Easiest log building method ever!!. Part 1.

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okay I'm gonna show you the Highlander log building method it's a system that I've developed over many many years of log building it has some advantages over normal traditional log building and that it's very fast firstly and importantly for me it minimizes a lot of the heavy lifting involved and I've got to look after my back also to be honest minimizes the level of expertise necessary so if you need to log building it's worth considering this system now I've been commissioned by a customer to do a really small cabin I'm gonna use the Highlander method so I'm going to use the opportunity to show you the way through the whole system start to finish on this real-life build it's worth mentioning even though this is a very small cabinet this system is completely scalable you could make any size of cabin multiple rooms etc etc so just to be clear I'm not sure if anyone else is using this if this system or a system close to it I put it together myself but I'm very surprised if there wasn't someone building in a similar manner somewhere else in the world so here you'll see me laying out a frame of two-by-fours in preparation for the project in order to understand why I'm doing that and to understand the system in general I think I'll do a brief history of how the Highlander method took shape in the first place here's a building that worked on back around 2010 the mission statement you could say of the company I was working with at the time was to build unusual block structures so it's a perfect opportunity to innovate as you can see the back half of the building above the stonework was done using normal round log and saddle notch construction but at the front we wanted as much glass as possible to look out onto the view of the lake so I opted to use vertical logs in between the window to maximize the window area so the next project that is relevant to the development of the technique was a small barbecue structure that I built in 2015 here I realized that as long as I built a base layer of locked together logs and then a very sturdy roof structure that tied all those rocks together at the top I could actually build the whole building using these vertical locks then in 2016 just mission to a much larger project using nice old reclaimed logs and although I elected to do three sides of the building you didn't using traditional lock notch I believe it's called method I wanted to use the vertical log somewhere so I decided to do the front face of the building using the vertical lock system at this point I started to realize the considerable benefits of using this vertical log system with horizontal log in film it was much faster but almost as importantly I really liked the look of the end result so when 2017 came around and I was again commissioned to do quite a large building with multiple rooms I decided to use the standing logs throughout again I used a couple of rounds of logs jointed in the normal way as a base and then standing posts it was fast to build who was easy fast to take down and to transport once on site it was fairly easy to put put up as well and this is all done single-handedly [Music] you [Music] so back to present day April 2020 I've got the 2x4 frame leveled and squared I'll explain a bit more about that in a minute but first have to make the first post [Music] [Music] [Music] so for some of these cuts I'll be using the mini mill guide system it's not really necessary in subsequent posts I will use different techniques to show how come down freehand as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the date now is about the fifth of April and I think commissioned to do this really nice little building it's gonna be nice and quick and I thought it'd be an ideal time to show this system and I've simplified it even further as you see what I've done is I've got two by fours laid out screwed down in the shape of the building actually on the centerline of the walls where the walls will be first post put in as you see just cut out the two-by-four shape at the bottom and with all the posts doing that that keeps the ties all the logs to get the posts together at the bottom as I've done in the previous projects by actually doing the first round or two of logs in the normal traditional way this time I'm gonna try try this now this building I'll be building it here and then breaking it down and taking it to the to the build site which will be nice and easy because all the logs are going to be short we're gonna have a door in this side so there'll be a corner post and then a post where the door starts post on the other side of the door and a slightly longer run to the corner and I'll mirror that on the back wall so opposite the post for the door on the left-hand side there'll be another post directly opposite same again the other side of the door so that it's easier to tie them all together at the top you'll see how that works I'm actually expecting the mugs get delivered they're 100 years old logs what's called Belka kind of it this is an example of very bad condition belt got logs so it's a log where the tooths two sides are taken off to make it flat on the inside and outside of the wall these ones here are just using as a base as a place to put the logs that are coming which are much much better condition 100 years old without the date on one of the logs it was 18 1821 that's when the previous house was built with these logs some of these logs look like from the grain that they're they were 100 years old when they were cut down to build that house very nice wood should be arriving any minute and then we'll get going so now I have locks I can start building the first section of wall which will be approximately one meter in length on the backside of the building and here's where I really start to see the benefits of this system when building log buildings normally you have to build one layer all the way around and the first two logs on which will be on opposite sides of the building would be half logs after which you have to monitor the size of the marks that you put on so that all the walls rise and level further evenly that's totally unnecessary with this system however the first log on each section of wall has to have the its base leveled cut straight so I've selected a log that actually had a little bit of damage on the bottom edge which I can cut off so cut the bottom off of that log it's reasonably flat it's not perfect it doesn't need to be nothing in this method needs to be perfect from the couple of lines all I did was just check the mark this roughly vertical spirit level and the reason I'm using this spirit level is it's it's five centimeters wide so I can just get it set up by eye roughly in the middle check that the check that it's vertical again so it's parallel with the edge of the log and draw the lines both rise at the same time and I'll cut it to do it's cut about five centimeters deep maybe cut a little bit more and then take these corners out making the tongue to go into the groove in the post it's all gonna be done by iron nothing needs to be perfect as you'll see [Music] [Music] so this first logs in a second one on and see this is the gap looked at the gap in between the logs as well especially not too bad [Music] [Music] okay that's better doesn't leave people perfect cuz it's gonna be insulation going in between there so now I know how much lint has to be taken off of that tongue it's the place here with the maximum gap which is here so that's roughly how much I'll take that off [Music] now this isn't terribly tight but it shouldn't be because when you put this together on site this is gonna have to have insulation in here so you want a little bit of room okay so we're coming up to 17 minutes on this video I'm gonna have to do this in more than one part I'll post this part now and as soon as I get the next buyer edited I'll post that as well it's actually the 14th of April 2020 as I edit this so I'm now about a week further on in the project than you've seen I'll get that first suit as soon as I can if you want to be notified notified when it's posted then I think you know how to do that in the next video so recap a little bit about the procedure when putting on each lock I don't think I covered it very well okay we'll see on the network you
Channel: ProjectHighlander
Views: 669,425
Rating: 4.8080916 out of 5
Keywords: Log cabin, log building, log building techniques, easy log building, fast log building, logs, chainsaw carving, chainsaw, log house, cabin, Log building, log building methods, log cabin, fast log cabin, easy log cabin, underground log cabin, underground house, log technique, log method, log notches, wooden house, wooden cabin, off grid, bug out, prepper, Highlander, Highlander method, Highlander log building, Bunker, single handed, one man, tiny house
Id: ybMZq_gAYZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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