How to install mods for the cracked version of Lethal Company

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hey um so before I start this video I would like to make one thing very clear that this is all for educational purposes and I really do suggest you get this game from Steam to support the developers but if you do not get it from Steam then this is a way you can get the mods to work on a cracked SL pirated version of the game so this this is all for educational purposes so let's get to the video all right so to begin this video we're GNA just get the mods installed so we're gonna get the mod installer the mod launcher all that stuff we're going to get that installed and then after that I'll teach you how to configure it to your PIR version so the first thing you're going to do is go to Google Chrome or whatever your web browser is and you're going to go to Thunder the link will be in the description but you're going to just click get app right it's going to take you to overwolf which is just an app store for a bunch of um game mods and it should come up you're going to click download Once the download is complete you're going to click it it's going to run it like aexe so it's gonna it's gonna it's loading should come up it's going to ask if you want to make changes to your device you're going to click yes all right so now you're going to just go through the installation so you're going to just click next where do you want to install it I do want to create a desktop short cut maybe not one for overwolf but I will for thunderstore um I do not care about this and it's going to install so I'm going just let this install and I'll be back when it's done now it's done so I'm just click launch now this is the thunderstorm en but I'm G click launch here right G to open up okay here it is this is the thunderstore launcher which is just a mod menu for a bunch of games so it's got all a bunch of games here but we don't need any of these games um we just need lethal company so if you're only playing lethal company I suggest you favored it and I suggest you set as default so it's warming it up it's getting it all ready so here is all the things so select profile this is the only profile we have you can make a new profile like this and you can import a new profile like this so import new through code or yeah all that so we're going to select profile we're just doing the default one and we're going to go to settings we're going to go to well here you can see all the mods so this is all the mods you can download so bigger lobbies on here and everything but yeah we'll do that in a second so you're going to go to locations and since we're in a pired copy we're going to go to change lethal company directory right and we're going to find the direct directory so mine's in my downloads but yours might be somewhere else but here it is I'll go here I click this and I click the. exe since that's what it's looking for right um so now that that's done we're going to get the mods we want so we're going to go get mods we're going to get bigger Lobby pretty much that's all I'm getting and we'll get we get um let's get the HD shaders I think HD shaders HD lethal here this is the other one come on okay um so now that we have our mods right you cannot just launch it like this you cannot launch it through vanilla if you click this it's not going to work it's going to try on opening it through Steam since you don't have a steam account since or sorry since you don't have it on Steam it's not going to work so what we're going to need to do and this is where it gets a little bit complicated but just follow along all you're going to need to do is go to your file directory right you're going to go to where the game is right here right you're going to create a shortcut of lethal company you're going to name it you can leave it the name this but I suggest you name it something where you know it's the modded version so I'm going to just name it modded right and now that you have that shortcut you're going to go to your lethal company right here you're go settings you're going to have go to locations sorry not locations you're going to go to all you're going to go to launch parameters set launch parameters right here you're going to copy all of this all of it so right there and you're going to just copy it you're going to control C copy it and then you're going to go back to that folder where your shortcut is you're going to go to it you're going to go to the modded shortcut you're going to right click you're going to go to properties and it should say Target right here right so you're going to go all the way to the left so the end of the the end of the text so you're going to hold your arrow key and just hold it down you can hear I'm clicking it it's not going anymore so you're all you're going to do is Click space one space right that's it and then you're going to click control+v and now you copied it all to the Target so pretty much you're just saying hey when you click the shortcut also open this file while you're at it so it opens the modded version right so now that you did that all you're going to do just exit out of this you cannot use this to launch it right these don't work launched so you have to go here accidentally went Microsoft Edge and you're going to double click modded and it should open it up right right here just let it load so it's going to launch like a regular um version and then you'll notice when it's here hold up wait it's done launching this my first time launching it on this thing so it's going to take a while so I'm going to launch on online just showing you that it works right now it's only loading weird because it's a virtual machine so just bear with it all right here and then now you can see right there it says mod right there so that's how you know you're in a mod game if you click host you can go here and you can see all this and you can make the lobby as big as you want or whatever and yeah pretty much that's it um before I finish this I just want to let you know that you can only play with other people who have the modded version so if they don't have this exact amount like these exact mods then it won't work so they either have to they have have to have the exact same mods unless it's a client side mod like HD lethal company which is a client side mod but bigger lobbies is not a client side mod so everyone needs to have that mod installed to play and you can only play with other people who have the crafted version of the game um and then while you're at it while you're here I suggest you make another shortcut just called lethal company so then you can bring both of these onto your desktop if you want and now if you launch this oh hold up I dragged the. EXE now that you drag the shortcut now this one launched is the vanilla version and this one the modded version so you can just do that but yeah it's that simple and now you can play modded with your cracked friends on lethal company all right bye
Channel: Midnight
Views: 154,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dVuDaRfj1HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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