EA FC 24 - Best META Controller Settings To INCREASE Reaction Time / Give You An ADVANTAGE/WINS

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what's going on guys we're going to go over the controller settings we're going to go explain to all the meta control settings but also I know some of you guys are struggling with defending right now there's a big problem with this new feature that doesn't allow you to change the controls that's messing up everyone's defending so I'm going to explain that so if you have problems with defending we're going to fix that as well all in this video so preset leaders on competitive you're playing Rivals foot champions all the competitive game was going to have this on by default so leave this one on and that's why Auto shots and assistant headers are grayed out because on competitive master switch or competitive mode which is all the online game modes um that's going to be your default for shot assistance leave it on assisted there's a new one Precision this year now I would say try it delve into it it replaced semi last year but the benefit is this you get the accurate shots and faster ball speeds so it's difficult to master I don't remember if you master it correctly it's really good to use fun now I would say elite elite plus is only people I'll suggest position pass to now um Precision shot should I say to otherwise leave it unassisted time shooting should be on by default unless you're new to the game then I recommend turning it off because you may be used to spamming the shoot button but otherwise I would say leave it on increases your chances I love video on time shooting as well on my channel very very soon in terms of also a finishing tutorial then we go through past systems leaders on semi low pass semi um generally speaking you can still control the power and where the ball is going to go at semi it used to be an assisted like two years ago if you played the older fifas but now in FC it's all by semi by default the ground pass distance is a new one you might know the new feature that R1 plus triangle the Precision pass you can still do the Precision pass guys with assisted ground pass there's no reason to use semi or manual always keep us unassisted always don't try to use semi because you might think it gives you more control to fix passing it's the opposite leave unassisted if you need to do a manual pass use a new Precision pass feature R1 plus triangle to do Precision path I've got a video on my channel as well very soon same thing with a cross but this year I'll go to semi um the only time the reason why semi is effective is let's say you're running down the wing let's say this is the byline right and if you cross the ball with semi you can apply bit of power then I'll go near post middle power it will go towards the middle of the goal and a lot of power the ball will go far post you can't really control where the ball is going far post near post with assisted so leave this on send me that way you have the power to control where you want the cross to go exactly The Only Exception I'll use on the system Sometimes some of you may see me do it unassisted is because I don't cross the ball in for a header I used a driven cross R1 plus square and that is the only reason why um because it goes straight to defeats under the nearest player Inside the Box lob passes leave unassisted um the past receive a lot cast to go on late now the best way I can explain this is let's say this is the ball this is your player a and this is player B if you pass the ball to play a number B let's say you move a left analog stick you you press the pass button X you press the now and someone cuts the passing Lane out you can then change the board to pass the ball to player C instead as long as you've not kicked the ball so the late allows you to change the direction of who you're passing to last minute so you've got to pass there someone's marking a passing Lane you can change last minute if you use animation start or power up if someone let's say player BC or play a if you try to pass the player B and then an opponent comes to intercept it you cannot change it as soon as the animation has started or as soon as for example you've powered up your shop so in my opinion you won't need us on late there's no actual statistical benefit for using any of these rather than late this is a new one cross part Precision pass sensitivity now this is a bit of a different one I actually like High but it takes a bit of time to get used to I would say as you get used to it um just leave it on normal and then as time goes on this is a Precision aim pass so make you make it more responsive so I would say make the sensitivity higher once you're used to it I would say start medium for now because it's quite difficult to Martha's can like a manual shooting is quite difficult to master there goes to the defending section clearance um I would say classic for new players if you're new to FC um otherwise an existing user I would say directional now this is where the biggest issue is now the Tactical defending is what you're used to Advanced defending is the current new system inside the game but the problem is Advanced defending has moved the tackle button so let's say for example if you have different controls so I actually tackle with the Xbox let's say a hypothetically I tackle with X bar instead of circle with this new advanced advanced defending when I press X my player is going to attempt to do a shoulder challenge or a seal out so you can't get the ball that's how many people are struggling with defending it's because Advanced defending is on default but unfortunately as it stands if we go to customize controls you can't even adjust Advanced defending for now so there's a quite problematic right now to use Advanced defending now what I would say is Advanced defending has the benefit it's a better style but this is a big but I would say for elite level Plus for my testing I'm probably still going to be using and teaching tactical defending you don't need to advance defending yes it gives you that Advantage but most of the time you don't need to use it you're talking about really Pro level here and Elite plus level that's really going to gain Advantage from this otherwise you're gonna miss out more times than not with tactical defending I'll make a full video explain this in more detail and explain the differences on why that's the case but advanced settings a new one you can chat you try it if you want but you're not going to be used to the controls you have to now press X for seal out and circle to attempt the slide tackle you have the freedom to do the tackle attack yourself so you can choose to do a seal out or a stand tackle tactical in my opinion just a better one to use gives you more control but it's not worth it using advances use tactical pass block leadership on there's no reason to leave yourself off or switching leave this on air balls and loose balls never leave us an automatic this will switch the ball for you when the ball is six feet or higher in the air so the ball goes over the top it will switch to a player for you automatically you want this if you have an automatic it'll switch for you all the time you don't want that because let's say you're running back with your CDM because you don't want to break your back four if you get this automatic your game might switch to your Center back for you and it will mess up your defend and you'll be confused why am I chronic Center back now instead of a CDM so leave this on air balls and loose balls in my opinion it's the best one to use and you get the best advantage also switch remover assistance now this should never be on high in my opinion this is the worst thing to do um if if there's like an auto switch if you have the move assistance on if it's on off the game won't help you at all this is good because let's say there's a ball coming in behind that your player switched automatically if you want to go and let's say your opponent's running this way and the goal is over here if you want to cut the passing name with your Center back you can just run back straight back but if this is on high for example the game might move the opposite direction because that's where your left analog stick was facing so what my recommendation is for every single player here the minimum you should go is low okay especially if you're new to the game leave us on low high is too much distance it actually doesn't help it actually costs you more than it helps especially with auto switching is difficult to use it doesn't there's no benefit for high low is the one you should be using but you want to move towards none if you're new to FC or you play people's before but you haven't played for a couple of years use none low but you want to gravitate to none about after about I'll say a couple of weeks or a couple of months so ideally go to none if you're existing play from last year in my opinion use none especially if you're above I would say division five you should be using none in my opinion right stick switching there's three so player rotation is you flick the odds let's say this and we're gonna Mark play a b c and d now if you flick the right analog stick you have to then select a player and then you press the L1 button after to confirm oh I want to select player number D but it takes too long you have to flick multiple times and then set the player that you want by the time you do that inside the game the ball is going to move in the whole defense situation is going to be changing so you don't want to use some player rotation adaptive is the one from last year you hold the right so if you wanna if you hold the round stick for longer you just like to play a further away you tap it you're set to play a shorter um I would say to be honest classic is the best one to use it's the how the more I think it's the one that you use the best you can use adaptive there might be a bit of an issue with the buggy side I don't know if it's fixed 100 um but just use classic in my opinion now borrow to a player relative now I gotta tell you something honestly um people always say to me ball relative it's not good the only reason why everyone says this because they use player relative their entire life I would be the same because it's my job to test features out and explain to you what's best I switch to play relative I mean ball relative from play relative I was playing for 20 years um and after using it I realize it's better the reason why is The Boar's reference point so this is the ball so if you want to switch to player number a or player number B player AF flick to the right hand side player B I flick downwards wherever the ball is we got I don't forget your eyes are always tracing the ball and you always want to set the closest player towards the ball anyway so ball world is actually perfect to use player relative is a bit different you're the center point is the player that's all this let's say you have player a player B play a C and play a d let's say you're player a if you want to select let's say the ball is over here okay if you want to select player B you've got to flick to the bottom right to go to player B you then want to select player C you don't have to flick to the top right so you're changing direction every single time whereas on board relative over there you just flick it once top right to play a C if you want to go to player D let's say it's player e in a way you just flick it bottom right twice it's very consistent the only benefit of player relative is pressing at a higher level but I still press in my opinion very very a very good level with ball relative but that's the only benefit players has you can choose someone further away it gives you a bit more control but I would say both Earth is really the one to go for was it sticks sensitivity a new one this year now people are saying use one people are saying use 10. in my opinion I was gonna say leave it on five but leave it on four because I think that's the default one from last year and then what you want to do is I would say adjust it in game so if you're right stick sensitivity you want it to be a bit higher just turn it up and see how how you feel inside the game if you think it's too sensitive then bring it down this is a good feature to have inside the game but don't go one extreme use a default which I believe is four which is from last year but that's the reason why I left it on four that's my logic that's last year sensitivity adjust it in the game everyone's gonna have different thing you know some people I got big thumb big hands so I'm quite heavy-handed so sometimes I might press the right analog stick too much too quickly or apply too much pressure so it depends next week this is a new one you're closest to the ball it is a player close to the board this is a good one your goal side is supposed to play on a goal side or classic I would say for most players use classic because there's some situations where you don't want to choose a player on the boat on the goal side let's say if you're defending with your with your CDM or sometimes you you don't want the closest player towards the ball because the L1 button does that technically most time correctly so I think AI does a good job of classic I've done some testing as well from before Classic's good one to go with player lock is your feature you want to have on icon switching turn it off that's similar to do with player rotation but it's like another variation of it don't use it it's too slow orbit dribbling I don't like I don't like the buttons that it uses because I flick the L1 button to trigger a play to make a run and I press the L2 button to Shield sometimes sometimes if you want it's a new feature you can leave this one on however I prefer to leave it off it's a new feature you want to use it use it save assistant semi analog Sprint um this is the best I can explain it says this R2 button is like a gas pedal in your car okay so with analog Sprint on the gas pedal you your right Elon stick is basically like a gas pedal so you can say so let's say for example if you push it in all the way to drive in a hundred percent if you go in a little bit like just a little bit of pressure that's 50 so if you apply 50 uh Power you're only going to get 50 of your Sprint speed hypothetically um the reason why you want this on off is when you're defending people don't realize that when using the running Joker when you're defending people they inadvertently don't depress the R2 button then tie away so you always will be running at full speed the benefit of this is the left analog stick you can now can you can control the speed of the dribble with the Run button but they now have a new feature called control Sprint you have normal dribbling that's like let's say hypothetically speaking that's going at one speed then you have um control Sprint which is the new feature that R1 plus left stick which is replaced at agile dribbling and then the third the third state is um The Run button so you have to you have you have three speeds here the left analog stick by itself removing the ball the R1 plus left the controlled Sprint which is in between a normal jog we're dribbling and a run button you have the Run button this new feature has allowed you to use the middle ground so in my opinion I don't think there's a need for analog Sprint and to be honest even out the pro scene only a handful of players use it trigger effect um I don't want resistance and you don't really because this can also affect your analog Sprint turn this one off uh user vibration feedback um I would say off and what you need to do as well is you want to go on the home screen and you want to go all the way here you want to go to settings as well and you want to go over to controller this is if you don't like vibration because sometimes these triggers especially on PS5 they like to then apply it so you want to go ahead to controller can you see over here it says vibration intensity you just playing a camera it says weak medium and stronger standard I had them both on off so if you're on PlayStation 5 you're gonna have to do this because the Xbox controller doesn't have the that's your mechanism for the feedback but you don't want it it's not really ideal to use um and that's used vibration and that is the new settings guys I hope you enjoyed this video a bit of a try to go as quick as possible but try to explain it if you want to see more like this you can join my people School series patreon.com series we've already got a controller video going in depth on my channel on my FIFA school where it's been explain each one in detail and what it does and of course with other videos for you for school don't get better after one month to refund your mind you know guys guarantee patreon.com guys don't miss out before we get fully subscribed this year as well anyways thank you very much for watching if you have any other questions do let me know um but I'll catch you in the later video I think it'll be a squabble or somewhere say tomorrow later on today will be a squad builder but don't forget patreon.com or you can click over here as well thanks for watching and I'll catch you next time peace guys
Channel: NealGuides - EA Sports FC 24 / FIFA Tutorials
Views: 400,889
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Keywords: EA FC 24, FC 24, EA Sports FC 24, FIFA 24, FIFA, fc 24 controller settings, fc 24 advanced defending, fc 24 defending features, ea fc 24 controller settings, ea fc 24 advanced defending
Id: O7ZSCj9zYiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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