Easiest Moonshine Proofing Formula

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in today's video i'm going to show you the simplest formula there is to proof down a spirit to a target proof or to proof up a spirit that is low either way however you want to look at it i'm going to show you the easy way right now let's get into it so i made a bunch of graphics for this video to hopefully make it simple to follow me through this process because it looks a little bit complicated when you first take a look at this method it's called the box method i went over it in one of the live streams but i thought i would do a specific video on it so uh just get ready i got lots of graphics for this one so you can probably see why this is called the box method we just have a simple box here with letters placed around it and and one within it these are just the variables and we're going to go over what you what each letter represents a represents the highest abv that you have b represents the lowest abv that you have c represents the the the abv that we are going for we're mixing two uh spirits or two liquids with differing abvs to reach a specific abv now one thing that you have to remember is a has to be greater than c and b has to be less than c for this to work you also have to remember that if you're going to use abv they all have to be abv you can also use proof but they all have to be proof you can't intermingle the two moving on we've got d and that represents how many parts of a we're going to use in our ratio and e represents how many parts of b we're going to use in our ratio and how we find d is we take c and we subtract b and how we find e is we sub we take a and we subtract c it's really that simple and so um that that kind of gives you the rundown of the process now i'm gonna i'm gonna do an example a real life you know a math example to show you now before i get into this example i want to know if you like this type of video where i'm using the graphics to describe the formulas and the math and to make it simpler to walk along with me as i go through this um you know these four there are several of these kinds of formulas in home distilling and i can go through all of them if you'd like but uh let me know if you like it give me a thumbs up or leave me a comment something to let me know if i need to continue to make this type of video i appreciate it now let's get back to it so in this example the example i'm using i'm going to say that i've got uh some 140 proof spirit that i want to proof down because i want to put it in a barrel and 140 proof is too high to go into a barrel uh in my opinion 125 is nice so i'm gonna put set my target abv at 62 which is actually 124 proof uh but i'm i'm eliminating the decimal point it would be actually be 62.5 would be the abv of 125 proof but i don't want to mess with the decimals and uh and i'm going to say that we're going to mix water with this 140 proof or 70 abv in order to try and get to 62. so let's work out the math here and i'll show you how simple this is so we're going to find d first and we're going to take 62 and we're going to subtract the 0 and we get 62. so i've got that down there at the bottom and then we're going to find e and that is going to be 70 minus 62 which is 8. so that's down there at the bottom and so there's our ratio it's 62 parts of a which is the high proof to eight parts of b which is the water and you could do it from right there you could be done right there if you wanted but honestly we can simplify this ratio down a little bit more to make it easier so let's do that we can take a common denominator of 2 and make that 31 to 4 and 31 to 4 does not simplify down any further with whole numbers so that's our ratio and when you use this ratio it's 31 parts to 4 parts and you know that can be parts in liters milliliters ounces pints quarts gallons it doesn't matter it will all come out the same so we now know that we need 31 parts of the 70 abv to four parts of the zero percent abv and this would also work um like for example the other day we did a brandy and we back sweetened it with uh juice so juice has a zero percent abv but it would also work if we used say a wine uh that had maybe uh maybe a 12 abv as long as your low abv is less than your target and your high abv is greater than your target this will work every time and it's really simple now this is the simplest method i know of it is also not a hundred percent accurate so if you want exact then my suggestion is you go online and you find a dilution calculator and you use the calculator because the calculators will take some other things into account that will slightly affect this ratio in this mixture so i'm not going to get into those things we can talk about them later if you like this video you might also like this video about points per pounds per gallon or this video down here is one youtube thinks you might like take your pick
Channel: Still'n The Clear
Views: 18,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home distilling, moonshine, fermentation, fermenting, home made moonshine, how to make moonshine, distilling equipment, Proofing whiskey, proofing moonshine, ABV, Formula, Proofing formula
Id: 56MB6UfzpLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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