Gloomhaven - Ultimate Sun Guide

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welcome to my ultimate sun keeper guide the sun keeper is an amazing tank she is the best tank in the game so if you enjoy tanking well it's your lucky day you're getting to play the best tanking class in the game so she's got you know a lot of power she can do a lot of tanking so we're going to talk about how you maximize your tanking abilities and you know actually trying to do some damage and maybe some support we're going to talk about defensive stance one of her core cards is it worth the movement loss and even though she's powerful she has a lot of initiative problems and so a lot of cards have let's call them anti-synergies where you know they kind of overlap a little bit or the initiatives don't line up so i'm going to talk about every single level 1 and x card in detail i'm also going to talk about levels 2 to 9 and we'll talk about card picks and you know how you should be picking certain cards to make sure that you're actually able to do what you need to do okay let's get started [Music] holy strike top is pretty good attack 2 with a stun helps us quite a bit it's better for this class than other classes because we're gonna be in melee range a lot taking a lot of hits and some monsters hit a lot harder than others so it's nice to be able to just crowd control a little bit while the rest just attack our shields and bounce off however the initiative on this card is not great for a card that has a stun attack on it we would want something faster and this is just the first of our host of initiative problems with the sun keeper so we got to pair this with something fast the bottom is good for burst damage you're going to use it probably more than you think it doesn't look that great 5 attack for a loss but it's bottom and it's got range and so you probably will use it more than you think but use it later in the scenario and i mean it does produce light so that's helpful as well purifying aura top is not bad it's a slightly worse version of the crag hearts retaliate card so it is decent for this class but we can't play it especially at lower levels maybe once we get to level four or five we can play this card but when we're at lower levels we need this card for the 21 initiative we have to have it when we're trying to go first and you know as i was talking about in holy strike we need to be able to go first to get that stun off to stop that big you know attacking monster from hitting us and ruin ruining our tanking plans and so this card is essential for us at lower levels just for the initiative the bottom is nice i mean the ideal way to play this is to be in position and to play the bottom for the strengthen get a couple of allies and then you know do a top attack and you know either kill a monster before it attacks or use a stun daybreak top is not too bad attack through the muddle and then you know turning dark into light and extra attack is pretty nice if you've got somebody that's occasionally making dark and not using it which isn't very common but if you do have that situation then this is actually a fairly decent card initiative not that great at 85 and then the bottom move tube less you'll probably use it more for the bottom this is going to be you know fairly useful for us decent utility to move and put out a bless protective blessing top is okay and let me explain why it's only okay first opportunity cost we could be attacking and killing a monster right so this is a delayed effect so when we put a bless into somebody else's deck it could be a while till they hit that what if they shuffle it to the very bottom right or you know it's in the lower half it could be eight nine turns until some classes get to this or potentially even more and so it's delayed damage at levels one to two let's say a bless is probably worth about four damage so if we hit it right away it's good if not it's not you don't want to be delaying that damage the strengthen is nice too but what if your ally doesn't attack next turn what if the monsters die and the strength is wasted there's a bunch of issues around using a top action to strengthen and bless that being said it does scale better than some level one cards because it essentially scales up in power um you know with your allies attack so i don't think it's worth it for this top action the initiative at 61 also not that good and that's a common theme with the sun keeper and then the bottom this is actually very powerful but the problem is it's paired with this top and so we can't just sit around and use the top as a basic you know attack too or use this ability when it doesn't make sense and so sometimes we're going to be ineffective when we take this card this bottom is awesome but it needed to be paired with a consistently reusable top for this card to really make it into the rotation so i would recommend that you don't take this card most of the time empowering command top is pretty good it's much better than you know a top like protective blessing because it's giving us a guaranteed effect and with some classes giving them back two of their discards can be very very powerful that being said this is not a minor stamina potion it is not as good as a minor stamina potion um because there's an opportunity cost to using your top action and foregoing your action to give back somebody else their cards so a minor stem is actually better you can use this a lot more in a scenario but still it slows you down from doing damage and damage in gloomhaven is king you should be killing monsters and keeping the numbers thinned out um that being said you know still a very good card and if you can you know use light you're going to allow your party to have extra longevity the initiative at 32 is fairly decent for the class and to me this card actually has the perfect initiative so the bottom attack granting action is nice at 32 initiative because it allows your allies to go before you and it's nice if they move into position beside you and then you grant them attack because you don't have any top moves and sometimes it's hard for you to be in the right position the turn before so have an ally moving beside you you're both next to a monster you can easily grant them attack and then this is you know quite a good bottom action to grant somebody else a four damage attack hopefully you're liking the video if you are please go ahead hit the like button it really helps my channel out a lot and subscribe so that when i put out new content you're notified just hit the little notification bell so that you know it notifies you and also i'm an affiliate of noble knight games they're really cool they've got the largest selection of games in the world they've got you know dungeons and dragons they've got card games they've got dice they've got paints they've got all the you know board game adjacent hobbies let's call them and if you're looking for stuff that's out of print you're looking for rare stuff they have a very good chance due to their massive selection size of having it so if you could help support the channel the link is going to be down in the description if you click on that link and then buy something i make a small amount and i need your support to help the channel grow and continue to get better and better so thank you so much for anyone who's doing that brilliant prayer [Laughter] this card is awful there's a very specific party composition where giving back one of your allies for you losing a card and forgoing your top your top action is going to be worth it it's going to be worth playing your own loss uh and like discombobulate this card is so bad this top action is 100 not worth it unless you're with one specific class that can do ridiculous things i'm not gonna spoil it but if you're with that class you'll know it's worth it uh the initiative though is pretty decent i mean i have used this card before i've taken it with me literally to get 27 initiative at lower levels uh and then the heel five range three producing light for bottom action it's okay i mean it's okay but having a double loss like this means unless you're bringing it for the initiative you should not be bringing it beacon of light the top is pretty good i mean healing one on everybody within range four is that's pretty good range it's going to be really easy to use and if you're getting poisoned and wounded a lot you can do some pretty good work with this the initiative at 36 is not bad the bottom is okay and let me explain why so at early levels we have very little light generation and it can be pretty tough for us to power up our attacks and we've got a decent amount that can be powered up so up until you know level four or five or somewhere in that range this card is decent and if you really want to use light you can take it with you and we've got 11 card hand size so we can afford to play some of this that being said i would use it more for like a burst damage kind of situation right you know you've got a tough room or something along those lines i wouldn't be playing it right away i think the opportunity cost in longevity is a little too much to play it right away but play like in the second or third room or something along those lines defensive stance top is pretty good um it's a nice powerful level 1 attack i mean getting a 5 attack with advantage at level 1 with just consuming light is very good however the bottom is a core part to build around having one shield up especially at lower levels is so powerful i mean permanent one shield is amazing at early levels at level one uh monsters are attacking for probably three or less damage that's just you saying like hey i'm gonna ignore one third of all damage with one card so you should be playing this as soon as you can for the bottom and then combining it with the top of something like cautious advance this is a great opening room move because generally in the first room of gloomhaven i don't know why you get rushed and so it's nice if you're within range that you can put you know a pylon in front to soak up all the aggro and if you have some armor you can easily get the sun keeper up to three shield and you're gonna have no problems taking everybody's attacks while all your friends sit in the back and do whatever they want they make the most powerful move and they don't have to worry about doing something sub-optimal so that they can go faster than the monsters and crowd control or or do whatever that you're essentially just going to stand in the front and take all of the aggro now 23 initiative for this play it's not really where we'd want it to be but you know it is what it is it's the best you can do at level one and we're gonna you know take a lot of card pics later on that are gonna help us manage our initiative and do some better things cautious advance i just talked about it a lot so i won't talk about it a lot here top is good combine it with your opening room move with defensive stance initiative is also quite good for us bottom move three you're going to use this you're probably going to go 50 50 i'm going to guess sometimes you're going to need to move and use this initiative to get off one of your attacks before the monsters and so just a good solid card and yes initiative 23 is very strong for us with this class a little bit sad but it's true so yeah good card tactical order top is a very situational but quite powerful move you're going to use this sometimes and you're going to be like yes i'm going to be able to move my friend into exactly the right position and they're going to be able to pull off a monstrous attack because there's some combos that are set up in gloomhaven where you've got a bottom action and a top action that combined are really amazing but neither of them have a move so positioning becomes a problem if you've got an ally who's doing something like that cards not a grant the movement can be amazing i don't want to spoil things here i'm trying so hard to hold it in there's a couple of really obvious combos that this is amazing for however you know you've got to have the right party composition initiative at 29 good for the class and the great thing about this top is we're not gonna use it that often but we are gonna use the bottom all the time and so that's what allows this top to really shine is that it's just waiting there for the right opportunity while we just use our perfect move four or move three if we've got defensive stance up and we're gonna consistently use it for that bottom hammer blow top is a very good solid attack initiative is no good bottom is a very good solid move you're probably going to use it more for the top because you do want to be attacking i mean damage is king don't forget that you always want to be prioritizing damage to reduce monster counts to make life easier for you but we've got this great move and so we're going to use it a lot too lay on hands at level one this card you don't bring it for the most part unless you really feel like you need to loot um the top scales really well though at really high levels this can be a very powerful card especially with certain class combinations the initiative is our latest until level six the bottom loop one can definitely be useful when we're just staying in the pocket you know hitting monsters with our mace or whatever we're hitting them with and you know we are going to be in melee range a lot and so sometimes this loot is going to be useful but at early levels i think we probably have better cards to take with us glorious bolt top is okay it is not worth it for a loss unless i mean you're gonna die or something crazy is gonna happen unless you consume the light and hit two targets and then ten heal is not bad um and you i mean at least you get an xp 39 is okay for the class initiative wise but not great the bottom is not great either and normally i love bottom attacks and i really love ranged bottom attacks even more but this one has a few problems and i said with holy strike that i thought the bottom was decent and that i used it a lot and i did but i did not use this bottom one the top is not good i mean it's not bad but it's not going to be worth a loss usually strategy wise and an attack 2 versus an attack 5 is going to be much worse because you're going to be at disadvantage a reasonable amount when you're using this card because you're always in melee range and i just don't think the card really makes sense we want to be moving with our bottom actions and you know most of the time and i just think that this ranged attack it doesn't really have a home for us dazzling charge top is not bad it's our only non-lost light generator until level three so if you want to bring it uh because it makes your life easier then you know that's totally cool i don't love a top action for a heel three uh for this class not strong enough i'd rather stay in the pocket and attack and have a heel on the bottom anyways and the initiative stinks and then the bottom loss it's okay once in a while you are going to use this you know to burst into a late room and stun the biggest guy in the room so it's not too bad definitely not overpowered uh i mostly did not take this card though at level two we have unwavering mandate and we have practical plans unwavering mandate top is not bad with certain you know other classes this can be really powerful if they can take multiple turns in a row but i mean you've got to lose a card you've got to forego a top action and so unless you've got you know certain party comps it's not that powerful initiative is no good at 72. bottom heel is pretty decent though um i like that it's on the bottom we can stand the pocket we can heal ourselves right and another target if we consume light or we can heal you know two targets whatever it may be that's nice to be able to heal six and get a top attack in so liking that part of it and then practical plans i mean what is it to say attack five no conditions move five no conditions it's the most vanilla plain useful card there is pretty much i can't think of another card that's so boring and so useful i'm taking practical plans 99 of the time just because it does what we need to do it does a good strong attack or doesn't move and you know with defensive stance up move 5 is just i mean it's amazing at level 3 we have burning flash and we have mobilizing axiom burning flash top is our only multi-target attack and pairs quite well with weapon of purity and angelic ascension i mean things can get pretty crazy if you're rocking those two cards it is a loss though it does produce light which is nice 51 initiative yeah the bottom heel three range tree and convert any element into light is actually quite useful for us though so good utility there and then we've got mobilizing axiom and the top on this is actually amazing it's not overpowered but it's just so useful for us to attack at a good level at 4 which is pretty decent for this you know level it's not overpowered but it produces light for us and so it's going to power us up in other ways and make our life a lot easier when we need to consume light also the initiative is gonna be very good for us it allows us to have another card that's gonna you know give us a good opportunity to go first and then the bottom this is one of those very powerful situational moves and i just love cards that have a great utility reusable half and then they've got another half that's situationally and power it's situational and powerful and a loss it just makes for such a good card and i'm taking mobilizing axiom most of the time however if you're starting this class at later levels or you're like i am taking weapon of purity and i am taking angelic ascension guaranteed you can definitely take burning flash because you know comboing those cards can make for some really crazy turns like it can get just insane like you can easily punch out 40 plus damage with burning flash if you have those cards up and so up to you but i think in most standard builds mobilizing axiom is going to do all the things you need consistency light generation better initiative and a situationally powerful loss i've talked too long at level four we have engulfing radiance and we have righteous strength engulfing radiance top is quite a powerful heal no range requirements very good i mean it's always good when you just heal everybody in the universe and it produces light which is nice pretty decent initiative at 20. i mean this would be our fastest initiative so far makes me feel gross just saying that 20s are fastest so far um the bottom is not bad as well you know giving disadvantage is you know useful and we've got consistent light generation there so it's pretty nice top of right to strength is not bad blessing and affecting all adjacent allies is you know can get pretty crazy if you've got you know somebody who's got summons out or something you're playing in a four-person party you can dish out a pretty serious amount of blesses with this initiative at 18 oh wow that is amazing 18 is so good for us and then the bottom though is what we really love move 3 shield 1 at 18 is going to be so useful for us even if it's only move 2 because of defensive stance this card's gonna be great you're gonna play it for the bottom ninety percent of the time eighty percent of time you're gonna play it a lot and i suggest you take righteous strength pretty much every time over engulfing radiance at level 5 we have path of glory and we have scales of justice path of glory top is just a straight upgrade to hammer blow it's a very good solid consistent card and i mean the top is really good initiative stinks on it and the bottom is no good move five in blast for loss is just it's not that great and let me explain why so you think yes i can move five i can add some boots i can bless everybody in their dog yeah that's true but now if you do it early in the scenario when you need to to maximize blesses and make sure that people hit them because they don't hit them it's a waste like if they don't hit them by the end of the scenario you've you know nerfed your effectiveness so you either use this early and get rid of your great consistent top attack with you know attack five plus one n advantage that's worth seven eight damage and then you're going to use the bottom early for this great bless and make to make sure everybody uses their blesses and then you're not going to have access to the top on the flip side if you wait too long and uses at the end the bottom you're gonna put a bunch of blessings into everybody's deck they're never gonna hit them it's gonna be a complete waste you're gonna throw away a card basically for a move five and that's a problem and then we've got scales of justice and the top of this is flashy i know that when i first saw this card i was like oh yeah i'm going to retaliate i'm a tank i'm going to be in there all the time i'm going to be retaliating you know and just nailing people everywhere and that is mostly true this is a very good powerful top however the deducting one attack actually makes a pretty big difference your retaliate is not too i mean it is but your total damage output goes down fairly substantially so while this top is good it is not as good as your brain first told you it was when you first saw it however you may notice there's an enhancement pip here and i'm not going to recommend this enhancement because i think it's pretty expensive and etc but if you do enhance this i mean this card can get pretty wild it's pretty good initiative sucks but the reason i actually like this card is the bottom moving and stunning and it's only moved to stun without consuming light but that is very very good at so much consistency you can get you know seven eight stuns out of this card while you're moving and that is so good the bottom even though it's a lot less flashy is just as much of a reason to take this card um as the top is so what should you take i think if you took burning flash at level three you've got to take path of glory you need that consistent top attack to augment what you're doing but if you took mobilizing axiom you can totally take scales of justice and so it kind of depends on how you're playing the class and what you've taken before i know that went on for a while but hopefully it helps at level six we have illuminate the target and we have supportive chant illuminate the target top was just a good solid attack allowing us strengthen or strengthening all adjacent allies is pretty nice in certain party compositions and it's okay if you go late i mean it's nice to strengthen before to give your allies a chance to kill the monsters before they attack but going late is also okay because they can still get the strength on their next attack 91 really really slow can be definitely useful in certain situations bottom same as empowering command just more powerful so you know it's easier to go late let your allies move in close and in the right position then grant them the attack i mean that's going to help a lot um the bottom though one thing i forgot to mention about empowering command is if you've got a bunch of range damage dealers you don't want to be you know playing these cards for the bottom and so you may make a different choice depending on your party comps supportive chant the top can be very powerful if you've got a lot of allies you're in like a three or four player group and they've got summons or you've got or and or you've got people that are firing off big aoes and there's quite a few enemies this top can get pretty ridiculous actually you know 8 10 damage is not even really that hard with the right party compositions and then the initiative is just outstanding for this class and the bottom even the bottom at certain times and in certain objective scenarios stuff like that it can be very good so i think that if you're in a two-player party you should mostly be taking illuminate the target because that top attack is just going to consistently output more damage but if you're in a larger party i think that taking supportive chants is going to be better and i usually gravitated towards supportive chant for that eleven initiative because it makes a lot of the other things we do a lot easier at level seven we have bright aegis and we have weapon of purity bright aegis top is just awesome things can get ridiculous with how much shield the initiative f14 helps us pull off these shield moves ahead of monster attacks as well so really really good and if you took scales of justice i mean you're already looking at this going right so really good the bottom is okay i mean in certain party comps giving somebody back two lost cards is actually pretty damn good saying you'll know if you're in that party comp where you've got somebody's got these insane strong loss cards i don't want to spoil it and then we've got weapon of purity and the problem with this top is that it has some anti-synergy so hammer blow path of glory top those already have a buff based upon consuming light so playing this card you're really only getting plus one from it that being said if you took burning flash weapon of purity top is really good and then we've got if you add angelic ascension to that burning flash can just get wildly out of control and it can be really good the initiative sucks and the bottom normally i'm in love with a move 3 attack 3 bottom i'm like yes this is so good however the initiative on this class hampers our ability to use this card with some of our other good top attacks like hammer blow like path of glory these are slow cards and so if we play weapon of purity bottom with path of glory we're going at 48 or 73. if we play it with hammer blow we're going at 55 or 73 and so this is gonna make our life sometimes a nightmare around initiative so the move three attack three is good but we've got those anti-synergies from initiative and we're getting nerfed on the move so it's really a move to attack three at sometimes really brutal initiative and so you know there's definitely some problems that reduce the otherwise you know very strong value of a move and attack on the bottom so i think mostly i'm taking bright aegis but there's an item later on that will you know help us with weapon of purity it's prosperity three i don't want to spoil it in case you're not there but if you are you know make sure you watch through to the items part at level eight we have inspiring sanctity and we have cleansing force inspiring sanctity top this is actually pretty decent it's conditional but executing an elite is always going to be a powerful ability now there's some positional requirements like you know empowering command you've got to have somebody adjacent they've got to be adjacent but because it's on the top it makes it a little bit easier to pull off initiative is not really that great the bottom this can be situationally powerful in certain party compositions like if you've got melee classes and melee summons this can do some pretty good work but if not it's probably not going to be worth the loss because you're not going to be able to proc it on you know many targets cleansing force the top is not that strong but it's just one of those cards you're gonna use it every scenario for this loss i guarantee it 90 of the time at the end room the third or fourth room there's going to be a tough elite you're going to want to hit and do some damage and stun and wound and essentially because this has wound on it if you go quickly before the monsters turn they're going to get you know attacked for six stunned then they get the wound on them this turn and then the next turn as well so essentially you're doing eight damage so not overpowered but it's one of those cards you're just gonna use a lot initiative at 25 is also good for us and then the bottom is a straight utility play move four and empower light is just going to be great for us we're going to use this all scenario along to make light and move around and get into position and then we're going to use this top near the end of the scenario i'm taking cleansing force probably 90 of the time if you feel like executing elites that's fine and the card you know inspiring sanctity is good but i just think that for everything we're trying to do cleansing force is gonna be better in most situations at level nine we have divine intervention and we have angelic ascension divine intervention top is the card i like to call make all summon build paths viable i mean i don't actually call it that but it makes sense because this card allows you to suffer damage so your friends can pump out summons and you can take all the damage even if you just built your class with a bunch of item summons you could get insane with this card i mean the possibilities for summons are just amazing or if you've got glass cannon classes with you i mean it can get really crazy i mean it's game breaking it's actually game breaking in certain party compositions and the initiative at nine is really really good well if you play it for the top loss i mean you don't really care about the initiative that much the bottom is just good solid utility protect people etc angelic ascension the top is really really good i mean this card is worth 20 30 40 damage depending on what you do and if you use it with burning flash i mean and weapon of purity yeah things can get pretty crazy so just a really good card it's just a fun card too you look at it and you just feel powerful it doesn't i mean 87 is good for going late which is fine the move six jump though is such a good quality of life card it really is it's not overpowered i mean it's powerful but for level 9 it's not overpowered so i think i'd take angelic ascension more but like i said in the right party compositions divine intervention is just wild and i forgot to add divine intervention everything i said about healing in the rest of this video doesn't mean dry not swear means nothing because if you're playing this divine intervention uh to protect other summons you're gonna need a ton of healing to keep them going and healing becomes much more valuable in that case okay let's talk enhancements these ones are so obvious i scoured these cards trying to think of something else but there's only a couple that really make sense from a pure power perspective and i didn't want to get into a bunch of you know speculation around you know crazy alternate builds and what you should do to enhance them so i mean defensive stance you enhance the bottom you get to shield automatically forever off of one card i mean it's ridiculous and it's not even that expensive and then we've got another one which is righteous strength the top you can add a strength into this so you could you know bless and strengthen all adjacent allies that's going to be really powerful but what i like to do is i actually like to enhance the bottom and so the bottom move three you can enhance with a plus one move and that's going to give you a lot of quality of life going from two to three move is a big difference or you can enhance the shield whatever makes most sense for you but if you've got defensive stance already enhanced i mean sometimes you don't even need more shield and it's better to actually have the enhanced move so that you can be in the right position and it may actually be more effective and it's cheaper than enhancing the shield too for perks the very first thing you need to do is ignore negative item effects because you're going to be wearing armor a lot you're going to want that shield you're automatically gonna have to put negative ones in your deck if you don't take this perk so it's functionally better than removing the negative ones you know just as they stand but as soon as you dig negative ignore negative item effects then you remove the negative ones then remove the negative two and replace it with a plus zero and then everything else that isn't a rolling modifier get rid of all your plus zeros etc like that um you attack a lot on advantage and advantage and rolling modifiers they have anti-synergy um it yeah they're gonna cost you rolling modifier is an advantage are a real pain make sure you read up on those rules it's complicated i don't it's not super complicated but that's not what this video is about and then if you do take rolling modifiers take the stun first i think the stun to me is the best of the rolling modifiers and then do whatever else you feel like the items in this section are going to be spoilers for prosperity 3. so if you're at prosperity three you're good if you're at one or two you may not want to watch this but the first item i'm going to recommend is the long spear this turns all of our single target attacks into multi-target attacks and with weapon of purity and angelic ascension this can push your damage up substantially like ridiculous like you know it can add you know five to seven damage per rest cycle if you're long resting or if you've got a way to get back your spend items the long spear is going to be absolutely amazing for you the next is the iron helm and i don't think i've ever recommended the iron home in another video because for most classes i don't think it makes sense but because we mostly attack at advantage already and we mostly attack single targets eagle-eyed goggles are not as good as the iron helm for literally this one class in my opinion let me know what you think of that down below so i think taking iron home for this class is pretty good and then the last is you want boots of speed or striding and so or you know boots that are similar to that boots that add move are really nice because you know defensive stance is hampering our movement or if you've gone a little bit different path than what i recommended and you've gone with some initiatives that are a little bit later and you haven't taken some of the you know lower initiative cards to make your life easier taking something like the boots of speed that can alter initiative can be amazing quality of life for you so that's it for the video thank you so much for watching hopefully that was helpful if it is please consider liking the video and thanks again you
Channel: Neural Net Games
Views: 3,017
Rating: 4.9389315 out of 5
Keywords: board games, table top games, gloomhaven sun class, gloomhaven sunkeeper, gloomhaven best tank class, gloomhaven sun guide, gloomhaven sunkeeper guide, gloomhaven best class, gloomhaven best character, gloomhaven tier list, gloomhaven beginner tips, gloomhaven worst class, gloomhaven how to play, gloomhaven tips, gloomhaven rules mistakes, gloomhaven rules, gloomhaven classes ranked, gloomhaven advice, gloomhaven elements, gloomhaven best guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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