What Catfish Bait do the " Pros " Use

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hey guys fishing and stuff today we're going to ask the pros what their favorite catfish baits are hey uh what's your favorite bait if you can only use one bait the rest of your life from now on summer and winter what would it be so stick around [Music] back in february when i was at the catfish conference i asked a lot of good fishermen what their favorite catfish bait was actually the question i posed to him was if you could only use one bait the rest of your life what would it be so i made a video about seven months ago and it's about my five favorite catfish baits and you're probably gonna hear some of those same baits that i picked as my five favorite on this video but think about it it's kind of awesome to know what other people use catfishing on the video about catfish bait i made i had a pro on mine too and his name was clarence tuttle spud you better make it quick because i'm a pro and i take a lot of questions well clarence was also at the catfish conference and i got to talk to him in person there if you could only use one catfish bait what would that be that gun man as much as you trying to film me you should know it's hot dog soaked in kool-aid god damn that's where it is sometimes these fancy youtubers will lie to you on camera and they really use something different off camera so let's give old clarence a call and see if he remembers what his answers were mr tuttle spud productions hey mr toast bud yes i just have a question for you what's your favorite catfish bait man come on man what kind of question that it's a hot dog just a plain hot dog well i mean sometimes i like to soak it in water at the catfish conference you said you soaked them in cherry kool-aid hey weren't supposed to tell nobody about that it's a secret i'll put a link to your channel in it how's that that's good just uh make sure you let them know that i'm like a pro staffer but better next time you need some ideas and call me let me know and uh i'll give you some more i'll talk to you later i gotta go get in the deer stand one cat fish bait probably gonna hurt some feelings that's large mouth bass but i mean if you really want to know i would i like shad had to pick one gizzard chat yes or said i'm gonna have to go with shad live and cut sad fresh ass or any particular one is it sad sad fresh chat we're a chef i like suckers um anything in the cart family i like quill back park cut live depends on where i fish but i catch giant flatheads on suckers um all year my number one bait of choice is fresh gizzard shad yeah i am either that or night crawlers no i'll tell you why you've been watching tv crawlers so i can go catch bluegill and then use them for bait now mr floor is is a heck of a fisherman he's been around a long time and he's a class act let's call him and see if he still thinks the same thing hello hey chris what's going on brother hey man it's fishing and stuff i guess you know yes sir well i had a question for you if you was going fishing tonight what kind of bait would you take what's your number one bait what's my number one bait yeah man that's a toss-up between uh let's see if i had to take one i'll have to toss it between my good old standby chicken liver chum bait and good old onions man well at the catfix conference you said it was sad oh man i'm just missing you know uh i've been using shad i've been using carp i've been using bluegill those three fresh cut baits man they've been coming through for me now bluegill is one of my favorite but we call them brims yeah you ever heard that brilliant dude it's a war mouth it's a brim it's a shell cracker it's a brim it's a bluegill it's a brim they all brim we call them all brim everybody understands that well didn't you use soap one time to catch fish i tried soap and i didn't catch anything other than you catch how the onions work oh man they came out great on the grill but that was about it you could only use one catfish bait the rest you live summer winter what would you pick shad favorite big gizzard shape the biggest i can get one bait that's all you could use summer and winner gets a chat easy-peasy you know using some of that silly stuff you know or chicken livers and you know corn and stuff what i find is it it's good to use that because you can't always get gizzard shad yeah you're in a place and you just don't have bait or whatever and you can run to a grocery store and you can macgyver something and still catch fish so it's good to be versatile because you can't always get what you want and it's nice to be able to fish when you don't have ideal situation but gizzard shad's awesome i mean it just is if you can only use one bait the rest of your life you guys are chad i asked the same question uh to chris out as we were talking earlier i i use the my little i'm gonna put you in a plane and fly you to a lake somewhere in the country and you don't know where you go and what dates are gonna be it's that quick i think that bait is that universal again i've said it before my videos some lakes some river systems you need to have skipjack you need to have white perch you need to have river area but if i got to pick one that's the only one i get get the check oh you know i'm gonna call dater love sticker hey dater do you have a washing machine i hope so does it run better you better catch it just running down the road i'm just kidding man i got a question for you i got an answer all right if you was to go fishing tonight if you could only take one bait what kind of bait would you take come on now one bait one bait you know what i want to say say it say strawberry chicken and uh strawberry jelly chicken now at the catfish conference she says sheds that would be a bait that you could take anywhere in the country oh wrong question go fishing yeah yeah the question was you have to use the rest of your life only one bite have you used the rest of my life probably against your chat these were sad kind of busted you there a little bit didn't strawberry jello chicken i i'm not even sure what the name is yet technically for it is it is it chicken and strawberry jello or jello strawberry chicken i don't know what that is yet i will say this it's an amazing date and it shocked me how well it works hey man i appreciate it thank you one bait dip bait no i'm just playing uh i mean really chicken livers you know what chicken livers no serious though chicken livers they are each bait has a different presence on each river like ohio river you got to skip jack everybody's going to be like skip jack you come fish somebody else's water that's that dip bait water the dip weight slows down during the the winter months my waters moon eye slash goat eye is going to be a number one bait that can be consistent but then it falls in line right here with bluegill catfish yep probably skip jack in my water system it would be skip jack curry i knew that was coming yeah tennessee river in the rivers i fish around here local the ohio river it probably has to be skid gag excuse me the holiest bloodiest bait that i know of not to mention they're super fun to catch catching them is almost as fun as catching the catfish itself hayden grubs hey man oh nothing much i just had to ask you a question all right what's up if you was going fishing tonight what kind of bait would you use well i've grabbed frozen kickback out of the cooler and then once i got there i probably try to get whatever i could press whether it be chip jack shad or asian car so what's your first choice well i'd like that fresh gift jack that's eight by far my first choice but if i couldn't get that i'd probably probably pick some asian tarp for right now because they seem to be fighting on that free gear you're like hey uh what's your favorite bait um probably moon moon okay he's laying in there that's his little boy i'm gonna ask tim a question all right go ahead hey landon yeah if he was going fishing what kind of bait would you want to use well one choice that's all asian carp right now right now what's your favorite bait no probably oh you did good that's what you said the catfish conference too i appreciate it man no problem hey guys these channels i'm interviewing on here are some awesome awesome channels and i'll put a link to their channel in my description box so go over and check them out you'll like them well looks like the big winner today was gizzard shad but there's an awful lot of good catfish baits out there even shrimp and chicken livers are catchy catfish but it seems like cut bait's more preferred by fishermen that catch big catfish and if you want to learn more about catfish bait remember to go over and check out my other catfish bait video there's some good information on there and go over and check out some of these other youtubers because they've got some good information if you like this video click that like button and if you ain't subscribed then what you waiting on normally i do diys and i got a lot of them to choose from all you gotta do is go over to my channel page and check them out and as always i appreciate you watching and i'll see you on the next bill
Channel: Fishin N Stuff
Views: 61,352
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Id: s1H8SDU0n0A
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Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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