Easiest way to Install Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 on Your Computer! (Best Tutorial)

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hello everybody and welcome in today's video I'm going to show you how to install stable diffusion XL on your local machine this means that your computer is going to be doing all of the generating of these AI images so this won't cost you anything it's entirely free this also means that you could do things such as generate uncensored imagery and that is the beauty of Open Source and the reason that stable diffusion is so popular everyone has different levels of technical know-how so I'm going to do a lot of explaining this video so that even the most unexperienced users will be able to install this if you have difficulties installing at any point in this video please feel free to leave a comment down below or even join my Discord server which is linked down in the description below and ask the community for help in the AI help section that being said if you're a more advanced user feel free to skip around the video and ignore a lot of my deeper explanations this tutorial will be for Windows devices so if you have a back that would have to be a separate tutorial and is something I'm not exactly familiar with let's get started so viewers here I am on my Windows desktop the first thing that we want to do is figure out if we can even run stable diffusion XL on our own machine at home there are some prerequisites required the way that we're going to check if our computer can run stable diffusion XL is we're going to hold down the windows key and then press X while still holding down the windows key a menu is going to appear on the left hand side of our screen and we're going to click on task manager it's going to bring this Windows application up and at the top here we're going to see a bunch of different tabs that you can click on such as processes performance app history we're going to click on performance now once we're on the performance tab we're going to want to go all the way down to the GPU section now if you don't see a GPU down here on this performance section this might mean that you do not have a GPU which means you cannot run stable diffusion XL now there actually is an exception to this if you have a powerful enough CPU with enough RAM you can generate it with just your CPU but it could take a very long time up to 30 minutes for one generation so it's not exactly a very realistic scenario if you don't have a GPU and are still interested in running this follow along with a tutorial and I will mention the way in which you can try to run it with your CPU anyways if you do see a GPU down here go ahead and click on it now when we click on GPU we're going to want to focus on the bottom hand of this window under dedicated GPU memory as you can see there is a number next to this GB this is how much RAM that your GPU has the number that we are looking for right next to this GB is eight or higher mine has double that 16 and thank you so much to Nvidia for actually sending this GPU out to me I wouldn't be able to make videos such as this without their support but we can see I have above 8 I have 16 so I'm good to be able to run stable diffusion XL if you have less than eight let's say six or four in the future you may be able to run stable diffusion XL as the open source Community fine tunes these models further for running on Hardware with less vram anyways now that we have verified we can run stable the fusion XL we can move on to the next step now viewers you're going to want to click the link down in the description labeled stable diffusion XL 1.0 this is essentially where we're downloading stable diffusion as you can see this is the base model of sdxl 1.0 this is a really great website known as civet AI they have a bunch of other models that aren't sdxl or are versions of sdxl that are tailored to complete specific tasks but today we're just focusing on downloading the base sdxl the reason we're starting off with this download is because it is the largest at 6.46 gigabytes hopefully you viewers at home have a pretty fast internet connection to download a file of this size in a reasonable amount of time but we're just going to click this blue download button and our download will start on the latest update of chrome your downloads will appear in the top right hand corner of your screen as you can see my internet's pretty quick this is going to download in about a minute for me as that is downloading you can move on to the second link in the description that is labeled comfy UI when you click this link you will be brought to this page and we're going to look under Windows here for the direct link to download Once you click that it will start to download comfy UI this is a smaller file but still fairly large at 1.4 gigabyte now viewers once we have both of these files downloaded we can go ahead and click up to our downloads and hover over where comfy UI is and click on this little file button now this is going to take us to our downloads folder and we can see both comfy UI and sdxl in our downloads folder you might notice that comfy UI is a zip file meaning it needs to be extracted before we can use it don't worry this is very common and there are plenty of free programs that allow you to extract these zip files my favorite being 7-Zip if you click the link down in the description below labeled 7-Zip it will take you to this website right here where we can download a 7-Zip it's completely free this is not bloatware or anything horrible all you have to do is click this top download button labeled under windows 64 bit when we click this another download is going to happen in the top corner of the screen this is very quick we don't have to open this in the folder we can simply just click 7-Zip it's going to prompt you asking if you want this publisher to make changes to your device you're going to click yes it's going to prompt with a destination folder to install 7-Zip we're just going to click the install button and there 7-Zip will install very quickly and we can click close so now that we have installed the 7-Zip we can extract comfy UI what we're going to do is click on comfy UI Windows portable the one that we downloaded right right click it go down to open with and we should see 7-Zip file manager up here if you don't see 7-Zip file manager click more apps and hopefully it's in this list of apps if you don't see it 7-Zip may not be installed go ahead and click on 7-Zip file manager click OK and a window will pop up with a little folder in it this is the comfy UI folder we want to extract we're going to go ahead and click the extract button and it's going to ask you where you want to extract it to I recommend just extracting it right to your desktop so it's easy to start every time but of course you could just extract it to your downloads so I'll go ahead here and click on my desktop and set it to desktop then I'm going to click OK this might take some time because it's extracting a lot of files but you can now see the comfy UI folder pop up on my desktop so once the file has extracted we can go ahead and close the 7-Zip window and keeping our downloads folder open we can go ahead and double click on comfy UI wherever you ended up extracting it as you can see this is a folder with a few different things inside of it I recommend double clicking and opening this readme because it has some pretty important information if you have an Nvidia GPU you're going to want to run Nvidia gpu.bat but there's also the option to run it in CPU mode which I have not tested and cannot attest to now most of you but not all of you probably have Nvidia gpus one very simple way to check is simply by right clicking on your desktop and looking for the Nvidia control panel now if it says anything AMD related you probably have an AMD GPU and are better off trying to run it in the very slow CPU mode but other than that an Nvidia GPU is pretty much required for a regular generation this is what we are going to want to run when we eventually do run comfy UI but for now we actually have to install sdxl so we're going to go ahead and double click into the comfy UI folder scroll down until we see models and double click into models and finally we will see this checkpoints folder up at the top we're going to to double click into that and as you can see it says put checkpoints here this is where we're going to put our sdxl we're going to go ahead and just drag it from our downloads right into the checkpoints and it's going to move it now we are almost ready to start generating I'm going to go ahead and go back into the base comfy UI folder and go ahead and double click run Nvidia gpu.bat to start comfy UI this is going to open a window up in your default browser this is where you use comfy UI it's actually a user interface for generating all of this stable diffusion stuff on your own machine it might look very complicated but actually it's pretty simple as you can see it's already loaded up the correct checkpoint in this load checkpoint this is the sdxl that we downloaded earlier and put in that folder and if you wanted to download other models such as a fully uncensored one you could put it in that same exact folder and click these arrows to navigate through them next up we can move over where it says clip text and code this top one is going to be your main positive of prompt and this is your negative prompt down below and right under it under empty latent image this is going to be your width and height you can actually go ahead and change these values simply by clicking on them deleting them and typing in a new value I recommended doing 1024 by 10 24 for Native generation inside of stable diffusion XL the batch size down here is how many images you want to generate with this prompt for now I'm just going to leave that at one if we move over here we can see some more advanced settings such as the seed which will randomize every single time you generate I recommend just leaving all these at default if you're new to this and finally we can see a file name prefix I wouldn't really worry about that so we are now ready to begin generating all we have to do is go up to the top right hand corner and press the Q prompt button and as you can see these different boxes are going to light up at their respective areas and generate a little loading R is going to come here this is generating our image and eventually it will output right over here and we can actually see the image we generated looks pretty awesome so you might be wondering well how do I actually get to this file on my computer it's actually very easy remember where you actually ran comfy UI you're going to go ahead and double click into comfy UI and then go down to the output folder double click in here and you'll see all of the images that you generated pretty awesome stuff now depending on your GPU this might take different amounts of time in general sdxl is not the fastest model to generate with in the world but it's definitely no slouch so viewers I hope you were able to install comfy UI and generate as much as you want on your own machine for entirely free again don't hesitate to ask any questions down in the comments below or on my Discord server my community is very helpful please let me know down in the comments below if you'd like to see a more advanced tutorial that features things such as Laura's which can greatly change your stable diffusion outputs that's how I made that cool pixel art video a couple days ago thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: MattVidPro AI
Views: 46,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install stable diffusion, how to install stable diffusion on windows, stable diffusion install, install stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion ai, ai art, stable diffusion guide, stable diffusion installation, how to install stable diffusion sdxl 1.0, stable diffusion install windows, install stable diffusion tutorial, how to install stable diffusion 1.5 automatic1111 locally, how to get stable diffusion, sxdl install, how to install sdxl
Id: 9TtNiKnYGD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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