Easter Sunday Mass with Fr Jerry Orbos SVD - April 12 2020

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I have a reason and I am with you still at the pool yeah you played your hand upon me a little too wonderful for me these others Alleluia out of the death we gather together in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit the drinks of our risen Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you are states of others wherever you are at this moment happy Easter the Lord is risen indeed Alleluia Olivia let's smile not only in our fingers but in our hearts yes we have a God who is victorious he even conquered death so God will conquer Kovach 19 we're on the right side of history we're with the most powerful God Susan Brothers we bow our heads please no that's what's happened now is a battle between light and darkness it's a war going on and it's spiritual warfare as well not only a medical warfare and so as we found before the Lord this morning we first asked God to forgive us the most beautiful prayers lord have mercy on me I am a sinner but I know you're a god who loves me you are greater than all my sins for the dance Oh God that we chose darkness instead of the light please forgive us lord have mercy the times of God we spread darkness to other people instead of spreading the light to them please forgive us Christ have mercy and for the talents of God we did not spread instead we put off the light for the diners we spread negativities thanks we focus on what is missing and forgot to thank you for many blessings lord have mercy to serve others on this Easter morning what is our best gift to God aside from our humble and contrite heart we offer to God today as well our gift of forgiveness we have been forgiven much let us forgive pray now for all the people who have hurt us by freedom and let us now ask for forgiveness as well from people here put in any way and promise got to stop hurting people from now and finally give me joy and hope let us forgive ourselves for God so loved the world he gave us His only begotten Son who suffered so much died and rose again that we may have eternal life your mighty God have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life and may the peace of the recent Lord be with you all so success of others wherever you are now Marcus Allen is a behind this greet one another Happy Easter the Lord is with us the Lord is risen and he lives with us happy easter everyone any of many things to thank that for the praise and glory to God I bet if I was a journalist not to give any bail or anything that can make me sad let's know as you say that Gloria make that sound for the Lord glory to God in the highest and on earth peace people of good will we praise you we bless you we adore you we glorify you we give you thanks for your great glory Lord God heavenly king o God Almighty father Lord Jesus Christ only begotten Son Lord God Lamb of God son of the Father you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us you take away the sin of the world receive our prayer you are seated at the right hand of the father have mercy for you alone are the Holy One you are home our Lord you alone are the most high Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit with the glory of God the Father let us pray thus now elude our personnel Thanksgiving requests and intentions and in a special way we pray that there will be a remedy swinging against copy 19 therefore the scientists the researchers pray for the front liners out there everyone have to leave their homes so that means that be safe and afraid in especially in this mass of the resurrection for all those Organa head of ours because of public 19 let the prayer for families who lost a loved one during these things and we pray that there will be a resurrection soon it is war against occupied Oh God whoo nice day the only-begotten son have conquered death and unlocked for us the path to eternity when I pray that we who keep the solemnity of the Lord's resurrection many to the new abroad by your spirit rise up in the light of life for Lord Jesus Christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit one God for ever and ever he hated specific down for the word of God a reading from the Acts of the Apostles Peter proceeded to speak and said you know what has happened all over Judea beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power he went about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil for God was with him we are witnesses of all that he did boast in country of the Jews and in Jerusalem they put him to death by hanging him on a tree this man God raised on the third day and granted that he being visible not to all the people but to us the witnesses chosen by God in advance who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead to him he commissioned us to preach to the people and testify that he is the one appointed but by God as judge of the living and the dead to him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in Him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name the word of the Lord this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad this day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad give thanks to the Lord for he is good for his mercy endures forever let the house of Israel say his mercy endures forever there's is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad the right hand of the Lord has struct with power the right hand of the Lord is exalted I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad the stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone by the Lord has this been done it is wonderful in our eyes this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad a reading from the first letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians brothers and sisters do you not know that the little yeast Levens all the death clear out the old yeast so that you may become a fresh batch of death in as much as you are unleavened for our Paschal Lamb Christ has been sacrificed therefore let us celebrate the feast not with old yeast the yeast of matters and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth the word of the Lord thanks be to God it's join me now wherever you are sing a beautiful beautiful chan hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Chrysler Pascal lamb has been sacrificed let us then feast with joy in the Lord hallelujah hallelujah the Lord be with you a reading from the holy Gospel according to Saint John on the first day of the week Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning while it was still dark and saw the stone removed from the tomb so she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved and told them they have taken the Lord from the tomb and we don't know where they put him so Peter and the other disciple went out and came to the tomb they both ran but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived at the tomb first he bent down and saw the fury of cloth there but did not go in when Simon Peter arrived after him he went to the tomb and so the burial cloths there on the cloth that had covered his head not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate place and the other disciple also went in the one would arrive at the tomb first and he saw and leaved or they did not yet understand that the scripture had that he had to rise from the dead the gospel of the Lord good morning everyone and Happy Easter and even though last good Friday I went to our chapel and it is my habit to go to the tabernacle which I was going up looking at the steps but the ink acceptable Urkel it was empty the cabacas too empty of course I remember of course Holy Thursday well a preowned acid sacrament in an acacia altar of repose somewhere but that moment when I look at the empty tabernacle Majin a bullet Babu but then right away I all thought I saw the Lord smile and he told me right away I am with you you know but an empty boom I am witty I'm in your heart this is the message of Easter for all of us he is with us and he is in our hearts so we bring him wherever we go whatever we do and you know that gives so much peace at this time let's choose to walk this to walk this with the Lord let's walk it through with the Lord one day at the time one day at a time we don't know how long what will happen we but the message of Easter is I am with you let's walk this together one day at a time let's stay focused stay focused a lot of distracting things scary things happening all around let's make a choice and say Lord I am walking this too with you every day and may the peace and the joy of the risen Lord be with you wherever you are right now it's a beautiful passage I came through this week Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 if God puts you through it he will get you trilliant if God puts you through it he will get you through it and maybe that's all we need to remember God is with us and don't forget God is a God who fights our babbled the God who fights for us is the literal meaning of Israel the God who fights for you with you it just struck me for all intents and purposes we are now in World War 3 yeah I mean virtually the enemy the unseen enemy has landed in the shores of practically almost all over the nations all over the world we have an enemy and is already here in our shores think of this is war gayer than the Pope maybe some it doesn't register yet now there is already an enemy right here and so what is the weapon one lapataia bala by so you pray that the scientists and the doctors will get those ammunitions ready soon for now we're still just on the defense is a defense mode Palin who died oh okay the front liners are are doing their very best the only very few of them who are we regarding us and somehow somehow word of the enemy most of us what do we do in the time of attack so what do you do take over take over are you boom tell him about alibis and that's the only thing we can do for now take cover like the plane that went through Egypt the time what did the Lord say go deeper wounds go their home stay there until the plague is over the staining noise they cover at least eight heart and please believe that these two will pass this too will pass this have diamond are all hopeless in our helplessness let's not go to hopelessness this is time for us to test our faith Monica buddy yeah may lead again you - all after this has passed I remember our parents telling us stories about world war two they live to tell what happened in World War two and I pray and I believe that you and I - we live to tell those who come after us what happened in World War 3 against Pope in nineteen yes we give praise and glory to God and Sanna after all this you've learned our lessons realizations as well and sanap all will have no regrets three regrets discernible we will not have number one you'll regret now Oh God when all that thing was happening the coke with 19 I lacked faith in you San Antonio de medicina the cool and tagging imperfective arles-avignon number 2 regret Sanibel in dilemma GC Cena Oh God when the cope with 19 war was raging I lacked love for other people I did not pray for them I did not share whatever I had you know mr. tendency of many was just to play safe right wrong please remember that as we speak there many people are suffering many people who are going hungry and angry yeah okay we can reflect etc but please don't forget share in any way share which people you realize what much your money sure the group were given and arrived in the bank array we have enough but you think about it you have all that money and sign of hyper powerful became tired you know I'm in Christ the King for the past what 3-4 weeks now very quiet lockdown and all I hear when I write here vehicles is Simon Valencia villain but occasionally occasionally I hear Wow the roar of sports car and big bikes Wow the rich with their toys or the big boys here I mean look this war let's keep that in mind and in war there are the front liners the soldiers there are those we call brailers those who pray and then there are coins there are thieves or self-proclaimed heroes and there are real heroes and son and unknown heroes yeah maybe have no regrets that we loved to Libra and fairy sanap or we have no regrets that we lacked hope in ourselves and in each other Easter is about the light let us spread the light let's become light to other people please don't forget the two traits March of Easter that's joy and hope don't forget to be joyful you know somebody sent me a nice message Sabrina please don't forget that sunshine is good for your teeth a part of the amoeba Indian Aggie smile back in the Ragman so smile and that the sunshine can you know give replies to your teeth as you mentioned exciting clips for that movie and one more thing if only to make the emphasis that this is a war and that we are just supposed to take over you gotta loosen up in a missing text message a better six feet apart than six feet under please keep that in mind Atlanta team as we speak as we hold on to our God as we have hope this don't forget again da-da-da-da-da-da the sufferings of people around us are we on babbling about I'm at the gas station food on the table a seminar even Tao please don't make statements like that for all you know but I am devoting as I move on a guru without an element in ten things like that but having said that and not to justify this is a time for all of us to be very sensitive to each other's needs dear brothers and sisters I brain especially in this mass for those who died because of Corbin 19 and for their families this is a very sad time to die not even a proper goodbye but Lord there are many things we really don't understand but we just trust him and so all my sisters and brothers put iron ore than on PAGASA and keep telling people that's all we can do right now please don't spread negativities if you do that we become a part of the team of the enemy it's a battle between light and darkness Salonika spiritual warfare and so we turn again and ask the Lord to bless us all and thank God for the gift of eternal life we will meet again our departed relatives and friends after moments or lifetime eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them and may they rest in peace the souls of the faithful departed to the mercy of God rest in peace and may we the living live in peace let's take this opportunity now again to pray for the grace of a happy holy death we don't know when where how the Lord will take us please grant O God that when the time comes we'll be ready we have been reconciled with you with one another we'll make peace with the world we have made peace with ourselves we have forgiven and we have been forgiven the crease were happy and holy death and when we face God we can embrace him and say Lord mission accomplished stay with us Lord and the Angels the angels to protect and shield us from the virus and from the virus of fears pessimism negativity and selfishness we pray for all those who have been given the power to use their power with all sincerity and honesty especially during this time angel God our guardian dear to whom God's love commits this year the other side to light and God to huland died amen amen defense that is no price and we knew our baptism but vows in Baptism about this month promises and so I ask you before we do that let's just remember our own parents they gave us the gift of faith they pretended after all those who helped nurture our faith through the years so I ask you now my dear brothers and sisters do you renounce sin so as to live in the freedom of children of God they say I do you renounce the doer of evil that sin may have no mastery over you yes I do you renounce Satan the author and Prince of sin do you believe in God the Father Almighty Creator of heaven and earth you believe in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord was born of the Virgin Mary suffered death and was buried rose again from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father and he believed in the Holy Spirit the Holy Catholic Church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and life everlasting may Almighty God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ was given new birth by water and Holy Spirit and bestowed on us forgiveness of sins keep us by His grace in Christ Jesus our Lord amen amen should not receive any of their going [Music] we joy listen Aeromotive God of all creation goodness we have to spread Walker we spiritus human and human hands of man will become Lord for us the bread of life and yesterday Lord God on great-auntie goodness we have the swine to offer fruit of the violin where your human hands it will become Lord our spirit brought drink recipe God we see was Lord we pleased with his sacrifice we offer you with humble and contrite hearts the Lord once away all our iniquities and cleanse us from all our sins prema diseases and what is that these are sacrifice our Thanksgiving may be acceptable to God our loving father may the Lord receive a sacrifice someone has put a praising lowest name partner and his Holy Church exalted with basket blackness Oh Lord we offer the sacrifice but which your church is wonderfully reborn and noise to Christ come on Lord the Lord be with you lift up your hearts and let us give thanks to the Lord our God further a powerful and every living God the dual always and everywhere to give you thanks today and Lord you more gloriously when Christ our Passover has been sacrificed the true lamb has taken away the sins of the world by dying as destroyed our death by rising restored our life therefore overcome with Paschal joy every land every people exalts in your praise even the heavenly powers the enchanted Falls sing together the unending hymn of your glory as they acclaim holy over the holy O God of power and might heaven and earth are full of your glory the Sun in the highest blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord the Sun and in the heights where two or three are gathered together in my name there I am in the midst station brothers wherever you are welcome the Lord in her hearts in your myths the recent Lord is with you it's also acknowledged the presence of mama Mary whose presence in every month of her son Jesus Christ Oh Lord your holy indeed the fount of all holiness the pure spirit come upon these gifts to make them holy so that they may become for us the body and blood of our Lord Jesus but before he was given up to death but that's a freely accepted he took bread and gave you thanks he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples and said take this all new and evil this is my body which will be given up for you [Music] and supper was ended he to pick up again gave you thanks and praise he gave the cup to his disciples and said take this all of you drink from it this the cup of My Blood the blood of the new and everlasting government it will be shared for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven do this in memory of me the winner here and we remember we remember do you remember how you loved us to your death and still we celebrate for you are with us E and we believe that we will see you when we in your glory would be remembered we celebrate we believe in memory of his death and resurrection we offer you father this life-giving bread and the savings of me thank you for counting us worthy to stand in your presence and serving and they all about sharing in the body and blood of Christ he brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit Lord remember your church throughout the world made us grow in love together with Francis our Pope the nest our Bishop the clergy our missionaries are religious over the world and all the faithful people who and transmit remember to Lord our departed relatives and friends especially the victims on kovat 19 Brynden and all the department to the light of your presence have mercy on us all make us worthy to share eternal life with Mary the Virgin Mother of God the apostles and martyrs Saint Joseph and all the saints of priests you throughout the ages a married to be co-heirs to eternal life and praise and glorify you through your son Jesus Christ through him and with him in the unity of the Spirit all glory and honor is yours Almighty father forever and this is what is truly pond please don't forget we have a father we are but loving father who loved the world so much he gave us his only begotten son suffered died and rose again that we may have eternal life my repeat but everyone praying about everything worry about nothing anything bothers you and me you say Lord a one Baja lagana you have my god I trust him and don't worry anymore but everyone also means spray about everyone worry about the total book we worry about our loved ones but you know we can only do so much great that's a banal another a one Lord Veronica NASA mama has to sacrifice I know you love those who might love you love that Borden I can love them so we humility with joy we trust everything and everyone to God our Father who are in heaven how that would be like then your kingdom come you will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and as you pray O God so many more going hungry is very and forgive us our sins yes board we obscene please forgive us we have forgotten have become proud we become unkind as usual give those who sinned against me give us the grace to forgive and be forgiven and lead us not to the test deliver us from evil and deliver us from the evil of Kogut 19 amen deliver us from evil gratis peace keep us free from sin and hopelessness protect us from all anxieties and useless words as you wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ for the kingdom the power lawyer yours but these cries you said the apostles I leave you peace and my peace I give you look not on our sins and weaknesses and grant us your piece as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ and the power the glory are yours now may the peace and the joy of the recent Lord be with you all well let's offer one another sign of peace and let's give courage to one you still want another don't worry be happy God loves you mama Mary love and peace lambda God take away the sin of the world have mercy them God take away the sea lemon God take away the sympathies ballast is by your heads and you joining us now on television or with shemitah the Lord is here Lord since I cannot receive you sacramentally I decide and I want to receive the spirit Li coming to my heart coming to our problem come Lord into a country can log into this world heal the world with your dad give us your light and let your light overcome the darkness that's creeping in your life Oh God your life Jesus is victorious power your life will conquer the darkness the Lamb of God who suffered so much the died and rose again that we may have eternal life happy and grateful are we were called to the banquet of the land oh lord I am not worthy she'd come and away say but the word and my soul shall be divided our place bring us to everlasting so and everything that we wanted the heart of Jesus Jesus me [Music] well [Music] CV hard old geezers sleep and I say never from the Oh here Daniel diving children spread Oh hold on Jesus I don't you see poverty is a simple song that says a lot especially the part that says you know when when the tempest most severe heart of Jesus the Lord is with us that's all we need to remember by the way if you could relate that song going up Assad as a Picanto that says a lot about you pre-vatican that shows a lot about our age yeah there was a song we were seen in the nineteen sixties and seventies and sisters and brothers please don't forget to find joy to see joy and to spread joy especially during this time that's one way to defeat the darkness of Corbett 19 be joyful and speaking of the 1960s it's like to share a song we paraphrase the song by Peter Paul and Mary I'd like you could relate with that the crew vouloir is waiting but I'd like to paraphrase this and offer it again specially with the front liners out there and it goes like this the cozied war is raging front liners have to fight risking life and will be from more Oh Lord peace be with them protect them from all harm what's their homes and their loved ones our world and our land this Kovach war we lead us to go with God again and to go with each other with love from now Lord you are with us and that's all that matters like at the end of the tunnel we believe we trust Christ our Passover has been sacrificed other wheel therefore let us keep the feast with a unleavened bread of purity and truth alleluia alleluia look upon us O God with unfailing love and favor that we knew by the Paschal mysteries to become to the glory of the Resurrection to Christ our Lord the Lord the recent Lord be with you joyfully humbly let us all smile and receive the love the assurance the praise of our loving God and the blessing of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit has ascended we go in peace and please don't forget heaster is here Easter is not you are an Easter person we are an Easter people filled with hope enjoy god bless you and Mama Mary lucky we like to honor our mother Regina Coeli here [Music] restless eat seafood see ha ha [Music] the darkness of sin and the knife of unbelief and opiate 19 vanished before the light of the word and the spirit of grace and made the Heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all [Music] god bless you mom loves you too Happy Easter got the shot
Channel: Divine Word Media PH
Views: 122,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divine Word Missionaries
Id: 4SIQ4aWxeX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 47sec (3347 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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