True USABLE AI Agents That Work on YOUR Behalf!

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Hello everybody welcome back to the matte vid Pro AI YouTube channel on this channel we have quite a history of covering the latest and greatest in terms of AI assistance and typically I call them AI agents because let's be honest that just sounds way cooler this is the first video I ever did on this topic and what we covered in this video is something called Auto GPT as you can see it essentially used gpt4 and some light background open source software to automate actions and it all came in the form of this text box it had some decent capabilities such as long form memory as well as very limited internet scraping access this thing was also able to essentially create folders and little notepad pieces nothing really that advanced but really cool for the time just a few days later that same technology was then implemented on websites so you didn't have to install it on your own machine it was a little bit more accessible and the UI as you can see looked quite a bit nicer for the most part it was just nicer looking and easier to use but still fairly Limited in terms of what tasks it could actually complete these early agents Auto GPT agent gbt baby AGI all had one major issue about them they couldn't actually take control of your computer they couldn't click on stuff they couldn't access websites and read the data off them really what you're looking for with one of these AGI agents is the ability for it to perform tasks on your behalf just like a human would now just a few months ago we got our first Glimpse at the real true agents that are possible using AI technology now this AI assistant slash agent was called hyper right AI assistant and essentially when you install the plug-in it has access to your web browser and can do things on your behalf it was able to browse Amazon sort by lowest prize for specific products find the cheapest product it could do things like order you a pizza and this was my favorite it actually built out a fully working computer system with this original first version of the hyperite AI assistant it did have one major fatal flaw and that was that it took forever I mean forever for this thing to click on different links think and really just act on your behalf as that agent now I've been following hyper right secretly on Twitter reposting their stuff by the way follow me on Twitter if you want the latest and greatest in AI updates but this thing recently got some upgrades that apparently make it like 10 times faster and if so if this is true it would be an absolute Game Changer so we gotta check this out now before we dive into the rest of today's video I'd like to address a concern that we all have in this technological age and that is our personal data just floating around the internet for anyone to use this is a massive problem that I personally hate dealing with you can see my phone there are 72 000 unread emails the majority of which are spam emails plenty of you viewers are also dealing with data collection and personal privacy issues from just simply browsing and using the web like a normal person would it's really daunting to think about but today's sponsor in cogney has our back incogni can be thought of as a personal AI Guardian for your data because you're a regular internet user you browse the web you sign up for different websites but data Brokers and data miners can fetch your addresses personal information even your financial details or familial connections now the same exact technology that is used to scrape up and scoop up all that information is actually leveraged by incogni to protect your data instead by granting incognee the right to work on my behalf their system automatically reaches out to those data collectors and Brokers to ensure that your data is removed they give you a detailed breakdown showing you which sites have removed your data so far which ones are are most likely to incognate continuously monitors this as you have your account and if your data pops up again they will remove it so really the best part about this is that you don't have to really change your web browsing habits you can still visit your favorite websites and sign up for new stuff and in the background incogni is going to take care of the rest personally I would urge a lot of you community members to sign up for incogni of course use my link down below for an exclusive discount just because there's a lot of new AI websites that are popping up so especially in this blossoming AI Community stay one step ahead within cogney but I digress back to your regularly scheduled content little context on hyper right this is an AI company that's been around for quite some time now they have different little AI tools this is all essentially built on the back end of chat gpt's API so it's gpt3 they've got a chatbot assistant similar to chat GPT along with some other writing tools but their personal assistant is truly what I am interested in as you can see when you boot up personal assistant in hyperite AI you've got a few different things a little drop down menu that shows you how many actions you have available left in personal assistant and this refreshes every month if you need more assistant actions you can upgrade past their free plan so that's an available option anyways let's give this thing a shot yeah posting on Twitter actually sounds like a good idea make a post on Twitter about how much I am enjoying the new Star field game research the game then me manfid Pro Ai and make a post specific actions we're giving this thing let's hit enter and see how fast it truly is okay we're going to Google first and foremost and now it's going to research the Starfield game like I asked it as you can see it pulls up the game and it's going to start to read details it definitely is quite a bit faster than it used to be this is super exciting fairly simple to get information on this it's going to the main star field page here to get information directly from the source that's what we like to see okay it seems to maybe have got its information now it's going to Google for matvid pro AI which is me all right searching for Matt vidpro AI it's going to pull up my YouTube channel my Twitter account maybe some recent videos let's see what it clicks on here and also it does have this uh generative AI information about me that's provided by Google okay it's going to go to my Twitter account okay so it's actually it's ready to make the post so it's pulled up my Twitter and again it's logged in it has access to my Chrome so it's logged in as me in this scenario and oh my God it's mids making the post it's making the post is it just gonna post it it forgot the I somehow up here okay I'm going to add the I up in the I'm having a blast interestingly enough it wouldn't hit that post button for me I think it did a pretty great job overall with this simple task we will say that the assistant made some mistakes never click the post button however as an AI assistant it might not want to do such drastic actions like like posting on my account on my behalf so maybe that's not allowed in its programming we could say submit feedback I'm super impressed by the speed that is lightning fast that is definitely like 10 times faster than the old personal assistant I'm so happy that they're making progress since we are already on Twitter guys I'm gonna bring something up this is the direct source where we get our information about hyper rights personal assistant Matt Schumer here is the CEO of hyper right AI so he is providing updates here on Twitter about what's going on with this personal assistant it's all built upon this agent one model which is 10 times faster like we just saw and more reliable and more affordable than the previous personal assistant he also doubled the number of credits both free and paid users get the reason this is so special and the reason I'm pointing it out is because it's actually a foundation model that has the ability to operate software like a human this is something that they've developed themselves again we've never seen anything like this before it's super usable and actually useful it's something that someone would pay for this is no beta experiment even though technically it is an alpha they're already well above previous state-of-the-art stuff and they're improving massively each week let's take a look at the little demo they provided and of course we'll check it out a little bit more ourselves so in this scenario we're telling the agent to use Google Cloud most of us would be lost on Google Cloud because it's specifically for developers but essentially it's asking for a specific email to be added as an owner in I am and then go to the apis and enable the diagflow API so this is like a pretty complex and nuanced task this is something I don't know how to use I'm not familiar with Google cloud and I don't know what the diagflow API even is enough explaining let's watch this okay so submit that request you can see it does think out loud the current page is Google Cloud platform the dashboard for the agent 1 demo project the objective is to add this email it noticed that the I am and admin link is visible on the page which should lead to the settings where you can add that email so it actually thinks it pulls up that new principle it adds that email right in here it's all doing this very very fast way faster than this agent previously worked and it can actually filter and assign the role correctly so it didn't miss that specific nuanced detail and now it moves on to the next part which is enabling that API that was previously mentioned it goes ahead it goes to the API library and now it's going to either see diagflow in here yes it did it clicked on that and it's going to go ahead and just enable it it thinks like a human does it goes out and picks out different things just like a person can it's pretty crazy like it would probably take me longer than this AI to figure out how to do all this like I'm not familiar with Google Cloud why is it so good why I don't know this stuff blows my mind and I love of the idea of AI agents as usual I always link everything down in the description below if you want to play with this thing you can try it out for completely free you do get credits every single month one thing that you do have to think about with this hyper right personal assistant is that it does have access to your Chrome so when you have it going out and doing tasks it's logged into every account you're logged into it has access to your address and everything else if that information is available in Chrome so some of you who are maybe a little bit more concerned with privacy should keep that in mind now let's throw some tasks at this thing go to eBay and find me the cheapest meta Quest 2. make sure it is not broken oh and do not forget to use the Sorting built into eBay send that task off as you can see it always opens up a second Chrome window whenever you send a task out as you can see it's actually on my eBay account here you can see things that I've previously watched and looked at I don't mind if you guys see this stuff all right it's going to search for a metaquest 2 now on the eBay page in some cases it still is a little bit slower than a human but it's definitely an acceptable speed something that I would pay for all right so now it's pulled up all the searches for the metaquest 2. I said I wanted a used one and I said I want it to be the cheapest one so it's searched for this and now it should sort by lowest price and start looking at quests oh it's clicking the sort button okay it noticed that specific task that is something I mentioned in my prompt with most of these language model based AIS they do work better if you prompt them better so if I was lazy and just said find me Quest 2 cheapest it wouldn't do as well possibly oh it was able to pull it up this time maybe I moved the mouse and that's how it got screwed up it noticed that best match was the one that is currently selected and it's trying to change it to price lowest first and let's see was it able to do that it was able to do that okay now the thing here is that we've got bids versus buy it now and that's something I did not specify at all to the personal assistant so it might be like here's your cheapest bid on a meta Quest 2. just checking to see if this one is broken or not oh it's clicking contact seller it's gonna contact this eBay seller on my behalf oh my God it's gonna ask about the condition of the product no way it actually does this because it couldn't figure out if it was broken or not okay it seems to have bailed on that and decided that it was just a bad idea to contact the seller on my behalf again it kind of seems to have trouble with those direct things like pretending to be me the thing is like this thing is logged in and has access to my credit card it could just buy this let's see could I like help this thing out a little bit just go back here what I would love to do is to like pause this thing like what happens if I do pause it oh it just says task is paused I do remember hyperwrite actually talking about us users being able to talk to the AI mixed it trying to work for you so if you be like hey just like find me to buy it now cheapest instead of any of the bids just ignore the bids because that's what I would do in real life all right I think this task is fully busted I'm gonna go ahead and quit out of that again this thing needs to be prompted correctly so let's go ahead and try a similar task but I'm going to prompt it a little bit more specifically all right we'll stick with the technology theme go on eBay and find me the cheapest RTX 4080 GPU use eBay's sort option and make sure it's a Buy It Now not a bid uh do not purchase not trying to spend a thousand dollars all right we're going back to eBay this is essentially a rerun of what we did previously I just wanted to see if a better prompt would get this thing to complete the general task of finding me the cheapest product again going very quickly all right it's sorted by by it now as I suggested in the prompt uh the listings available for a media to purchase I love reading like the ai's thoughts on the side okay now it's going to sort and it's going to try to sort by lowest first as we saw before or ah okay here is the issue now we're getting like RTX graphics cards accessories not the actual gpus themselves so it needs to be able to pinpoint the first actual GPU so it seems to be scrolling down to view more items to find the actual graphics card so it seems to be able to pick out the fact that these aren't the actual gpus themselves and it's going to keep scrolling oh it looks like we've come across the cheapest one there it looks like that Zotac one up at the top should stop scrolling at this point because it's found the actual gpus task completed okay so it did pretty good almost perfect I would say it did scroll down to find the cheapest one on eBay which is this one so it's right here in front of our eyes the only thing that it kind of left out here was the clicking on it and actually selecting it really nitpicking at this point it completed the task perfectly as you can see you just kind of have to be very specific with your actions with people you have to be specific about what you want them to do it doesn't necessarily infer all of the details but I think that's fine that's perfectly acceptable in my book so far we've used dump about 50 actions total so with the 20 plan that would be about one-fourth still pretty expensive but this technology is in its infancy I want to do a rehashing of the PC Building that we did in the last video it almost did it entirely perfect all the components were compatible but it forgot about a CPU Cooler and obviously this one's going to be a lot faster I think at doing this task so let's just run through this quick all right go AI build me a computer okay goes right to PC part picker as we expect it dismissed the cookie consent dialogue which is awesome I think it did that last time it's going to click Start Your build and it's going to select a CPU this is so much faster than last time we've already got the CPU selected oh going right to the CPU Cooler this is what it missed last time so now it's gonna select a network adapter apparently it's interesting though in the dialogue it said that it was looking for a motherboard I think it messed up using the website yeah see we still only have the CPU selected so it it's trying to learn how to use PC part picker in real time as we're watching it just like a person so weird okay now we have a motherboard oh my God it did miss the the CPU Cooler though because it went back it didn't select the CPU Cooler correctly so somehow it's missing it again because it didn't know how to use the website well we've got Ram we've got an SSD again this is where I wish I could like intervene and be like hey are you missing something maybe maybe it'll verify at the end and check if it forgot anything in fact that's something that would be good to add on to all of your prompts with this personal assistant is be like verify at the end check over make sure you have everything all right we've got a case at this point it would be cool too like you could specify your preferences like oh I don't like Windows 11 so don't put that on my buying list you guys got to think about this too because most people do not know how to choose compatible computer parts right off the bat and this is something that this thing has knowledge of and it can literally do it all for you all right it says task completed here uh I don't know if I would give this thing like a super great rating on this it brought up Windows 11 but it didn't actually select it and it did the same thing for the CPU Cooler like it remembered to go pick out a CPU Cooler but it for it didn't select it correctly on the website and when that didn't happen it didn't go check itself so again something we could specify in the prompt to improve this in the future so I'll give this thing like a B plus it came pretty close and with a better prompt it definitely without a doubt would complete this thing like if you know how to use certain websites and you know the nuances of those websites you could explain them to the AI all right let's do something super complicated that only an assistant could do research the AI landscape in terms of AI image generation Technologies the goal is to create a new Google doc and list out the pros and cons of each popular image generation Tech find eight different ones in total after listing their pros and cons draft a YouTube video outline in that same dock ranking them from best to worst essentially do my job for me let's make an AI YouTube video screw it this is definitely going to be the most complicated task the AI has yet alright it's going to Google to do its research first and foremost which I like alright so now it's going to learn a little bit about AI image generation Technologies let's see what links it decides to click on again I asked for eight specific ones in total which is a lot okay the first one it's finding here is fotor so it's going to go ahead and learn about photor now this is one I haven't heard about before I think I saw someone post about this on my Discord though so now it's gathering information from Google's AI so let's see if it's like starting to talk to Google's Palm to AI chat model for search that would be pretty crazy okay now it's okay it's found a beginner's guide to AI image generators OK has found 7 best AI art generators of 2023 this is pretty good some acceptable good information on this all right we're learning about Dolly too it's managed to actually find pros and cons written by someone else about Dolly too so I think that's gonna check its box oh God it's got a subscribe pop-up coming up alright so now it's finding out information about mid-journey it's funny this pop-up is just not going away but I don't think it cares because it can still read the page all right now we've pulled up some information on crayon got some different features different pricing pros and cons and now we have Jasper art which does seem to have some sort of text to image generation I've never used this the one concern I do have is this dates back to July 11th it is now you know a few months later so a lot of this is probably a little bit outdated this is a better job than I would expect out of most people if they're researching this information for the first time I mean this is some pretty nuanced stuff people don't know much about AI or image generation okay we've got a task completed a little bit early don't you think oh this workflow was terminated early after reaching the platform's action limit so as not able to fully research all eight image generation Technologies it got pretty far and it would have completed it if it was allowed to continuously go however I can provide a summary of my research on the three Technologies I did look into and indicate the drafting of a Google doc so it identified several AI image generator Technologies and gathered preliminary information on three of them at Dolly 2 developed by open AI of course we all know Dolly too high quality is I don't know I don't know if I would consider Dolly 2 super high quality interface is simplistic in self-explanatory very true drawbacks include limited free credits very true and fewer customization options compared to other AI image generators definitely very true alright mid Journey which is ideal for creating photorealistic AI art that's actually true nowadays that used to not be true but it's very much true nowadays users request image Generations from a Discord bot definitely true supportive community of users and artists Khan includes not having a free version and the challenge of generating realistic images of Hands and Teeth I guess that's true they all struggle with that though it's kind of besides the point and lastly we got crayon which is a tool that can create AI art images free version available basic designs without a membership and transform their AI Creations into wearable art through their websites cons lie in the encounter of ads and long generation wait times and it actually did go ahead and create the suggested outline for the video the introduction explanation of AI image generation wow okay this is pretty good it actually did create a nice little base for a YouTube video I'm impressed I really can't knock on the technology all that much for cutting me off with the inclusion of like vector-based memory maybe it could have kept going but still I think realistically the task that I asked it to complete was a little bit on the higher end there and I think it honestly would have filled out and completed the whole thing found eight different Technologies wrote it all all the comparisons out on a Google doc and finally wrote me an outline it just was stopped early so yeah you can already see like that thing was doing a better job than most people would let's be honest a little bit outdated maybe a little bit but it's overall Fairly reliable for the up-to-date stuff the real Cutting Edge that's why you subscribe to the metvid pro AI Channel anyways if you want more up-to-date information on these AI agents and how they're progressing definitely subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I will see you guys in the next one goodbye
Channel: MattVidPro AI
Views: 48,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HNc4lUh_Za4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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