E1: Gloomhaven: Jaws Of The Lion Playthrough - Scenario #1

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Good video... not certain what your real playtime was but that was impressively quick to be able to watch the whole scenario in about 20 minutes of video. Nice to see the game... I eventually bounced off of Gloomhaven after a while; just too much set up/tear down time and overall fiddliness for me, but JOTL seems nicely streamlined.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ssiguy 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Gloomhaven: JOTL seemed like the perfect opportunity to do a playthrough series and I've taken time to edit it down to remove the "silent thinking" portions but left in all the story, gameplay, and also added some music, sounds, and other elements to give it a little more flavor. I'm looking for any feedback on this since I'm planning to go through the whole campaign and would love to make it even better. Also, I'm looking for suggestions to name the two characters.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/trentellingsen 📅︎︎ Jun 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
today I am excited to try something new I'm going to be doing a full playthrough of gloom Haven jaws of the lion and I've got it set up here and I'm gonna have a nice top down angle not with the camera I typically use but with this one because it's much higher quality what I'll be doing is playing through it as if I'm just playing through it myself I'm gonna read through the story there will be full spoilers so if you're not interested in the spoilers don't watch this series but if you want to follow along and enjoy it with me as I play through I'll be playing two characters controlling them myself and will be having a good time playing through gloom Haven jaws of the lion so let's start [Music] so I'm gonna be playing as demolitionist and the hatchet I chose these characters because I love to be aggressive in any game and playing so running in and tanking and doing much damage and having a ranged attacker just makes it seem like we can fly through these scenarios and I was considering a healer to support but I like to just get in and start doing damage so these are the two characters we're starting with now in gloom Haven jaws of the line you're starting decks are different than gloom Haven you have these cards which have blue text boxes they kind of over explain the cards and these are basic introductory hands that have six cards each so those will be the starting ones now we're going to read through the scenario to get into the story and I'll read through and have it so you can follow along it will be good to get back to the sleeping lion after a fortnight going up and down the still river chasing a bad lead on the missing blacksmith you can almost feel the warmth of the ends hurt when gloom havens walls came into view there although so to be fair it's not just the blacksmith an alarming number of people within the poorer districts of the city of gone missing usually nothing comes of it though just another poor soul forgotten out here on the edge of civilization the blacksmith's wife sandy however managed to somehow scrape enough money together to hire you to find her husband you're not too sure where the money came from but no matter where the source of it it couldn't have come easy which makes it doubly painful to return to the city empty-handed true sandy was a little late on the payment but you are the jaws of the line one of the most well known mercenary groups in this backwater dump of a town surely it can't hurt to take a charity case every once in a while giving good jobs is about maintaining a reputation after all which is why you really need to get to the bottom of this and not return to the widow with nothing but the calluses on your feet also you probably shouldn't call her a widow to her face at least not until the fate of the blacksmith has been confirmed given however that none of those who disappeared have returned the outlook is grim as these cheery thoughts pass through your mind you know this movement up ahead and immediately draw your weapon the Sun is tipped low in the sky reducing visibility but you can clearly see some ramshackle wooden barricades blocking the road in front of you and sure enough as you cautiously approach the scene firmly jump out from behind the obstructions flashing crude swords and sharp sticks you have to admit you're quite tired of the day's journey but still these oversize rats certainly picked the wrong group of travelers to ambush today you are the jaws of line after all and are always ready to show there's only one outcome for anyone who dares that new rewards new location roadside ambush 1 let's throw it on the map we got the stickers over here we got the map take a look at this what a beauty such great detail you get to enjoy of the gloom Haven City so we're throwing in sticker number 1 and it said B 1 B 1 is right here so I'm gonna throw down this sticker alright we've added the first sticker right there beautiful let's move on if you haven't yet read the first section of learn to play guide before continuing to scenario 1 whew I've already done so so we are all set to go to scenario 1 now I'm not gonna be going through it because I know how to play gloom Haven I've already even read this specific learning to play guide if you're looking to learn how to play you can either follow along with me and just pick it up as I'm playing through or you can watch any how to play video read the instructions yourself or some variety that now we are setting up for two players we've got hatchet and demolitionist so you can see on here there's three bars we look at the first bar there white in this one there's black in this one which means don't place an enemy yellow in this one white and white in that one black in that one so we've got all of our enemies set up I'm putting the demolitionist up front so I'm gonna be jumping in a smack it head on and then hatch it in a little more range position here and we can get crackin so each start with eight life because that is what we've got for level one eight life for the demolitionist eight life for the hatchets having these visible is not all that important the things that are important are we have our modifier decks for each of the characters the modifier deck for the enemies and their spaces to keep track of damage now these firmly graders typically have a deck to show where they what they do and their choices but in this intro they're all initiative fifty and they all do the basic movements and attacks here so they will move one and attack four - if you are adjacent to them normals have five elite sub ten and it says to start at level one so that's what we're doing alright let's read through this intro I prematurely set this up no matter it's very easy let's go through it the road back to gloom Haven has been long and now to get attacked by rumblings when all you want is a warm meal and a soft bed well it makes you mad mad enough to kill these mangy creatures before you collapse from exhaustion of course the vermin wings have other plans they give her about wanting your coin and the meat on your bones nasty things really best to ignore their ranching and end this quickly we got some special rules make sure that each character starting hand consists of their six abilities marked a which is what I mentioned here these are special cards they are marked a we've got six instead of the starting amount of nine and ten for our characters the firming Raiders will act on initiative fifty each round they will first move their base move value and then if a character is adjacent to them attack for the base value two that's what I explained earlier we won't read the conclusion until we've destroyed all enemies kill all enemies is the objective alrighty then so choose for the demolitionist first so we're going to essentially want to move as far into this as possible to attack it from behind it and make our way towards these and then hit from a range hopefully progressing for because it this is the intro it should be pretty easy just to move through so we're looking for a move for move three I think we're not gonna be using much range I assume so we'll do a move three and don't want to use this attack three just yet they have five so we can do a pretty simple attack three so we'll use up so we got our two get chosen 36:42 we're gonna move three attack for three it's the plan I'm gonna move this down so we can have our choices up here not that you can really see that anyways not that important at the night so our hatchet we are going to do a ranged attack to clean it up and also move along so maybe also a move three so move through this one two three and then one somebody choose a move three and it's not alright so we are going to go with those two choices this initiative and this initiative is the choice I'm making both below 50 so we get to do or think first so the hatchet will go I'm going to do an attack range three selecting this stuff modifier is a plus one so we do successfully for damage this thing is almost dead in one hit this is number two we'll put the damage counters or two and then we will go ahead and move three one two so now the demolitionist will go we'll set these aside we'll just set it on top of the character area it's got active on top discard to the left lost to the right so perhaps we can use that you know we don't really need this on camera okay let's go with that alright discarding those now we'll go for these so start with the move 3 1 2 1 2 3 so we're getting behind it and then we'll attack for 3 so targeting this let's do modifier - 1 2 damages enough though so this is defeated all right now all enemies go they move 1 so this is a 6 this is a 1 this is a 4 so looks like this can't move any closer so there's all move they're not close enough to attack no we're on the next turn alright so here we go next choice I think the plan is get him in between second hit both with this attack to attack one and just suffer some damage might as well so I need to move one two three more spots so I can use this move for and this time this will be my choices this is this goes to discard area perhaps I'll put them face down to delineate that a little better ok so moving in between now I want to get close and do some damage to each of these so I can attack up to three and do one damage or attack two and due to damage I think this is the one to choose you know that's there so one on I move one two three so I can move here I'm giving one to choose these two I'll see I don't I don't think I need to kill you so I'll go with the hatchet initiative 1819 then gonna be so move one two three of the five news and then we'll do the attack to range three everything's within range you can see over obstacles or not walls so I will attack the elite first for make that three so six ticks three damage okay attacking this one next - one takes one damage alright next move for and then attack to attack one so one two threes all I need to do so I'll attack the elite four two and the normal four one so what hitting the elite first does one damage that's a bar and doing one two that turning into two three damage well look at that one away from losing his life a little bit of a bummer that I'm gonna get hits but that's the way things go so elite hits and his attack is for two so Oh actually he's got lower number so he'll attack first so he goes and for the attack to damage I take one so we moved from eight seven demolitionists now the enemy back here goes I move one closer now the you can't attack now the elites will go number six cancel that gets shuffled back in lovely that was not that bad all right next round we've got the choices already made for us so we'll just go with these so who do I want to go first destroy the obstacle so I could destroy this obstacle and if I do gain strength on myself it might be worthy of doing and seeing if I can kill this elites let's go for it demolitionists will go first destroy an obstacle if I do perform so destroy this one games drink put that can't see the conditions area so I'm just gonna put it on the demolitionists face this gives us an advantage so instead of flipping one we flipped to so we have the advantage full attack the elite first so we get to flip to and pick the better of the two so of course we're picking the plus 1 and so attack plus 1 is 4 damage to the elite that's number 6 so it's a 6 7 8 damage to away from being defeated so that is it we'll have to do a short rest at the end of this round and now we do our move for and ranged attack so you can potentially both of these if we get lucky but at least muddle to give a disadvantage and if we're in the right position 1 2 3 1 2 3 we can hit everybody so let's do it so I'm going to move nowhere and do the desk fold over first o + 2 1 defeated elite alright now to another to damage plenty enough to defeat that we shuffle this back in alrighty and then the final over here 1 damage and muddled enemy number 4 now it's enemy number fours turn move once not close enough to do any damage and we have to do a short rest which means since we're out of cards in our hand we remove one randomly be lost and we have these here and we don't get any health like you would from a long rest you don't reset any abilities that would recently now that we have anything lost that much all right one two three let's have to move at least three and then hit so we'll do a move three and then attack for three range three for three damage and increase all the taxes then so we'll go with 35 37 so first hole attacks are plus 1 so range 3 we're in range we're gonna do 3 but we have that plus 1 that's enough to take it out we have successfully completed defeating all enemies this first scenario very expected because it's an introductory now let's see what has happened now that it's complete what is the conclusion you wipe the blood of the last verbling from your face your thoughts return to the sleeping lion surely they've got a stew ready by now it would be so perfectly warm and soothing and it's right through that gate so close you can already taste it but then another thought comes it's highly unusual brazen really for a pack of Arlen's to operate this close to the city they'd be behind the string of disappearances it's a long shot but one worth investigating especially considering this ambush site doesn't look like their base of operations there's probably a nest nearby that with any luck we'll have more information on the missing blacksmith and treasure treasure would be nice look at this a reward we've unlocked a new location a hole in the wall how exciting let's throw that on the map we'll call scenario one complete after we get this lovely sticker sticker number two it's now unlocked all right now where is my pen we can check this roadside ambush is complete now I need your help we've completed the first one I feel good about these characters and this is when it suggested if you want to change characters this is the time to do so but I think I'm set in I enjoyed the demolitionists the in ox hatchet so I need your help they are officially level one so we can cross that off we have nothing else here but we need a name so I'm looking for a name to give each one of these so write a comment what should we name the demolitionist which we need the hatchet I look forward to those comments pick the one that's most interesting if there's none that are that interesting I'll pick it myself so that's it for this scenario [Music]
Channel: Board Game Atlas
Views: 16,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloomhaven playthrough, gloomhaven jaws of the lion playthrough, gloomhaven jotl, gloomhaven scenario 1, gloomhaven board game
Id: 8z-Yv0MwTQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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