E88 Irish "style" whiskey part 1 the mash

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[Music] welcome to stillwater and brewing my name is randy and this is a channel that's all about home distillation and brewing okay so what do we got going on today today this is something i've been wanting to do for a while uh we are going to make an irish style whiskey okay this will be pretty interesting uh so you i don't think you want to miss this so first things first there's five things you can really do to help us out number one hit that subscribe button i think it's right down there i believe it's easy to do don't cost you a dime number two if you like what you see give us a thumbs up at the end number three uh hit that notification bell so you won't miss one uh number four shares with your friends and last but not least leave a comment and i'll get back to you as soon as i can okay so let's get started okay so what we're going to make is a single pot of a single pot still whiskey irish whiskey that style now i know we can't make irish whiskey because i'm not an iron but that's why we're gonna make an irish style uh i'm hoping it's gonna be pretty uh tasty okay so the ingredients we got is i got 12 pounds of a malted barley i got four pounds of unmalted barley and one pound of cornmeal and of course i'm going to use daddy's sheets okay so this all be pretty good so the first thing we're going to have to do is the unmelted barley and corn i'm going to cook up in this pot and let it hydrogen eyes and jalapenos and all that good stuff because it's not been melted yet and it's harder to rock okay so let me get things set up okay so first things first i'm going to uh miss my first time of making this irish whiskey so if i'm doing it wrong don't be hard on me okay all right so according to the recipe that i've gathered up it is i need i need to cook my unmalted barley and i'm going to try to uh gelatinize hydrogenize whatever the case may be so i get some water here warming up i'll mix my barley in with it [Music] hopefully i got a pot big enough [Music] [Music] like i said before i've been wanting to make this irish whiskey for a while all right so i got one pound of cornmeal that i'm going to add in with it just for a little bit of taste [Music] so [Music] that's about one pound all right so i'm gonna bring this up to a simmer they said that the unmolded barley gives it a kind of a biscuit flavor okay all right so let me get this done so um like i said we'll cook it for a little while and then uh we'll move on to the next step and that will be uh steeping in the rest of our our malted barley so we'll be right back okay so it's been about a half hour i mean very low simmer barely coming to a coil you can see it's getting real thick it's getting uh one way of checking if you find a find a whole kernel taste it it should be getting kind of soft that's just about done so that's going to start releasing them starches out of them grains remember this is unmalted corn and unmalted barley according to the recipe i got is supposed to be one third unmalted barley and two-thirds malted barley all right so let me get some hot water into my mash tun and then i'll be back okay just a quick note i give this a stir you can see that the grain just about soaked up all the water that i put in there and i tasted a big seed that i found and it's soft okay so we're getting ready to move on to the next step now okay so i put about just about five gallons of 165 degree water into my mash tongue and we're going to start stirring in the grains how you like that a friend of mine a friend of the channel made me a nice mash paddle make that pretty cool thanks a lot tom [Music] so let's start stirring in some of this grain [Music] i know that uh it will cool down a lot to uh i would really like about 155 [Music] so we'll go check in here and see what [Music] [Music] so [Music] so all right that's 12 pounds of grain [Music] there see what our temperature is our temperature is 147 okay so that's pretty close now what i'm going to do now is i'm going to mix in our grains that we cooked it's our unmolted and corn [Music] we'll mix that in [Music] smell is fantastic [Music] so [Music] so let me bring you over here so you can check this out i hope you can see this [Music] i like the consistency of uh oatmeal [Music] [Music] let's do a temperature check 158 okay [Music] okay so i double checked my temperature i left the lid off for a couple minutes and i'm at 150 154 i'm gonna leave it right there put the lid on it put the lid on and we're going to leave it i will give it two hours uh because of uh i want to convert everything over so i'm gonna leave that there for two hours i'll come back check it everyone's gonna give it a little bit of a stir uh so look let me get that done see after a while okay so it's been about two hours you can't see what we got here let's take this little sample [Music] put this i like to use a white dish because [Music] it's easier to see when you do a starch test we're gonna put a drop in there [Music] did not turn black immediately if your start present will turn black right away and then i shake it it goes back to original color okay [Music] so what that's telling me is the uh conversion from starch over the sugars took place like i said i put a drop in there it did not turn black it just after i shook it just a second it went back to its normal color when it came out of here so that's telling me that the starch conversion did take place so another thing you can do is you you taste it it's going to be real sweet so there's a lot of sugar there okay so the next thing we're going to want to do is i got me a fermentation bucket here and i'll put some sand in it and just like making beer we're going to sparge this over let me move camera down so you can see that [Music] so what i'm going to do is i'm going to batch as far as so i'm going to let this all drain out i'm going to shut the valve off i'll put some more water in there stir it up let it sit for a second then drain it out until i collect about six gallons all right so let me go ahead and let that drain let's uh [Music] check our specific gravity our starting gravity [Music] and we are looking at [Music] 1.080 um happy with that okay 1.080 okay so the next thing we need next thing we need to do is let's check our ph okay so let's check our ph here [Music] six is to stop bouncing around [Music] i'm gonna say five oops [Music] about five seven you know i'm gonna leave it alone because i think uh if i've read right i'm remembering right i think it's uh six is what they do in ireland [Music] so i'm showing right there 5.75 measure our temperature [Music] about 120 degrees that's a little bit too warm for our yeast okay just a small recap uh first we're making a irish style pot whiskey okay uh so we the recipe what i've read so far is two-thirds malted barley one-third unmelted barley and just a little bit of corn just for a little bit flavoring okay so what we did first is we took a pot and we took the unmalted barley and a one pound of corn and we kind of cooked that up until it um hydrogen eyes uh you could really see the starch it thickened way up and that took about about a half hour or so so then what we did next after that was just like anything we put 165 degree water in our mash tun we added in our 12 pounds of malted barley then we added in the unmalted and the corn into that of so we had a target temperature of about 155 we met that and then we let we let it uh in the match tonight for about two hours we did a starch test we found that the conversion took place so then we splurged all our um grains sparged into our fermenter and we checked our original gravity it was 1.08 which i'm okay with and then we checked our ph it come in what i say 5.75 and i left it at that the final temperature is about 120 which is a little bit warm for yeast so what i'm going to do is just put it in the fermentation room for a few hours double check the temperature once it gets down to below 90 then we will pitch our yeast we're going to use daddy's yeast and then we're going to let it ferment uh you know a week to 10 days or two weeks something in that nature when it's done and then we're going to distill it out i've been looking forward to making this uh irish whiskey i do like it uh this is my first time uh so i hope it turns out well i'm pretty confident it will uh let's see what else uh i think that's about it uh just to show you that all this stuff is pretty simple uh anybody can do it so you all try it okay so with all that being said you're tired of hearing from me last thing i'm gonna say thanks for stopping by and we'll see you next time
Channel: stillworks and brewing
Views: 8,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stillworks and Brewing, home distilling, home distilling whiskey, home distilling bourbon, DIY distilling, home brew, how to make vodka, how to make whisky, DIY spirits, home made, distilling, whiskey, whisky, gin, vodka, how to make bourbon, how to make spirits, how to run a still, distilling whiskey, sugar wash, still it, rum mash, Rye, rye whiskey, apple whiskey, how to distill whiskey, pumpkin whiskey, equipment to make bourbon, how to make Irish whiskey
Id: Sug4aTx_i6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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