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like that hi guys it's jody welcome back to my channel today i'm gonna make some oven baked chicken yes so in my bowl right here i've got some legume thai that i already wash and clean and just you know remove try and remove most of the fat from it and i wash it in some lemon juice okay so this is the amount that i'm gonna use so first thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna add some olive oil at least two teaspoon then i'm gonna add my seasoning and i'm using two teaspoon of all-purpose seasoning two teaspoon of my chicken seasoning one teaspoon of black pepper and one teaspoon of my small paprika and i also have one muggy stock cube as you can see and this is just this small one it's not really big this is at least one teaspoon okay so you're just gonna press it all down i also have one tomato one stalk of scallion one small onion scotch bonnet pepper and at least one tablespoon of fresh thyme and four cloves of garlic okay but i'm not gonna use all of that scotch bonnet pepper because trust me it act yeah it's really spicy so i'm gonna add around this amount of my scotch bunny pepper you just want to add it like so then i'm gonna add all my garlic that i cut my onions my scallion tomato fresh thyme you just want to add it all yeah so now that i had everything now i'm gonna add some brownie and if you don't have browning you can always use dark soya sauce but the thing is with browning it is super dark so you don't want to add too much so i'm just going to add at least one sorry at least half teaspoon okay yeah that's it and some ketchup at least one tablespoon of ketchup okay then i'm gonna take my hands and you just want to massage all those seasoning all those herbs all over on your chicken okay so guys i'm gonna add some more of my browning i want it just you know just a bit more dark not too much so that's fine and you can always leave it to marinate for at least one hour but if you don't have the time you just cook it as it is yeah so guys off camera i add some more browning okay but this is how i want it yeah this is perfect so now i'm gonna add my pimento seed because i never get to add it in the beginning so i'm just gonna add it now and if you don't have the fermented seed you can always use ground pimento okay so this is nicely nicely seasoning i'm telling you it smells so good so that's done and now i'm gonna add my chicken okay and i'm gonna put it in my oven for at least 30. to 35 minutes okay and 200 degree celsius and i'm not gonna cover it guys i'm just gonna leave it uncovered you don't need to cover it the chicken is nicely nicely seasoned i'm just loving the color so now that i add all my chicken i'm just gonna add all the herbs that leave back and you just want to pour it on your chicken like so so in the oven it goes stay tuned so guys i just removed my baked chicken from the oven and this is what it's look like it looking super super delicious what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna pour the liquid all over on my chicken like so just to keep it nice and nice and i'm gonna also make a sauce for it okay but what i'm gonna do guys i'm gonna remove all this liquid away from it because i don't need it i'm gonna use this liquid for my sauce okay so stay tuned looking super super juicy so good so guys this is all the liquid that in my baking pan so as i said i'm gonna use it for sauce okay i removed some of the onion from it the tomato and the garlic okay and fresh thyme this is at least one cup yeah so this is the pan that i'm gonna use to make my sauce so i'm just gonna add just one teaspoon of my olive oil you don't need a lot then i'm gonna add some ginger okay and this is at least one and a half teaspoon of ginger ginger guys it's gonna give it so much flavor i love having adding ginger to my food so you just wanna allow it to saute just for a couple of seconds okay so now that my ginger is all sauteed i'm gonna add all that liquid then i'm gonna add some ketchup okay at least two tablespoons of ketchup this is totally optional but i'm just gonna add two teaspoon of my barbecue sauce you can use whatever barbecue sauce you have then i'm gonna add some sugar and i'm gonna add one teaspoon of sugar okay and i'm using brown sugar if you have white sugar use white sugar also then i'm gonna give it a good stir it looks so good so so so good if you want you can always add some more ketchup to it you know just taste it to your liking okay whatever i need you can always add and you're just gonna leave it guys just for it to come to a boil okay for at least three minutes and for it to get you know taken up yes so i'm just gonna turn on my stove not too high at least on a medium heat you don't have to add no seasoning to it because remember all the liquid you get it from your chicken so all that liquid is full of so much flavor yeah so i'm going to turn up my stove so my sauce is all finished and this is what this look like as you can see it is nice and thick and this is exactly all you want it this is perfect it looks so good so i'm just gonna turn off my stove so here's my chicken guys and as you can see most of the liquid i remove it okay so now i'm gonna add all that delicious sauce all over it like so look at that this looks super super delicious then i'm gonna put it back in my oven for at least 15 minutes okay and at least 100 degree celsius this looks amazing guys this recipe right here is a must try absolutely delicious i'm gonna take my brush and just brush on the sauce like so then in the oven it goes stay tuned guys don't forget to thumbs this video up share it to your families to your friends and everyone on your social media i would really really appreciate it so in the oven it goes look at that so good so guys i just removed my baked chicken from the oven and this is what it's look like it's been baking in total for just over 40 minutes and i'm telling you guys it looks super super delicious i'm just loving the color honestly it look amazing don't forget guys to give me a big thumbs up share this video everyone if you watch it please share it to your families to your friends and everyone on your social media our really really appreciate it and if you are not yet subscribed to my youtube channel please subscribe so you can receive more delicious videos like these and hit your notification button for whenever i upload a video you will be the first to see it so as you can see i'm tasting my chicken and i'm telling you guys it is super super delicious my family enjoyed it is so so good you can serve it with some rice and peas some rice some salad whatever your preferred so i just plated my chicken just for you guys to see it and what i did i poured some of my leftover sauce on top so that's the reason why it looks so glossy guys i thank you all so much for watching this video don't forget if you try this recipe comment below and tell me what it's like okay until next time bye don't forget to keep laughing keep smiling no matter what cause god is always on your side bye guys much love [Music] then one
Channel: Jody Cooking
Views: 132,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FJ_kS-38Rcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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