SKETCHUP TO LUMION Final Render in Under 30 Minutes!

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what's up guys Justin here with the rendering essentials comm back with another Sketchup and lumion tutorial for you so in today's video I'm gonna go through and I'm gonna try to create a finished render for my model in under a half hour so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so I wanted to give this a try based on a post that was up on loom eons website in their blog talking about how you can go from just a 3d model to a render and under a half hour so I thought I'd go through and just kind of follow the steps that they've given us and see what I end up with so I'm interested to see how this goes I wanted to take just kind of a random 3d warehouse model and see what I could do with it and so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna download a 3d model from the 3d warehouse within Sketchup and then we're gonna export that into lumion so to start off what we're gonna do is we're just gonna download a model and in my case I've gone into the 3d warehouse so window 3d warehouse and the model I've downloaded is this Asian contemporary model so it's the Asian contemporary modern resort clubhouse with landscape accessories sliding windows and timber deck so it's kind of a long name but very descriptive and it's from Phu Wiang Lee so you can go on to the 3d warehouse and download this model yourself as well and so I'm a little interested to see how this goes because this this model I really like the model but it does have some interesting things going on with like the geometry below-grade and things like that so figuring out how that's gonna work is gonna be kind of interesting but let's go ahead and start off by just exporting this into lumion so what we're gonna do in order to do that is we're gonna activate live sync and if you remember lumion live sync is the link between lumion and Sketchup so making it so any changes you make are live changes so we're gonna start off and we're just gonna click on the button for live sync and this is gonna ask me to save my project first so we'll go ahead and do that alright so once we have that saved you're just gonna click the play button it's gonna ask if we want to start lumion I'm gonna go ahead and say yes and so what that's gonna do is that's gonna open up lumion in the background alright and so the first thing we're gonna do when we do this is we're gonna select the kind of back around that we have in here and generally speaking I usually pick either the plane or the mountain range just to give me something kind of simple I like the mountain range because it gives me some mountains in the background so I don't have just this like flat horizon line going on back here so the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna import our model using live sync and so once we've set this what this is gonna do is this is gonna bring our model in so this is gonna bring in our model into lumion and the first thing you're gonna notice is right now and I can't really fly down through this but the first thing you're gonna notice is that this is brought in a little low so what we need to do is we need to bring this up a little bit and so you can either just come over here and click on this and drag or what I like to do in Lumia 900 move up and what that's gonna do is that's gonna let me drag this up until everything's kind of out of the ground right here and so you're gonna notice we've got a few things going on over here that we're gonna work with in a little bit and the other option that we might have here is we may not want this to be above ground what we may want to do instead is we may want to take the we may want to take the Lummi on terrain and kind of match that up with this view but we've gone ahead and brought this in and so now what we can do is we can start making changes within lumion so we've brought this building in and so now I'm gonna make a few quick changes to make sure that my landscape and everything else is kind of lining up with this and so to start off what I want to do is I'm gonna go around and I just want to kind of change the terrain so that it actually lines up with what I've got going on with the terrain right here so I'm just gonna go into the landscape tools and I'm just gonna use the tools in order to kind of bring this up so that it runs into my terrain you can see how I'm just doing that kind of gently in here I want this to kind of run into my terrain so this looks like kind of a rolling hill so you can't really see the intersection or you can't really see any gaps between what I've brought in here and I may increase my brush size a little bit and all I'm trying to do out here is I'm just trying to take away that kind of jagged edge where the imported terrain runs into the rest of this and you might come back in here and work with this a little bit with some flattening and things like that I'm not going to worry about that too much because the view that I want to create is going to be from this other side over here so I'm going to try to make sure that this all lines up and so I've got this landscape kind of brought in and one thing I'm noticing in here is that uh this wall looks really weird cuz it's got kind of a gap running around the outside right here and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back into Sketchup and I'm gonna extend that wall down and then we'll watch what happens with live sink enable so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back into Sketchup and one thing I usually turn off is the camera synchronization because that really seems to slow everything down but all I want to do is I just want to come in here and I want to take this wall which looks like it's just drawn as a plane right now which is a little bit annoying but that can be what you can get when uh when you're dealing with 3d warehouse models but I'm just gonna drag this wall down until it kind of goes through the ground level right here so that I don't have so that I don't have a giant gap right here and you might consider doing that same thing over here if you want to I'm most of my view is gonna be from this front side so I'm just gonna kind of leave it as is so now if I go back in the lumion what you're gonna notice yeah I probably need to go ahead and extend that wall down so I'm just gonna go in and in this case I'm actually gonna push pull this wall out just cuz it's a little bit easier so one thing I might do is I might take my water and make it all like a single group then I can actually come in here and edit this without my water moving with my wall so I'm just gonna take this and just move it down so that it's down below the ground just like that it doesn't look like it negatively affected anything else so we should be in good shape so now if we go back into lumion you can see how we've got this wall kind of running into this little lake that we have right here and one other thing we might want to think about is we might want to think about coming around with a with a material so like a rock material or something like that just kind of around the perimeter of this I'm just adding more of a rock material in here because you're not gonna have grass down around the outside of your lake it's gonna be more like rocks and stuff like that so you can just come in here and you can just paint this whole thing and when you're inside like this you may want to think about just turning up your brush speed and maybe your brush size that way when you click in here you can see how that gets a lot easier to do so and you may want to think about adding just a bit of different rock types in here and doing some other stuff like that but I'm just so that you don't have the grass sitting below the grade like that and so now what we want to do is we want to come in here and we start want to start adjusting our materials so to do that we're gonna go into the material editor and we're just gonna start swapping out materials for the things that we really want in here so like for example for this I would want some kind of a grass material so probably one of these 3d grass materials maybe like the clean-cut grass or something like that just something that's in here that's a little bit more realistic and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna come in and we're gonna swap out some of these Sketchup materials for other materials so like this material to which I wish this wasn't applied to this as well we could go back and fix that and Sketch up if we wanted to but I'm gonna come in here and for this wall we're gonna make this maybe something like this brick wall material for the deck we can come in here and we could swap this for one of the polygon wood materials or something like that so and this is one thing you need to be aware of when you're working in sketchup is you're gonna notice that this material too has been applied to pretty much everything which we don't really want so you may have to go back and sketchup if you're just taking this out of like the 3d warehouse or something like that and adjust those materials manually and honestly what's gonna be a little bit easier for me right here is I'm probably gonna come in here and find my grass material and put it in a group just so I don't accidentally select some of that and I'm actually gonna start deleting these objects out because I'm gonna replace them with lumion objects anyway so we may as well come in here and just delete them out and that may solve some of our problems with this material too as well but one thing I might do is I might come in here with this face and just apply a different material inside of Sketchup because then I can swap that out for something else inside of lumion so like for now we'll just make this like a red color or something like that and you can see how you have to come in here with a lot of these models and do a bunch of grouping and fixing of things so and all I'm doing is painting these out because I'm gonna replace them inside of lumion with a lumion material so and if this was a model I'd created myself I probably would have set it up a little bit differently and you might not have to do this but when we download stuff in the 3d warehouse you kind of get what you get so but the nice thing about this is when you're using live sink if you go back into lumion every time you make this change or when you make a change that gets brought into Sketchup really easily so like for this one for example we'd probably put like a tile material and so a lot of the time what you'll end up doing is just removing things out if you download from the 3d warehouse obviously if you're setting this up for lumion from the beginning you're not gonna have to worry about that but things like these trees they're not necessarily what I want so but but again since this is a live sync situation as I make these changes they get made in here as well so I'll make a couple more quick material changes maybe like a plaster material in this wall the glass material where make sure we'll have one of these pure glass materials and maybe like a nice wood paneling or something like that on the outside so now the next step here is what we're going to do is we're gonna come in and we're gonna add trees in the background using the using the mass placement tool so what we need to do is we need to add some trees to make this look a little bit more realistic so in order to do that we're gonna go ahead and save our changes to our material whoops and we're just gonna go into our object mode or we're gonna click on nature we're gonna click on the button for place and the first thing we want to do is we want to go down and select the option for mass placement and so mass placement is gonna allow us to add multiple different kinds of trees at the same time so like in this case maybe let's say that we're gonna bring in like some bigger fir trees or something like that and so what this is gonna allow us to do and I'll kind of rotate up so you can see what I'm doing here is this is gonna let us place multiple different trees in here just by clicking so you can see how what we can do is we can adjust the number of items in here as well as kind of randomizing the direction and the spacing and also how far they're offset off the line so you can see how these trees are coming in here and you're able to add a whole bunch of context models in here really quickly so you can do that right around the edge right here go ahead and click OK add a few more along this edge click confirm then add some more across this edge and obviously that's adding too many trees you can adjust the number of trees and the spacing and everything like that as well so that's just kind of gonna randomize all of this inside your model and so you can see how what you have now is you have trees in the background that were really easy to add and the next thing the next thing that's recommended is doing some cluster placement of some different objects so cluster placement just drops a cluster of a single object in here so like for example cluster placement is gonna let me drop a bunch of small trees right here and you need to be a little bit careful with the placement cuz obviously you don't want trees on your roof but you can use this to kind of randomize the way that this landscape looks so it's not just a bunch of trees that are all exactly the same size and so then the other thing you can do is you can also use the cluster placement I mean you may have to come in here and do a little bit of cleanup but you can use that kind of drop that in here and the other thing you can do is let's say you wanted some rocks in here you could use the nature function and do here is set up your cluster placement to add some rocks along the edge here so you can do that right here you can do that right here and you can kind of turn your offset down a little bit if you wanted to and really what you're going for is you're going for kind of a random nature feel inside your rendering and then the last thing you might do is you might want to come in here and add some furniture and things like that kind of some context models to go in here so in order to do that you just come in here and you just find a lot of them are found you can look in the outdoor in order to find some outdoor furniture so let's say for example that you wanted to add maybe some deck chairs you could use the mass placement tool for that as well just by clicking along here and you can set the direction so you can add some deck chairs right here maybe you have a lot of parties or something you could add some more deck chairs right here and kind of adjust how the spacing looks also set some individual umbrellas here or something like that so all we're trying to do here is just add some context to this model of what this might look like and then from here I think we've got this pretty well detailed out I think we're ready to at least give it a try to render it so in order to do that we're going to go over into photo mode and if you remember what we've looked what you can do here is you can just come in here and you can start off by using one of loom eons built-in styles and so in order to use one of the built-in styles all we're gonna do and I'm gonna zoom in a little bit but you can see I've got the nice background and everything else is we're just gonna click on custom style and you can really select any of these I'm gonna go ahead and select the option for realistic so we're gonna take that realistic style and we're just gonna add that in here and so we're at about 26 minutes from when we started looking at my timer over here they're probably the one effect that I want to change is I want to go in and I want to adjust and add one of my real skies and so you can see how what the real skies do do is they really kind of add detailed shadows and make everything look really nice inside of your model so you can select really any of these skies that you want depending on the look you're going for so I like this one because it just gives me kind of a realistic Sun and some really interesting shadows and so you can take this maybe move your camera up a little bit just so you get a view of the mountain in the background and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go and we're gonna click the button for render photo and so when I render photo I'm just gonna render this to my desktop or to a desktop resolution and we'll just call this house exterior and we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna let this render and so if you take a look at this this actually gives you a really good exterior rendering and you can't see it right now but I'm sitting right at 28 minutes so it's definitely possible to bring in a model even one that you haven't created and create a good-looking render within 30 minutes so this is one of the things I really like about lumion is this is a good-looking rendering especially if you're working with a client or something like that I was able to take a model that I didn't even make they had a bunch of modeling mistakes and things like that or maybe some practices that weren't the best and you're still able to generate a good looking render like this in less than a half-hour so leave a comment below let me know what you thought did you find this helpful at all was this would you like to see more videos like this I just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new rendering content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Rendering Essentials
Views: 38,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering tutorials, SketchUp rendering, Vray Rendering, the rendering essentials, therenderingessentials, rendering lessons, photorealistic rendering tutorials, architectural visualization, sketchup lumion tutorial, sketchup to lumion, lumion live sync tutorial, lumion rendering tutorial, lumion photorealistic presets, sketchup lumion preset rendering, lumion rendering from SketchUp tutorial
Id: q_ZTJwHFX8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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