I Tried 8 Side Hustles in College, Here are the BEST Ones (No Quick Money)

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people who say money can't buy you happiness are spending money can't buy you happiness all right don't become a philosopher before you rich game time once starting a DI Hyderabad I have tried my hands on multiple side hustles and made around 31 lakh 55,00 rupees approximate now this number does not include my income from affiliate marketing Equity trading or anything that is a little bit risky like crypto trading Drop Shipping or anything like that now one guy in the comment will be like what what a flex dude but unlike that guy if you come from a lower midd class family the amount of Rel my father felt when I told him that you don't have to give me money anymore and I know your parents have also walked their as of to put you in school or put you in college and I want you to also make your own money as soon as possible so you can take a burden of their chest and basically have more freedom in your life but you know what is sad still get say and it's very sad to see ke everyone is asking the wrong question so you know what I'll answer all your wrong questions I'll answer all three of these questions through my own experience and then I'll tell you what is the right question to ask now among all the eight to nine side hustles that I have done in college life I think five are very good for beginners to start with and uh I will give you all the three matrices that you asked for time investment the amount of time you will ideally want to invest in that side hustle per week number two is payback time which basically means the amount of time it will take for you to get your first paycheck on number three is RO now in terms of side Hustle YouTube has been my bread and butter throughout College I have made hundreds of videos I have going like 1.2 lakh subscribers and the majority of the 31 lakhs that I made in college came from the domain of YouTube now YouTube in income is separated into two parts AdSense and brand sponsorship if you do not know how those work I'll explain very briefly Brands pay YouTube to run their ads and if someone watches your video they end up watching some ads as well and YouTube pays you a very small amount of that money that brand paid them to you because you kept someone some kind of audience on that platform so they could watch those companies ads that is how AdSense works but the sad reality is if your channel has majorly Indian audience you're not going to make much out of AdSense like for example on my channel on average per thousand views you only make this much of money which converts to this now you can probably imagine that AdSense is very small amount in my YouTube income the other part comes from Brand sponsorships what are those Brands basically pay me to promote their or feature their product or their service and talk about them in my videos and that is how a whole brand sponsorship works now let's talk about the three aspects that I promised time investment YouTube does take quite a lot of time compared to other side hustles on a regular basis so I will probably give it uh five out of 10 because you also have your classes your assignments your exams your social life and everything and managing YouTube with that does take a lot of sacrifice now talking about payback time it generally takes you around 6 to 12 months or a little bit more because the new monetization policy on YouTube does not let you monetize your channel right off the B so it's probably a three out of 10 now the ROI on YouTube is a little bit tricky and it is very VAR because at the start for probably a year you won't be making any sort of money so it's going to be a 1 out of 10 or a zero out of 10 back then but if you stick to it for 3 to 4 years it can give you disproportionate income so it goes from 0 out of 10 to 10 out of 10 but it takes quite a lot of time and you need a lot of patience to stick to it while doing YouTube I had quite a few videos of mine cross 100K views and some of them cross Millions as well and that's when I realized pry good at it and as someone said if you're good at something never do it for free and honestly I never reached out to any clients uh it was mostly Brands creators or some other clients who would come up to me to idate shoot edit or conceptualize their videos and I started doing that but very soon I realized I have very limited time I cannot do it all on my own that is when I met Kunal my beloved Junior who was very very interested in film making video making and all these things and we worked together for more than a year and currently we have like this unofficial agency unofficial because I never really reached out to any clients so I still call it unofficial now in terms of time it obviously depends on the complexity of the videos and also the number of clients so it's absolutely variable cannot comment on that now the payback time is quite impressive on this because even if you're starting to learn video editing and you find a good resource a good Workshop or a good course to start off with or if you are spending a lot of time to learn this you can probably start earning in a month or two and that's a very very good so I'll give it like a 7 out of 10 and in terms of Roi if you can land some foreign clients the ROI is crazy good for the amount of effort you put on so I'm also going to give it a eight out of but especially in this age of media a lot of people are starting to uh learn video editing to earn some kind of money but the reality is that only the top 10% of video editors actually earn some tangible amount of money why let me give you my own situation I get hundreds of DMS and emails throughout a month people saying that bro I want to edit videos for you I a video editor let me help you blah blah blah blah and when I go and look at their portfolio when I go look at their work there are two things that are very offputting one is that their work is not polished they are not very good they just learned the video editing software and they now they're like bro let me edit for you and the second thing is that their presentation is very very bad even if your videos are very good nobody wants to click on your portfolio and land on a disorganized ized Google Drive man that is the problem with 99% of the editors that have reached out to me having your files in a Google Drive and sharing that is the most unprofessional thing you can do to a client so the first biggest and the most important step that you need to take is to have your own website and now be like Z but I'm not a web developer I'm just a video editor I'll show you this really handy AI tool that will make your website in like a click I'll show you how easy and quick it is to make your own website with hosting for example I need a website for my production house let's say just go to the first link in the description and the first thing you need is a domain and a hosting do not worry there are multiple plans available here and I will highly recommends because it has AI features that will do the hard work for you along with this hostinger also gives you free services like lifetime SSL which is the security of your website and much much more now while choosing the plan I would suggest you go somewhere over 12 months monthly fee once the payment is done follow these easy steps which are self-explanatory and click on build with AI and this is where the Magic Begins all I need to do is to fill out the name and give a very good description of the website of the brand and whatever I want and with one single click This brilliant looking website is ready but I don't like this particular text here well no problem everything on this page is customizable I can edit this text or any other text that I want I can also add any new element that I want and I can also keep checking how the website looks on a PC by clicking the preview button how it does it look on a mobile device I can check that as well we need a good logo that's where AI comes in the rescue once again it can make me a logo and I can tune it to my own liking I can use AI to write paragraphs in the website and I can also use AI to generate a heat map for my website what is a heat map it shows logo mostly so if you are a serious freelancer you need to use hosting to get a professional website by clicking the first link in the description they also have their data center in Mumbai itself they have 24/7 customer support and to 30 days money back guarantee be has so you have nothing to lose thanks again to hostinger for supporting the channel now most of you wouldn't know this but I have been into art for like five to six years of my life I never took any professional learning sessions but I just kept drawing a lot of things and after one time just like video editing I realized hm I'm not that bad at it and again I said to myself let's not do it for free anymore so I started freelancing in art as well and I was running my art freelancing business through Instagram mainly from this account and other than that I was also going on to Fiverr but after some time when I came into college in second year I guess I completely quit art I don't know why I just just not getting the time in terms of time drawing is a very time consuming process so it is a two out of 10 in terms of payback time if you are a complete beginner you do not do anything it will take you a lot of time to learn to get good at Art so it's a three out of 10 in terms of Roi it's not that good as well unless you are very good you're among the top 1% of artists or you have insane connections you're not going to make much money so it's another three out of 10 so this is probably the least recommended in the top five of my side hle list now just when you're thinking that Soo can't possibly be doing any more things buy my merch this also goes back quite a lot I have been designing merch and posters and all these things for uh College clubs and societies for other startups for quite a long time since my first year of college and final year may I finally decided that it is time for me to sell my own merchandise because my whole Moto of college was to try as many things as possible now granted although it's a side hustle it was easier for me to sell merge because I had an pre-existing audience on YouTube and Instagram that won't be the case for you but again it can still be done with good amount of marketing and a good amount of brain cells talking about time investment it's a lot of work up front so one time you'll have to design you'll have to find a manufacturer you'll have to find like figure out how you're going to ship them you going of make a website but it's all one time the only reconing things are like taking orders and shipping out products which is does not take much of your time so I'll give it a somewhere in the middle five or six out of 10 now we payback time if you are talking about it technically getting your first Revenue can be done within a week or two and if you're really good at marketing you can generate a huge amount of Revenue within a month so 9 out of 10 now in terms of Roi it is not that great because one you're investing a lot of effort and the profit marging for selling T-shirts in India is not that much even if you're trying your best you'll probably end up and the best case scenario would be like 30 to 35% so it's a solid three out of 10 now digital assets is a very minute percentage of the whole income that I made in college I have been doing photo editing and video editing and messing with color grading quite a lot so at one point I thought like why don't I sell my own pets and lots and it's not just me I have seen other Indian creators try to sell them as well and the amount of money people are willing to spend on these things in India is not that much so it's not very profitable but again the catch is at the ROI the ROI is very high because you do not need to manufacture anything you do not need to store anything do not need to ship anything everything is done virtually that is why the Roi is absolutely humongous probably a nine out of in terms of time investment it is also very less compared to other things so it's probably a 8 out of 10 and in terms of payback time if you're good at marketing if you have some kind of audience if you have a good Niche audience to sell to you can literally start earning money today so that also gets a 9 out of 10 or even a 10 out of 10 I would say now as I promised at the start of the video that I'll tell you what is the right question to ask and for that you need to understand although this is called the side hustle and the passive income this takes a huge amount of time it it's going to take like at least four to 5 hours of your every single day and uh that will be for like 6 to 8 months or even more than a year and the single deciding factor behind whether you make money out of it is whether you can stick to it or not and whether you can stick to it or not depends on whether you like doing it or not so the first and the most important question that you should ask when you're choosing which side hustle to go into what to build is do you enjoy enjoy it or not now you're going to be like I don't know and I was exactly like you I had no idea what I wanted to do so you just need to do exactly what I did try your hand at everything that you possibly get your hands on and if you keep doing that things are going to turn on great look at me after 5 years down the line I am still doing out of those eight things I'm still doing two to three things every single day because I like doing them I get fulfillment and I also get an income that is more than my software engineering jobs so yeah
Channel: Sankho kun
Views: 248,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, side hustle ideas, how to make money online, sankho kun, IITH, freelancing, freelancing in college, how to make money in college, IIT life, life at IIT, side hustle, making money online, side hustle online, how to make 1000 dollars per month, side hustles for 2023, how to make more money online in 2023, side hustle ideas for 2023, how to make money online 2023, ways to make money online, passive income ideas, passive income ideas 2023, make passive income
Id: uW8YT1MOH94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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