Easiest Way to SUBNET tutorial by CISCO Students (based on given number of hosts and networks)

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hi I'm David Tepper from ort Technical Institute in downtown Skokie we're actually call RT Chicago we are discussing today subnetting in our class we are going to tell you about a new way to submit everyone is scared to death of subnetting they think it's so difficult but we're going to show you a real easy way to do it typically we are going to take a base network and we're going to divide it into new networks that's what subnetting means taking a network and dividing it everything is based on the subnet mask and typically we see a slash 24-hour subnet mask is 255 255 255 0 and that represents 3 groups of 8 octets 3 times 8 is 24 so we 6/24 we are going to borrow bits from this group here to create new networks what we do is we start with this chart and this chart is basically how to convert a decimal number into binary we start with the number 1 we double it to 2 4 double it again again 2 8 16 32 64 and finally 128 this equals 2 to the nth power and that's how most people know how to subnet we're going to do it much simpler all we do is we're going to use this chart we're going to do in a couple of different ways first we're going to divide this base network into new networks based on number of hosts so if someone came to me and said Dave divide this such that we can make networks to be able to have 37 hosts I'm going to look at this chart I'm going to look at 37 is the number that we want 32 is smaller so I got to go to the next bigger one I'm going to put in 1 under the 64 since I'm starting from the left because we're in America we are reading English we read from the left to the right I'm going to put a 1 under the 128 that's going to make our new subnet mask a slash 26 let me write that for you / 26 we have borrowed 2 bits from the host portion so we're going to have 255 255 dot 255 dot 128 plus 64 is 192 that equals a / 26 is the new subnet mask were to use for all of our networks since I know that I am using 64 put the 1 underneath that and that was done on purpose that number 64 every new network is going to start with 64 that's going to be what we call the increment our next network as I said would be dot 64 so it'd be one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 100 dot 64 the next one add 64 this is dot 128 and the last one dot 192 I could go all the way up to 255 if I wanted to of course these numbers are all going to carry down what are you two dot one sixty eight dot 100 dot 255 why 255 instead of 256 if you notice our first network it started zero actually counts as a digital so if you take zero all the way to 255 you are actually using 256 digits that's how you know 255 doesn't equal to 56 however we're using two hundred and fifty six digits so if I am the beginning of all my networks that's what's called our network address and every network needs one every network also needs a broadcast address if I have the beginning although the end because this is the beginning of this network the end must be less than the next network right so I'm going to take the 64 which we got from up here and say this one ends right before that so it ends at 63 the next one ends at 127 the next one at 191 the next one at 254 now I know my network addresses I know my broadcast addresses I need a gateway for every network we need a gateway to assign to the host very simple I'm going to use the next digit in other words dot one dot 65.1 29.1 93 and of course this last one there is no I now it might not work address my gateway my broadcast address now the numbers that I can assign the host here it's 262 here 66 through 126 here 130 up to 190 and 194 to 253 we now have created four networks for new networks with the same subnet mask of 255 255 255 192 we have the network address the Gateway addresses we can use for hosts and the broadcast address angry any questions no then everything was perfect all right so I want you to do one now so let me erase all of this and I want you to use the same face network that way you don't have to rewrite everything but let's use a different example you guys have it you should be able to do it and I have no doubt if you can I have v my full confidence in there you go angry let's do another number of hosts let's say we want to do networks based on I don't know what do you think 18 host so anything else it's 18 hose that's a great number hi I'm Andrew from Morty Chicago so I'm going to do the same but they just explained it on this name different way with the different number of hosts first we're going to find the increment of course with funny increment how to find that of course through this chart over here which is the base of the subnet ik if you know this chart if you have this chart you can do whatever you want I was one of those those scare about subnetting but after this it's like nothing like but okay so now we have to find the increment right perfect so we said 18 host perfect but don't forget we have to add two more full two more IP addresses which one is going to be the network address and the other one is going to be Tacitus it means us going to be like around 20 so look at the little chart 20 right 20 is bigger than 16 so of course we're going to go to 32 that means the 32 is going to be our increment right so we put one bit over here but from here it's pretty easy how many bits we have to borrow to create our networks 480 plus is 1 2 so total is 3 bits board finding this we can find it very simple what our new subnet mask is going to be which is going to be pretty easy so maybe 255 for Terry's area they're going to be 255 255 255 so comes the question how we're going to find out the last number of the 7 months which is pretty easy simple math it's going to be 128 plus 64 plus 32 these are the numbers that we use for beads to borrow the total of this is going to be 224 so we have the last number is going to be 224 now what kind of / what we cannot use 24 anymore 24 hour Bayes network we borrow 324 plus 3 that's going to be 27 so after finding this we got I think the most difficult part let's start at maspiro with new networks that we're going to use here now we said our increment with 32 so our in our network is going to start of course on the base which is 0-1 and then the second one is going to start with an increment 32 this this doesn't change like their spring over here we borrow in bits from the host agree network the first three update over here doesn't change so we're going to work in this area here so let's go say 192 168 132 the other network is going to be 32 plus 32 which is going to be 64 stay the same now then you know another one just we can I'm showing you how much go on we can go to 255 that's our number of teaches the wheels from 0 255 which is 226 don't revisit excuse democracy so we have the base right perfect now from this freedom our childhood Network addresses which I needed before now when you find the broadcast address broke then it is pretty easy so you start with zero but it's going to end with the lowest number from 32 so we cannot use 32 because never like drastic goodness is going to be 31 from this network it starts with 32 and here is going to be 63 it's 64 minus 1 from here it is going to be 64 stands in network address is going to end up with 95 96 minus 1 so if I had something here it's going to be 128 so just just an idea to help which is going to be our broadcast address over here that means it's going to be 127 I got my networks now I need to find the host not first sorry first let's find a getaway we always have to have a gateway so we can connect to our network the Gateway I prefer to use the first numbers which is the first numbers from this network here it's going to be the one from this dipole here it's going to be dot 33 network over here is going to be 65 in here who is going to be 97 after I found this and after I found the network address the broker address and the Gateway pretty much the number of faults is simple it's going to start from 2 because I came up with z1 which is the Gateway and it's going to be 2 3 because I cannot do study first broadcast address and that doesn't change it's going to be exactly the same the second map book is going to be 30 for those 60 to turn that one is going to be 66 to 94 and here we're going to have a 97 to 98 put sorry 98 to 126 pretty much we have our host this is our network now my teammate Arianna is going to show you how to get this leverage implemented in a topology of small network that we have okay thank you so much David and V for showing us that it's not scary to subnet networks okay my name is Arianna and I'm from Chicago or t and I'm going to show you how to apply the network addresses to a simple Network okay now that we have this Napper address here I'm going to implement it to a simple network over there okay let's take a look at our network we have a PC which is some holes in here a switch our router a network link our router another switch and another host okay let's see how many networks we have we have one number right here we have another here and we have one number here so basically we have one two and three networks and the simple double quality now let's let's see how many network addresses we can use this we have three networks there let's use this for a second and third Network addresses them and we shown us okay let me rewrite the networks down here so the first network is going to be one ninety two dot one hundred on Tyco one sixty eight dot 100.0 slash 27 for our second network we have one ninety two dot one sixty eight the 100.3 to slash twenty seven for our last hundred pi/180 two dot one sixty eight dot one hundred dark sexy 4/5 and for our new subnet mask we have 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot two now that we have our three Network addresses here we can now use it to this three networks we have okay this is our first network so we can use this first Network and us here which is 100 block 0 slash 27 so basically this first network is the 100.0 / 27 network now that we know our default gateway is the next number to the number address which is that point we can use it for this interface which is B book it way off these first number for this host we can use stock 5 and our address for our second network right here we can use the second address of ham which is 100.4 t 2 / 27 effort and we have 1 & 2 host here you can use dot 34 and dot 35 for these holes and or our last emperor right here this one we can use the last address here which is 100 dot 64 / 27 okay our default gateway is the number next to the network address which is dark 67 so we're going to put in place not sexy funny I'm so sorry okay that 65 okay sorry for the confusion and now for the host we can use dark 75 okay here we go we have our simple Network and we applied theory into practice see it's as simple as it seems okay now I'm gonna give this marker to Johnny and he's going to show us another technique to subnet okay Donny thank you very much oh yeah hello my name is Johnny important live from our our team Institute of Chicago all right so what we've learned so far is how to subnet and find the networks that support the number of hosts but wonder survived was to say I want you to take the space network here and make me three networks out of it could it work the same could this be a new groundbreaking discovery I don't know let's see so three networks right so we're going to go here and we're going to know that it's going to be in between two above greater than 2 so I'm going to have to go to 4 so if you look below before you can see that our network is going to increase in the increments of 20 w of 64 so we're going to put a 1 right there and a 1 here so we know we're going to borrow 2 bits to make this nap to make these networks so we're going to go over here and we're going to get our new subnet masks so we're going to have 2 5 5 2 5 i two five five and now you know that this is going to be a slash twenty six networks because you're borrowing you two bags you see here 24 on the base this is how many hosts you usually have if you're borrowing two you're going to add to do it so let's see here so it's going to be you're going to add to get the subnet mask you're going to add these two up to 128 and there's 64 which will be 192 so you have 192 here / 26 let me ask a question Johnny does that mean I can use that new subnet mask for every network yes for every network that you're going to create so I created a subnet mask now we know the increment and we can apply that subnet mask to every single Network yeah show me does it build up I will show you how to show show me let's see alright so now that you have your new subnet mask you know how many bits you borrow because you got your new subnet masks let's make our new networks here now remember you need a network address they need a broadcast address so when we come here we're going to know that we're going to start with 192 168 100 now number increases in the increments of 64 so you're going to have a 64 here starting to look familiar right char dot let me show you the rest all right next one 128 now this is three now works here you have three networks already I'm just going to go ahead and put the next increment down here just so you have it for reference when I will help us get the broadcast address won't it so that's a smart thing to do is to write that forth number out is it man you're always thinking coach alright so you have your network address here got it you need your broadcast address got how do I find it you're going to find your broadcast address because your broadcast address is one two in before the next network so if you have got it so wait a minute the net the broadcast address of the first network is going to end before the second network starts so if the second Network starts at 64 where's the first one end the first one ends at 63 thought that makes sense to me alright I can't use the same numbers can I have no good luck I'll show you why so you got your zero right here right yep god houses a digit all right so you're going to go over here and you're going to see that you have 64 here so you're going to do 0 and as your broadcast address for this first Network here this first network you're going to do 63 AHA as the broadcast address what do you have here so it'll be 128 minus 1 which would be 64 to 127 oh I'm getting it 192 here minus 1 will be 128 to 191 so then you would now you have your let me ask you a question I don't mean to derail you but doesn't that equate I'm going to step in front doesn't that also mean because I'm going from 0 to 63 I'm using sixty four digits sure does yes it does so that means that every network is using sixty four digits and we're going back to this table that's why this table is so cool to you yeah because it's a lot easier I have to figure out yeah I don't earn you the exponents not agree nonsense that's W Silla along with Li you can just use this guy right here this seems you hear me all right so just like we were given examples earlier we want to find our gateways and we're going to just use one more than your network address just to keep it simple I'm a simple man with sidelights simple okay then alright so I'm going to be dot one right here one more than that dot sixty five one more than this it's dot 129 we have three networks right there but for this one down here I'll just you know why not use a by nine all right so now you have your network addresses your gateway and your broadcast dress now we need to find how many hosts you can support right now or the IP is addressed if we can assign the hope gets assigned to the gotcha gotcha that's important so you can't Russ why are we subject you're right here comes you all right so you have you have you have working your gateway your broadcast address we all know you cannot use those so we're going to have our hosts are the addresses we are able to assign to host will be in this network it would be to 262 in this network it will be 66 to 126 re-pour keynesian and in this one it will be 130 to 190 and we can do this one two boundary but we only need three networks we can do 194 to 253 all right all right all right excellent come on up Arianna thank you that taught me a lot come on up Arianna and hey I want to introduce um Sam because Sam gabbai is the technical coordinator at ort Chicago and Arianna where can they find our to Chicago is there a website yes I can actually I visit us at www.piofl.com that we think is a much easier way than the traditional way it's an easier way that Miss Cisco actually teaches but we could end up with the same result we've read multiple books and this is a much easier way we are of subnetting based on number of networks number of hosts we showed you how to apply it so you can build labs and you can either build webs with cisco packet tracer or real equipment thanks so much Andrew do your magic coach turn that side of the samurai you
Channel: East Charmer
Views: 41,626
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Keywords: subnetting, easy subnetting, subnetting made easy, easiest subnetting, class c subnetting, computer networking, cisco, cisco networking, ip addresses, chicago, chicago ort
Id: ccrG7M2-vd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2016
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