somebody else to play with okay then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna give everything a mix okay we're gonna give everything a mix and always make sure you taste your food always make sure you taste them because what I like you might not like it what you like I might not like so even if I try to do something always tasty then we're gonna go ahead we're gonna put half a cup of um um Baby Ray's honey barbecue sauce in there okay we're gonna give that a mix then we're gonna go ahead and we're going to grab some hot sauce yes friend hot sauce and it's just gonna give it a little Zoom like you know not enough to make it hot you see this ain't enough to do nothing just enough to give it a little dang hey yes then we're gonna go ahead you're gonna mix all that together mix it mix it very well and you're gonna go ahead and you're gonna set that to the side and wait until the chicken is nice and ready for that barbecue sauce that we created for it okay this is the star of the dish this was gonna make your chicken all that okay boom this is the chicken Straight Out the Oven baby that chicken look good and that chicken was so good you could eat it by yourself like that to be very honest with you you shoot I wanted to but I had already made the barbecue sauce and I already said this was gonna be barbecue chicken but baby let me show you something let me show you something okay look at that chicken look at that chicken look how juicy that chicken is oh child let me give it a moment silence look how juicy that chicken is you already know that chicken good that chicken is good and that chicken is cooked okay so now we're gonna go ahead we're going to add the barbecue sauce onto the chicken because remember this is barbecue chicken and we want to put a lot of barbecue sauce we don't want to just have a little bit of barbecue sauce like we want a lot of barbecue sauce so we're gonna put the barbecue sauce all over the chicken we're gonna cover the chicken with the barbecue sauce okay we even gonna take our little spatula thingamajigo whatever that's called our little brush and we're going to brush some of that barbecue sauce into that chicken we're gonna put a little bit more barbecue sauce into that chicken and then we're gonna put that chicken on the top rack at 500 degrees for 10 minutes okay just so it can Char a little bit and so that barbecue sauce can cook a little bit into that chicken okay and as soon as you do that baby make sure you watch it because you might five to ten minutes okay and boom this is how it's gonna look when they come out I let mine stay in there for 10 minutes baby and this is how it looks oh ah that chicken no it looked good I see you you ask you a boy I will take you to his house and um his mama and his um uncles and them see you and you look good and they like I see you I see you nephew I see you that's what that chicken doing I said okay but when you go to a Haitian household okay and if if your Haitian dude ever take you somewhere and um they're not gonna say I see you they gonna say again by a guy if you go to a Haitian establishment and you with your man and they say again by a guy that means I see you I see you nephew I see you that's that chicken I see you chicken oh give my guy yes okay baby you know I'm cute whenever whenever any of my boyfriends that I ever had take me next to their people they'd be like can't buy a car or I see you I see you if they don't say I see you friend you might want to go home and try again because they don't see you friend and you need it to be seen in other words friend um you you won't look like that chicken you don't look good okay boom and let me just cut into that chicken so y'all can see how good this chicken look and why this chicken gonna be the I See You Again by Guy chicken let me just give this chicken a moment of silence for the beauty that it holds yes yes don't play with it baby don't play with it babe just that I see you chicken that's the chicken when you cooking you bring it to the barbecue they gonna say I see you I I'm seeing I'm see I see oh dear my guy I'm trying to tell you I'm trying to tell you thank you guys for watching don't forget to like don't forget to comment and go ahead and subscribe to my channel for more videos bye until next time
Channel: Cooking with Freddie
Views: 429,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZQSlxV7mrKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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