Easily SYNC MODS with friends on Lethal Company

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all right I have something new for those people that don't have the thunderstorm mod manager and those that do potentially if you do have it you might not know this anyway I just want to start by saying this is a really quick and easy way of sharing and syncing your mods with friends as well as general mod management so first of all I'm just going to very quickly go over how to install it if you go to uh Thunder store.io um I'm actually on the the lethal company blah blah blah it doesn't matter which one you're on you just want the Thunder Store app you'll see there's a banner at the top uh you can click get app if you click that it will download I'm going to leave it with you guys I think you guys might be able to just do that on your own once you have that installed you should get to something a little bit like this in fact actually it will look probably a bit more like this uh so you you have to look for a game first I'm going to assume that if you're here you're probably here because you want lethal company so we're going to select game okay first of all don't worry about this too much just yet we're going to come back to this so if we just um let's just create a new one you're going to create create a new cuz you're not going to have any so you're going to click create new we're going to call it I'm really cool select it click select profile it will open up just like this and it says oh no you have no mods installed that's fine there's a couple of ways in which we can install mods uh the first being straight through the mod manager so we can go get mods we can go oh yes we really like that one download download with dependencies and that's another beautiful thing about this is it install all the dependencies for you as well so you don't have to do any of that yourself so now if we go to my mods you can see I've actually got three because it says oh look you need beex you need more suits and now you've got this suit if that's what you want another thing is they're really easy to just toggle on and off so if I just go herey I got don't want that now but I want to keep my dependencies perfect toggle that off go to mods find a new suit that you want new mod whatever okay so we're getting to the juicy bits one more thing I want to cover is uh actually it does make it really easy to com uh to configure the mods let's just say I've installed this and I want to tweak my HD settings I just go edit config I can go to the HD lethal company config edit config and it just lists them out really nice and easy here so if I was on uh 25 2560 that's me right there 2977 bam my game looks better already okay so here is the coolest thing about this and what makes sharing mods with friends so much easier if you've all got different mods and you want to play together and you just want to be on the same set of mods as your friends do this so go to settings you go down to export yes export profile as a code now your code is this here F was to take that code I go so let's just say we have a friend and he says wow your mods look really cool I want to play on those your friend can come in here and he can go import update import new profile from a code paste in the code import you are also really cool now this is saying is already in use or contains V it's already in use cuz I already have that but your friend would not have that and now he would also be really cool and you both be on the same mods and you can both play the game together really easy so that being said as you can see I have been doing this I got a few profile I got three set up so I've got my usual ones with some useful tools that I go back to every time I play lethal company and I've got some that just completely outrageous I mess about with quite a lot so you can have different profiles set up this opens up the possibility to doing fun things and I actually have a video coming up with this in it uh but you can do things like mini games like one of your friends installs loads of mods complete surprise okay they install loads of mods and then they give you a code you import the code but you don't look at what mods they've installed you jump in game everything's a surprise so there you go that is how you manage your mods with the thunderstorm mod manager just makes life a lot easier I really hope this has helped you guys cuzz it Mass helped me and the main thing I took away with uh from this was being able to share my mods with friends and just easily sync up so yeah happy modding go and put some hours in for the company and I'll see you on the other side
Channel: MagicRecon
Views: 9,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC, gaming, funny, magicrecon, lethal company, lethal company mods, how to install mods, share mods, lethal company tutorial, best mods lethal company, sync mods on lethal company, easily share mods on lethal company, how to install mods on lethal company overwolf
Id: LiK18pllxFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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