Homemade Bourbon| Oaking, Aging, and Proofing

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hey everybody in today's video we are gonna take this uh easy beginner bourbon recipe that i made three months ago it's been uh aging on a medium charred oak and uh today we're going to proof this down i want to proof it down to 80 and we're going to remove the oak and we're going to filter it and then we're going to try it out come on let's do it so the first thing we want to do is filter everything out and we're going to do that i've got you know this is a half gallon jar so i've got two quart jars that we're going to filter this into and i'm just going to use this funnel and a coffee filter and i'm just going to start pouring it through and it's just going to filter through the coffee i'm just filtering it through the coffee filter that's it and i'm going to spill a little bit that's just part of it also i wish i had two of these uh funnels to be doing two at a time that go twice as quick once we've poured enough out of this half gallon jug i'll be able to just reach in there and grab that oak stick and i can use that oak stick again because this is the first time i used this particular stick and as far as i'm concerned you can use them two or three times and they still produce the results you're looking for oh my gosh this bourbon smells so good now a lot of people are going to tell me this is not real bourbon i'll put a link down in the show notes for this recipe and how we did it we used sugar all right we didn't use an oak barrel we just used an oak stick and a lot of people gonna say that's not bourbon well you know if if i gave you some of this and didn't tell you how i made it i bet you would tell me what a great bourbon it is or you know maybe you don't like it but you would definitely call it a bourbon because it tastes just like a bourbon because it is a bourbon all right i think i can get that stick now there we go and we'll just let that dry out we can use that again what going to um we're going to proof this again i already proofed it once and it was about 125 proof but i just want to double check it it has been three months i have opened this jar and let it breathe a number of times so you know the angels may have taken a share but we're just going to get some in here and find out and you could also proof down with uh you know some sweet water if you had some sweet water some people will back sweeten with things like honey on a bourbon sometimes i'm not going to do any of that i'm just going to proof it down to 80 proof all right let's see what we got here and it's a 110 now so it dropped that's okay not a problem for me at all in fact that's the less water i have to add to get down to 80. so i like it also just to let you guys know we've got a pretty big announcement coming up maybe in a couple of weeks two to three weeks uh something really big we've been working on and i think you guys are gonna really like it but uh just gonna give you a little teaser that's it okay so we've got our two quarts here i also have a gallon jug now i know this is not going to fill this up but we're going to be adding some water and i just wanted to be able to do accurate measurements so i think we can pour this back in the jar has millimeters on it markings for millimeters so that that's what i'm going to use for measurements when i do the proofing and i don't i don't know if you've seen the video for using the box method for proofing down your alcohol i'll i'll put a link down in the show notes or maybe i'll just put it at the end of the video for the really simple box method for for proofing oh and it's not quite two thousand it's like halfway between fifteen hundred and two thousand i'm going to call it 1750 and it doesn't have to be exact not for me anyway i mean for you you might want to measure it exactly you might want to get you know like a measuring uh bowl and take it as close to exact measurements as you can but i'm going to say that's 1700. now i'm going to show you how we do the calculations make sure this stuff is out of the way here so we're going to use the box method we know we've got a hundred uh proof okay so that goes up in this corner of the box i want 80 proof so that goes in the center i'm going to be using water to proof down which is zero proof because you could use 70 proof or 60 proof whatever proof you had here to do all of these same measurements so it's basically just subtraction 110 minus 80. what is that 30 and then 80 minus 0 is 80. this is 80 parts of your high proof so that's you know these are both high proof and 30 parts of water okay and we're gonna take this down even further so 10 goes into both of these which is going to be eight parts high proof to three parts water and it doesn't go it doesn't go any further than that unless we want to use decimals which i don't so for every for every eight parts of 110 proof i'm going to use three parts water so it's an eight to three ratio now let's calculate that out what did i say we have 1700 milliliters of the high proof or the 110 proof let's divide that by the eight parts okay so that's uh a goes into 17 two times and that's 16 and that's one zero zero and then it goes one time into 10 that's 20 and it goes two times two times into that so so 1700 divided by eight is 212 and that means our parts are 212 milliliters and our water is 3 parts so now we multiply 212 by 3 to find out how many milliliters of water we're going to use and that's going to be what 3 6 6 36 so 636 milliliters of water that's how easy it is and that should take it down to roughly 80 proof it's not like i said it's not exact it's close let's go ahead and drop our 17 well roughly 1700 milliliters of 110 proof okay and again these jars have marks for every uh 250 milliliters and i'm just going to eyeball 300 and what 63 or 636 so above the 500 mark below the 750 that's six uh that's 130. so almost halfway between the 500 and the 750. this is distilled water let's go a little bit more there we go i dare to say that's perfect nice all that's left is the tasting let's do it okay so i've already poured my glass my uh the phone wasn't recording when i was going through recording uh pouring the glass and everything but i've got my hillbilly sniffer glass also known as a jelly jar and then these large round ice cube for sipping on your whiskey with one large ice cube it's perfect and that's it and this is really good this is really good you know i tried to do when i was developing this recipe this is a really simple recipe because it's for the beginners and so it's not a complex recipe but i was aiming for kind of a woodward reserve oat and you know it's well it's close i didn't get there didn't get there but this is really good i'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Still'n The Clear
Views: 5,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home distilling, moonshine, fermentation, fermenting, home made moonshine, how to make moonshine, distilling equipment, bourbon, homemade bourbon, how to make bourbon, whiskey aging, whisky proofing, how to proof whiskey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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