Easiest way to catch BlueGill

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hey guys fishing and stuff today we're going to talk about chuma for bluegill or really any type of bait fish so stick around i don't know if i'm the only one that knows this but bluegill are really easy to catch in the spring and they're hard to catch in the fall at least the fish where i fish are they kind of get lockjaw or i guess hook shy and to get wise fuel fishing tactics towards the end of the season maybe because so many people that haven't been there fishing for a while and it makes it really hard to catch them i had a catfish bait video and it had my five best favorite baits on it and one of my favorite baits to fish for catfish was boogie which around here we call brim brim is not a species it's a category and they all in it and i know somebody'll be in the comment section arguing it's a shell cracker it's a brim dude it's a war mouth it's a brim it's a bluegill it's a brim bluegill are also excellent for eating i'm just saying but towards the end of the summer or the fall when they get hard to catch and they just don't want by the hook oh look a worm i'm not falling for that crap one of the best ways to catch them is by chumming i drove down to the lake near my house to show you what i'm talking about one of the things i like to chum with is oatmeal believe it or not but you got to mix it with water to make it heavy so it'll sink and it won't float all right so we tried to catch some fish with just worms and we didn't do too good i got this oatmeal and i'm gonna mix it with some water and just make it clumpy this is mcdonald's oatmeal and this is just regular old instant oatmeal they're both instant oatmeal but we're gonna mix it with some water so it'll stick together and we're gonna use this to chum up a hole all right so we got a little oatmeal concoction mixed up just put some water in it now i'm gonna throw chunks of it in the water but first i'm gonna cut the gopro on so we can see how the fish react to it [Music] another good thing to come with is bread and you can use regular loaf bread just break off little pieces throw them in the water and it'll drive the brim crazy i'm telling you people it works because some fish get a little bit picky so when them fish are hard to catch throw you a little chum in there because fish are stupid hey watch it buddy i'm just saying when you chum you basically make fish that don't want to bite getting a feeding frenzy and once they start eating it makes them easier to catch and if you're at a little lake and you're fishing it's a good time to have a cooler like i made on one of my last videos and that thing works good too in case you're wondering what the cool is for that i built a couple of videos ago for getting bait to go fishing it works great now i got a friend and his family owns a couple of docks on lake james in north carolina and i wrote down there to check it out because he was telling me they chummed to keep the fish around their dog and it was pretty awesome they chum that daca every day and if they're not there they get their neighbors to come out in some form because chuma works great and the more consistent you are at it the better it works and it definitely makes the fish funner to catch believe it or not chumming is also a great way to use the cast net you can throw in some bread and right after it hits the water throw your cast net in on top of it and you can catch bait fish now in some states like kentucky you can catch brim with a cast net but in north carolina you can't catch brim with a cast net but i learned something wise up there i know most all fish love trout chow but something i didn't know was gizzard shad like trout chow too i guess you learn something new every day now when the sun goes down they got lots around their dock and they cut those on and i mean it's all in the way you think about it but now green lights well that's truman too and you may ask yourself how's green lights gentlemen well i made a video about a year ago about how to use green lights and on that video i explained how the green lights attract plankton then the baitfish come to eat the plankton then the brim crappy catfish everything else come to eat the bait fish so if you think about it plankton is chum too oh back to the chum bucket with you see so get you some oatmeal or get you some bread or get you some trap chow or just make you a green light and start coming for fish it'll make things easier for you hey guys if you hadn't yet go over and check out my channel page because normally i do diys and i've got a long list of diys and if you go look you might find something you like and if you do click subscribe and ring the bell so that youtube will notify you when i post videos and you can watch them and as always i appreciate you watching and i'll see you on the next bill
Channel: Fishin N Stuff
Views: 55,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3YC_i8VOIvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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