Easy Blackened Salmon Recipe » With Homemade Blackened Seasoning

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i absolutely love blackened salmon and after you make this recipe you will too it's incredibly easy to make and absolutely bursting with flavors i know you're gonna love this recipe the art of using blackened seasoning for anything comes from cajun style cooking it was perfected though by the late great chef paul perdone the one thing that i absolutely love about blackened seasoning is that you probably already have most of these ingredients already in your cupboard making it a quick fix and a great way to enhance literally anything of course we're going to do salmon in this recipe we are going to start off with that seasoning and show you how to make sound good let's cook you know how much i love salt so that's exactly what we're going to start off in this spice rub so go ahead and add some sea salt or kosher salt to a bowl next i'm going to add in some onion granules followed up with some garlic granules now i like the granules better than the powder but if you only have powder that's fine next going to add in some dry oregano followed up with some dry thyme and then i'm going to add in some paprika followed up with a little bit of ground white pepper nice and spicy here and of course for even more zip we're gonna add in some cayenne pepper and really at this point what i'm gonna do is just stir all of these ingredients together so if you really like spice my suggestion to you is add a little bit more cayenne add a little bit more white pepper to suit you now how do you know this because i always suggest you taste it stick your finger in there try it does it need more does it need less make this work for you i have a little bit of a rule of thumb when it comes to making rubs whether it's barbecue mediterranean does not matter i do a sort of two-part salt to one part everything else so i'm using two teaspoons of salt i'm using one teaspoon of garlic granules onion granules cumin herbs whatever it is there is an exception though to a few things so if the flavors are really intense like a cayenne pepper or a pepper in general i take that down in half again so instead of one teaspoon i may just use a half teaspoon of that now if it's something that provides a lot of color and not super overpowering and flavor i think of things like paprika sometimes curry powders can be rather light in flavor i actually do that times too so i make it equal to the amount of salt so it's two teaspoons of curry powder or paprika i hope that makes sense now what we're gonna do is prep up a potential sauce that i may add in the end so go ahead and slice the ends off the shallot cut it in half and then of course remove that outside layer just like when cutting an onion and then i want to small dice it i'm only going to use about a half of this half of piece because i don't need that much shallot in this sauce recipe and of course the next thing i'm going to do is run a few whole garlic cloves through a garlic press i always tell you i'm sick of chopping garlic in this life so garlic press it is and of course there's a link on my website to this one that i use because i get that ass so often go ahead and put in a bowl set it to the side and break out of the refrigerator are fresh salmon i always suggest using wild caught it's better for you it's much more natural if for some reason you don't like salmon you could absolutely substitute in your favorite fish now obviously i'm using this blackening season on salmon but don't stop there i mean think of all the wonderful things chicken pork pork chops a steak you can put it on the grill too it doesn't have to always be cooked in that cast iron skillet also vegetables why not please please please get creative my friends i want to see what you make here's what we do now so let's go ahead and set the salmon to the side get out another plate what i'm going to do is add some olive oil to the plate or any other oil you could use safflower grapeseed totally up to you and then add in our blackened seasoning i like to add about two teaspoons of blackened seasoning to one tablespoon of oil that's just a rule of thumb i have and each of these is for a fillet of fish so go ahead and mix this together until it is completely combined you just want to make sure all the dry herbs are nice and moistened and then adding a filet at a time put it right in there and move it around on all sides make sure it is completely coated in that blackened seasoning this looks absolutely fantastic and go ahead and put the other fillets in there alongside of it no big deal we don't need to transfer the other one out of there and what i like to say is if you want even more flavor let this sit in the refrigerator for 20 or 30 minutes it will be absolutely amazing i don't think you need it but if you want more flavor you can do it so now i'm going back over to my cooktop i'm gonna add in a little bit of oil we still need to create a barrier between the blackened seasoning and the pan turn the heat only down to medium this time i already know what you're thinking chef billy you always say high or medium high heat when getting to that smoking point now the reason i only have it on medium is i can still get to that smoke point it's just going to take a few more minutes and the reason i do it on medium is you have to remember the spices that are in that blackened seasoning they are going to tend to burn and cook very quickly so if i'm already on medium heat the pan isn't quite as hot as high or medium-high plus if i turn it down it's going to go even lower and it is going to save your blackened seasoning from burning to your salmon that's why it's only on medium that's why you should do now once it begins to lightly smoke remember we're only over medium heat this is perfect we are going to add in our salmon fillets one at a time make sure to create some separation in between them we're not steaming we're trying to get a nice little sear on them this is absolutely perfect and just like when i pan sear any protein we're going to turn the heat down just a little bit more maybe low to medium and this will make sure our blackened seasoning doesn't burn so after about three minutes or so per side let's go ahead and give it a flip you see that beautiful dark crust on top it is not burned that is exactly how blackened seasoning looks once it's finished cooking when it is done what we're going to do is just set it to the side on a pan to rest it i had to switch over to a spatula here because i didn't want to break up the salmon but it smells and looks amazing so at every restaurant i've ever worked at we always took temperature on salmon medium medium well medium rare sometimes and i suggest you do the same thing salmon doesn't need to be eaten at well done in fact it can dry out really easily if you do that i prefer a medium to medium well and for these eight ounce salmon fillets i'm looking at probably three minutes per side to get to that perfect medium to medium well if you want it longer and you want to cook this thing through go up to about four to four and a half minutes per side if you like it a little rarer maybe just do it about two minutes per side that's just me now if blackened seasoning is a little bit too spicy for you but you like it there's obviously a couple things you can do you can back off of the amount of cayenne pepper in there like i explained or make a little butter sauce to counter those spices to sort of neutralize it but add great flavor so why not make a butter sauce let's do it here we go go ahead and drain off that oil maybe rub it down with a little paper towel put it back on low heat we're gonna add just a tad bit of oil here now what i'm gonna do is put in the small diced shallots that we chopped up followed up with the finely minced garlic and then with a wooden spoon we're just going to mix this maybe one minute just until you smell it it will be lightly lightly browned now add in some white wine i prefer chardonnay here about a quarter of a cup or so and what we want to do is at this point squeeze in the juice of one half lemon i always put my other hand there just to catch any seeds from falling in there see they're perfect and now what we want to do is cook this down over low to medium heat until a sec or almost gone so once the liquid is almost completely gone and absorbed this is perfect timing remove the pan completely from the heat go over to a cutting board or a countertop with a towel underneath add in some cold unsalted butter and swirl that pan all around we are gonna make a delicious white wine butter sauce here this is perfect if you need to grab a whisk go ahead and mix those things in but to make sure the sauce doesn't break add in some more cold butter this will keep your sauce nice and thick and absolutely delicious this looks fantastic so what i'm going to do is finish off with just a little bit more lemon juice for a little more lemon flavor and of course as always we want to season it up well with salt and fresh cracked black pepper just continue to swirl around all of those ingredients until they're completely combined and to my chefs in training my commies my combi chefs out there i say it to you in every video it's all about understanding these fundamental basic cooking techniques and putting them into practice we just made a perfect homemade blackened seasoning i showed you how to cook it and apply it so it doesn't burn by using those medium to medium low i'm telling you all homemade food from scratch always tastes better and you can do this i promise you put it in a practice you got this my friends now of course let's plate up in slo-mo why not serve this up in the pan so i'm gonna add in some lemon slices just for show just for making things a little bit fancy you definitely don't need to do this i'm gonna put those salmon fillets right on top of those lemon slices in the white wine butter sauce that we made and of course for a little garnish little chopped parsley you could use chopped herbs as well and man oh man check out this beauty seriously i can't wait to see what else you all make with this blackened seasoning please let me know share everything to all my social channels i want to see what you did be sure to subscribe to my channel like and share this video and definitely check out this video right here i made it for you i'll see you on there [Music]
Channel: Chef Billy Parisi
Views: 30,926
Rating: 4.9500389 out of 5
Keywords: blackened salmon recipe, how to make blackened salmon, how to cook salmon, seafood, cajun blackened salmon, how to make salmon, how to make, food, blackened salmon fillets, cajun blackened salmon with butter cream sauce, keto blackened salmon, lemon pepper blackened salmon, salmon recipes, keto, best salmon recipe, easy salmon recipe, dinner recipes, how to blackened salmon, salmon recipe, salmon, chef billy parisi, billy parisi, chef billy
Id: TjYm9lG4oDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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