Chicken Gyros | Akis Petretzikis

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hello people of YouTube welcome back to my kids and the recipe I will show you today is a traditional Greek myth delicacy chicken Gyros perfectly browned chicken strips seared in a pan until crispy and golden brown combine it with pitas and veggies for the yummiest souvlaki [Music] and let's begin with the brine the brine the party brine because this brand we use it for white Meats as such as turkey chicken pork whatever white meat we like is the perfect way actually to marinate all the white Meats this way you don't have to wonder what to put inside in my mixer a little bit of paprika a little bit of oregano a little bit of garlic a little bit of salt a little bit of blah blah blah blah blah it doesn't matter because Brian has everything inside imperfection and the only thing you have to do is just to submerge the meat into the brine for few hours that's it so I have a pan here and I will add all my ingredients I think you have everything at home you have water right probably [Music] two three four you have bailiffs at home I have four cloves of garlic one two you want to smash them a little bit smash them but it doesn't matter actually because we will leave all this ingredient actually to infuse the flavor of the water I have some parsley put the parsley in with the stocks I have one lemon and I will cut in half and I will put it in because the lemon actually will give acidity flavors inside my brine now peppercorns okay we want the pepper it will give a nice flavor and you will not make spicy the brine you don't want to become spicy I have some salt as you can see this is cozy salt if you don't have this kind of salt you can use the normal one okay and now what we have to do my friend like is to balance all these ingredients we don't need a lot amount of honey just one to two tablespoons but actually we'll balance the flavor of the lemon salt and everything else now do we need anything else we will put on heat and we will start boiling and of course Mr time is always welcome now if you want to add some Rosemary you can add some Rosemary some oregano or whatever herbs you like but this is a classic brine with few ingredients and very very tasty now what will happen we will boil the mixer and when it starts to boil we will take off the heel and set it aside to let the ingredients Infuse the water now after the brine is cold enough this is going to be the color of the Brine and the flavor of the brine you can understand it by symbol just smell it it smell like taste you can fill all the ingredients even the salt now what I'm going to do I'm going to pass this lovely brine to a seed and my brine is ready as you can understand inside this brand we have lemon we have salt and we have honey actually you can keep the brine for several weeks into the fridge without using it but if I put anything inside such as meat then I cannot use it again in this case I will marinate some Gyros my Gyros is here actually my chickens here and I will take a lovely plastic bag as you can see I will put a little bit of brine here and the rest of it I will keep it inside the fridge to use it in another box of Gyros or anything poultry I want to make so I will keep that on the side and I'll put up after into the fridge now I will keep that here and I will start preparing my meat for my meat everything is so simple because I have some chicken thighs here you can use breasted instead but I think the thighs are more tasty more fatty more sexy and actually it will make better vaginos and what I'm going to do my friend like is cut my chicken thighs into lovely strips because I will make a gyro so I want to make it sexy the brine will make the the meat tender will give all the flavors we want and actually it will finish off the final result of the taste the volume the texture and what else the appearance of desires so the only thing I have to do is take my chicken and put it inside the brine you see that huh now with this brand I can marinate what else my friend like is Christmas decade with this brine you have all the flavors in 24 hours of soaking into the brine you also have the most delicious turkey ever but in this case I have small amount of mint small steps for how long do you think I have to marinate my chicken here one to two hours max even if I put those lovely strips into the brine for 20 to 30 minutes trust me the result will be absolutely stunning and so so flavorful now I'm almost done and if you want to add some pork loin or tenderloin or pork neck you can do that also and this is it as you can see this is exactly the amount of brine that I need now I will sear It Off I want to take off all the air and this will go straight into the fridge I will marinate for one to two hours and then we'll take it out and I will carry on with the recipe as you can see this brand is not ready yet I need to see some boiling water and then take off the heat and set it aside for a long time one to two hours until it completely cooled down come on so after one hour but you can leave it up to two hours it depends from the saltiness you want the Gyros to have my Gyros is ready and I will drain it here and this goes into the rubbish and of course we have to make sure what like this travel we don't want to have this liquids on the meat because the liquid will not make crispy the heroes in the pan so I have a non-stick pan here this is a huge one if you have a small one then you will make the Gyros into boxes because it's very important the pan to be extremely hot and what I'm going to do with this brand my friend like this yes if I want to make another box straight away I can use it for one more time but now not after one two three four five hours okay now I will not use this brand again and I will take some kitchen towel here and what I'm going to do my friend like is we don't want the water on the meat because the water will not allow the meat to become crisp into the pan perfect and in Nepal it's not ready yet but I will add a little bit of extra virgin Greek Olive Oil here and when the oil is ready when you see that the oil is gathering into the center then probably the oil is ready the pan is ready now I will put my meat on the pan [Music] and this is it now during that time I will prepare my Souvlaki soap instead of Greek pitas today I'm going to use a sort of tortillas because I know that everybody has tortillas whole so I will take some tortillas one two three four is enough and I will start adding ingredients on the tortillas I want some tomato because tomato is always nice and we love tomato not true like is nice I have some onion with parsley this is very classic to make a proper Greek Heroes you need this lovely mixture parsley and onion and I need to prepare a very very Speedy sauce you can use that ziki if you want but if you want to make something else a classic sauce we're using to grease is the master mayonnaise sauce simply add some mayo in a bowl perfect a bit of honey just a little bit some mustard I'm using mild mustard but if you want to use the spice one you can do that and mix everything together and my funny mustard sauce is ready I will add a little bit of sauce here [Music] you know the meat should look like this crispy sexy golden and nice now my meat is ready oh my God it smells like grease lovely look at this this is perfection my friend Michaels this is the ultimate Heroes this is an absolutely stunning result for a homemade a traditional dish everybody knows that the heroes is normally in traditional now I will add some fries because we have to add some fries if we want to make traditional sexy nice and greeky and as you can see the amount of farm heroes is good enough to feed one person up to 80 kilos if you are more than 80 kilos you have to eat two okay Martin Luckys so tip two for me two for you and now it's time to wrap them I have my pizza here you can use any pizza you like but I am using tortilla today because I know that everybody has tortilla at home so why not make beers with Tortilla Mexican people will love me but actually everybody will love me because in this case you can make the recipe straight ahead [Music] and the first one is ready let's carry on with the next one and the next one look at this lovely sexy and nice in some places in Greece we are making Heroes with just yogurt and we're adding some paprika on top yogurt and paprika it's something everybody want to taste in this case I will add some paprika here and this is the next one for this and the next one always wrap them with some aluminum foil and some parchment and if if this is mine this is mine right I will make it a little bit more you know [Music] Rubble oh my God [Music] and this is the way you will adapt it perfect this is Greece my friend [Music] this is something you have to try please follow our recipes make comments under the video follow on social media Instagram Facebook Twitter and Tick Tock don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and push the button for notifications it's very important for us try this recipe make comments send me some photos of your own Heroes and please try this recipe today because I want you all to try the real stuff in every place of the world okay so see you next time bye-bye and now it's time for me to enjoy my heroes [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Akis Petretzikis
Views: 41,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akis kitchen, easy recipes, recipes easy, recipes, greek chef, food recipes, food videos, recipes videos, akis petretzikis, akis greek chef, akhs petretzikhs, akis petretzikis kitchen, Chicken Gyros Akis Petretzikis, Chicken Gyros, Akis Petretzikis, Chicken Gyros | Akis Petretzikis, homemade chicken gyros recipe, homemade chicken gyros, chicken gyros, homemade gyros, homemade chicken gyros healthy, chicken gyros akis petretzikis, chicken gyros akis, chicken gyros recipe
Id: ftx9vA8ZKBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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