Secret of subnet mask

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hello and this is sunny welcome back today my topic is secret of a subnet mask every host every computer on a network has IP address and a subnet mask if you use a Mac you can open your terminal and atopy ifconfig - a to get your computer's IP address and a subnet mask for Windows users you can study your Windows command prompt and type in ipconfig /all and they hit enter and you can find your computers subnet mask IP address and many other pieces information here is my computer's subnet mask and IP address what is subnet mask why does a computer need a subnet mask ii mosque look like IP address is a 32-bit allah the same length as IP address but they are different subnet mask in binary is a strain a once followed by some number with zeros for example my computer's subnet mask is if i convert them into a binary number it look like this the there are 24 ones followed by eight zeros the shorthand we use slash 24 which simply means this a subnet mask has 24 ones the rest is 8 zeros together it is a 32-bit law here are more examples / 8 in shorthand means the subnet mask has eight ones followed by 24 zeroes and in decimal format it is 255 0 0 0 / 16 in shorthand means the subnet mask has a 16 ones followed by zeros and in decimal value it is but some as mosques are not necessarily of either 255 or 0 they can look like this / 5 means the sum as must have will 5 once the rest are zeros and in decimal format it is 248 dot 0 dot 0 dot 0 / 20 means the subnet mask has 20 ones followed by travels in decimal is 255 dot 255 dot 255 means 25 wines followed by seven zeros in decimal is 8 now we understand what is subnets mosque even in a three different formats shorthand binary format and a decimal format our next question is why do we need subnet mask anyway let's use an example to answer this question look at this picture on a local area network sunny classroom computer a wants to talk to computer B which is also on the same local area network meanwhile computer a also wants to talk to computer say somewhere over the rainbow on the internet but how does computer a knows computer B is local and the computer C is a remote well that's the secret of subnet mask let's think and a do as computer a does step by step let's at least a computer's aids subnet mask is IP address computers B's IP address and a computer sees IP address and if they we convert this decimal numbers instead into binary numbers because computer a is dumb and it only knows binary number zero or one next let's just to compare computers ace IPS way the computer these IP address only but we compare them with the help of a subnet mask computer is a sub as a mosque has a two parts or two segments ones apart and zeros part let's separate them so that we can easily see these two different parts now the computer a would compare is IP address beat by beat with a computer this IP address only under the first part of subnet mask which is 1 1 1 1 1 1 part every bit is compared and you can see they are all the same and the dink computer a has a reason has a strong reason to believe computer B is a local why because the first part under the ones of a subnet mask is network ID part and unique identifier for local area network the second product on the zeros of a sub s mosque is host ID part an ID assigned to a different host on a local area network says both computer a and a B share the same network ID thus computer a knows computer B is a local network ID is like zip code EU s to indicate a specific location or city now computer a needs to check if computer say is remote or local by using the same process to compare their IP addresses based on the subnet mask and we will only focus once a part of subnet mask is an ordering all 0 part computer a would compare its IP address bit by bit with a computer since IP address only under the ones part of the subnet mask the result shows they are different even by the second bit computer a can already tell their network ID is different thus computer a knows computer C is on the different network therefore subnet mask is used by a computer to determine if any computer is on the same network or on a different network you may say yes I get that they what's the next how does computer a communicate locally and remotely and what's the difference what pieces information and networking devices will be used respectively well we will find all these answers in my next video thank you very much and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Sunny Classroom
Views: 226,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunnyclassroom, networking+, cybersecurity, security+, networking +, cyber threats, cyber defense, IoT, Wi-Fi security, subnet mask.
Id: yLeuGOOrUvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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