Easy Delicious Chicken Parmesan Recipe

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- If you've ever had issues making really flavorful chicken Parmesan, of you're just looking for an amazing weeknight meal for family and friends, I'm gonna give you the keys and my take on an amazing chicken parmigiana recipe. What is happenin' my commis, Chef Billy Parisi here and I teach you techniques and recipes so that you can make absolutely anything homemade from scratch. Chicken Parmesan or chicken parmigiana is very similar to cioppino in that Italian immigrants who settled here in the United States created a recipe based on one that is from their original country. In this case, it's parmigiana del melanzane, or essentially eggplant Parmesan. So essentially the original eggplant Parmesan was adapted to chicken Parmesan and I'm gonna give you my take and I'm doing it in partnership with my good friends over at Bob's Red Mill. The first thing we need to do is pound out some chicken. So go ahead and add some chicken breasts right to a cutting board. We're first going to slice them in half width wise, go right through the center there. We're gonna set them to the side on a plate and now like I said, pound these out, we want to get them to about a quarter inch to a third inch thick so add some plastic wrap right to your cutting board, make sure it's completely flat and then add those chicken breasts right over top. Fold the plastic wrap on top of those, and then using mallet what we're going to do is pound these out, like I said, until they're nice and thin. These should cook pretty quickly. Now that they're at that perfect consistency, we're gonna set them to the side either on a plate or a piece of parchment paper. Now when it comes to making very flavorful chicken Parmesan, I see a lot of people struggle with this so there are two ways to season up the chicken. We can either one season the chicken as it is, right now in its state with salt and pepper on both sides, that'd be great, or we need to season the breading of each standard breading procedure and this to me will make all the difference in the world because what's the first bite you're taking of the chicken Parmesan, you're gettin' the breadcrumbs, the crust, that should be seasoned well so that the chicken tastes fantastic and that's exactly what we're going to do. So to set up a standard breading procedure that first thing we're gonna do is add some flour to a pan or a bowl if you have it. I'm of course gonna be using Bob's Red Mill All Purpose Four, fantastic flour for all of your needs, whether it's baking or breading like this, it's amazing. Next we're gonna season it up with some sea salt, fresh cracked black pepper and then using a whisk or a fork go ahead and mix all those ingredients. And in the next bowl oR little pie tin like I'm using, I'm gonna crack a few eggs, we're gonna add them right to the pan. I'm gonna be using three here, you may need four, or if you wanna add in a little milk, that's totally fine as well. Likewise, we're gonna season this procedure as well with a little bit of sea salt. Fresh cracked black pepper, and then whisk those eggs up, just like you're making scrambled eggs my friend, either with a fork or a whisk. And now for that last piece of the breading procedure, I'm going to be using bread crumbs. You can use Panko if you want, but traditionally bread crumbs is what it is. Add that to that pie tin or bowl, now we're also gonna season it up with some sea salt. Fresh cracked black pepper and then mix those ingredients until they are completely combined. So our standard breading procedure is set up. This is an incredibly classic technique that we're gonna be using from the flour all the way to the eggs and then finally last, but not least the breadcrumbs. So to bread these up, go ahead and take your first chicken cutlet and we are gonna dredge it in the flour. We do this to season it and also to help the egg wash stick which is the next procedure. So once it's completely coated in flour, add it in the egg wash. Submerge it, get it completely coated on all sides, super important here, because that final step is going to be the breadcrumbs. Add it on there, you may need to sprinkle a little bit on the top. Smash it in, push it in, really, really well. You want this coated, completely coated. I know I keep saying that, on every square centimeter of this breaded chicken. Once it is, set it to the side on a sheet tray lined with parchment paper and now, it's time to start cooking. Head over to your cooktop and in a large frying pan we're gonna be adding in some oil, I'm gonna be using olive oil, you can certainly use things like canola or even vegetable oil. We're gonna take it up to 355 degrees and if you don't have a thermometer, no problem just sprinkle a little bit of breadcrumbs in there, once it begins to fry you know you're at a good place. We're on medium heat here, add in the chicken cutlets. You may to cook them in batches like I do, I don't have a huge pan where I can cook all four of these. You're looking at two and half to three minutes per side for these to be perfect golden brown. So after that amount of time, give them a flip, you see that it's absolutely gorgeous here my friends. Finish cooking it for another two and a half to three minutes and then we're gonna set them to the side on a sheet tray lined with parchment paper, different from the one we were using before because before it was raw. And now we need to top off with a few more things. The chicken looks phenomenal so set that to the side because we're gonna prep up a few other things starting with some fontina cheese. Absolutely one of my favorites, so underrated, it's gonna be awesome on this chicken Parmesan. Make sure to grate it up really, really well, and try your best not to eat some while you're doing this because it is that tasty. And then next, forget the shredded mozzarella, we are using a fresh mozzarella ball that we are going to slice pretty thin. One of these should cover all four of our chicken cutlets. Once that's sliced up, it's then time to assemble our chicken parmigiana. First, starting with a tomato sauce. I'm gonna be using my pomodoro sauce which I made and you can check out here. Incredibly simple, five ingredients, loaded with flavor, classic, it's gonna go excellent on this chicken Parmesan. So spoon on a couple spoonfuls right over the chicken parm. Spread it out a little bit. And now to top off with our cheese, I'm first gonna add on the sliced mozzarella, followed up with sprinkling on some of the fontina, and then last but not least, this is chicken parmigiana right so let's add some Parmesan cheese, freshly grated all other top, completely cover it, this thing should be cheesy and delicious. This looks fantastic, cannot wait, going in the oven on 450 degrees. Gonna take in between 20 and 25 minutes for this to completely finish cooking. We're gonna be making this chicken parmigiana in under one hour. You may be able to get something that's pretty good in under 30 minutes but you give me one hour and I'm going to blow your mind with how good you can make a home cooked from scratch meal for your family and friends. That's right, I just need 30 more minutes and I promise you it will be worth it. Once the chicken parmigiana's done cooking, bring it out. You can see that cheese is bubbling, it's very lightly browned on top, this is amazing. We're gonna finish it off with a little bit of chiffonade fresh basil, if you need to now what a chiffonade is, check on my video on knife cuts. If you don't have any basil, totally cool, you can sprinkle on some fresh chopped, Italian flat leaf parsley. The chicken parmigiana is done, it smells glorious in here, can't wait to get into it. You can eat it by itself or serve it up with a side which would be incredible traditional, you can check out how to make my creamy polenta recipe, super classic, go amazing with this chicken Parmesan or I still have ton of homemade pasta left over which I made in this video here if you wanna learn how to do that, I've got some fettuccine noodles, I'm just gonna plate up using those, just toss them in a little bit of butter, right on the plate. Next, add a slice of that chicken parmigiana, put it right on top or next to the noodles. Boom, absolutely gorgeous. So easy to make. One hour, that is it from start to finish to get an authentic, Italian American chicken parmigiana recipe, and you should absolutely check out my chicken cacciatore. It's also amazing and I will catch you on that next video. Gosh dang, is that good.
Channel: Chef Billy Parisi
Views: 11,071
Rating: 4.9570813 out of 5
Keywords: chicken parmesan, chicken parm, chicken parmesan recipe, chicken parmigiana, how to make chicken parmesan, chicken parm recipe, the best chicken parmesan, parmigiana (dish), parmigiano-reggiano (cheese), chicken cutlets recipe, italian cuisine (cuisine), chicken meat (food), chicken recipe, italian food, chicken parmesan recipe easy, chicken parmesan recipe oven, how to make chicken parmesan easy, how to make chicken parmesan tasty, billy parisi, chef billy parisi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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