Earthsea | 2004 Fantasy Adventure | PART 1

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when earth sees thousand and one islands were born the nameless was ruled with their even energy on golf in the planet until a powerful amulet was forged from the faith of a devout order of priestesses which kept Earth's sea at peace and the nameless moose restrained deep beneath the temple on the island of Artois but then the amulet was broken an evil in the form of car guide invaders questing to rule the world spread across earth sea like a plague leaving only the priestesses faith in prayer to guard the door and keep the names once contained an ancient prophecy told of a young wizard who would someday arise to reunite the amulet and bring the lasting peace to the world of Earthsea [Music] [Music] well are you getting better Diana practicing conscientiously studying hard I love it one day you mean down really low no I mean right I mean we take you places you've never been you know how to do that that's a knack I think I've got it oh you dude no not that kind of that you have no idea how much smaller and get him 10 alders you could be pleased easy easy well I'm not good Jenny what is it did you have another one of your visions the one with the door the girl you scare me when you do that you're scared try having visions that make no sense maybe you should get back to work I'm okay now all the more reason for you to go [Music] [Music] I want the power of the nameless ones but to control their power I'm as first release them then I need to know how to open that door castle door secured by secret means and that secret secured in a single mine the High Priestess star who learnt it from her predecessor and will teach it to her lovely lovely successful and when I am chosen and learned the secret I will slip into your chamber and crawl into your bed and whisper it in your ear and then my dear is console all of us he shall be ours oh is this wizard talking no majesty really and this is the cold he's dead sire you were perhaps a bit overly enthusiastic he was very frail majesty but before the end he did please tell me he confirmed the prophecy sire at Emmaus will arise who will reunite the amulet of peace and will end all war on earth see as I'm well aware what I want to know is when he would arrive that's what this was at revealed your majesty he's already arisen what he's here on earth see now so his name what is his name this visit died before we could extract it sire oh but he did give some insight you will know him by the evil that he does riddles I hate make sure you keep the other one alive a little bit longer [Music] [Music] oh nice to get it dropped in I missed something some interesting hammering perhaps spare me the sarcasm we do this for a living you know living is that you call it alright earning your keep by the sweat of your brow what's wrong with that nothing there's nothing wrong it's just that the poor two gone is 20 miles up the coast and they say it's bursting with life full of ships and interesting characters from all over see you know something we've never been there we've never had any reason to go there are a thousand islands on that seat maybe more have you been to any of them even one I'm sorry if a life I offer you is it good enough kid it's the best I can do I keep us fed I keep a roof over our heads what more do you want repairs me taking back not what we're done here stop right there good come back here good as new your father's work ah yes no one better patching a pot you make it sound like an insult your father deserves your respect and a little compassion too it's not been easy for him raising a child by himself I'm not a child anymore maybe if he tried seeing that maybe if you try to understanding who I am life would have been different for you I heard your mother lived so what's the spell to be today so the one green eyes should I say actually I was just going to make myself a salad for lunch would you like some no I'm not really hungry Marian how did you learn everything about magic truthfully I don't remember I can't remember anything before the storm washed me up here your mother took me and you know and nursed me back to life she was a good woman your mother hmm I wish I could have known her she would have been very proud of you for what I mean have hardly done anything I probably never will you know I think she would have wanted you to have this I can't it's yours dad it was with me when she found me take it in remembrance of your mother they're coming what car guys I saw I have to go good good where are you going good answer me don't you run away when I talk to you I'm fed up with your disrespect I saw something Oh Maura your wizard nonsense well you're no wizard you're a blacksmith get used to it I won't get used to it I'm better than that better you win some pop warden the village tell them in to gather their weapons thank our dead warriors that there's a die like men then he hunted down like rabbits go [Music] there's that son of yours will be there's no sign of it I said you'll be here you must remember I can't remember dead Mary and you told me yourself you've done it before so long ago I don't have the strength anymore it doesn't matter I do all you have to do is remember the spell [Music] does he think he's doing I have no idea yeah whatever you're doing do quickly because they're coming [Music] good to grow good take the sword damn you take the sword [Music] [Music] way [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] follow me your majesty to what do we owe this honor I've come to seek spiritual guidance venerable mother I hope I can provide it I'm sure that you can as you know I've dedicated myself and all the resources available in an effort to bring order to our world of Earthsea word has reached us of your conquest your majesty one at such costs but it's a lengthy process there is much resistance have you not asked yourself whether our island nations might be better left to rule themselves as a matter of fact I have and the answer was no earth seed needs unity in order yes but if the price of unity and ordered his venerable mother I didn't come here to discuss my campaigns I came here to tell you of my fears my fears that I won't live to see my work completed no one knows the time we have allotted your majesty true maybe except for the immortals immortals the nameless ones live forever do they not it seems to be true so they must possess the secret of that immortality not necessarily they are immortal but they don't know why so can they not teach us it - nameless ones cannot teach us anything kinked I guess they can only destroy us which is why it is my orders vow to ensure that it will be restrained forever and yours to ensure our success perhaps robbing a sea of great power powerful good if it were in the right hands there is no right hands for the nameless Swan kinked I guess our world almost came to an end once before when another car guy can get the same reckless notion there should never be released and as far as I'm concerned there will never be wizard is already on earth I must control the nameless ones before he's able to fulfill his prophesied destiny you asked thir to help you yes and she refused I cannot kill her before the secrets have been passed on but she must pass them on soon the only to her successor then she must be encouraged to select one she was to select me then see to it that she does [Music] he saved us your lab saved us all [Music] [Music] [Music] this is he who whould the spell of concealment he died on the high false did he now [Music] [Music] who are you he's scared you're back with us now back from where from the dogness what did you do restore your son to you blacks men his spirit had not yet left him my name is OG on the great wizard how can I repay you Magus allow me to give GERD his real name no he has a name my wife and I rest her soul we gave it to it Laxman no you not that every living thing has a secret name witch's power resides and in this young man device much of you want to turn him into a Magus the restorative only to take him away I don't know yet will you at least permit him to find out the name is so Chabert you are that is the name in which your power resides tell no one except those who trust with you soul for the rest of the world you must be named GERD son of the blacksmith of the village of ten oldest Sparrowhawk do you wish to learn the ways of magic Sparrowhawk it would mean putting all that you know and love behind you yes then asked your father's blessing his blessing why would I need that consider the test in a melody father I wish to study with Oh Jean to be a wizard and I ask your blessing on hmm why should I give it when it means forsaking everything I provided for you given up the home your mother brought into the world this is what she wanted for me isn't it she wanted us to be a family what we're not and I now have a chance to be somebody do you begrudge me that I don't begrudge a son but I do fear for you I truly fear [Music] would you I'll come back you won't how are you it was good though wasn't it I'd have gone mad without you Oh God I'm not sure I made all that much a difference just go Thanks [Music] again I hope you find her fine too the girl you've been dreaming about [Music] the entire raiding party don't we saw the mist from the ship side it's one of them up and then they were lured over the cliffs very convenient mists this for those villagers there was talks I took a walk talk of wizardry was there not and the wizard a young lad Your Majesty unknown till then for that sir in his name we never found out sir but it doesn't signify he's dead dead despite his victory over my men he went right over the cliffs in the fight did you know well so be it I'm off to join the troops at Yule but if there's any more news about unusual wizards I want to be notified at once understood it is my understanding sir good mixed every day for a week thank you what will we do without you mess it up struggle on friend as we all do I didn't realize being a wizard involved so much animal husbandry liz's job to serve two people he lives them out and get whether the animals are sake crops fail or they threatened by car guide warriors our test simply is to make life on earth seat tolerable as I hope you're learning well frankly Magus since I've been with you I don't feel I've learned a thing is that so well perhaps that is because you haven't figured out what I've been teaching yet you sent for me sister castle I did come in Martha I've been watching you with great interest and I've come to believe that you have much greater potential than anyone so far has acknowledged potential sister yeah never I ever become high priest especial see to it that you receive your fault you look thank you sister Casa I am very honored but of course for now it is my sacred duty to aid and protect our mother thought and to that end I need your help my help mother thar is unwell she goes to great lengths to conceive it she stubbornly refuses to take her medication we must see that she takes it few drops concealed in her dignity without her knowledge that doesn't seem right is it right to let her waste away [Music] Dumitru sir I think for the sake of our sisterhood you will be rewarded 1000 the true wizard can move clouds around on the skies he never gets rained on yes get quite true I mean students seeing that frapp now would be a good time oh gee what's the use of having power if you don't use it that's what I want you to think about sparrow hawk all right again [Music] I said I get it Oh [Music] not those scared much too strong well don't I need powerful spells if I'm to become a powerful wizard I don't want you to become a powerful wizard until you master yourself which requires years of roaming the hills gathering nerves learning by nature letting knowledge seep into your bones see why is that such a strangely an interactive work I think it's a good word I like it come let's eat Vegas is there something moving in my bowl you've never heard of eels and fish here chowder before no no I have it's one of my mother's best you develop a taste for overtime and what is the chief duty of the priestesses of s1 bringing the strength and the guards to Botswana to the High Priestess for the protection of all or you see sister tonight it's right and it is the duty of the High Priestess to use that power to venerable mother please I came to talk to your teacher dinar I just finished going through the examination paper for the young priestess you came first with the highest grade any priestess has ever achieved in the history about finish your lesson and come to my office I want to talk about your future here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what in the name of Earthsea do you think you were doing have you any idea would almost happen here I'm sorry I didn't think of oh you didn't think did you that's not your style sorcery is in a game we play for pleasure for praise lat every word every act of our art it's done for good if we evoke before you speak I do you must know the consequences alright I understand Oh certainly you didn't but this never would have happened no this never would have happened if you didn't waste my time gathering useless herbs and watching sheep sneeze forgotten that you above the work of a humble wizard just so you above the work of a mere blacksmith it's not meant master on my life I've been told I was a fool a dreamer and now I find I have this appetite to learn everything as fast as I can is that wrong you're not wrong but not wise if you stay with me you need patience do you have patience cat I know I should say I have but I wouldn't be true know what would there's another way and perhaps it might be have you heard of the island of rock now Ellen otherwise of course I thought that was for those who have extraordinary ability which you have what do you think that's simple stay with me and let wisdom grow now you wish you had nest don't you I don't want to leave you OGN I leave my life you'll mean that face Bariloche but if you feel my path is too long and slow you must make the choice yourself Rock Island loggia and roken must be [Music] [Music] [Music] beautiful island gums first time away yeah I figured you for Atlanta mother well don't worry about it you'll be back home someday you don't mind me asking whoa easy there how'd you end up on this tub my manga is part of my passage maggots so where you bound broke what's it like never been Wizards honor how do you want to go there for one of the powerful ones Aang well I better stay to the right side of you then headline we'd all better stay in the right side and if we want to better win here stole that there can you do anything about this breeze young Vegas you know captain I'm not treated see wizardry but I could conjure mist if you want well if such a lot of good that's gonna do it have you any skills with a compass can you help us steer no sir I got a rope design these things when you join the oarsmen father took my friend for we afford no passengers here scooch below find them in or I'll take one for your surf as well if coils more than enough rule for one day I said come on then so uh how are you at making people disappear they won't dare to fight our guides again she shall be a safer place and after one I reach a one side true well it's been five there's something intoxicating about the power of death splitting an ounce throat feeling his warm life drain upon one's fingers to control life that is the greatest power at all it's only a matter of time Your Majesty before we control it all and on every island we take the first thing we seek is information information sire about that young makers we must find and kill two young men general [Music] rather you than me in a place like that I can't wait to get started it doesn't scare you that kind of thing No I've been winding this my whole life I'd rather be sailing into a raging squall any day but I wish you luck [Music] [Music] well cause that who is it get the son of do name yes a ver letter from the mage Oh Jean for the arch Magus of the school very well enter if you can I can't enter without your help how true but I can't help you if you don't tell me who you really are sparrow I'll take your letter to the arch Magus messengers are meant to wake by the river entrance well that could be but I'm no messenger I've come here to study huh disguised as a peddler do they consider that a jest here broke you're obviously from somewhere distant and countless obscure allow me to inform you you have the honor of addressing Jasper of elk of the house of have naw I'm glad you've taken the initiative of welcoming the newer rifle I am Archmage nimel gosh makers of this school seem to be here sir listen to this from Oh jian of Gaunt i send a young man who could be one of the great Wizards of Earthsea if the wind blow true quite a testimonial from a wizard of such a steep most impressive especially coming from one of rock's prized graduates Oh Jeanne were here oh yes a most distinguished alumnus welcome to Rock get of ten alders and Mayor stay here be profitable to you and to earth see Jasper Las Vegas show get around introduce him to his fellow students explain some of our traditions now watch Magus yes why not now tomorrow you start a program of studies which will not cease until you have become all that it is in you to become Richie Forgione is right is quite a lot well where to start wonder what it feels like to be a beginner it's been so long this way then could use a bit of salt ah veg the perfect table companion for you get vetches a fisherman's son so he can tell you all about bait and as you're a blacksmith's lad you can tell him all about bellows he's very good at that cutting remarks painful innuendos humiliating insinuations if his magic were half as good let's get you some food you got anything actually edible in there you know hidden away it's this lads first day so show some compassion where you from again not you finish uh finish well you've never heard of it have you not really no I'll let you offer that this once but what you have to understand my friend is that Vemma SH is the paradise of Earthsea has it been bending your ear about vanish ignore her again look finish is right next to a fish which is just across the top and this this is the Bay where you can hear the mermaid singing in the moonlight [Music] [Applause] welcome to rel kid what's a la you do make me laugh Oh Castle I have some very good news ten are here has just graduated first among the younger priestesses well dantana I'm so pleased for you I remember when you first came here I lost frightened little orphan full of questions you were a charming little waif thirsting for understanding wasn't she Venable mother and you Castle you are so so formidable I'll take that as a compliment I've allowed you to take on far too much work over the years I decided to Aston are to take on some of your responsibilities as you wish venerable mother are you unwell something bastard disagree with me if you'll excuse me I need to lie down less than 14 in the lesser arts of changing table get on with it ladies and gentlemen from pound cake I guess this will do that is good brilliant what are you trying to make me feel inferior diamonds I'm done kid look at these everybody perfect dance in these well I didn't last long you didn't expect it to stay that way did you well why shouldn't it hit the magic strong enough has to change a rock into a jewel you must change its true name it can be done but it should not be done not even to a single grain of sand until you know the good and evil that will follow I don't understand good and evil isn't it just turning one thing into another the Isles of Earthsea were turned into diamonds are as they are for a reason the very least you must understand that reason before you decide to change them well that's fine and I still want to know how to do it I'm sure you do good I'm sure you do but you will not learn it here not until you learn true wisdom in some ways this is the most dangerous of the arts because you are making things move through time and space at your command as when I make this creature appear Anson I've never known anyone to see the entire world through their stomach before now you do my friend master summoner you spoke of time as well as space does that mean a wizard could conjure anything dead or alive no wizard would conjure up the dead young man because they cannot be sent safely back to where they came from that's not gonna get you out of here any sooner than the rest of us I don't want to leave every time we learn the true name is something we gain power over I want to get as much power as I possibly can well done another one master neighbor I'll take my next yes another yes right by the way you were in the middle of Lucy Camus caster service yes yeah at this rate you're going to be the most powerful wizard in FC and the most annoying show-off come on we've been on a steady diet of words for the last three months and I want something you can actually chew please what's going on here thank you it appears the amazing Jasper is going to sudden something young aristocrats condescending to put on a magic show methinks he does it to impress the ladies I didn't realize that are that easy to impress [Music] blacksmith perhaps you'd like to impress us with a demonstration of your own you could make something minuscule seemed enormous your brain for instance you may want to try that trick on yourself Jasper just aim a little lower [Music] are you sure you want to try this why not I think it'll be quite an adventure and look how free it is besides any wizard worth its salt you'll be able to shape-shift yeah no one's questioning ability here it's just a minor matter of breaking the rules then to be broken that's fit to be broken yeah try saying that to the arch Magus speaking of breaking the rules I hear the splendiferous Jasper's going to be off at the wizard ship appender when he graduate it's quite a coup for someone whose age wouldn't you say I'm sure he deserves it and you'll do a wonderful job oh please we both know he's a second-rate trough with a big head and rich relatives people like having a rooster Kratt for their wizard he'll do fine yeah well you'd do much better maybe certain people that shut up for a minute all right alright watch this I think I finally got it [Music] what have you done this is crazy yet and dangerous [Music] yeah I'm yelling at a bird [Music] tried shape-shifting it Jasper much more impressive the making apple trees don't you think there's no need for me to name the student who did this he knows who he is but I want to take this moment to warn you all of the dangers of shape-shifting you may have heard the tale of the wizard border of way who delighted him taking the shape of a bear and did so more and more often until the bear grew in him and the man died away and he became the bear and killed his own small son in the forest and was then hunted down and slain this shape-shifting business is not something to be toyed with is that understood you're even lower than I thought Jasper I don't know what you're talking about I'm talking about you sneaking to the arch make us about my doing something you can't you have no idea what I can and can't do little man we don't run in the same circles you think I want to oh you want to EXA this boy your whole life spent trying to become something you're not the more you try to prove yourself my equal the more you show yourself for what you really are yes brute force and ignorance a the tools of your trade well it's Magus power we value here not horsepower do you think you have more Magus power than I do well that sounds like a challenge all right blacksmith I accept it wasn't a challenge tell him get stop this both of you duels in sorcery are forbidden you know that there you a bumpkin away out feel free to back off so what'll that be dead leave it alone what about summoning a spirit you think I can't do that from the dead what about the lady elf Aaron go to summon her old that'd be too hard for you are you out of your mind it's fine with me dad don't do it why not why not you're not a summoner get and that's for the lady l4 and why not her as well as anything else Jasper give this up doing sorcery without reason is like lighting a fire in a forest you know that tell him doesn't matter you can't do it he doesn't got it in him well that's what he has to learn see we need to prep the others [Music] three sisters what have you done [Music] [Music] [Music] are you alright tada something horrible happened here tonight something beyond anything I've known we have faith breathing I saw him and it was as though I knew my me ah general door just in time it's a true side we are invading Rome you're indeed you my Magus has just revealed it so Tom set sail and have the rest of the feed follow us as soon as they put up to see chase good how are you feeling I'm so sorry so shaped I too am ashamed of you and of this institution for producing someone who could commit such an act of folly much miss I didn't you have great power in you Sparrowhawk and you utterly misused it you tried to summon a spirit of the dead and instead you brought out the most fearsome being our world has ever known you're at least a nameless one Assad is a shadow the shadow of your ignorance the shadow of your arrogance you brought a being of utter evil into the world whose only objective its deep soul gnawing hunger will be to find you and possess no sesame devour your soul and as your powers are great so when that happens it will become great and all earth sea will be endangered it is a shadow now but soon it will kill absorbing its victims body to become a creature even more horrible a giveth and then you will really have reason to fear it is there no way to defeat it none unless you know its true name then I must go to the master name er good he has no way of knowing what am i to do as soon as you're strong enough you must leave rogue never to return the frock go where wherever in the world it would least expect to find you that is your only hope [Music] but it well first you'll need all your string and at the moment we were blown to the floor that the young wizard was attacked by this this great shadowy beast it was horrible who is this wizard I don't know if you vision be true this is a particularly evil Magus how so because if the two events are related he would signify the most ominous act one of the nameless ones was released there has never been anybody or anything in the history of our temple powerful enough to overcome our faith what happened at the door might have been beyond my powers and if that is so our temple is endangered no no not with you to lead us venerable ever I don't know that I still have the strength my mission requires good I'm so glad to see you we were all afraid you were going to die how do you feel frail furious with myself and very very stupid I really made a mess of things didn't I yeah on an epic scale but you're alive that's what matters that looks pretty nasty oh not in vain that thing possessed an ungodly strength it flicked me aside like a bug you heard my feelings mostly but it could have killed you get so it will what do you mean it is my fate the shadows only purpose is to see me gone and to make matters worse if that's possible oh is it raining here has come to attend what the arts mangas asked me to leave rope that's not very sporting of them but this could all work out I'm also leaving rope I've gotten my appointment as a wizard you finished the course you got your staff believe it or not I'm so happy for you and guess where the job is home vemma SHhhh paradise on earth that is wonderful that settles it you're coming with me we're going to vanish together I appreciate the offer veg I can't tell you how much that means to me but I can't do that to you I've become a fugitive to be hunted by the shadow till I'm done I can't bring that into your life with the lives of the people you'll be looking after all right but if you ever need me call on me by my true name stereo stereo [Music] I am Sparrowhawk [Music] till we meet again my friend [Music] there's rope now Simon we beaten the rest of the feet by at least today good that's strange once you make that to be who the hell are you to mention ml Magus of rope we certainly know how to make an entrance arch Magus to what do I owe this pleasure I desire to avoid unnecessary loss of life together really and what loss of life would that be loss of life have you tried to take rope because the weapons of rope formidable oh I'm sure they are all I want really is some information about some insignificant young makers not available The Magus or the information neither I guess that is a fine shape try got seize it back while you still can tiger before you and I dare he you heard him is the arch Magus of program not soon to be a memory and the rest of the fleet arrives have half of them fan out from here and scour every island within a day's sailing rages from Ostia to Indian certainly sire and the other half then pay this pompous cheap magician [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he was a bit of a rough night I'm really not sure and you I'm on my way home after a profitable avoid and how is that charming captain of ours I've long since booked off for that guy's but tell me the last we met you were on your way to becoming a wizard friendship I am Elizabeth sort of oh good show what's your next well actually things didn't go all that well aroma oh really I created a bit of a stir oh let's just say I've taken to travel well something bad is it yes you ever heard of a place called Terra non on the other side of the island I can't say that I have well now you have that's where I'm headed and from what I bet there hasn't been a wizard there in years why don't you come with me the lodger tonight leave in the morning there's a very fine goat house there if you don't mind paying for it got a deal finest ale well this is a bleak place suppose it's more cheerful on the other side of the mountains I was saying I hope it's more cheerful where you come from living soul for hours how much farther your side of the island George they do with some food and a bath hey if you falling asleep on your feet how much farther what's wrong huge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] spero you a messenger our message you seem strangely familiar did I not name you once [Music] [Music] you see some trouble since we last party I think it's her master as I left fool to see what a good fire bring back some memories oh yes reminds me of why I left get it down you ain't get on with the story I think so I transformed myself if you hadn't brought me back that would have been that it will find me sooner or later unless you know his name no one knows his name so you must defeat it defeat it I fought it twice and twice I've fled in terror perhaps the third time's the charm oh gee and I have no strength against it if you were going to suggest that I stay here the answer is no I'm not inflicting that thing on you good but in that case I have a hard thing to say to you say it you must turn around turn around yes if you keep running the evil would drive you choosing the way you go you must do the choosing you must seek what seeks you and have it devour me when we meet so that I am its creature and my powers are a danger to all no see you must make this gap at your on if you are fugitive when it finds you if you have used your strength and flee it will prevail but if you're doing the seeking I'll be able to destroy I can't tell but it's the best counsel I can give you if you want to cease being hunted he must become the hunter you know I've walked with great Wizards and lived on the Isle of the wise but you are my true master ogia better late than never but you may be my master in the end Thank You Magus they'd serve you well master I must go hunting [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you called for me venerable mother sister castle our world is darkening and I grow weak the time has come to appoint my successor you wish me to call the priestesses into Conclave daddy is what I wish to all know you as my strong right hand it's time they also knew who will lead a temple when I'm gone I understand completely just rest and relax I'll arrange everything [Music] [Music] you're their gay bath aren't you I hear I am live you're not inside us yet remaining capable breaking down a door they cannot fight magic your hands we sit down just reveal the house of happiness oh yes how agreeable to finally meet you in the flesh Jasper the house you served me well if I were to open that door for you and you seize all of rope you would be needing a new arch makers would you not I gather someone in mind just get me in there just sisters as our world darkens with each car guide conquest my health continues to fail so I feel the time has come for me to name she who will carry the secrets of the tombs after me [Music] I hereby bestow the great belt of keys to she who will be the next High Priestess [Music] it's impossible the doors are impenetrable you should answer your money back Jasper no not you we've given you power to bring light and goodness to the world and instead you've chosen darkness and evil you break my heart no I think I'll do that yeah I believe this is yours you must have dropped it [Music] come to me and received a tokens of your office sister tanner a sister - nah come to me I've been waiting for you dude in the waiting is over stop they destroyed me you destroyed us oh so be it I brought you into this world and I will take you out of it so together we can be exactly [Applause] if you keep you alone shadow it'll have us [Music] [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 972,234
Rating: 4.6853004 out of 5
Keywords: Classic, full, CMC, Danny Glover, free, movies, ever, films, horror, movie, 70s, youtube, Shawn Ashmore, goldmines, 60s, Kristin Kreuk, watch, worst, Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Classic Movies Channel, 80s, CMC YouTube, Turner, Isabella Rossellini, free full movies, comedy, latest, TCM, retro, classic, hollywood, popcornflix, b-grade, download, drama, sci-fi, funny, Hollywood movies, bigtime, online, Earthsea
Id: XexUUh5J0xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 17sec (5297 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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