Easy 2 Dollar Pasta | But Cheaper

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so you go to go get pasta and it's 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 i've got three different kinds for less than two dollars per serving that is but cheaper so [Music] whenever i go out to eat i will order pasta if i'm at a great restaurant of course a good restaurant makes great pasta it's always worth the money but usually it's like 18 20 and you can make this stuff at home for a fraction of the price so it's a perfect but cheaper candidate while we're here talking about it uh you me and ntg oh my gosh [Music] romanticism we're gonna talk about three different ways to make a great pasta as cheaply as physically possible i could go on and on about pasta rather than talking about it i think we should be about it and let's do this shall we right so before we get started i'd like to mention pasta shape dried spaghetti works excellent with all these sauces and is an ultra cheap one to two dollar per pound option anyway sauce number one is a chef and home cook favorite marcello hazaan's classic onion butter tomato sauce in a medium sauce pot add a 28 ounce can of peeled roma tomatoes the sento brand cost me about three bucks but you could go even cheaper here if you want add in one whole onion that's been sliced in half peeled with the root still attached and 5 tablespoons or 70 grams of unsalted butter give it a light seasoning of salt to taste and a small pitch of sugar then place it on a stove over medium heat bring that up to a gentle simmer and lower the heat to medium low simmer that for 45 minutes stirring occasionally mashing the whole pieces of tomato against the wall of the pan until you get a lovely sauce like this then simply remove the onion discard it and adjust the salt levels to your taste from there you can boil one pound of spaghetti or bucatini to a nice al dente texture it should be al dente all right that's the right way and make sure to season your pasta water generously with salt i want this bad boy as salty as the ocean then toss your drained pasta in all of your tomato sauce with a little splash of reserved pasta water then plate that up and enjoy with some fresh shaved parmigiano reggiano should you desire it now not including the cheese this bad boy sits at a solid 1.60 cents per serving the cheese tacks on like another 30 cents to a dollar right so next up we've got a surprise alfredo which is shockingly affordable to make in a large saucepan add four tablespoons or 56 grams of unsalted butter heat over medium heat till melted and boom blend then add one cup or 240 milliliters of heavy cream bring that to a nice simmer and let that simmer away for about one to two minutes or till emulsified and beginning to slightly thicken then turn off the heat and whisk in one and a half cups or 110 grams of finely grated parmigiano-reggiano keep whisking until completely melted and emulsified then finish with two cloves of freshly grated garlic some fresh cracked black pepper and salt to taste separately boil one pound of a nice wide noodle such as pepperdill then just toss that with your sauce along with a splash or two of pasta water and serve that bad boy with some extra cheese and black pepper on top bone apple tea to you too last but certainly not least is both a friend to our wallet as it is to our heart and souls pasta how was that italians did i do good let me know can't wait to get yelled at very excited now go ahead and boil yourself one pound of spaghetti or does the italian say spaghetti all right i'm getting out of myself here don't forget to heavy season that water by the way now when your pasta is almost done in a large saute pan add a third cup or 80 ml of extra virgin olive oil heat that over medium heat till hot it's a lot of heating then add seven cloves of very finely chopped garlic and one teaspoon or 5 grams of red pepper flakes saute that beauty until fragrant and ice about 3 minutes now once your pasta is done reserve about half a cup of the pasta water drain your pasta and add it immediately to your hot oil turn off the heat and toss aggressively splashing with a little pasta water until you've got a nice coating of oil season that generously with salt to taste and finish with half a cup or 12 grams of very finely chopped fresh parsley pleat that bad boy up nice and tall feel free to grate some parm on top should you desire it and that right there is one of the simplest yet greatest pasta dishes of all time so we have three pastas that each have plenty of wallet saving potential and you can add your budget protein of choice if you wish but now i think it's time that we talk about how they taste it's a bust the time pasta alloy olio this is perhaps the most affordable easy to make pasta in all of history with all that said that puts this plate of pasta at this number right here this is something everyone should know how to make and if you don't already and i've talked about it before so has our boy babish baby i love you so uh let's dig in oh my god pasta alio aeolio encompasses although a tongue twister sings harmonies on your tongue as well that doesn't make sense it's got all the qualities you want in a plate of pasta it's rich but not too rich it's garlicky but in a subtle way there's a little bit of kick from the garlic there's a little bit of spice from the the red pepper flakes and there's a little bit of chew from the pasta it's a good pot this is what a pasta should be this takes 10 minutes take the damn time alfredo this is something that i think a lot of kids hold near and dear to their heart you know you go out with your your family it's a saturday night school not happening what even is school abc's i don't know but one thing you are looking forward to is the alfredo that's finna hit right in front of you that could have broken if your alfredo doesn't do that i don't want it on your first bite you're gonna ask why did i ever pay 17 for this so simple so easy ingredients that aren't really even that expensive there's nothing exotic about it and it's not that hard to make five minutes of boiling and simmering and stirring and you're that's what you're paying 17 for when you go out so this comes in at this price per serving now granted that's without chicken but like you incorporate chicken you might tack on a dollar or two to that big whoop much better than uh than 17. this is one that i've talked to you guys about before i hold this very near and dear to my heart a lot of the italian cooking that i learned when i was a young kid was from marcella hazan marcella shout out to her this is her classic everyone knows this the og onion and butter tomato sauce so simple makes you want to cry obviously the simplicity in the ingredients this is going to automatically make it cheap but the key point is this is a perfectly balanced like you take a bite and you're like balancing right but it's perfectly balanced so you're not doing that i don't know where i'm going with the analogy the sweetness from the onion combats the over acidity of the tomato so it's nice and smooth tasting it's salty it's got richness from the butter this is truly perfect tomato sauce and you can make the whole darn thing less than six dollars and fifty cents but you wanna know what else has nice nudes and is coated in sauce b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made three different kinds of pasta alfredo pasta argo olio and what was the third one again how could i forget marcela hazaan's greatest tomato sauce of all time it's so beautifully simple and cheap there's a message here and the message is simple ingredients cared for it's not supposed to be expensive it's just beauty and simplicity technique and a little bit of love bruv i hope you learned something also i i keep having the the conversation back and forth about being in the cabinet not in the cabinet we're out of the cabin again because sometimes we remember to put the camera here and sometimes we don't so you tell us what you want to see in the comments below so with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time good night [Music] stinky [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,686,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasta, pasta recipes, homemade pasta, homemade alfredo, alfredo recipe, pasta alfredo recipe, pasta aglio e olio, olive oil pasta, easy pasta recipe, cheap pasta recipe, cheap pasta, san marzano tomato sauce, easy tomato sauce, tomato sauce recipe, pasta sauce, pasta sauce recipe, easy pasta sauce recipe, marcella hazan, onion and butter tomato sauce, marcella hazan sauce, marcella hazan recipe, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, sat bawl pro, youtube cooking series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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