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um oh you moonshiners if you won't adhere battable around here no one know how we got there you were know what we did the purpose stay tuned and for all of you out there who are just comet YouTube has a new edition yes there's a small icon lets me know if you comment whether you're a subscriber or not if you're gonna comment please subscribe cost you nothing simple you want to do it don't you click and a shout out to Chuck you don't know do you thanks Chuck for all your support over the years welcome back to barley and hops of George again as always good to be here with you you know subscribe you know you know there's still like it at blah blah blah yeah all that stuff you got that thank you so much for all you do and thank you for your support now today's video was on mixing cutting finishing aging we're gonna do some real fun stuff I'm gonna show you just how easy it is and how simple it is okay so bear with us as I get all of this stuff I got a but you notice I got a bunch of stuff out here okay and just in just as for explanation I've got 6 quarts of some really that's the stuff we ran off of that reflux dill uh-huh and I've got another build almost three quarts in this gallon jug because I ran out of court jars at that time and I've got a bunch of half gallon quart jars or half gallon quart half-gallon mason jars that we're gonna use for our aging process so I need to show you that as well and I've got my Texas spring water I'm going to use spring water instead of distilled water that will distilled water work absolutely well spring water work absolutely and I'm gonna use the Texas spring water because it's just what was available a reasonable cost so I got three gallons of that so I got quite a bit to go through and I'm gonna get a bunch of this off of the table so that it's not in our way I've got a bag of medium toasted oak chips gumpa glycerine that's my that's not a secret ingredient that's just an ingredient yeah a lot of people won't tell you about the use of glycerin of course uh my flask and my proof and trail hydrometer again if you own one danger it'll roll off the table and break if you own - you'll have to forever for some reason that's just the way it works let me get set up here and I'll be right back in what we'll do is we'll have enough to sit here and work with and talk about all right now see now we're down to what really exactly what we need I'll uh I'll get started and you're gonna be amazed at just how simple this process really can be now you can use just a test cylinder and your proof and trial yeah proof and trail hydrometer of course we have an app for that and for some of you who haven't challenges accessing this app I have found that I was able to in some cases just have your phone number and send it directly to your phone and that seemed to work out extremely well we also did a video on how to access those remember these apps sir these are absolutely free they're free to upload free to develop and free to share so you you won't find this at your app play store there's no money in it for us or anybody else so there's no reason for them to carry it make sense okay now here's what I have up I'm going to make and I'll put this in I want to make two quarts my final proof I want it to be eighty proof so I got that selected my starting proof remember this was 185 I just put it 180 just gives me a good starting point and know what the heck I'll just make it 185 there 185 now what this tells me is it says that the Bulova says add point eight six quarts to this and then add one point one four quarts to this and my result should be eighty proof that's what my app will tell me no but this is a really good tool to use if you're trying to develop you're looking at okay how much of this do I need how much and that do I need we're going to put all this stuff to make it happen um so that's as simple as it can get otherwise you're forced to do the following and that is in remember when you get a mason jar there yep smell the inside of it some of them are shipped with a not a I'm not going to call it a gas but what they do is there's a preservative that they spray inside and you can smell this easy to wash them out and here we go this is four point eight six quarts this is one quart so I'm gonna pour almost all of that in there yeah let's leave that much it's just that's wonderful oh um what I need now is I need to be able to come up with one point one four quarts I don't want to use the side of the jar I want to try to use something graduated at least in general to get me there cuz remember I want to leave room in here for these that's that's what we're gonna make we're gonna make this is going to be a a crisp bourbon and I call it a crisp bourbon because it doesn't have the body and the profile of a grain because remember this was a modified sugar wash and this makes that really nice delectable light-bodied bourbon that most people like some people like that real strong you know you want the or the Jack Daniels or you that get that body of character and that flavor profile that carries well this one will be lighter than that nothing will be absent but it will be lighter than that which makes it a really good all-around bourbon so let me give myself a another jar before I add in water I want to verify what my proof is so I'll take what is left in the jar that I didn't pour into my half-gallon mason jar I don't pour that into one of my my cylinder my test cylinder and yes it's pretty chilly out here in Texas right now so this is near 60 degrees Fahrenheit drop in my hydrometer a little bit of a whirl and let it by golly 180 proof so remember we put in 185 what happens is all I got to do is change that so if I put in 180 and it's just a slide bar on here that you use use use your finger to slide the bar left and right well that finger there there we go there it is uh I need 1.11 courts and 0.89 courts so yeah so let me pour this back into here and I need 1.11 quarts of water now um you could get away with using the tap water if but you just got to make sure that your tap water is really clean um it's been filtered and it doesn't have a lot of other those mineral look at your water report you'll find out you've got your parts-per-million of all of those things that make tap water safe but not necessarily as tasty as like a spring water or a distilled water in a distilled water it's just a process of really removing just about anything and everything out of that they also sell a product called alkaline water and what do you think that is that's you know on the pH scale 7 is neutral so you're looking at a water that has a higher alkaline base to it as opposed to having a lower pH which would make it acidic okay okay now that wasn't smart the wrong size lid went straight to the bottom so we got to fish that out and we'll fish that out by using another half gallon jug mistakes happen well this is guess what this just turned what I was going to do was put the lid on and just kind of give it a shake and mix it up that's not necessary any longer come out of there I feel like an idiot but stuff happens now when you do that you see that you see the haze that I have in here what what is that Oh from pouring it in there a drug I did I dragged a lot of oxygen with me so there's and look at all the bubbles they just dissipate they'll work their way out but once they do you see this was taken just a little bit of - I could still see Jesus tiny tiny bubbles that are now gone okay look at this jar and we can first of all before we even test it we can assume we're just about at 80 proof okay we're I've only put one quart in I've got to put a little bit more in so we're probably in the 80 90 proof now if you pour your water to cut your shine into the jar and you look at it you go wow it's cloudy where that cloudiness come from I'm here to tell you there's no other explanation when you ran your still you got tails okay you may not smell them or tasted them but you've got enough tails in your shine that when you added water to it you went in a high alcohol content liquid form your fusel oil are going to be invisible because they just kind of spread out all over the place they have nothing to in which to really attach to okay when you increase and here you got your water here when you increase your water and you dilute that alcohol or we can do it the other way and you dilute that alcohol but whatever the case me when they started to get close together what will happen is is now you have enough water in there for those fusel oil it's oil those oils to become visible what they'll do is they'll start to partner up with all of those water molecules and then they become long-chain and all of a sudden you can see them so your shine turns out to be cloudy now I don't care what it tastes like I'm just here to tell you that if it turns cloudy you've got tails what can you do well you can do one or two things you can live with it or you can rerun it just toss it back in the next run and run it again and run it judiciously be slow your process and you'll draw out ethanol and you will not draw out your tails now having said that let's do this because we're here at this point and once I got I got a quart and I got 0.89 quarts pour these pour this in here because what I want to do is I want to test it oh yes don't ya and we'll find out what the proof is at this point little bit too much in there it's not good for us there we go yeah so got some yeah I got some oxygen bubbles that are gonna dissipate right out of my test cylinder you'll see that that's happening so don't let that scare you I wouldn't call that cloudy I just call that misty because you can see you can actually see these itty bitty tiny bubbles migrating their way up to the very top okay if we drop our hydrometer in there I am now reading you'll notice how high that is I'm now reading yep what do you think what if I told you it was 90 proof if you guessed 90 proof you'd be right because number based on our calculator we still need to put in what point 1 1 quarts of water in order to bring that down so let us do that now see this is where the day sometimes the dance goes back and forth you know and it depends on how critically accurate you want to be I'll pour a little bit of water in there I'm gonna guess what my point 1 one's gonna look like yeah okay and then once I add that to this let's see if I do it right this time get the correct lid just give it a turn up that's it all we want to do is make sure that we get a full complete mix boom there we are and then course transfers some of that back here now you can get good at this after a while you have to sort of have this idea you know when you've got enough you know you'll know what how much you need in order to move it how many points and that just comes from practice until then use calculator now yeah there's all our oxygen dissipating again this time we float our hydrometer and we are look at that boat right on it forty percent eighty proof so we now know that we have exactly what it is we want in this half gallon jug Oh mason jar now my next step that I do this routinely it you you don't have you can skip it if you want to I already know based on taste in this that I don't have an issue with it but I want to make sure that I maintain that smoothness on the back palate I'm gonna use an ounce because it's the the dosage is two ounces per gallon this is a half a gallon I'm gonna use one ounce of glycerin and this is marked on the side I'm at there we go one ounce oh you need to see this and you can see it you should be able to see it from let's do a zoom in let's zoom in and look at this now here we are now you can see how clear this is there's my hand in the back of so you can see right through it but what I'm going to do is I'm going to add so I'm glycerin and I'm gonna add one ounce of glycerin but I want you to watch what this does when it goes in if you watch carefully you'll see it start to mix itself you see how it drops and then when it hits the bottom it'll spread out see just a little bit more okay that's enough yep that's one ounce now you'll see it immediately dissipate in the bottom of the jar so now I've got sort of like a heavy layer down here that all I've got to do is rotate and it will mix well there it yeah it will mix with all of that ethanol and become one uniform mixture there we go draw that off and you see it's still clear crystal clear so that's how we add the glycerin and once the glycerin is added and we come back up now the glycerin is added so you still see right through it it's still crystal clear which is the way yours should look oh oh what a wonderful aroma now I have a small scale that I purchased a long time ago this thing really comes in handy when you're when you're measuring small amounts and I'm gonna place this on here zero tar and then units I want to go to Alice's because what I want to do is I want to add now I've told you this before you I know kind of basically by handfuls how much it is but let's let's measure it it takes about two ounces per gallon is a good start and then depending and you're after that it all depends on your flavor profile and what you want from your visual acuity you know what it looks like to you so I'm gonna add one else and you'll notice that's quite a few oak chips believe it or not they're not that me I'll drop those in there now this is just the gorge okay your average dose is about two ounces per gallon I want to try to do this I'll leave this one along well I was gonna tell you was also wanted to do this in about three day period so if you want to do it about three day period put an extra ounce in so what the hell let's put an extra ounce in there because my goal my goal is that once I've got this where I want it to be and if I finished it in about three or four days what I want to do is I want to transfer this into a barrel you see I've got a couple of barrels sitting back there for some laser etching and from later on so now is there a point of no return with this yeah there's a point of ludicrous II yeah if you put a pound in there you're gonna you have a hard time sucking that alcohol through all that wood but let your conscience be your guide it's not that critical okay place the lid on and of course we all know now I'm allow that to set for several hours and when we come back I'll show you what the results are after just a few few hours and then we'll move on from there it's been one hour I wanted to share this with you okay this is a test jar as in I didn't do anything with it so you'll see how clear that one still is I have two ounces in here so you can see the difference in color one hour has made I've got two ounces in here two ounces in here and I'll put one ounce 1 ounce in one ounce and these are my other test jars so you can sort of like do a comparison between two ounces versus one ounce over one hour and you'll see there there is a noticeable difference now like I always say you know when you walk by it what do you always want to do yeah you can't help it you just shake it get it all shook up and it looks like that for a little while and just I mean it's a beautiful thing so you just let that go now we'll come back in one more hour and I'll show you the the graduated difference again over one hour you can compare those now also just a shout out of Mark who has helped me tremendously and mark thank you from crypto ponics helped me tremendously through programming through a lot of scientific approaches that we take to some of our processes he's validated a lot of information has shared a lot of wonderful ideas I've got him now he's a moderator for the YouTube channel so you may have mark my resident expert as well share some insight or a comment on some of your comments and I do appreciate that because it does relieve a lot of the pressures of trying to get to every one of them all the time standby we'll see you in about an hour it's been two hours and what more can I offer I'm allowed us to sit for all probably a week maybe or two until I get it to where I like it before I try to start to transfer that into my barrels for some a little bit of long-term aging but not necessary you may like it the way it is happy distill it
Channel: Barley and Hops Brewing
Views: 165,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neutral spirit, sugar wash, barlerandhops, hops, home, Sugar (Ingredient), sugar mash, distilling, barley, corn sugar vs cane sugar, corn sugar mash recipe, making a wash for distilling, running a still for the first time, first distillation, using yeast, mooshine, whiskey, making rum, making vodka, bourbon, baby step bourbon, making bourbon at home
Id: kQaDYnZ7YU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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