Easy Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers Made In The Oven

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[Music] the jalapeno popper if there's a more popular appetizer snack whatever you want to call it at a party at a barbecue at a picnic i haven't seen it and there's several ways you can do jalapeno poppers i've done them deep fried and breaded i've done them bacon wrapped out on the grill in fact i did a video on that i'll put a link to that video but today we're going to be doing it inside in the oven super easy method doesn't take a long time so let's get to it so i've got a bunch of jalapenos here and these are some pretty good sized ones and i need to start breaking these down cleaning them out so we'll use this one for demonstration right here so the first thing you want to do is you want to kind of find the way that your jalapeno popper will lie or not lie so if you put it like this it's going to want to roll so what we actually want to do is find that spot and cut along that to make two halves now i've done this before where i've only used the whole jalapeno to stuff i've sort of made a cut and made almost like a little canoe and stuffed that and put the other top back on but we're going to be doing this kind of traditional where you just cut it in half now not both sides are going to have a stem because well i can't split that stem exactly down the center but let's see where this one goes right here so it kind of looks like it curves right here so what i want to do is cut this way so that the two halves will lay flat on the rack that we're going to put these in the oven on so first thing i want to do is i'm just going to kind of go on one side of that stem over here straight down get a good cut now these two halves will just lie like that they won't roll around they're not going to be too wobbly so that's what we're going for here now let's clean this out [Music] just got a plate here and a spoon and this to me is really the simplest way to do this just go in there with the spoon dig out the seeds the ribs a lot of times this will all come out together but not every time and it helps if you have a smaller spoon too to really get in here and scrape that really clean it out let's get this side done and when you're working with peppers gloves are a really good thing to have if you're not wearing gloves make sure you don't touch your eyes anywhere else sensitive wash your hands really good it can be uncomfortable ask me how i know actually don't ask me so this is what we're looking for now obviously at the ends here you're not really going to eat these because it's sort of the stem but that's sort of the idea of it when you're serving it after it's all stuffed and wrapped up in bacon because these are going to be bacon wrapped you kind of hold it like this yeah eat it that way it's somewhere to actually grab on to let's do another one let's find our spot here i think it's right here we're trying to get it as close to evenly half as possible get in here and get our seeds out scrape it down and if a couple seeds get in there and kind of get stuck and you don't find them yeah be a little extra hot get this half sometimes jalapeno juice will squirt in your eye which it just did for me it's not too bad but in a minute i'm going to have to wash that eye out all right that one's looking good too i'm going to finish cleaning the rest of them and i'll bring you back when it's time to make our filling now fillings for poppers can be just about anything you want but traditionally it's some sort of cheese a lot of people will use like a cheddar cheese or really the one i've seen the most is just straight cream cheese well today i'm gonna be using cream cheese i've got eight ounces of cream cheese here that's been softened i sat it out at room temperature for about 20 minutes and what i'm gonna add to this is about i don't know five ounces or so of a pepper jelly this is a hot and sweet pepper jelly that i got at my local trader joe's you don't have to get this specific one i've seen different pepper jellies you can use anything you want you don't have to do this you can add any flavors in here you want make this your own but we're going to mix these together so i want to give about half of this because this is an 11 ounce jar right about there i'm just going to mix this together now use whatever i can here if i need a stiffer spoon i will i could use a mixer if i wanted to here but really it's just about taking the time breaking this down cream cheese could have been a little softer i probably could let sit another 10 minutes but it'll work i'm actually gonna get in here with a fork and really just sort of mash this and mix it it gets soft enough you could actually use a whisk but i think with this consistency right now a whisk it would just stick to the inside it doesn't have to be fully blended you just want to get those flavors mixed in you're still going to see pieces of that pepper jelly those peppers in there grape our fork off here a little more mixing i'm happy with that let's go ahead and fill our poppers so here are a couple of our jalapeno halves i'm just going to demonstrate here filling them this isn't rocket science but you know you want to try and get it right you take a spoon you know just fill it as best you can some stuff's going to fall out it's all right and you can fill it as full as you want let's get these little stragglers here pile that a little higher back here if you need to use different spoons go ahead [Music] now it's bacon time so what i like to do is i'm just going to start here at the stem end i'm going to bring it over the top and then i'm just going to work my way down here and it looks like we're going to need another piece of bacon with another little half piece right here at the end just go around then we're going to take a toothpick and we have our end right here and we're just going to go at an angle because this is going to be the bottom side here and i don't want that toothpick to be holding it up so it doesn't lie flat just like that let's do another one start filling it up [Music] get a nice piece of bacon here [Music] looks like we're going to be going one and a half pieces each here nothing wrong with that another toothpick just want to pin that bacon in place just like that all right i'm going to go ahead and finish filling these i'll bring you back when it's time to get them in the oven [Music] so here are our bacon-wrapped pepper jelly jalapeno poppers i decided to do 10 of them don't count how many are actually on the tray you don't want to know what happened to number 10. now my oven is preheated to 375 degrees and these are going to go in for probably 15 minutes or so but every oven is different and it's really about the doneness that you want on your bacon that heat will just have enough time to get in there kind of melt the cheese a little bit soften everything up but it's really about the crispiness of the bacon that you want and if you see cheese oozing out that's just part of this you've got a lot of oozy gooey stuff in there that's good some of it's gonna want to come out and i have this on a baking rack in the baking tray that just allows air to come up around it i think it does a better job of crisping the bottom you could do it on a tray no problem but i just find this works better all right let's go ahead and get this in the oven [Music] here are our poppers fresh out of the oven now that took 25 minutes actually 15 minutes is sort of that first look time and every oven is different you've got to cook these to how crispy you want them you know that i like bacon a little closer to afs if you've watched my videos acceptable floppy state that wouldn't be good for this so these are a little crispier than i would normally have regular bacon but this is as far as i would take these now i'm going to let these cool for a few minutes then i'm going to take the toothpicks out and then we're going to have a taste so i have a couple of our finished poppers here and i'm ready to dive in but one thing i want to mention is this is really one of those recipes that you can make your own one of the things i've done before when i make the filling and before i put something like bacon on is i'll hit that with some favorite barbecue rub this is what's great about this type of cooking is there's sort of a basic thing you have the jalapeno you have a filling and you have the bacon you can use any kind of bacon you want you can use any kind of filling you want it's really about making it your own this is about how i like it so let's dive in [Music] here we go [Music] this is perfect for me i know a lot of people love the bacon a lot crispier go ahead make it crispier just cook it a little longer in the oven but this is sort of a halfway point for me between afs and crispy and i think i nailed it that pepper jelly is nice because there's a little bit of sweet a little bit of heat and the jalapenos actually aren't that hot that's one of the things about jalapenos i've had them where you taste them and there's just really not any heat there you get a different one and it is packed with heat so it is one of those peppers that doesn't across the board always give you the same thing right here it's just fantastic flavor all right what the heck i'm gonna go for the second one too really really happy with these [Music] you
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 11,061
Rating: 4.9270072 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, bacon, jalapeno poppers, appetizers
Id: uTbwExsahL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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