Windows 11 Copilot AI is Here - First Look

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hello everyone welcome back to the matvid pro AI YouTube channel if you like what you see today please consider subscribing and if you've been watching me for a while why don't you check and see if you are subscribed anyways in yesterday's video we took a look at Windows co-pilot it was one of the many huge and awesome AI announcements but if you guys remember I said it was releasing today and it turns out that it did release today if you have Windows 11 you can go check your updates and when you update you will have copilot which is an AI assistant built inside of Windows 11 ready to use and At Your Service this is kind of like an AI agent that you have inside of your computer at all times you can ask it to help you with certain tasks and to manage files and stuff like that it's some pretty cool stuff we're gonna see how well it actually works it looks like this thing might have future updates as well because it says pre right next to the logo for Microsoft copilot which makes me believe that this thing is kind of in a beta or an alpha stage and it's not really ready for its full potential capabilities anyways I've got some ads that I'm going to play for you that are created by Microsoft to advertise this so it'll just kind of give you a better idea and a better feel for what we're going to be testing today with copilot and how useful this thing could potentially be first up is the general Windows 11 ad by the way I'm replacing the music because for some reason they just always love to use copyrighted music let's check it out [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] so with copilot there are a few things that we can note here as you can see it's built right into your windows that appears right in your taskbar and when you click on it it brings up this little chat gpt-esque Bing text box where you can ask it anything or you can even speak to it and just like Bing chat it seems to be directly powered by those same models that has a creative mode a balanced mode and a precise mode and guys creative mode in Bing chat does use gpt4 so this thing might actually be powered by gpt4 in creative mode so yeah it acts as your general chat GPT guide so you can ask it all the same chat GPT or Bing chat things you can search the web but it could also do things like turn on dark mode for you which Bing chatter chat EPT could never do because they don't have access to the inside of your computer and then there's the other example that they use with Spotify where it actually can open up your Spotify app and play a specific playlist inside of that app so that's very AI agent like is that because Spotify directly integrated with copilot or is it because copilot can just sneakily go in there and it knows how to already adjust the things in your Spotify app that's one we'll definitely have to test out they also have the test here of organizing your windows so you can have a bunch of different opened up Windows messily around and it will apparently move them directly for you which is pretty crazy they also have all of this text stuff like explaining things rewriting things and summarizing things and apparently this works directly with the Microsoft edge browser so we'll have to test that as well and of course it helps you create by drafting with copilot I don't know what app this is exactly inside of this might be a part of the Microsoft 365 stuff which is not out yet and then this was a very crazy example of it just being able to open Adobe Express apparently and create an Instagram reel for you I don't even know how that's possible but I doubt that's that's out yet inside of this anyways either way this all looks pretty awesome and we definitely need to test things so now we'll go ahead and take a look at Microsoft 365 copilot which is separate from the regular Windows 11 co-pilot and this is going to be in all of the Microsoft 365 apps so you'll have to already be paying for it when this releases on November 11th I will put it to the test as well but it isn't out yet let's take a look foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign so again a lot of really awesome and interesting things to note here there will be different plugins two different applications that you will be able to just flip on and off but there's complex things here this looks even more complex than Microsoft Windows 11 co-pilot create a specific ticket for a specific app to track changes outlined in a latest email like this is complex work this is very very much useful the ability to draft replies very simply I like the integration but this is definitely something you can already do just by pasting things into chat GPT you can see though it can actually pull in data from Outlook or any of those other Microsoft 365 apps again uploading doc X Files and presentations at the same time and create an event plan based off of the text provided in those files this is definitely a winning strategy to create this AI focused ecosystem for getting work done I mean this is going to be unstoppable if they can can pull it off we'll have to see how things go on November 11th but this is big news and again it can actually use a word in all of these other programs to create header images for example or to type out for you Apple has nothing even close to this this could really solidify windows in general as the premier productivity platform with just full AI integration Unstoppable truly so if you guys want to look a little bit more into this I'll link the official huge announcement on Microsoft's blog down below again it has all those video clips along with a ton of detailed information and there's a few extra things in there like Microsoft copilot in designer along with Dolly 3 coming to Bing image Creator which I talked about in my previous video essentially this means free Dolly three completely free so that's awesome but like I said I do have access so let's start testing this thing and see just what exactly it can do alright so this is my windows 11 desktop and fun fact I just upgraded to Windows 11 so we'll see how this goes but indeed if we look over here we've got co-pilot in a preview and when we click this little co-pilot button it pops right up on the side just like Bing chat and we've got a few different options here again I'm going to stick to balanced just to start off with this and see it in the most basic mode it has you can actually upload images right from your computer to this thing it looks just like Bing chat up here in more options we've got terms of use privacy statement send feedback learn more in settings let copilot and windows use a Microsoft Edge content sure we'll turn that on might as well open notepad and write me a poem inside of it about lemons sure click submit here every time this thing wants to open an app it has to ask you first so it says can I open the notepad app is that allowed and I like the safety here now I can click yes here or we could respond here just with yes open the notepad and write the poem for me okay off to an interesting start to say the least it responded here by saying oh I've opened the notepad app for you and I've written the uh the poem but no you actually do have to click yes here and make it open it up because well as as far as I'm aware I don't see notepad anywhere in my apps here so yes you do have to click this button here you can't just tell it yeah it's okay to open that let's retry that all right open up notepad for me this time I will click yes in the proper way okay it does open up notepad Okay so it opened up notepad for me which was pretty cool and now it's just writing the poem in a little copy paste box so it looks like it can't interact with notepad yet this leads me to believe maybe they're taking things a little bit slow here it took us all the way there nearly I had to click a little button to copy it and then paste it manually but it made everything as easy as possible I bet this thing does have the ability to paste it directly in notepad for me however I think Microsoft is limiting this thing in certain applications so we'll have to see which applications it actually can use and interact with oh and by the way it can see what is in my copied box and it's asking me if it wants to send whatever I have copy pasted in my clipboard right now all right right here I've got this little funny meme that Dolly three made this was from my Discord Community by the way testing out doll E3 but I'm interested to see if this thing has more advanced image viewing capabilities than typical Bing chat has so we'll plop that right in explain this image to me okay it does seem to be using that same exact Bing chat algorithm our image is a hilarious illustration of a lemon and avocado with speech bubbles lemon is happy and optimistic while the avocado is sad and depressed the joke is based on the contrast between their expressions the lemon is sour but still you know enthusiastic and the avocado is nutritious and delicious but says that they feel empty all right I think that was a pretty good analysis by Bing but it doesn't seem to be using any of those new chat GPT in image viewing capabilities that we saw in yesterday's video oh can you draw an image yeah let's recreate this image I want to see if it has access to Dolly three I'd like to point out that my account thus far has only had access to Dolly 2.5 not Dolly three so I doubt this will work but it's worth a shot yeah okay this does seem to be Dolly 2.5 in Bing image creator with uh just charbeled text all right let's go ahead and try that classic test out of just changing to dark mode would you like to switch to dark mode yes please okay that does work at least so good good news there all right let's go ahead and try something new at this point let's assume that I am new to Windows and I don't really know how to adjust things or fix issues and I'm trying to set up like a YouTube channel and you know what I just I want to just talk to this thing okay copilot I'm having some issues with my new microphone that I just installed and I think that the volume is too low and needs to be adjusted where can I go to up my volume can you help me okay it's off offering to either adjust the volume to 80 or troubleshoot sure I can help you with that you can adjust your audio volume level by using the volume icon on the taskbar or by using the keyboard shortcuts alt it can speak why wasn't this advertised before okay so a few things that's a really nice voice I like that I like that I can talk to it like Cortana the troubleshooter uh I don't think it's gonna help me here because I might just need to adjust the setting so we'll click no thanks to that one but adjusting the volume I have multiple microphones spoiler alert connected to this computer at once so if I just click set to 80 what happens okay it set my speakers to 80 which is not really what we wanted listen co-pilot all that did was set my speaker volume to 80. I actually need to I think change my microphone settings so is there somewhere that I can do that because I don't really see it anywhere opened up settings interesting it didn't even have to ask me to open up the settings this time it took me right into two devices this is a really good place to start now I can see all of my different settings and we'll say like this is the audio device that I'm having issue with all I can do is remove the device here I can't adjust my audio settings so again we'll play dumb and just see if it can take us all the way so I like this settings page you took me to however I can't seem to adjust the sound level by clicking on any of these audio devices is there somewhere I can adjust the sound and settings all right we're running into some of these early development issues like the inability to access your quote-unquote web page at the moment so it isn't able to do anything but act as normal Bing and give me granted very good advice here on how to fix whatever problem I'm having but uh it can't open up that settings page now for some reason it seems like we broke it so I'm gonna have to start a new chat okay copilot I'm about to go into a deep coding session and I need a playlist from my Spotify to really get me in the mood can you help me out oh interesting okay it wants to open Spotify and set a focus session we will click yes to these so what it's done here is essentially pull up my Spotify and then recommend me some famous Spotify playlists and also set up a focus period which I didn't even know this was a feature inside of Windows I think this is pretty cool however it's not what we saw in the ad just now which was you know it actually selecting the playlist for us so maybe that integration just is not there yet because it still is in this preview mode I do like that it has these little five minute breaks in between focusing periods that's pretty cool I might actually use this for studying so let's go ahead and see if it can organize my windows like we also saw in the ad all right so I made some duplicate Windows organize my Windows please Windows snapping okay yes use this feature oh all right it was able to do that as you can see it pulled up everything else though including my voice software and video recorder overall that worked pretty well oh we can can take a screenshot does this work start Snipping Tool open that up for you some apps like it just doesn't need to ask yes take a picture for me oh it took the picture there we go that was easy I I like that okay screenshot worked well there are things I was really hoping it would be able to do like actually use my computer here and search Google for me for example I mean we'll test it out but I don't think it's going to work can you please use the Google window on my actual Chrome application and search format vidpro in there oh okay it can't actually use your Google window or your Chrome application to search for anything I expected a lot more capability from this can it do things like check in see what's on my calendar tomorrow okay it wants to open up the calendar app will allow it to do that oh it looks like I'm not logged into any specific calendar yeah so it just says oh I I've opened up the calendar app for you so you're good to go but really Bing chat could have told me the same thing okay so one last thing that we can try try out that might be really awesome is the ability for it to read information off of Microsoft Edge alright so first thing I've done here is logged into my Twitter account so let's see if it can read my latest tweet from Twitter based off of just having the website open I am currently browsing with Microsoft Edge can you give me some information about the page I'm currently on okay so this might actually be a little bit cooler than you guys first realize typically when one of these little AI agents tries to go out and search a web like chatgpt they do like metadata collection and a lot of websites have blocks put in place to prevent web scrapers such as those so the data can't really be collected that well that's why if you ask Bing how many subscribers I have it's going to give you a pretty outdated answer or just a wrong answer however this is able to give me crystal clear information because I pulled it up myself and I am a trusted and safe user so this is actually very much useful there's been many times when I'm browsing a page with a ton of text and I just want it all summarized so I like to see that alright so let's recap this here I thought it was a little bit too early for this to be released to the public with all that functionality we just saw In Those ads but it seems like it is still in this preview stage it's not out yet fully and quite frankly this is just a buttered up version of regular Bing chat so this is 100 worth following in the future because I mean they gotta fulfill on those promises right especially if they want to take over as the dominant productivity AI based operating system however I have a feeling that those capabilities that we saw those really awesome ones where it can actually interact and use your applications on your computer are coming farther in the future 365 co-pilot which actually looks incredibly useful is going to be coming on November 11th so you bet I'm going to be putting that one to the test as well that should be much more fully formed and very useful let me know what you guys think and what are some future capabilities that you would like to test out with this thing I guess it's worth updating for the convenience of just having a co-pilot but until it becomes more fully fledged and usable I wouldn't bother upgrading from something like Windows 10 if you're already still used to it see you guys in the next one goodbye
Channel: MattVidPro AI
Views: 47,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11 copilot, windows co pilot, co pilot ai, ai tools, ai news, windows 11 copilot ai, how to use windows 11 copilot, windows 11 copilot update, windows 11 copilot demo, windows copilot, windows 11 new update, windows 11 copilot release date, windows 11 copilot preview, microsoft ai, microsoft copilot
Id: Bh22j250NCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2023
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