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...how can he make tortillas with no lard?!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sadira246 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Making these tonight (Not the tortilla tho)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the_dalai_mangala πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

love me some chicken fajitas

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bigdadddychady πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
your own corn tortillas your own chicken fajitas and a cheesy dipping sauce to slam them into this day is starting off great 30 minutes start to finish 30 minute meal without all the annoying rachel ray no i'm sorry she does great things for dogs she can get a little annoying though it's probably what kept me off the food network i have to open my big mouth sam couldn't you just mention her and not have to say anything else i don't think i can i'm sorry but wait where the hell was i something about rachel ray oh 30-minute meals that's it yes you can pull i don't have time to cook you do have time to cook and there is nothing complicated about this at all no special equipment no special technology probably the same thing no special ingredients all this nonsense you probably mostly have right now at home with the exception of the corn masa for the uh tortillas and then you just buy that at any supermarket even the western ones have it so we'll do a link to to buy it on amazon if you don't want to we'll show you yeah yeah here's what we're gonna do we're gonna cut up our chicken and get it marinating a little bit cut up our vegetables that all goes off to the side make our sauce that goes to the side make our tortillas have them ready to go then everything comes together like that boneless skinless chicken thighs max's favorite uh i like these a lot for fajitas okay i like chicken thighs for everything you do have to make sure there's none of this there's some little hard bits are here i don't know why a little bit of fat is fine i will cut across the grain into thin strips these thin pieces will cook faster than big thick ones right look of course this piece is going to cook a lot faster than that piece so make them small make them bite-sized and just get them all done and then we get them in a bowl we take it from there and yes of course virginia you could use chicken breasts but i'm telling you the difference between chicken breasts and chicken thighs is people going oh her fajitas were good versus her fajitas were insane that chicken was so tender and juicy and perfect it's up to you you decide how you want to be known as your family and friends leave your home and use a sharp knife by the way i know people are watching going look at that knife my knife doesn't cut like that well do you not have a santa claus knife your knife might not be one of ours but also i'm going to say there's a very good chance that your knife has not been sharpened for a long time sharpen it i give mine i give my knives a couple pulls through the sharpener almost every time i use that yeah it's a very good thing to do max is right max swears a lot but he's right so do you know the amount of swearing into the 30 pound chicken sandwich i don't want to talk about that episode ever again and when we're done we move on to the next step we start by putting our chicken in the bowl if my wife saw this right now she would not eat this chicken she can't stand raw uncooked chicken we had a good squeeze of avocado oil then some seasonings chipotle chili powder garlic powder cumin of course salt and pepper and i like some lime juice and i'm using the world's ugliest lime look at this you can feel bad for how he looks on the outside but he's not bad in here a little bit of this a little bit more and we mix there's only one way to do this max i'm sorry i have to use my hand i'm sure you even object to that sound don't love the sound here allow me to get it closer to my mic yeah please you know i saw a thing the other day on foley artists there's people that do sound effects for movies it's a real art man this could be walking through a muddy field okay this we can refrigerate if you want but because this is a 30 minute meal it's going to sit out for a bit it'll be fine onto our vegetables that's it that's our lineup pretty much any vegetable you have will work but a combination is always good and the more colorful they are the prettier they are and then you're eating the rainbow and all the health people say that's the key to to i don't know something eating colorful food i've never heard that eat the rainbow if you uh include colored vegetables in your diet you'll be better off okay but so we need some onion look uh this is onion is fine it it cuts down i mean it shrinks down pretty good i'll cut these guys in half what i don't like about a lot of fajitas that i've had is the pieces of everything are just too effing big and you go to take a bite and you know like a whole onion comes out in your mouth or giant pieces of pepper and i don't want that so cut these guys down a little bit onion here use some yellow pepper like to take the sides off and then just do this cut them thin but see i think that this size is too big so i'm going to just turn them and give them one of those that's it it's that simple okay maybe you won't use it all we get some red pepper here oh this guy's seen a better day or two hasn't he we'll just cut him already i feel like i'm rushing a bit i don't know why but i know what happens when i rush yeah i cut myself i don't see you bending your fingers back i don't want you no they're back look look fine fine how's that right my fingers move back you don't want to do this that's just a recipe for disaster so keep your fingers back had i gone to culinary school i would have learned that years ago but i didn't go all right you could use either a regular green pepper or i'm using a poblano because got a little bit more flavor to it i think i'll cut this off i'll cut down this way take them apart this i don't need this is good get rid of the inside take out that little piece and these guys i'll cut this way okay vegetables done let's just put them all on here keep them off to the side for a minute actually i was gonna go tortillas next let's go cheese sauce next all right our cheese sauce begins with a tablespoon of butter okay i could have gotten this hotter oh boy come on buddy come on buddy you do your thing in here for for me do your thing in here for your poppy let's go quarter cup of milk and that's gonna start to do its thing and it will also include some cheese and i'm using shredded monterey jack my favorite my favorite cheese for anything melty mexican that kind of that kind of thing so now we just have to wait but we can add the seasonings while we're here so let's we're gonna throw a little cumin in this like that much recipe will be on the website garlic powder hey a little salt and pepper don't need too much cheese is kind of salty by itself i'm gonna put in a four ounce can dice green chilies without all the liquid and by the way the two girls that i met at graze the other night yes guys hatch chilis i know your favorite so we're just waiting now for this to do its thing if we use tv magic watch how about i snap my fingers and it's smooth youtube magic and look ready for the smoothness here's the real test wow jeezy cheesy goodness the green chilies in there sorry the hatch green chili's in there everybody in new mexico peeing themselves right now because somebody said hatch we love our hatch chilis so if you want it thinner for whatever use you have add a little more milk if you want it thicker add a little more cheese but this is perfect for what we're gonna want for later so i'll put this off to the side we can set up and make ourselves some corn tortillas and before you think about leaving here today if you don't like fajitas who doesn't like fajitas anybody no we're starting to give away the garlic presses the numbered one through 20 garlic presses and maybe other things too you never know we've got a few we got a few we got your back so stay where you are here's what we're using masa this is well look we need a cup and that will look like this it's basically dried ground corn chance did this at a camping little kid event once or something in the woods so what you did something like that okay so a cup of this you need a spoon for mixing we need some water and i like to start with three quarters of a cup of water a little bit start to mix just warning you right now max hands will be involved shortly and the rest this is going to turn into sort of a spongy kind of dough you're going to see it's going to be very easy so when you've done about as much as you can with a spoon and we move to our hands you can see it's starting to come together where it will stick and this is what we want so look we're just trying to gather it up stick it all together it's sort of play-doh like do you remember plato anybody everybody good okay well you're very young chance might have just been laptops or something when you were a kid you didn't get these basic oh he's talking about the play-doh app oh that's it that's what he knows it actually wasn't yes not now that's funny you ever played with mr potato head of course not on an app a real one real mr and mrs potato heads do you ever make them no god i don't they don't have generals anymore i don't think they don't oh my god i think that was the big thing no i'm just kidding okay so no they didn't have potato genitals chance so i take it out now and i want it smooth so it's just this right this is easy to do and when pieces fly off just like with play-doh chance just get them back together that reference went way over my head so you do this for a couple minutes i mean literally we're you know a minute away from our own delicious corn tortillas did i put salt in here i don't think once an episode oh my god once an episode if we're lucky i'm sure it'll be fine if i'm just doing it like this you might get you might get a salty bite it's gonna be okay try and put it in before you add the water mix the masa with the salt then add the water it'll just make your life much easier okay let me just pick up these extra little bits that are here okay now here's what i like to do roll it into an even cylinder so you end up with even size balls this looks pretty good right okay this is going to make eight and eight will look like this two four eight now you take each one of these and you do this little ball right one two three four five six seven eight and when they're all done you take a damp cloth lay it over the top and this will keep them from drying out guess what wait five minutes and we're making tortillas and here's what we're using to flatten our tortillas an old school tortilla press they're so great and look by the way chance asked the question what if you don't have one of these as long as you've got a round ball of dough you could use a rolling pin you could use a bottle of wine you could flatten it with a cast iron pan or something heavy we're going to use this but you can't just put it directly on here because it'll stick so i have two pieces of parchment that will fit here i'll take one of these balls put it right in the middle the other parchment on top i'll take this and then i go like this one squeeze lift lift lift it's perfecto and now here's what you do take this off carefully right we put them on our flat top and on we go and of course it doesn't have to be a 30-inch evo it could be a non-stick pan it could be a cast iron pan and a grill would be tough because you want it flat but and now we just leave it it's going to be a minute or so aside i'm on sort of medium high and while we're waiting for that guy to cook let's make another one honestly i love this i just love it throw this guy on and check the kid that's there man down and this guy he's there ready nice nothing like a warm corn tortilla or flour tortilla or whatever you're making all right i'll just keep making we'll get them done there we go this guy this guy beautiful and off we come let's get those on this guy so here's what we're gonna do when they're ready they come off if you don't have a tortilla warmer put in between a couple towels close it up and they'll stay nice and toasty for you for a bit so just continue right you want tiny bit of color showing up on the cooked side when you flip it we'll finish these guys off and then it's fajita time and away we go we begin with a little oil on the flat top and we'll drop our vegetables [Music] and boy are they pretty so just break them up i put the vegetables on first because honestly they will take a little bit longer than the chicken green pepper wait wait i gotta separate these all right gorgeous spread out a bit guys let this soften like two minutes and then our chicken will go on sure pretty though and they will require a little salt and pepper themselves we'll do that now all right we'll push them over a bit segregate them to their own little area grab our oil and on goes the chicken like this try to flatten it out as much as we can wow i just got a beak full of spice and now you can see if you look carefully like pieces are starting to cook but i like to get one side done nicely before i start to flip it around all right so now i think i can start to mix it like this there we go fantastic i'm very excited about what's happening here and our presentation that's where this really gets crazy see you've cut this into nice perfect little bite-sized pieces nobody's gonna be wrangling a quarter pound of chicken out of the corner of their mouth chickens cooked we now mix i'm so happy with this perfect two minutes we take it off we're raring to go we're gonna take our cast iron pan that's been on the heat forever put it right here and we're waiting for the perfect sizzle so we take our delicious chicken and veggies off of here and yes i could put them on a plate and serve them just like this but the fun part is the extra sizzle that you get when you go straight into your super hot cast iron quick little extra shot of oil and then in we go hang on i'll get close with my mic i just burped my nipple on the handle of this pan by the way damn it so we give it a quick little that oh i love that a little hit of cilantro fresh oh my god okay so let's do this let's take one of our beautiful little tortillas it broke i'm sorry a little sour cream which is always my fave nice and cool and then some of this gorgeousness i mean seriously you really don't need very much else oh it's gonna be so good okay maybe a little bit more cilantro right on top and that is gonna be an amazing bite oh the cheese chance yeah yeah cheese sauce wow it's got way too hot that's gonna hurt okay this and don't forget our cheese sauce like that oh no how's that gonna taste i could tell you give me two seconds and i'll let you know we got a little cheese pull here we got a lot of cheese pull here you keep going higher and i can't get it okay good all right can i have this bite for god's sakes son of a son son of a i don't know what's better the fajitas super tender the chicken is fantastic the corn tortilla is fresh warm amazing or the cheese sauce the whole thing absolutely incredible please make this 30 minutes start to finish i could do it faster if i didn't have to stand and talk to these two just like this move move move get on the table sometimes when you like get it on the table it's just like food it's nothing great this is great and it's simple and you can do this i want you to send your pictures tell us how you did i can't have any more bites on camera because max gets all pissy i don't know why so i'll say goodbye so i can have more because this in this is insane oh sorry max all right it's time to give away a garlic press no name required we all know the deal with them we know i love them we know they don't make him anymore we know that i snapped up as many as i could on ebay and even i don't know some etsy one or something i don't even know what the hell etsy is but it's a place apparently so here's what i'm gonna do we have a person should we say the person first we should i don't know if i'm saying this properly i believe it is arco mile we don't know anything about you but we know that we love you and your last comment was referring to the 30 pound fried chicken sandwich thank you so much for the struggles just to entertain us i think it was really to entertain max because i did not have fun at that but let's see your burn that you got today i just got this it's a nice one like five minutes ago standing here this thing is hot as f and all i did was i think it made that sound okay so in no particular order we're not starting with one and look i won't even look i'll reach around i'm making it as random as i can i don't want somebody thinking i'm getting a taped one off the bottom because i'm not oops don't worry everyone he's doing a reach around here we go so arkham mile just got you're kidding number one shut up okay that could not have been more random that's amazing i can honestly can't believe that i don't know how that happened either you were doing you saw what happened you were doing a reach around no it's called a wreath in a reach round is very different no i did not you saw me digging right it was obvious that there was nothing planned here and why would it matter it wouldn't matter look if the next person gets number two then you know something's gone wrong arkema congratulations but wait don't stop there because we're giving you this and we're giving you assembly cooking guy 12 inch cast iron pan first edition first edition with lid we love you guys arkamail please reach out to us info thecookingguy.com and then we'll verify that you are who you say you are and we think that who you are saying who you believe you are most complicated send the email infocookingguy.com we'll take it from there [Music] you
Views: 426,457
Rating: 4.9632497 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, fajitas, chicken, chicken fajitas, sam the cooking guy fajitas, cooking fajitas, best fajitas, best tortillas, homemade tortillas, chicken fajitas tortillas, sam the cooking guy homemade, sam the cooking guy homemade tortillas, cooking tortillas, cooking the best fajitas, sam the cooking guy the best
Id: Ts_qteZlLdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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