Easy INTERIOR RENDER in Lumion from SketchUp Model!

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what's up guys justin here with d renderingessentials.com back with another sketchup and lumion tutorial for you so in today's video we're going to take a model from sketchup and we're going to export it to lumion in order to create an interior render so let's go ahead and just jump into it all right so for this video what we're going to do is we're going to take this simple model and we're going to export it to lumion and we're going to create an interior kind of a living room scene where we're inside the living room and we're going to fly our camera in here and we're going to have a scene set up where we're going to look at this wall right here so we're not looking to do like a full house or anything like that now if you do have a full house model then you might do that but if you're just trying to create a rendering you really don't need to worry too much about modeling anything other than the space and then we can use lumion's context models in order to fill everything out so one thing i want to point out before we do this is there's a couple things you want to make sure that you do so first of all inside your sketchup model what you want to do is you want to make sure that you've broken everything up by material so for example this floor right here i've applied a wood floor material to only this face what that means is that means when we get into lumion we can replace this material with one of their more realistic materials so i've done the same thing with the plaster on the wall right here as well as the aluminum on the glass and the glass itself so everything in here has its own material because if you remember inside of lumion you basically replace all of a material with a different material right so if we replace this plaster for example if we change it here it's going to change everywhere and so i have a different material applied to this piece of baseboard right here that's one other thing is you want to make sure that you've modeled out some pieces of detail like this baseboard which you would see in real life just because that's going to add your realism factor so you want to make sure that you're modeling some details so that it doesn't just look like you have like a boring corner in here you actually have a piece of trim that you would have in real life that's going to go into your image all right so what i want to do in this situation is i want to sync this with lumion but i want to do something else first because i want to bring this in to one of the example backgrounds that they have inside of lumion because they've already set it up with nice trees and stuff and i don't really want to have this get dropped in and not have that proper template so instead of clicking the play button in order to start lumion up what i want to do instead is i just want to open lumion in the background all right so when you open up lumion what you're going to get is you're going to get this screen right here and what i want to do is i want to start a new project just by clicking on new and i want to select either the forest environment or the tropical environment in this situation i'm going to select the forest environment because what that does is that gives me a pre-made environment it already has the trees and everything else in the background meaning i don't have to go through and do all of this i can just drop my model in the middle of the scene so this is going to open this scene up right here and so then we're going to go back to sketchup so we're going to go over to sketchup here and we want to click on the button for start live sync and so what that's going to do is that's going to take your model and it's going to drop it into lumion and one thing i don't like to do is do camera synchronization i find that to make everything really slow so i'm gonna go ahead and click on this button right here to turn off camera synchronization but you can see how now the play button is gray and this is syncing our model to lumion so if i go into lumion you can see how that's actually dropped my model into this forest scene which is perfect so now we can take the whole thing we can move it around and we can adjust it and so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to bring this up off the ground just a little bit so i'm just going to select my model i'm going to use the move up function and i'm just going to click and drag this up just a bit maybe about this high since this is an interior render i don't really care if it's up off the ground if you're rendering something from the outside you may need to like paint out some of the grass and get this to sit on the ground a little bit better for me i'm just going to move this up because the scene that i'm trying to create is going to be right here so i don't need to worry about anything see out the window right here all right so now my model is inside of lumion one thing i'm going to do you may hear it in the background my computer is spinning up a little bit trying to display all of the trees and vegetation that we have outside of this i'm going to turn those off for right now just to make it easier on my graphics card so i'm just going to go up to my layers and turn off trees and so now what i can do is i can start making changes to my model and so there's really three things we need to focus on um inside of lumion when we're setting this up we need to focus on our materials we need to focus on the context models that are in here and we need to focus on the lighting so we will work on materials and context here we will add lighting inside of our photo editor so first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to replace all of the sketchup materials with lumion materials and i'm going to bring my editor quality down to like medium maybe bring my resolution down a little bit as well um just because i don't need to see all of that stuff to such a level of detail in here um and again and i'm just gonna take it easy on my computer but now we just want to go into our materials to start and so we want to take our materials we want to swap them out for lumion materials so there's really three things you need to focus on with the materials so the first is the size of the material right so we can come in here with the materials selected click on this wall and inside of indoor we can find a material that we like personally i like these polygon materials they have a displacement map with them which you can use in order to make them a little bit rougher so you can see how this displacement modifier if i was to double click on this can be used to make your stucco look more or less rough in here or more or less like actually bumpy so that's the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to replace this with a stucco material and i'm also going to change the color of that you can do that by dragging your colorization bar up and then clicking over here and selecting a color so maybe i want kind of a bluish grayish color or something like that you can adjust your colorization by doing this you can add more gray or less gray in here by dragging this up and down so i'm not really worried about this being reflective so we're going to go ahead and we're going to call this one good so now let's put a wood floor in here so again we can just click on this floor go to our indoor options and find a floor that we like again i'm kind of partial to the polygon materials there are some in here that are a little more reflective maybe than you want them to be but we can change that in our settings let's go ahead and go with one that's really reflective just so i can show you how to change it so what we want to do in this one because it's super glossy is we just want to double click on it and we want to drag our gloss down we're going to drag our reflectivity down as well so and you can kind of make some adjustments to that later um you just kind of have to play around with it a little bit the glossier it is you can see how the more it looks like it has like a heavy stain on it and light bounces off of it reflectivity is going to affect how much light bounces off of it so it's kind of a feel thing one thing that might help you is maybe pulling up a picture of a material just to see kind of how light bounces off of it and things like that you can also adjust the size of it by adjusting this map scale option so if you want this to be a little bit bigger or smaller you can adjust the scale by doing that so i'm going to go through and replace the rest of the materials just try to match up with real world materials as much as you can to make these look realistic all right so once we're done with that we'll save our changes so now we have our materials set up inside of our model well now what we want to do is we want to start setting up our context and so one of the cool things about lumion it has a built-in library of objects that we can place in here so all we want to do is we want to go add some objects right and you may want to think about pulling down like a reference image of a living room or something like that just remember that um this is an area where a lot of people don't necessarily pay as much attention to detail as they should and so basically what that means is you need to think about how something like a living room would look in real life and so for example let's bring in a sofa model and place it on our wall that sofa has a lot of pillows on it i'm not really sure why it has so many pillows um maybe we'll pick something more like this leather sofa right here so we're gonna bring in a sofa right here we'll also bring in a pair of chairs and so when you're bringing an object and if you hold the r key you can rotate this so that you can place it in place so that it's facing the direction that you want it to face so in this situation i'm gonna add a couple chairs i'm actually gonna get rid of this sofa because it's kind of small and i'm gonna bring in a new one all right so now let's bring in a table so we're gonna place a coffee table like this one right here then we can also go into our plants and bring in maybe like a ficus right here and so we're gonna do with our ficus is there's actually a library of little there's a library of little pots that you can bring in like this one then you can take this plant select it move it up you could scale it up so you could make it a little bit bigger if you wanted to do that and we'll just make sure to move it so that it's actually in our pot like this and then maybe add a light and then possibly a picture on the wall and then we can take this picture scale it up so it takes up more of the wall and then finally let's add some detail to our table so maybe some plates or some plants or something like that just something to make it look used a little pile of books is always good so we could add some more detail in here a little bit later maybe we'll add a rug underneath this table as well so we can do a search for a rug then rotate that and place it inside of our model so now we have our context pretty well filled out so we may come in and add a little bit more a little bit later but for right now i think this is going to give us what we want so now we have our model our materials and our context set up now we need to set up our lighting and our image so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to turn our trees back on so we've turned our trees layer back on now we're ready to go into photo mode and set up our photo so in order to do that we're just going to click on photo and then first thing we want to do is this image is way too wide right so right now it's got all of this extra space in the room over here it's way too wide over here we want to kind of bring this in so that we get a little more of a focal so that we have a little bit more of an area for our eye to actually focus on and so notice if you hold down the right hand mouse button and move your mouse around you can change the direction that this is looking well i'm going to set this up so that we've got our thirds centered on this plant right here and then also kind of on the plant right here and you can adjust this a little bit more if you want to just make sure this is focused because an ultra wide image isn't going to give you the result that you want so this is kind of giving us a view that we like so now we can save our camera by clicking on store camera notice how when we do that we don't get a very good image right now what we want to do is we want to go in and we want to add a style so we want to do a custom style and in this case we'll go ahead and select the option for interior so that's going to be a preset that's set up to give us an interior render and notice how in this version of lumion if i click right here it's going to give me a preview of what this good what this is going to look like when it's rendered and so we want to make a couple quick changes right the first thing i want to do is i want to use a real sky in order to cast some light into my scene and notice how my interior preset has a real sky preset we can click on that and we can adjust this notice how we can adjust the heading right here and for this particular scene unless we go to like right here there's not really any sun being cast because this is a really low sun so let's select a different real sky so for now let's go ahead and let's select one of these clear skies where the sun is kind of halfway up in the sky right well then we can adjust the heading on this like this so we get some sunlight being cast into our scene so we're getting some interesting lighting in here and so in this situation i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to set this up so that my lighting is being cast into my scene where i'm getting some shadows on my wall right so you can see how these shadows are being cast in here because the sun is shining into my scene then the other thing i want to do because this looks pretty good right now without us having to make any other changes the other thing i want to do is i want to add a reflection plane to my glass right here and so the way that i can do that is just click on the plus button for add plane and click on this glass and click on the check box right here and what that's going to do is that's going to make it so we get some reflections coming off of this glass so now if i click now look at my preview i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to turn my reflection threshold up a little bit and we'll go ahead and click on normal for our preview quality so that means we're going to get a little bit better preview off of our glass right here and so the other thing we can do is we can bring our brightness of our scene up by adjusting our exposure so we can make this dimmer or brighter by turning our exposure up so we can adjust that we can also do some color correction in here so if you like maybe a bluer image you can drag this to the left if you want this to be maybe like a yellower image you can drag this color correction to the right so you can kind of play around with that a little bit as well and so from there that's given us a pretty good interior scene right so let's go ahead and let's render our photo and so to do that we're just going to come down into render photos click on this button right here and we're going to go ahead and render our current shot and you can render this to whatever level you want to obviously there's some pretty high resolutions in here i'm just going to go with 1920 by 1080 and we'll just name this interior render and then click on ok so what that's going to do is that's going to go through and that's going to render out the lighting inside of our scene and create an image for our rendering so if we click on the button for open folder and then we open up our image file you can see that we're going to get this rendering inside of lumion and so i'm really impressed with the quality of this render especially considering the amount of work we had to put into it we basically went in and used some presets added some added some default models and we were good to go so obviously you can get more in depth with this but this should give you kind of an overview of how you can start setting up your interior scenes inside of lumion so that's from in this video leave a comment below let me know what you thought was this helpful to you have you been creating interior renders and lumion i just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new rendering content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this i really appreciate it and i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Rendering Essentials
Views: 9,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering tutorials, SketchUp rendering, Vray Rendering, the rendering essentials, therenderingessentials, rendering lessons, photorealistic rendering tutorials, architectural visualization, lumion start to finish, lumion full render, lumion sketchup render, lumion render sketchup model, lumion model render, lumion render photorealistic
Id: IBY6K73vvow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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