๐Ÿ˜ŽEASY Corn Whiskey Mash w/ Jesse from Still It!

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Bearded-and-Bored ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It's great to see someone doing a decent video with cracked corn. I don't believe there are too many good ones around that show the nitty gritty. It's also good to see I'm not the only one with issues taking gravity samples and separating grains to name a couple issues. And I use pintos high temp enzymes. Should be more cracked corn vids I say! Thanks!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PieGutz ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
he's bearded and bored let's go find something to do how's things well crazy but we're here yourself hey what is bearded doing well I can't really tell you everything that I'm doing but I can tell you why I abducted Jesse from the Stila Channel we're going to make a wisp not a whiskey we're gonna make a beer a beer with corn and barley and rye it's a beer that we're making without any hops so what are we doing for the recipe today we're doing a five gallon batch we're gonna do seven and a quarter pounds of corn ground corn you can use your own malted corn if you want to check out the video up here if you want to see how I made this malted corn but this is actually not for this recipe today today this is a gift for someone special not you today we're gonna use this corn big giant bag seven and a quarter pounds of cracked corn and then over on that side we've got let's see what was it four and a quarter of two row barley and two and three-quarter pounds of rye so now we're just gonna wait for our water to boil and I don't know you want to make out or something yeah sweet propene e we're at about a hundred and sixty ish degrees Farenheit sorry Jesse and so we're gonna go ahead and drop our corn in the water to get that to start hydrating get on the process to gelatinizing which is gonna turn it into concrete so I'm not looking forward to that but it's all worth it did this a really smart way by tearing the hole in the middle of the bag so we need going to run this through the still Lulu are you gonna run it the whole way are you gonna filter if I were to run this through a still I would probably not have sediment in the still because that would burned in the bottom of his still but I wouldn't know that because I don't do that ever because it's illegal in the United States to distill alcohol for the purposes of consumption suckas no they go for me it's legal for me here but yeah you can't I can't do it here so the purpose of this video is so that you can see two parts of the whole process since I can't distill but Jesse can we're doing the mash here and then he's gonna go home and he's gonna do this exact same recipe and it still it which will be amazing for you not so much for me I'll just be really jealous this is just for educational purposes anyway hey what do you think go ahead throw some in yeah all right so we're gonna go ahead and throw in a couple of handfuls of finely ground two-row barley and let that help to break down some of the starches as we're coming up to gelatinize ation and you know it's the the enzymes are gonna be nature pretty fast in the heat but it's while they're active it's gonna help us to loosen this up so it doesn't turn into concrete so we're at a hundred and ninety degrees on the corn and I can already start to smell it scorching on the bottom cuz miss Boone is too short can't scrape it up off of there nice and steamy on the lens I'm sure but you can see how that's gone from nice and flaky to nice and gloopy and kind of gross and that's what you're looking for yeah being able to run over snakes is cool but honestly I think I would take New Zealand where there are no snakes any day of the week so my dad is drinking all kinds of wonderful stuff that Jesse brought and all right we have let our corn sit for about ten minutes I had 190 and now we're gonna throw in a little bit of our a little bit more of the barley as that's starting to cool down and we're gonna transfer it into a bigger container because I ain't yeah I misjudged my water a little bit so we're gonna put that into a bigger pot so that that can cool down a little bit more and then we're going to add the rest of the barley add some more water and let that mash at about a hundred and forty-five for what like an hour hour and a half I'd say now no but ours good that's what we're gonna do [Music] well if that is like boosting on top already yeah that stirred in wow that was enough yeah so that can just chill and do its thing and we'll add the US loomed up the team yeah benefit doors will use if it goes low we'll just bring it back up I'm not I'm not too bothered about I mean a lot of guys are so strict about their bear schedule I'm not because I'm kind of mmm right like so I may or may not be a tiny bit intoxicated and it is where is he yeah it's his fault yeah it's my fault yeah oh geez so we're going to go ahead and finish up this beer and get that done we've let this sit for a while at least and it's down to about a hundred and thirty five degrees now we're going to bring up the temp to 1:45 throw in the barley and rye and then let that sit right at 145 for about another hour all right let's get going no it's then dry out already Wow it's crazy no this is denseness down in the bottom yeah just yeah I don't wanna get deep monetized because I'm incredibly full language yeah cuz you're definitely gonna offend the Brewers with swearing well my mom watches my channel alright so we're at about 145 146 ish we're gonna kill the heat good morning everybody so uh we did a little drinking little chit chat last night I had to get old time I totally didn't abduct him he's free to go now no he's free to go so Jesse's gonna go home and once he goes back to New Zealand he's going to make the same version of this beer and distill it because he can do that in New Zealand where it's legal to distill for personal consumption anyway last night we did the full mash and then just did the Australian chill method not necessarily in honor Jesse because he's lived so close to Australia but just because I'm incredibly lazy and I was too drunk to mess with it but it was about 40 degrees here last night so it cooled down on its own and now I'm just gonna toss it in the fermenter throw in some yeast and let it do its thing all right because I'm fermenting on grain it's gonna be really challenging to take a gravity reading for this corn beer I'm gonna see if I can suck some right off of the top let's see what we can do working see if I had a refractometer this wouldn't be a problem because you only need like a drop of a sample for a refractometer but I am still doing it low-tech so I'm gonna separate through this so I was able to get just enough for reading and it looks like we are at one point zero nine zero so hmm we were really gonna face while we were doing this but so I am gonna freeze a little sample just so that eventually when I get a refractometer I can check that so I'll just keep the the sample in the freezer next to my sperm and you know because who doesn't freeze their sperm you never know when you're gonna need that so now I'm just gonna toss this in the fermenter and throw in the yeast and I might throw in a little bit of yeast nutrient just because I like doing that and make sure that everything's got enough you know choose to ferment all the way out all right so let's get that done yeah it's crazy sweet the ward is crazy sweet taste like malt-o-meal was sure I think I might add a little bit of water to that there's so much grain in there I'm gonna lose a lot of volume just to the green okay so I added about a half gallon more water to this and it seems a little bit looser which is nice and so I'm stirring that up now I've screwed up my hydrometer reading so since I've diluted it a little bit so I'm trying to get this a good stir and I'm just gonna take a little sample that's all I need I'm gonna throw in about a half a teaspoon of the diammonium phosphate there's so much nutrition in this fermentation I doubt that I'll need it but it doesn't hurt last but not least daddy some distillers active dry yeast just like that where it normally goes Stacy all right so we're good spigots closed everything's in there lock it up so if you want to follow along in this journey click right up here I'll have the link up there for Jesse's video of the distilling part and if you enjoyed this video if you learned anything if you had a good time watching it do me a favor hit the like button that really helps out the channel and you can also hit the subscribe button and a little bell icon right next to it so that you can follow along when I post new content if you have any questions about this recipe go ahead and ask them down in the comments below and I'll put any relevant links for stuff I use today down in the description as well thanks for watching talk that you later so despite common myth not everybody in New Zealand is a hobbit I have proof they're a little hairy with Talon toenails with Talon toenails mm-hmm but definitely not Hobbit feet and also he's too tall to be a hobbit [Music]
Channel: Bearded & Bored
Views: 79,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bearded and Bored, Still It, Jesse Still It, Corn Whiskey, malted corn, Popcorn Sutton, how to make whiskey, how to make whiskey mash, corn beer, distilling, how to distill corn whiskey, how to mash corn, gelatinize corn, home brewing, homebrewing, brewing corn, how to malt corn, how to make rye whiskey, rye whiskey, how to make corn whiskey, moonshine, how to make corn likker, how to make corn moonshine, how to make moonshine, malted corn mash recipe, Destylacja whisky
Id: 29s8PEozPxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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