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With or without the barbacoa, I want to make that tomatillo salsa and put it on everything.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dubhan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This has been on my internal list of recipes that I wish Sam would tackle. Can't wait to watch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/itbeginat3am πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the look on his face when he takes that first bite (come to think of it, he does it with everything he makes)...I love watching his videos (my husband even watches them at work), and have made a couple of his recipes. Love the hot Mexican stuff; Hubby, not so much.

Another triumph, Sam!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/olivia_calandra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I made these tonite. And while not bad, I wasn’t as thrilled as I thought I would be. Might need to try again and make sure my seasonings are on point.

Also, the leftover liquid in the instant pot is going to make a killer soup tomorrow.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sipperphoto πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just made the tomatillo salsa. On point. Added a tablespoon of vinegar to tang it up a bit. Made the barbacoa yesterday. I'm eatin' good tonight.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m stumped. Sam said he cooked the beef for 50 minutes. I set mine to slow cook for 1 hour @ high pressure, opened it and the chuck roast was still firm and pink. I tried the beef/chicken setting at high pressure for another 50 minutes, still had a long way to go. I decided to slow cook it for 4 hours, maybe it’ll be ready then...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DougB256 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
let's say you want to make barbacoa tacos but you don't feel like digging a pit putting all the dirt on the side burying the meat filling it back up and then letting it cook for hours and hours and hours what do you do barbacoa amazing anxious you know actually i looked up the term anxious the other day and it meant like slimy mouth feel and that's not what i mean i mean like fatty delicious mouth feel anyway we're gonna use a pressure cooker we're gonna cook this beef i shouldn't have done that we're going to cook this beef it's just a different cut they're going to be tremendous honestly tremendous you're going to want to make this almost the best tacos you'll ever have almost the berea ones we made were pretty spectacular these are beeria-like but actually easier so oh sorry i got lost in my thoughts for a second uh we should start right yeah we get everything the pressure cooker then we make our own roasted tomatillo salsa then everything comes out goes we're eating and then we're out beef first off and here's what we're using how's it look beautiful beefy right i mean clearly there's some fat here that we're gonna get rid of but any guesses at this point what cut this is you know no rum none of us know hump i said you're ready we sit in front of a pile of beef cheek and not like ass cheek like cheek cheek face cheek and by the time this goes through the pressure cooker it's gonna be tremendous but we don't want all this extra fat some fat yes extra fat no like silver skin no not really so we're gonna end up cutting it up so let's do this and it's kind of i mean i don't know maybe horrifying is the term if you didn't have this if you did not have access to this you could use a chuck like a big piece of chuck and trim most of the fat from it but as i'm saying we do want to leave some we'll be okay with that like this is good like here no not really don't want this part sort of little bits are okay we're just gonna clean this guy up a bit uh but for sure over here this is silver skin so just get your knife underneath you're gonna just try and get that fat ultimately will melt that's fine silver skin like this is not going to it's going to be tough and difficult to deal with so i should have a filet knife for this that would be so much easier and i don't have one so like this right you pull it up we'll get some of that away see now look at what you've got hold on get rid of this and when you start to clean it up a bit you get it it's a cheek it's even the shape of a cheek basically if i took this and made it bigger it'd be that so keep cutting keep getting rid of the fat then we move on right so i uh i switched to a filet knife because it really is the easiest way to get through some of this silver skin and this is not necessarily a particularly attractive process what's that expression you don't want to see the sausage being made yes it's something like that right just a couple extra little pieces off and we'll be fine and then we can move on to taco excellence all right we've got this set let's just throw this in the pressure cooker and start adding everything else all right so the rest of everything is going to look like this it's going to look like about a teaspoon or so of kosher salt and pepper i know that looks like a lot but that's mixed those are some of both we're going to put in some cumin maybe a teaspoon our favorite mexican ingredients about the same of mexican oregano i like to break it up as it goes in we're going to take a couple fat cloves of garlic give them a quick munch like that throw them in wouldn't that be beautiful it would be a munch i don't know what it would be we need a bay leaf in all this nonsense that was a small one we'll put two small ones in i need some lime juice but i got to break them up because they're not perfect so you roll them breaks up the fibers inside and then when you cut them you get juice like this nice another lime i just got schooled by max for going too fast i feel pretty bad about that not too bad but pretty bad okay not bad at all i'm gonna throw some cilantro in here and i'm very happy using some tops and some bottoms lots of flavor it's gonna be great whole thing's gonna be amazing and then the other thing i like is some chipotle this is already minced it's about a tablespoon of minced chipotle that will throw in last but not least 2 cups of beef broth let me tell you something without liquid you do not have a pressure cooker so now here for me everything just gets mixed a bit mm-hmm okay let's get this seated in our pressure cooker put the lid on lock it let's see we want to go to high pressure and then we're going to give it 50 minutes and hit start and remember it's loose now but when it comes to pressure the lid locks you can't take it off when it counts down to zero it starts to manually release the steam and that's what you want just leave it alone so i don't know if i said it but if you didn't have beef cheek you could definitely use like a chuck and cut it up you'll be fine it's going to be this will it be the same ish flavors yes that kind of stuff tenderness it'll be pretty close it'll be good you can find it because cheek is difficult to find i had to go to a mexican market here in san diego to find it a uh a western supermarket did not have it so but while i was at that mexican market stay there max i did buy this pack of ridiculously fresh still warm corn tortillas that we will make these on and it will be freaking dream go to other people's supermarkets ladies and gentlemen it's one of my favorite things to do asian markets russian markets mexican markets whatever japanese markets just go you'll be you'll be blown away by the stuff that they have and there's always food to go always and that's really some of the best part of it okay but now we're gonna make a tomatillo salsa roasted and a tomatillo looks like this it's cute isn't it inside of this papery husk that you peel off is a thing that looks a lot like a green tomato but a sticky green tomato look my finger's holding up the the husk with that and there's this stickiness on the outside that is gross a quick rinse under running water we'll get rid of that we'll put them on our baking sheet and we'll add the other items so they look like this here's our guy this is a little pull tab really get rid of that and just carry on i don't get why they're sticky i don't know why they're sticky they're kind of in the the tomato-ish family and it's a um it's a tangier version of really a tomato and it's really good especially in this little easy salsa we're gonna make i like it a lot all right get these guys we'll get our baking sheet here and we'll rinse here there's a fly everywhere did you see him yeah okay these guys on here beautiful we're gonna add a jalapeno whole we're gonna add a serrano hole and now here's the deal the jalapeno is not as hot as the serrano i like the combination of the two if you want it more hot add just serranos if you want it less hot add just jalapenos but i find that little mix right there works just fine for me we want to add some garlic whole cloves oh my gosh all right this is how you're gonna be break my hand doing this great okay so we want these guys you can leave them in their paper in here they're fine you've we've roasted garlic before same kind of process right i know we'll put three or four on here try and get bigger ones i think this guy's great okay so we've got garlic we've got these guys we've got these guys it's nice to put i think a little piece of onion and a little white onion we're gonna put some raw onion in we're gonna put some raw white onion in after but if you just take a piece like this get rid of this papery nonsense like that i'm gonna cut throw these guys on here last thing just a tiny bit of avocado oil yes it's chosen of course our fave okay a little bit of oil is good everybody's happy into the oven under the broiler about that far away about three four minutes so it's brown flip it over do it again and we're uh almost there and after about three minutes ish that's what we're dealing with exactly what we want so everybody just gets turned over hello my little friends yes onion or serrano buddy jalapeno and then the garlic everybody turns over come on you pizza and back in they go until that side now looks like the first side there we are done beautiful beautiful yeah so here's the deal everything goes into our processor because we need to uh blitz this up so the tomatillos in they go a little onion so the garlic we don't want in here we want the gorgeous pulp all roasted perfectly so we just peel off the outside squeeze out the gorgeous softened garlic on the inside oh man the smell here roasted garlic is really like the best thing ever nice and now we've got these the serrano so you can choose to deal with seeds or without seeds how we feeling today lads seeds no seeds i'm feeling frisky today okay so let's go seeds from both the serrano and the jalapeno yes yeah look they just get soft and tender and really something else okay and they go the lid goes on contact and we blitz and then take a look look so the question is how thick do you want it if this is too thick for you then what could you do you could add a little agua a little chicken broth whatever you want i kind of like it like this so i think i'm just going to give it one more quick little whiz beautiful okay step two so out we come and we go into our bowl we'll scrape down the sides of the processor or as we say in canada the processor get all this gorgeousness out and it smells so good i know what we're getting into here it's going to be amazing on these tacos now we add a little chopped white onion just to give it a little bite a little bite not too much and some cilantro and the juice of about a quarter of a lime unless it's a shitty lime and then you can use the other half of the quarter now we mix oh snap that is fresh ass now you've got gorgeous homemade tomatillo salsa that'll be going on our tacos as soon as the uh beef cheek nonsense is ready ready i'm ready are you ready because this is ready and i can smell that it's ready it's been wafting up into our noses for i don't know about half an hour now now we open it we take it out and then we eat magically look look deep down into the cavern oh boy can you see that happening okay watch i'll do this in front of you right here put it down now look just with the side of the tongs that that's what this is all about so here's how this happens we take a knife we cut oh god boys the smell crazy unreal it's not me i mean it's not just me no we didn't bury this in the ground but boy is it gonna be good so now we take a fresh corn tortilla and some of our meat oh boy just like this nice little pile of it right now you've got your options i think you'd definitely go with some white onion for that little bite always a little cilantro for me because i'm a fan i know lots of people don't like it if you hate it don't have it what would this be without a little bit of our homemade tomatillo salsa right there and then a little baby piece of lime squeezed or is it squeezed right on top look at that holy i'm salivating my mouth is watering i'm so ready for that what the hell let's go for it um oh my god [Music] you
Views: 574,131
Rating: 4.9495468 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, sam the cooking guy tacos, sam cooking tacos, cooking tacos, barbacoa tacos, barbacoa tacos sam the cooking guy, cooking barbacoa tacos, tacos, sam the cooking guy barbacoa, barbacoa at home, tacos at home, cooking at home, sam the cooking guy home
Id: HNPdUKs7C_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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