Earvin "Magic" Johnson Preaching The Word Of God at West Angeles COGIC!

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oh god is so good are you ready for your miracle have a seat please I know today this is part of my miracle and it's a true blessing a true blessing to be here standing here before you I never thought I would be in this situation thanks bishop so all I want you to do today is pray for the speaker today okay pray for me we are so blessed when you think about every Sunday we get to come here to this church and this church is a miracle this church has changed this community it's created jobs if this church was not here there'd be no Metrorail where people can go now go to their jobs go see their family see when we forget that this man has been here 50 years and what really disappointed me is when they said his name everybody didn't stand up see when you got a great leader like this a great man of God somebody that we can idolize somebody that we can say hey I want to walk like he walks I want to do like he do we shouldn't celebrate him when he's gone we gotta celebrate him right now why he's here right now so let's thank God for I'm gonna say this President Obama President Mandela and then this is my man right here so Bishop Blake thank you for this incredible church and being a leader here and then they got the Queen to England but we got our own Queen lady Mae thank you for being such a first-class woman that my wife can say hey I want to be just like her and then baby thank you because it was one for you I wouldn't be here right now at this church on so thank you everybody can sit down now brother that got those moot at the movie theater I need some free tickets we go to the movies all the time I'm getting to be 60 so I got a next year I won't be 60 and so I got to take out my reading glasses we're gonna turn the second King chapter four eight through 17 alright alright we get on all out and I think we're gonna be right up here are we not okay there we are let me know when you're there man it's a part of my miracle who would have thought Earvin Johnson would be up here doing this and we all read it together are you ready now it happened one day that Elijah went to Shulman shubin's give me a noticeable woman and she persuaded him to eat some food so it was as often as he passed by he would turn in there to eat some food and she said to her husband look now I know this is a holy man of God who passes by us regularly please let's make a small Upper Room on the wall let us put a bed for him there and a table and a chair and a lamp stand so it would be whenever he comes to us he would turn in there and it happened one day that he came there and he turned into the Upper Room and laid down there then he said jihadi a servant call this woman when he called her she she stood before him and he said to him say now to her look you have been concerned for us with all this care what can I do for you do you want me to speak on your behalf to the king or to the commander of the army she answered I dwell among my own people so he said what then is it to be done for her when she has he answered actually she has no son and her husband is old so he said call her and when he had called her she stood in the doorway then he said about this time next year you shall embrace her son and she said no my lord man of God do not lie to your maidservant but the woman conceived and bore a son when the appointed time had come so the word today is what is you what are you doing for your miracle can we put it up on the big screen please what are you gonna do for your miracle see we had three songs two songs today talking about miracles are you going fast are you talking do you believe that your miracle is coming so let's break down what was just said in the verses so here's this woman who cooked for this man of God then she said to her husband hmm let's make this room for him put a bed a chair a lamp so when he comes by and he eats and he get the itis he can lay here you know like we all been having the Ida's here lately holidays I'm right but this one was really got me what can I do for you the man said do you want me to talk to the King on your behalf do you want me to talk to the commander of the army and she said no I'll among my own people remember she gonna stay right there I'm good where I am now it's interesting because most of us would have wanted something in return for that food and that bed but she said I'm good I'm good now my wife cookie see what add well see what it said to the man of God now we good we don't need to see the King we don't need to see the commander of the army but her husband I know him personally I don't know if he the dwelling type now he probably would have said hey I take you up on just meeting the king and the commander of the army because I like to meet people but what happened was she didn't pray for a son hmm she she didn't ask for a son her miracle came because she went out of her way to take care of somebody else she was sewing for somebody else are you sewing are you taking care of somebody else are you blessing somebody else that's what it's all about so here I am president of the Lakers and I had to make some trades and some moves to make the Lakers better put us in a position to be a better team but I also am the president of my life and I'm seeing all these thousands of presidents sitting in here today sometime to get your miracle and get you ready for your miracle you got to trade out some friends uh-oh oh oh oh you see I'm getting ready for my miracle so I traded some friends now I want to be associated with and running with men of God those who are praising the Lord because they gonna help me get ready for my miracle so here's Courtney sitting right here we went to the Laker game the other night half the game we were talking about the Lord and then we was watching the Lakers play the other half but that's what I want in my life now bishop lake and i went to the game and lady may see he is getting me ready for my miracle so sometimes you got to trade out some boyfriends no bio bishop oh oh oh you got that sometime draft a new girlfriend oh you got to do what you need to do to get ready for your miracle myself I used to really be embarrassed and open my eyes look and see who's praying and worth about who stands up first if I yeah I'm in the boo man dude he had us going today you saw I was up and also I had to go to bathroom about three times that's what happened when you get 60 right here it is what it is god is so good god is so good so ottoman is it mm-hmm so I've been praying and I tell you it's been a true blessing how things have come to me by praying so much more now and not worried about what people say think or feel about me openly brand this has been a part of me getting ready for my miracle my wife and I were in the middle of Portofino it's early we had about 50 friends with us and the town is like in a horseshoe so you can see everybody so as all these african-americans were walking toward this incredible restaurant Pune in the middle of Portofino as we got to the restaurant as we traditionally do we held hands and we started praying thank thinking the Lord for bringing us here to Portofino and getting to have a incredible time like we were having but also blessing the food and so we sat down and ate after that after we got done eating we stood up and we held hands again and prayed again the whole town was watching as we were leaving this woman came up to my wife and I matter of fact it was four of them and said I'm about to tell all my friends what I just saw you touched me today I've never seen a group pray like that see a part of your miracle you can also touch somebody else why are you going through your miracle you can influence somebody else to come and praise the Lord as well what are you doing to get ready for your miracle what are you doing and so I'm blessed to have a general manager named Rob palinka who is just like I am so every day we pray together see and it's been a true blessing for me to be able to do that Here I am working with this man so before we do anything we pray after service on Sunday we can't wait to see each other on Monday to say hey his pastor down in Orange County said this and I always lay it on him what Bishop said you know but again we're helping each other get ready for our miracle what are you doing to get ready for your miracle it is a truly truly a blessing when you know what it is to in terms of where you're going what direction you're going in I know for me it's been such a change for me because now when I go speak to these corporations I lead off with praising the Lord and I'm happy to be here but what as being great is as I'm going and getting ready for my miracle I'm also touching others because every time I have a meet and greet after my meeting some I always say to me thank you for uplifting the Lord you touched me today not only in business but also your love of the Lord what are you doing to get ready for your miracle and guess what it's coming what's the song say any day now any day now boy Judy for you guys and this incredible choir laid it out laid it out and the band is just too much yeah these brothers always take care of us and thank you for uplifting us thank you Romeo thank you for coming back or I shouldn't say coming back but being a part of the Lakers and how you've been blessing our players and uplifting them and getting them ready for their miracle it's a bad young man somebody else who's helping me get ready as Darren stand on up Darren because you've been a blessing to me thank you for getting me ready for my miracle cousin Darren you should lead our Bible study and he left and now he's back so I've been so happy that he's back because now we can be on the phone talking about the Lord and also I know that between him and Bishop I'm standing here and you know what I'm happy that this is a part of my miracle because three years ago I wouldn't be ready to do this five years ago I wouldn't have been ready to do this and I know I think what my miracle is gonna be and that's be heavily involved in this church I know that and I'm feeling good about that Courtney when you were speaking a couple of Sundays ago you helped me so much man see we forget that somebody who's going through their own miracle can definitely help you with yours and this brother has helped me so much because of his his own walk and see a man like me I need to have others David more that brother he helped me see to to allow me to speak to the men that helped me get ready for my miracle so I'm so happy God put me here today on this Sunday for a reason for a reason so I'm getting ready I got my arms open my heart is open I'm not gonna pray for one thing or another see that woman showed us you don't have to pray for anything in terms of I need money for my rent or I need this or that you just got to believe that your miracle is coming and do what you're supposed to do and put yourself in a position to receive your miracle my mother sometimes your family can hurt somebody getting ready for their miracle my beautiful mother my brother was on drugs and my mother kept bailing him out and we kept telling you don't bail him out so finally she said she wasn't gonna bail him out in jail because he was steel he got clean he started going reading his Bible so right now my brother Larry been clean for 30 years but was what's really great is that the Lord now got him going into prisons and group homes and halfway houses testifying to those men and changing their lives as well see sometimes you may think you're doing the right thing for somebody but actually you're hurting and you're hurting their blessing you're hurting their miracle man miss Johnson I need you to come down before I turn it over back over to Bishop come down for me because this is going to be a time where we want a lot of people to come in front because a part of your miracle is going to be bishop blessing you and praying for you I needed my wife to come because this is really important we lost a stepdaughter and this beautiful woman has not been coming to church I know I knew why God told me to come here today and do this my sister needs this today and a lot of other people need to come up here and get ready for your miracle Jennifer honey you got to be here I'm on Bishop to come and pray for you to give you the strength you look and you help her cookie won't you go grab your best friend my wife was on the phone with this woman praying and this is important and everybody who needs a prayer to get ready she lost her beautiful daughter but she she hadn't been coming back to church and I know driving here why Darin and Bishop asked me to speak today because it's really for you my love it was for you coming back to church for them to give you the strength this is part of your miracle a part of your blessing part of your miracle and your blessing you got to be in church God got to give you the strength to carry on now it's the more people in this church as a part of your miracle you should be coming down here and let Bishop bless you and pray for you right now because if you expecting a miracle you gotta change things you can't stay the same so come on down those who want to join the church come on down because this is a part of that cuz you need a prayer right now have you been going through something to get ready for your miracle come on come on come on we'll wait for you if you gotta come from upstairs come on it's a part of you getting ready for your miracle what a blessing this is Julie can we go - you got something okay good well God is so good if you want a miracle for 2019 let me hear you make some noise as you get ready for your miracle come on we're gonna wait on you come on this is the start of your miracle your business has been down you want it to grow this is a part of your miracle right here you want to get promoted at your job this is a part of that miracle right here somebody is sick and your family this is a part of your miracle right now you've been going through something it's a part of your miracle right now what I want you to do hold somebody's hand because sometimes we need somebody to help us we need somebody to help us what I want you to do just close your eyes for a minute just close your eyes and just thank him for everything he's done for you this far right thank him for everything he's done in your life up and tipping down because you can't receive that miracle until you say thank you for what he's done in your life so far oh god you're so good bishop thank you for letting us be a part of my miracle my life has changed today haha God is so good god is so good keep your eyes closed as bishop say a prayer for everybody and I hope everything that you want in 2019 the miracle comes your way but do everything you supposed to do to get ready for your miracle yes sir the supper hands and praise God for Ellen Johnson
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 223,314
Rating: 4.6218128 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, West Angeles COGIC, Bishop C.E. Blake, Lady Mae Blake, Cookie Johnson, Magic Johnson
Id: U_IjlJQUjNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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