How to make the SIMPLEST ITALIAN PASTA SAUCE at home

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everyone should be able to make a basic tomato sauce for pasta blindfolded [Music] okay maybe not blindfolded that actually sounds pretty dangerous luckily for us the world's Italian grandma the late marchello Hassan has graced us with the simplest yet one of the most delicious pasta sauces you can make [Music] those clips that you just saw really sum up this sauce marchello hasan really changed the game with her essentials of Italian cookbook and one of the most famous recipes in there is this sauce recipe why it's simple it's literally three ingredients let's talk about that ingredient number one is a can of whole tomatoes obviously in the summer use fresh tomatoes but in the winter on the East Coast fresh tomatoes don't have any flavor so I don't use them and don't just take it from me March Ellis says the same thing in her book if completely satisfactory fresh tomatoes are not available it is better to use canned imported Italian plum tomatoes okay so no fresh tomatoes in the winter so what do you want to pick up for your tomato sauce my first choice would be some canned tomatoes from the summer basically summer in a jar my next choice would be certified San Marzano tomatoes found in most grocery stores these are usually the most coveted plum tomato from Italy due to their sweet flavor and low acidity my next choice would be San Marzano style tomatoes which use the same seed but are not grown in the same area as certified san marzano tomatoes however they are just as delicious in my opinion lastly use any can of regular whole peeled tomatoes no matter what you pick they're still going to make a great sauce so try out the different brands see what you like the best and pick your tomatoes with the tomato selected the next ingredient is the butter which you may be asking yourself I thought olive oil was the staple of Italian food and more chela does use olive oil and some of her other sauces but not for this one and as Kenji Lopez points out in the food lab butter has natural emulsifiers that help keep the sauce creamy and the dairy has a nice sweetness to it additionally when you pair that with the last ingredient a slow-cooked onion it leads to a really well-balanced sauce now there's just a couple of tweaks that I like to make to help get this pasta sauce on the table faster and add some fresh flavor but enough talking let's get into the cookie for me I like a smooth sauce over a chunky one so I start by crushing up the tomatoes you could just use your hand but I like to get out a colander and push the tomatoes through if you have a food mill or a blender this also makes it even easier with the tomatoes ready just get out your onion and chop it into fourths removing that outer layer of skin lastly get five tablespoons butter and your ingredients are prepped now we're gonna head to the stove and set up our work station add the tomatoes into a large skillet with the onion and butter if you're wondering why I'm using a skillet it's because the shallow and wide pan will allow for more evaporation to occur so the sauce reduces and thickens up faster last but not least add a small pinch of salt to the sauce don't add too much because we will be adding more later and the sauce is going to reduce so if you add too much in the beginning it's gonna be even saltier at the end now what you're gonna do is just set this heat to medium-low and let this thing bubble away for about 25 to 30 minutes until it is nice and reduced once your sauce has thickened up nicely the most important part is you have to taste it taste it add a little bit of salt and repeat the process until the sauce tastes right to your liking once done you can pour the sauce into containers and store it in the fridge for up to a week for all sorts of pasta dishes or anything that really requires tomato sauce it doesn't have to be Italian to actually serve this sauce with pasta this is how I like to do it set 3 liters or quarts of water on to boil once the water has boiled add in 30 grams of salt or three large pinches in my case for sauce like this I love a good quality bucatini look for a box that says bronze cut or slow dry the sauce will stick better you're gonna toss in the pasta and set a timer for one to two minutes less than the package says while that's boiling away I'm going to ship it on to some fresh basil and get a bunch of fresh grated parm now grab your sauce from the fridge and toss it in the pan add a little bit of the pasta water to get it going and then you can stir in the fresh basil and a nice handful of fresh parm make sure you give the sauce a taste and then toss in your bucatini you want to stir this vigorously for about 1 to 2 minutes to finish cooking the pasta and let that sauce really thicken up and coat the noodles with the pasta done get a serving fork or a pair of tongs get a big twirl of that pasta and set it on the plate add some more of that fresh grated parm and some basil for a garnish simple easy delicious [Music] you
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 464,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cook with E, tomato sauce, the simplest pasta sauce, 3 ingredient red sauce, 3 ingredient pasta sauce, easy pasta sauce, marcella hazan, marcellla hazan pasta sauce, marcella hazan tomato sauce, marcella hazan recipes, marcella hazan tomato sauce with onion and butter, fast tomato sauce, quick tomato sauce, pasta recipe, easy pasta recipe, weekday sauce, sunday sauce, pasta sauce, spaghetti sauce, easy spaghetti sauce, italian pasta sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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