SECRETS to SUCCESS | Grow Big Carrots Everytime!

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[Music] you guys ready for some carrot harvesting today's the day first round this whole section back here i'm gonna pull it this morning i can't wait it is a very damp slightly chilly morning actually it was um i think 64. when i came out to do chores this morning and i planted these carrots gosh i just love it bigger than my hand [Music] i planted these carrots at the beginning of april or last weekend of march i can't remember exactly i always tell people you're gonna get baby carrots and you're gonna get big carrots and you're gonna get gnarly carrots and that's why you plant a bunch um oh oh that one broke off oops i guess i need to be more careful oh nice so beautiful i've been so fortunate because i know so many people struggle with growing carrots and it's just something that grows so well for me um i i do this every single season i want to show you every single carrot just because i love them oh so happy but i do struggle fair enough to grow beets oddly you would think if you can grow carrots you could grow beets but everyone has their challenges right oh wow that's huge nice another one broke wow happy day oops i don't think he got thinned properly i don't really plant carrots with the intent on thinning them i try to direct so with just enough spacing about two inch spacing so that i you can see right here really good example of hopefully you can see that of two inch spacing so i can get good nice size carrots with a high intensity planting oops this is what happens when one gets too dry and then a lot of moisture and it grows really fast a carrot can split like this so well i finished off probably a um two foot by three foot section and this nice little harvest basket is about halfway full so i still have oh gosh this is a 22 foot row so another 20 feet to go and um i wish you guys were here with me so you could ask me questions and i would know what questions you have like that's amazing just an absolutely beautiful carrot i knew what questions to answer while i do this um so i guess i get questions on feeding maybe can i get you um let me back up and let me just tell you geez so nice um that this is my first year it was actually fun let me wait till the tractor passes [Music] oh man [Music] okay so this was my i took a risk this year last year for my fall crop about this time in july i planted carrots in my root stout garden bed as an experiment to say i know i could have good sandy soil so i wasn't too concerned about them not having the freedom to grow but i wanted to experiment and i tried growing in my in-ground beds my carrots for that fall crop and i was so pleasantly surprised come harvest time how well they did because i've only ever grown them in the past in my raised beds and um so with that small amount of success i took a risk and carrots one of my absolute i must grow crops successfully i took a chance and said can i grow them my main crop this for my spring season this year in my roots style bed which isn't really root stout right here it's more of a deep no-till bed it has been roof style in the past i'm just rambling now anyway um so i planted them and i'm obviously having grand success so that makes me happy it's a little bit more freeing for me to be able to use my raised beds like for new things like the greenhouse row cover things and um just have more freedom of where i can plant things in my garden so okay that's one like planting so i have done raised beds um very very successfully i've done the roof stout bed last fall successfully and now in this deep no-till garden bed i plant them every two inches single space seeding i try which if you ever planted carrots you know that's really tricky and hard to do but i do my best to try to make sure i get a single seed and i know a lot of people choose to just scatter and thin you know and to me i just i don't have that time i don't have time when i want to try to do things once i don't want to have to go through and then i just don't have that time and my oh just so beautiful um this is another really good indication that they are done so see these fine hair roots you wouldn't want that to be too much you know this is probably a week too long to harvest these that's normal but if they get really thick like these fine hair roots were to get really thick and gnarly you're letting your carrots go too long and i think when i first started gardening i pulled my carrots way too soon and what i mean by that was i pulled my carrots at that 50-day 70 day whatever the seed packet says and i have learned over time my carrots need a full let's see april may june full three months a full 90 days to grow to maturity here in my growing zone i'm in southeast michigan uh our growing zone is zone 6 b 6a 6a maybe yeah first last frost date is april 28th first frost date is around may or excuse me october 10th to october 15th so that might give you some comparison on uh based on where you are and what else oh feeding so i fed these carrots well first i amended the soil with good bone meal compost azomite and wood ash before i planted them and i will just bring up the soil so you can see it's very very loose soil there is some wood chips in here so like let me bring it up close you can see like all the organic matter that's in there from just the compost and every fall i am in this bed with um grass clippings and leaves in the summer or early spring it will get some barn clean out added to it um and then before i planted uh or at planting i gave them a good dose of good earth biolive which is just a generic all-purpose fertilizer and then twice during growing season i gave them diluted fish fertilizer so that gives you an idea of just kind of how my garden beds are prepped um i try not to walk on these garden beds if they do get uh carrots like i said need really loose soil so if i feel like that it's gotten too compacted i might go through with a light broad forking just to aerate the soil a little bit before i plant my carrots but as you can see they're not having any hard time growing freely which i'm just blessed with good sandy well draining soil here um i know i know it doesn't look sandy here but this is all added material on top of the native soil wow i'm just so loving it carrots are one of my most absolute favorite things to harvest next to sweet potatoes and then we have a big canning processing day ahead of us i am not a fast processor you would think i would have systems down by now that helped me process things a little bit quicker but i am the slowest washer the slowest cutter so i just sit down take my time and enjoy the reward and just so thankful you know i mean as a christian i know i didn't do this i know i put in the work i planted the seeds and then it's really up to god whether or not the harvest is going to yield itself and i can do my best to tend to my garden well and take care of things manage pests do the weeding but i can't do this i can't make a carrot only god can do that so i give him all the glory and i'm just so so thankful that he continues to bless bless my work so there's only so much carrot pulling you guys can watch let me finish this up and then i'll at least show you what the end result is and this is only one of two beds i have planted but the other one's not quite ready yet i planted that a few weeks later so we'll let it go a little bit longer so so i just have to stop and say that i have never had um i would say 90 are like this normally i get about 50 that i call my canning carrots and then the rest of the 50 are either baby snack size or what i call roasting carrots the short stubby fatty ones and 90 of these hoss i believe they were called bolero carrots um are tremendous um i will definitely put words here on the screen to tell you exactly what this carrot variety was but i'm just floored how great these are alrighty that is it the entire row of carrots has been harvested so we're going to carry this last basket over to the harvest cart and take a peek at what we got [Applause] well i'm as always so so abundantly blessed and so pleased with the harvest i have a ton of work cut out in front of me i'm guessing i'm hoping i should say i'm hoping for let's hope for 15 quarts out of this let's hope see how far we can go because i've never had this many like full-sized carrots out of a single harvest before so i think it's going to go a whole lot farther than it normally does i still have the entire row of carrots in between my tomatoes growing probably three more weeks we'll harvest those closer to the end of july oh but i'm a filthy mess i need to go get cleaned up if you have any other questions about growing harvesting carrots let me know i'll tell you what i'll do for you guys is i'll go ahead and create a carrot growing playlist because honestly it's the one thing i grow successfully year after year after year so not saying it's the only way but it's a guaranteed way in my conditions my environment and if you happen to find yourself in the similar growing area growing conditions maybe some of those videos will help you i'm probably not going to bring a carrot canning video to you guys this year i just have so much new content to bring you and i've already done that before so i'll link that video from last season at the end of this video in case you're interested in canning carrots all right thanks everyone and have a wonderful time in your garden growing preserving harvesting all the fun things even weeding let it be fun we have this wonderful beautiful freedom to grow our own food and it's just a glorious thing talk to you guys later okay let's get you out in here you
Channel: That 1870's Homestead
Views: 64,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michigan, homestead, farming, organic, how to grow carrots, growing carrots, harvesting carrots, vegetable gardening advice, vegetable gardening, vegetable gardening tips, growing carrots in summer, how to grow carrots at home, planting carrots from seed, carrot plant growing, organic gardening vegetables, vegetable gardening for beginners at home, carrot growing, carrot growing guide, carrot growing from seed, giant carrots, huge carrots, sweet carrots, when to harvest, how to
Id: BCg54M5AyIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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