Season 5 Episode 3: Hyland River Giants - Moose Hunt

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uh ask me to be safe out there fun come here come on [Music] he need it you want it there need keep coming handy [Music] yeah yeah yeah turbocharger yeah why not yeah like a bat out of hell we're going to be coming [Music] [Music] after yeah close to oh yeah there it is he's got his left hand is a little wider than his right and then he's got a real nice nice dick real wide point off left we just came around the bend and it looks like it was about a 50-in Mose I uh quickly became quite excited and thought we should shoot it and Grant very wisely woed me up because as you can see [Music] and so we let him walk got right there feeling really good day two morning saw Bull Moose on our way in last night [Music] [Applause] [Applause] wow a we still have a little good we'll go to that spot where we come around the bend and you're like look at all that stuffer on that bend there's a really nice po stand maybe someone wants to play over this [Music] w [Music] close all right I'm impressed what' you just put in the spaghetti sauce little JD and those bugs will just there we go boil up nothing little JD and the spaghetti sauce why not kind of sweet right plan for today is we did a little moose calling here from Camp as we were cooking breakfast here we seen a uh a nice bull as we came into Camp last night from our calling spot um it was just about 10 minutes past legal light 15 minutes past legal light so could be a shooter so he's kind of just right behind Camp here um is where we last seen him so we're going to head across the river here this morning and we're going to do some calling from from across the river see that one birch tree yellow tree that's where he kind of went in did he [Music] we're seeing a lot of cow sign on uh the rivers but uh not that much bull sign yet here but it's going to keep heating up every day here the rut's just kicking in [Music] yeah it's uh 700 p.m. here uh we just came up River from our last calling spot we're just going to float by it and cow coal here a little bit and um see if we can draw something out of there if there's a bowl in there good day you can see you can see there's a little bit of moisture kicked up underneath that [Laughter] oh oh oh and um we had a good look at him and he's just just too young of a bowl he kind of had small pans he wasn't wasn't really mature where's the do you want to just sit out last Light and see if they pop out we try to get in the boat and go over there and bomb in we might as well just sit tight but I'm thinking that cow is taking on pretty good he's going to follow that was fun yeah putting the Indian sneak on something yeah yeah it was great it was great oh it's nice to see we' seen a bull on the way back we seen a cow and maybe another Bull and then we've just seen another good bull and a cow calf what do you think good was and Fresh Tracks over there based on what you yeah track what did you think good was 50 plus I bet he was yeah he was uh he was over 55 you know you sit in you replay what was the right thing to do in those situations and maybe I should have cow called maybe I should grunted a little more maybe we should have got on Shore there and tried to put the sneak on him that way but um you know I think we gave it our best shot by coming up here and getting closing quite a bit of distance what do we have here what do we have Master Chef we've got a little bit of tha noodle nice moose Camp TI noodle sauce with ity ban noodle and peanut butter and Sriracha normally use Frank's Red but Sriracha it's just as good and a little butter and cream corn and then we got cream corn coming up okay we got this we got this one two three okay I okay okay one 2 3 let's go we got a little bit of snow this morning temperatures dropped a little bit so that's fantastic that's what we need beautiful it's quiet it's calm just biting our time to take one of these things down feeling warm feeling ready it's time to drop the hammer [Music] we heard that he's like 45 I he's not he's not a that's a different ball he's not a shooter come back for first light at this spot in the morning and hopes that he does show up in the morning to cross and come check out this country right [Music] here another range yeah it's going to be a three [Music] [Music] congratulations you got a bll dude thank you so much yeah buddy thank you I know he's not the really big one that you wanted we'll come back and get a bigger one now we got to go figure out how to get him the hell out of the water since he ran back in the big bull the giant that we were after cross it multiple times in the last 3 days and then we' seen that called that young bull in AC cross off the island and then that other bull that we called in up Shoreline on this side he crossed and went to the island and there you know this fourth bull that we called in this morning he went around and crossed and was going to the island so busy spot over there for sure we kind of found the honey hole here [Music] and Gra what is happening here we are preparing dinner for our final night we're having mousse steaks we are having mousse ribs that are in the oven here corn and mashed cheesy mashed potatoes babyes mashed potatoes other all right first rib coming out charred on the bottom but that's all right right and cuz it's the top that's going to matter in between the boneo [Music]
Channel: Backcountry B.C. and Beyond
Views: 38,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sitka, Hunting, Yeti, Kenetrek, 1shotgear, Moose Hunting, Yukon Hunting, Ceaser Lake, OnX
Id: iV5IJGRA1w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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